
Toughest Mile Challenge

15 PAX showed to test their strength around the track 4 times. This was brutal but we all pushed ourselves and got stronger.

We started at 0515 with a few warm up exercises. Then it was on like Donkey Kong.

Lap 1 – broad jump burpee
Lap 2 – lunge walk
Lap 3 – bear crawl
Lap 4 – run

Most guys finished up right around the hour mark. We had 3 ruckers join for COT. Maybe we can do this again to see how guys improve. Or not!

COT then prayer.

Awesome job guys. Thanks for joining me in another stupid idea.

BS Out!

B.O.M.B.S. and Core +3

6 showed for Paradise City. 3 showed for U.F.O. while one went back home the other two manned up and stayed. Here’s the fun we had.

WU’s while long lap around
Good mornings
Suit cases 3ct down
Carolina dry docks 3ct down
Mtn climbers

BOMBS – reps rd1 x5, rd2 x10, rd3 x15
5 stops: Start at court, bench, stop light, steps, ramp, back to court. Pick up 6 when done. Rd2 starts when all pax are done.

Ramp with core at bottom
Seated knee tucks
Starfish crunch

Long mosey to finish

Mary made it today and then some stretches.

Announcements and prayers were made. Rubiks took us out.

It’s nice to be back at PC leading you fine group of HIM.

BS out!


A Roll of the Dice

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mayes Hayes

The Workout: Today we followed the dice. Always a fun time (in my opinion at least) because you get to go on a field trip and you never know what you’ll get. Somehow, bear crawls, balls to the wall and absolutions showed up on the dice as well. Weird. About 1.75 miles and a bunch of merkins, side stradle hops and lunges in between.

Mary: LBCs, WWIIs, Homer-to-Marge, Poop Eaters, a bit of stretching

Announcements: Beer ruck on Saturday starting at 12, Spring Classic on Saturday (if you’re not running, help at an aid station)

T-Claps: Slide Rule and Wiggly coming back out to the gloom. Missed ya fellas.

Prayer: Unspoken, Banana Seat’s family


Roaming Yoga in a Thunder/Lightning Storm

I wasn’t exactly raring to go today.  Signed up to Q last minute the night before because, who know why.  No plan, but feeling like I needed  a recovery sort of routine after this week, so I had a general idea of a slow mosey around the track with yoga stops along the way.  I know very little yoga so I wasn’t sure how this would go, but it actually went well, accomplishing just what I was looking for and pretty spot on with timing.

Rolling up to Cletus, the dark morning sky was flashing lightning in the distance, didn’t think much of it, but soon it just opened up and poured buckets on us.  It was awesome. 

The Workout:  Slow mosey walk, not run, around the track, stopping at each corner to attempt some yoga poses.  Each stop began with downward dog then progressed into: runner’s pose, crescent pose, warrior, warrior 2(?).   

I learned that Moose is alarmingly, and comically inflexible. 

We completed two laps around the track, then joined Crazy Ivan for COT.


Irrelevant bug facts and a Personal Anniversary

FNGs: No

Warm Up:  SSH, Willy Mays, Daisy Pickers, Sir Fazio, Seal Claps

The Workout:  7’s in the parking lot – Doubled up burpees on both ends…lol

Simple stuff today.  Set up stations under the covered picnic table area:  People’s chair, balls to the wall, curls for girls w/dumbbells, WWII, standard merkin, Squats w/30lb ruck, alternating shoulder raises w/dumbbells.

The timer was my homemade Quadzilla tire sled pull.  PAX chose a station to start in and the tire puller ran to the playground sign and back, at which time all PAX would rotate.  We got two full rounds in.

Mary:  YHC called box cutters then opened it for popcorn:  Freddy Mercury, reverse boxcutters, some goofy but difficult thing Pikachu called, low slow flutters…I don’t remember the rest.

Announcements: Trash pick up and backpack donation that Abe is collecting for

T-Claps (Recognition):  YHC share with the group that today is his 4-year sobriety anniversary.  In his old age, he’s not big on most anniversaries, traditional ceremonies and the like, but this one is different.  A time for reflection, praise and the sincerest of gratitude.

Prayer:  The usual


🇺🇸 Memorial Day Murph 🇺🇸


Warm Up:  I was late so I only did Frankenstines / imperial walkers & hillbillies 🍦

The Workout: The MURPH 💪

1 mile buy in

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Squats

1 mile punch out

Thank everyone who has served our country a little respect goes a long way 🪖

Prayer: unspoken PAX’s

Did he just say 50 burpees?

FNGs: Not really the place for all that…

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Windmill, Overhead Claps

The Workout:

  • Thing 1 – Mini Dora on the tennis courts.  Partner does suicides while other partner exercises, Switch, rinse, repeat.  Exercises were 50 burpees, 100 Mtn Climbers IC, 150 Star Jumps.
  • Thing 2 – Laps around Ting with stops at the ticket booth for step ups and split leg squats and a stop at the guard rail for Irkins, Dirkins, and Dips.

Mary: Stretching and a couple of laps around COT because we were real close on the promised 3 mile minimum.

Announcements: Picnic

T-Claps (Recognition): All the PAX showing up and showing out on a Monday.  Great work out there men!

Prayer: Best In Show’s MIL battling cancer.  PAX training for various races.  YHC took us out.

It’s always an honor to lead in the gloom.  I’ll try to do better next time!

U-Turn 5-13-2023

Respect The 1st F

Warm-Up: Warm Up: Good mornings 10x to stretch out; 58 SSHs to recognize my 58 years of the good life.

The Workout: 5.8 mile run based on the Original U-Turn route: Irving, Thomas Mill, Green Oaks, Ballentine, Elm, Main, Holly Springs Road, Sprint to Starbucks

COT Message:

  1. Respect the 1st F. If you are a site Q, if you leading workouts, if you regularly attend a workout, then you should be flying an F3 flag. Why? The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. Planting a flag at your workout is a metaphor for that mission. Without a flag, we’re just a bunch of guys working out together. Respect the 1st F, fly your flag, give others the opportunity to experience F3.
  2. Don’t wait until you’re in your 50s to develop an exit strategy for work. If we’re all lucky, we’ll live to be 90 years old. Do you want to work beyond your 50s or 60s? I don’t, at least not tied to a desk. Make a plan now.
  3. Don’t wait until your in your 50s to find Jesus. Turn your life over to Him now and your life will be much more peaceful.

Announcements: Udder has a bib to give for a half marathon in Umstead for next weekend.

T-Claps (Recognition): none called out today

Prayer: Safety to Redenbacher, who’s taking a deep underwater dive in Florida today. Strength and safety to Bobby Boucher, Gator, who are knocking out the New River Marathon near Boone today.

Second F: Panera. I brought a box of fresh strawberries from Miss Madison’s Strawberries. You can find one of their stands on the corner of Bass Lake Road/Hilltop Needmore and Sunset Lake Road (you know, the Citgo station). These strawberries were delicious.

Bottom Line: This was a great way to kick off my birthday. I really appreciate everyone coming out–I know many of you adjusted your runs and plans to be there, so THANK YOU! And I appreciate all the kind words and support throughout the day. Now, go build yourself an F3 flag and fly it!

Earn that Bacon

Today was a first in F3SouthWake. A few PAX have been talking for a few years about having a 2nd F breakfast after a workout to showoff their skills on the griddle. Finally, the day was here. We had an early start (0515) and a shorter (30 min) workout to accommodate this event. YHC had the Q and wanted to PAX to earn that bacon and sausage. We arrived at 0500 to get set up. There were 23 total PAX that came out to enjoy this first time event at Possum Trot, SW’s Original AO site. YHC forgot a cone for the workout so a banana would be the substitute. So I grabbed one and here’s what some PAX called 30 mins of Hell.

Warm up
Mosey down to lower part of park for some carioca, butt kickers, high knees, and slides.
Gather at concession stand area.
Willie Mayes Hayes
Plank Jacks

The Thang
Partner Dora
100 – Hand Release Merkins
200 – Shoulder Taps (each side cts as 1)
300 – Squat Jumps
Partner not doing exercises bear crawls to the banana (roughly 25 yards), complete 3 burpees, run back.

With 3 mins to go, we completed Dora gathered back to the starting lot. This is Fuquay’s finest parking lot that comes with razor blade rocks for your liking. We were about to have pancakes with our meat and cup of Joe so I figured let’s try something I’ll call a “flapjack”. Pax lays on their back. Do a WWI then roll over and complete a merkin. 10 total OYO. Everyone got to experience this never forgetting parking lot.

No new PAX.
Announcements: Breach with Travis Manion event on April 28. Details on slack.
Prayers: traveling PAX, those with injuries
Quick word: Easter weekend is here. Remember Jesus and what he went through this week. Hope that everyone can worship this Sunday and reflect on his sacrifice.

This was a very successful event. Hopefully we can do this again possibly in the fall. Thanks for all the PAX that attended and especially for those that contributed to an amazing breakfast. Fonzie and LED on the griddles. Abacus with coffee. Breach and his bigger table that wouldn’t fit in his micro machine car. Thanks for the support and allowing me to lead such a strong group.

BS Out!



2 Pet Rocks Per PAX

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up:

  • Mozy to Rocks and pick 2 hand-sized rocks each. 
  • Mozy to Ivan lot
  • Good Mornings
  • Windmills
  • Franks
  • SSH
  • Goofballs

The Workout:

  • Mozy to THE PIT and on the way hold rocks up, to the side, and out front while running.
  • That Hill!? – Drop rocks and Partner up.  AMRAP WW2s while the other guy crawls up the hill completes 10 Star Jumps.  Switch.  Continue until each PAX has crawled/walked/run up the hill.
  • Everyone runs up the hill – Rock work up top mixed with dips and derkins
  • Pickup Rocks and Mozy to pavilion passing R4TJ PAX on the way.  march up and down the picnic tables 2x.
  • Grab 1 bench each and perform 10x split squats per leg, 2x
  • Mozy to amphitheater for 20 box jumps
  • Mozy to rock pile and say goodbye to our rock friends. 


  • Homer 2 Marge
  • Poop Eaters
  • Freddy Mercs
  • Low slow flutters
  • Pigeon Pose each leg


  • Garbage pickup with Breach this weekend.
  • Reach out to PAX and check in if you havent seen them. 

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great to see Boss Hog out in the gloom! 

Prayer: Injured PAX