AGS 8-12-2023

Tequila Sunrise – Ham Returns to the Table

0600 a car flies in on two wheels! BAM! Whodat? Ham! After catching up and quick fist pumps, we took off towards the hills of downtown Fuquay.

Judd to 401/Main Street, down past the springs and up the hill. Established the flag pole of the Two Flags over Fuquay route.

Fumunga ran circles around us doing thresholds or some kind of interval–at a blazing pace. And that was after running EC from his house. The rest of us caught up on families, work-life balance, and other stuff. Later, Ham told me what it was like to grow up in Kenya, where “EVERYBODY runs.”

In the end, we covered nearly six miles, neary 300 feet elevation gain, and drew a nice picture on Strava. Warbucks joined us for COT after rucking.

Prayers to Fumunga’s father in law, who’s having medical issues.

Extra Shots for Everyone

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, 20 merkins OYO in honor of @vasoline “they are the only merkins you’ll get all day”

The Workout: Q arrived about 30 minutes ahead of the workout to find @jellybeans, @bobby boucher and @sunshine (Tyler Mosko) and @gamecock already EC-ing. Q joined for a few trips around the park ahead of the route. A few extra tequilla shots if you will.

The ME was hot and sticky, and generally felt like a bad decision as we wandered through neighborhoods, through downtown, to the end of Academy St. and the back to the start along Judd Pkwy.

Upon arrival back, @flop and @jellybeans squeezed in a few extra steps to hit their targets. A great jog with great mumblechatter, nothing breeds comradery like shared misery.

I forgot what we did after the run, probably some prayer requests and T-Claps. All of the morning tequila gave me brain fog.

@Finkle was missed for our travels.

The Extra Mile

FNGs: none

Warm Up: normal warm o rama

The Workout:

Mary: light stretching

Announcements: none

T-Claps (Recognition): Ham for adding an extra mile to finish together.

Prayer: injured PAX, being better husbands

Lights out!

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Frankenstein, good mornings, willy mays haze, imperial walkers, Hill billies
The Workout:

Good 5.5mi route! Traffic lights were out because of an accident, we definitely didn’t do it… promise….

Mary: none
Announcements: picnic and BRR registration
T-Claps (Recognition): Martini back from being sick
Prayer: 16 bits daughter, Finkle traveling

We will rebuild!

FNGs: Gator
Warm Up: SSH, Frankensteins
The Workout: Had a great mosey around Fuquay-Varina today. 7 PAX strong including one FNG (Gator). The storm last night left branches everywhere, especially on the Greenway. Fumunga assured us that we would rebuild! The six was picked up along the way and a lot of great mumble chatter was made.
Announcements: July 5th volunteers needed, F3 Family Picnic coming up.
T-Claps (Recognition): Gator for coming out to his first F3 workout/run.
Prayer: Stubs

Tequila Sunrise 6.11.22

FNGs: none

PAX: @Warbucks, @Martini, @Finkle
Warm Up: Good mornings, Willie Mays Hayes, Downward Dog, Runners Pose
The Workout: YHC led the group on a 5 mile + run through downtown Fuquay.
Mary: Stretches
Announcements: Fuquay Mafia t-shirts are being reviewed for BRR and those who may want one.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: @Martini’s family to continue to recover from covid, @Warbucks work requirements

The Quay preview

YHC lead 6 men coming from all over the map in FV. We all met for a Tequila (early) Sunrise for a 5 mile route that included the start of Run the Quay that was starting shortly afterwards. Wild Turkey came running in at 0530 for some EC with YHC. Breach arrived by foot as well and the others made it before the 0600 start.

Quick circle warm up
Good Mornings

We ran, we picked up the six, we chatted. Turkey and Breach peeled off to stay for the race around mile 3. Solo stretch on the return and ended in the circle of trust.

Prayers for sick kids of PAX and my M for sleep.

Great to lead on a beautiful morning to run.

BS Out!

5 miles was had by all



Warm Up:

SSH x10

Frankenstein x10

Daisy Pickers x10

Windmills x10

Butt Kickers x10

The Workout:

We ran


Various yoga stretching poses


Races up coming



We’re Official?

Came up to a discussion on firework watching strategy. FV Parks, parking spots, arrival times, road closures. Who knew it could be so complicated? A few PAX were undecided on the 3 mi option, but some light persuading and leading by example got all PAX on the 5 mi option during the split.  Great to finish as a full group!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Dynamic stretching. Quads, Glutes, Calves, Hips
The Workout: Standard 3mi and 5mi option
Mary: Light stretching and heavy breathing
Announcements: Norm’s moving week, 1776 workout
T-Claps (Recognition): All Pax for opting into the 5 mi option!
Prayer: Family safety and all PAX  travelling

Where is everyone?

You could tell the May challenge was over due to the fact that the number of PAX dropped drastically to 2. It’s all good though – I’m sure next week we will bounce back after everyone gets a little R&R after going hard all month.

FNGs: Nope.
Warm Up:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Good Mornings x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • Frankensteins x 10 IC

The Workout:

5-mile loop around FV


Stretch it out.


See Slack & FB

T-Claps (Recognition):

T-Claps to Farva getting a PR for 5 miles – average pace was 8:41/mi!


Injured PAX / R&R from May challenge / Martini’s (kidney) stones