4 corners around the baseball fields

A old school limited “run” with fun stops.

warm up the arms and a bit of the legs.

walk to the old rock pile and grab a rock or two.

Arm workout between stops.  overhead press, curls, …

Core work at the stops.  lbc, homer to marge, mountain climbers…

A bit of rain, lightening, thunder, but no breeze

Good times under the shelter with some rocks for a full body workout featuring the best of counting by Socrates.  Humid and warm and we just wanted a breeze and keep dinner in its proper place.  Good work men.

Find a few rocks, play with rocks, put rock back where you found them

Standard warm up and fun with the rocks at the tennis courts.

Mumblechatter, upper body and core

FNGs: none

Warm Up: Arm circles, t-claps, Overhead claps, daisy pickers, Willy Mayes Hayes…

The Workout: dips, planks, peoples chair, low slow flutters, box cutters, WW1, LBCs,..

Good workout and conversation with @Ausfart.

Do any of us remeber what we say to the FNG at the begining of the work out?

FNGs:  Welcome S. S. Minnow.

Warm Up:Once around popcorn, SSH, Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Imperial Walker, Hillbillies,

The Workout: Standard rounds of playing with our rocks.

Big group of respectable men and YHC. 

Better late than never

FNGs: None

Warm Up:SSH, Daisy Pickers, Hill Billies, Imperial Walkers…

The Workout: Popcorn fun with rocks working Legs and upper body with a bit of core work.

@MotorBoatin showed up a bit late.  Thanks for the good work out guys.

6 Rocks of Christmas

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Side shuttle hop, Slow Squats in cadence, Fozie Arm Circles

The Workout:

Don’t worry, no running was performed at Thunder but, the storm arrived and the PAX conquered this workout with kettlebell coupons ranging from 10 to 52 pounds  

30 minute AMRAP
1. 15 KB Swings
2. 20 Merkins
3. 15 Goblet Squats
4. 10 Burpees
5. 10 Turkish Getups
6. 30 Mountain Climbers 🧗


American Hammers with weights, Low slow flutter with coupons, pickle pounders, dying cockroaches

Announcements: F3 Party, Snuggly 5k, Q-Sheet signups  

T-Claps (Recognition): for the PAXs pushing through the workout

Prayer: PAX during the season that are going through divorces and other struggles, Recent shooting, Mor Boat and job search


Crushing It with Rocks

5 PAX worked their summer beach bods with some rocks. We each called an exercise to put in 5 sets around-the-horn:

  1. Biceps
  2. Shoulders
  3. Quads
  4. Triceps
  5. Back
  6. All the Rest

T-Claps for Socrates hanging tough and sticking with F3 the past few months!


The Return of the King

FNGs: None Warm Up: Why?

 The Workout: run in place followed by 3 count pushups and Spiderman’s in cadence x10. 

Ab work.

Squats n stuff with some stretching worked in the bring heart rates down.

Rince and repeat x3.

Ended with lower body stretches.

Mary: built in Announcements: F3 State of the Union and pushing Brandon. T-Claps (Recognition): AARP for sponsoring Thunder 

Prayer: Kubota’s cousin on the passing of her husband.

Rams’ vagina.

Rocking It Out

Lots of sets with a big rock and two little rocks for a great workout of our arms, shoulders, back, and legs. Great work PAX!