It was drizzling Rain this morning. I figured it would be a slim crowd this am.

To my surprise 5 HIM had beat the fartsack and EC this morning. As always F3 has had a huge impact on me. I Thank each one of HIM for making me better!


Warm Up: Circled up for the following exercises, SSH, maricon night clubs, seal claps, over head claps, imperial walkers, hillbillies, good mornings.

FNG: Nope

Workout: Moseyed out of parking lot to Sunset Lake Road sidewalk. Every light pole 1-merkin 3 air presses all the way up to 4. Turned into the church lot for 4 cul-de-sac exercises.

1st Stop 5-Burpees-moseyed in between stations

2nd Stop 10-Merkins all together

3rd Stop 15-monkey humpers

4th Stop 20-Plank Jacks

Returned to beginning by way of 2 groups of Indian Run. I got screwed with the 2 fastest guys!!

Rinsed and repeated for a total of 4 times.

Returned to side-walk light poles and repeated merkins and air presses

Mary: Chill cut, low slow flutter, various stretching

Announcements: Donate food for HS Food Pantry, Posted on slack. Deadline approaching, CSAUP Carpex tomorrow, TUNA Run for many F3 guys. Good Luck

Prayers: My mom got a pretty good report. Thanks for the continued prayers. Sliderule, Mookie and Fanny Pack IR. Prayers for you guys to return healthy soon. I am sure other PAX have injuries. God Speed!!!

T-Claps: All PAX except me and Bondo EC this am! Job well done!

Stay Humble!


YHC took us out! Honor to Lead this am! Have a Great weekend!!


YHC decided to pull a MM2 workout. This is a MANHOLE MOOKIE Squared!! Worst ASS whipping I have ever had at an F# workout!!!! If you wonder what this is you should come post the next time Mookie has the Q. After all #itsthebestparkinglota0. Just ask M4life!! My plans changed after a text message early that morning due to the amount of PAX posting. 25 PAX showed up despite the fartsack comments were strong.


FNG: David Welcome TomTom    Another M4life University Recruit


Warm-Up: Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers and Cotton Pickers.


Workout: YHC had placed numerous papers all over the PVA at the Church. We split up into 2 groups. We had 3 Rounds of 6 stops. After completing Round 1 the PAX had to run backwards until all 6 stations were completed. The second round was karaoke and the third was moseying except between station 1 and 2. Bearcrawls, lunges or crawl bears. They could not be duplicated.



Round 1

20-Seal Claps

Round 2

20-Overhead Claps

Round 3

20-Fazio Arm Circles



Round 1

20-Box Cutters

Round 2

20-Hello Dolly

Round 3

20-Dying Cockroach Station



Round 1


Round 2

20-Big Boy Sit Ups

Round 3

20-Side Straddle Hops Station



Round 1

20-second plank chill cut

Round 2


Round 3

20-Crab Jacks



Round 1

20-Prisioner Squats

Round 2

10 Burpees

Round 3

20-Carolina Dry Docks





Round 1

20-Monkey Humpers

Round 2

20-Shoulder Taps

Round 3

20-Crab Humpers


All were done IC except Merkins and Burpees


Announcements: See Slack and FB


Prayers: Bronys answered prayers for a struggling child that has now turned 1, Pots cousin tumor. Prayers for all COVID families and the struggles it has caused.


Honor to lead!!

Technique wins at Kung Pow 6/18/21

Several days late on writing this BB, but YHC had rounded out my 2 year anniversary week at Kung Pow (Technically..May 29th.)

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey to rock pile over in the church parking lot. SSH, SFAC, Good mornings, Frankenstein’s, Daisy Pickers.
The Workout: Thang 1: Each PAX got a rock that fit in both hands. We circled up in the grass and worked Merkins, Abs and Legs.  Most exercises performed on my command, some I/C and a few OYO. Merkins (STD, Wide, Staggered and Diamond) Abs (LBC,6 in hold, Butterfly’s, WWII) Legs (Squat, Lunge, Toe Roll lunge, Calf Raises) Thang 2: Turkish Get-ups with Rocks 10 each arm, Touch the sky abs, Reverse Brokeback Merkins (Guy holding plank does push-up with feet on back) Mosey back to parking lot for Mary

Mary: Hold plank for 6. Lay on back and start to relax body and mentally give thanks for all good in your life and all the positive things that you bring to the day.
Announcements:  See slack
T-Claps (Recognition): Sprinkler & Pots for rolling with me all week.  Heard from Fanny Pack on how he got into F3 and how he got his name.
Prayer: Unspoken

14 PAX and 8 Respect at Kung POW!

Q #4 this week. I had a lot of support from repeat PAX and I appreciate that. I actually pulled this off site work out from Deadbolt from about a year ago.

FNG: Nope

Workout: We left the PVA and headed to towards Harris Teeter. We stopped every so often and did a number of warm ups along the route. We moseyed to the left of Town Hall Burger and we did a triangle workout.

At bottom of hill 10 IC monkey humpers-top of hill 5 burpees-behind shopping center 10 IC Merkins. Rinsed and Repeated 4 times. Ended up with 20 IC shoulder taps.

Thanks to Salty Pots we Indian Run 4 corners of parking lot split up into 2 groups performing random exercises all the way around for 2 times.

Started to head back and at every light pole we stopped and did a IC 10 count various exercises. Apparently I was not clear enough for every light pole, so I made it clear and we stopped at pole and did an exercise. This light pole workout was compliments of Dauber who made us do this at Kenny’s Grave in the rain.

Mary: Circled up for various exercises and stretching.

Announcements: Picnic tomorrow 11:00 am.

T-Claps: Woody who has been killing it! Gillette for coming out with injury. Pots for the support and EC all week running! Way to Be!!

Prayers: All those still missing in the collapse of the building in Florida. Injured PAX!


I appreciate the opportunity to Lead!!  #Roll Bengals!!!

Fuquay-Varina High School - Wikipedia

Urban Legends

Kung Pow is a fake AO created out of convenience by those Wescott guys and those older PAX from Fuquay looking for an easier paced workout on Fridays. When you travel to AOs over time, you hear things. Sometimes you hear a few things here, you hear few things there, or you get anecdotal accounts from a friend of a friend, culminating in a perception like the one I have painted in my opening sentence. Remember when everyone thought Mikey from the Life Cereal commercial died due to an overdose mixture of carbonated soda and Pop Rocks? Pop Rocks got a really bad rap after that. This morning was all about protecting the street cred of Pop Rocks…er Kung Pow.

Though the perception shared above was all from a good place,  formed out of high quality banter and mumblechatter over the past year with no ill will and a lot of salt, YHC set out this morning to debunk this Urban Legend.

You see, at Kung Pow, we teach lessons. Last week, DB shared with us the finer points of being Edward. After the workout was over, it was clear..Don’t be Edward. This week was extra special as we had one PAX member (after a ton of back and forth on a group chat) that had HC’d early that had yet to step foot inside Wescott on a Friday morning (not even when points were involved for a May Challenge or the promise of a name in large font on a T-shirt).

With the HC in place, YHC began working on the lesson plan. Some Q’s can wake up the morning of without any preparation or planning and deliver, others may drink a bunch of bourbon and put the PAX on auto pilot the next day with a Dora for 45 minutes at Paradise City (circa 2017-2018), but not YHC. Everything has to be mapped out, everything has a reason, it has to be calculated, and there has to be a message. Don’t get me wrong, there is improvisation to speed or slow things down throughout, but you will get a full 45 minutes of whatever was planned for that morning by YHC starting and ending on time.

As I was planning the workout for this week, YHC was also very aware of what was being transferred from pen to paper, so much so that my posting this week started on Thursday. Lesson to all Q’s- “If you can’t Q it, don’t do it”- plan accordingly.

Arrived early to the lot to see a parking lot with many vehicles. Lots of EC this morning- some runners and a few ruckers. Planted the flag and saw a car roll in I hadn’t recognized. Door opens and was pleasantly surprised and  greeted by CrabLegs, who had been headlocked by M4L to come hang out in his old neighborhood. Little known fact about CrabLegs- he is an OG Wescott alum. Was great to have him back in the hood this morning. At about 5:25 our EC’ers and Rucker’s came rolling back in to grab a quick squirt of water before our 5:30 kick-off.

5:30 hit and YHC welcomed everyone to Kung Pow, including one PAX that was a man of his word and showed, Emeril. He had also managed to headlock Yoshi into EC and the ME this morning, but no Dawg.

Damn, Dawg! To think I had “The Man” by the Killers Q’d up for COT and you didn’t show. Next time I guess. Maybe you and 187 can post together as he has been dodging my Q’s for weeks.

Warm Up:

After a pleasant greeting to start the morning off, we quickly transitioned to the warm-up that I affectionately term “The Pablo.” It is named the Pablo after one of the toughest workouts recorded by its namesake at Kung Pow where for 40 minutes we Indian Ran lower and upper Danagher with burpees (which is a long street at the top of Wescott that has a hill at top). Indian Runs stop periodically at 7 separate sewer caps were PAX perform a progressive set of burpees. 1 then 1-2 then 1-2-3 and so forth.

This morning we didn’t do that version of the Pablo. If he posted, we would have, but this morning we fellowship ran all the way to the lower Danagher cul-de-sac and performed 5 Burpees OYO at the first sewer. YHC asked for a quick count off…A total of 15 with 3 PAX- DoubleD, Deadbolt, and CrabLegs on a fellowship walk while solving student loan debt.

Mosey’d to the next sewer cap- 10 merkins, mosey-Fazios X10 F\B-Chinooks at the 3rd Sewer cap, 5 burpees at the 4th sewer cap, Imperial Walkers X10  at the 5th cap, Hillbillies at the 6th sewer cap, Good Mornings X10 at the top. Mosey back down to the 4 way intersection- squat hold for the 6- 5 burpees.

The Workout:

Breathtaker-Kung Pow Style

With 15 PAX, YHC split the group into 3 lines. My man Sprinkler brought dem hoses out this morning. Asked the lead guy in each line with a hose to fall to the back of the line. PAX would stay in their lines the entire time for this rotation. Each line would perform an Indian Run with trailing PAX with the hose double timing to the first. Upon the trailing PAX making it to the front, the entire line would perform 5 Burpees in unison, with the front guys continuing on the run and now the last guy in the line picking up the hose and double timing to the front…more burpees, rinse repeat. Lines continued to the last tree of the fairway down Wescott Ridge and continue back to the start at the pool entrance. Lead lines picked up the six, returned the hoses to the curb and mosey’d to the next circuit.

On the mosey, YHC informed PAX to obey the speed signs. At each speed sign facing them, we would perform 20 merkins. There were 2 on the route to Brightling Way. YHC missed the second of the two, but we have a lot of honest PAX that didn’t want to get cheated this morning, so doubled back to complete the 20 owed. Continued on the mosey to YHC’s home.

Mookie’s Brickyard

Rolled up to YHC’s driveway where PAX were instructed to pull 2 bricks each from a perfectly stacked pile. They were delivered fresh by M4L the day before and with all the rain that rolled through yesterday into the early morning, they may have soaked in a little extra weight. First exercise called was bicep curls. As we were curling, YHC shared a little factual history on Kung Pow and how it was born out of the pandemic.

Originally when things shut down around SW and parks and playgrounds closed, PAX weren’t left with many options. Home gyms, garage-mahal workouts, and occasional neighborhood runs were the norm. Out of strong desire to continue core F3 values within the guidelines in front of us, black ops workouts continued on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in rotating fashion. This continued until the restrictions started to lift and we were continuously seeing double digit numbers on Friday. I think at one point after numerous post blast PAX numbers of 14, 19, 23 on the 1st F channel of Slack continuously surfaced, Shredder said “Black Ops?…Why don’t you just legitimize this AO.” So we did and we have been serving the geriatric community with these weak sauce routines I’m describing in this backblast ever since. Hell- I made it so convenient for myself this morning, I didn’t even bring the bricks to the pool lot.

As I mentioned earlier, YHC does things for a reason. This morning we were going to transport these rocks back to where they originated-Midget’s truck, which was conveniently parked back at the pool.

After the bicep curls, we quickly transitioned to front raises with the bricks X12, Lateral raises with the bricks X15, Shoulder presses times X10, Shoulder Taps with bricks in hand X10. Recover on the mosey with bricks to the end of Brightling Way.

YHC called Squat hold with tricep extension X20, hold squat, Moroccan Night Clubs with Bricks in cadence X10, mosey with bricks to Roslyn Hills. Squats with Bricks on my up; on my down X15. PAX got into 3 lines of 5 again and performed Indian runs with bricks to the other side of Roslyn Hills. Plank hold for the six.

All 15 accounted for, YHC called brick merkins X20. Recover on the mosey with bricks. Stop at the 4 way intersection-squat hold for the six. PAX got back into their 3 lines of 5 and called for an Indian Run with bricks to the start of the tree line fairway up Wescott Ridge, in front of the 20mph speed sign- 20 brick merkins.

Cusack’d the bricks with alternating lunge walks along the tree line to the intersection at Danagher, squat hold for the 6, continue on the mosey with bricks back to M4L’s truck parked next to the flag. Deposited bricks and circled up for COT reuniting with Deadbolt, Double D and CragLegs with 3 minutes left.


Series of stretches- Right over Left, Left over Right, Downward Dog, Calf Stretches, and a 10 count Shawshank.

Dawg- Not sure how you feel about cheating these PAX out of a rendition of “The Man,” but I think deep down they would have thanked you for not showing if they knew I was gonna pull out this additional activity as the finale. Next time- I have faith you will some day show.

Another interesting thing about Kung Pow…COT takes longer. It takes longer because we have to use extra words like “Respect” and “Honor” a dozen times during name-o-rama. What more can I say? The “old” guys like the soft serve they dish out at Kung Pow.


Bed Build, Yogurt looking to gather additional PAX to go on some runs with Davis.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Emeril for trying new things and trying a Fake workout today (see his Strava- 2.79mi and fails to mention “with” phantom bricks and imaginary hoses). Also for headlocking Yoshi for EC and getting him out for the Main Event. A very impressive and notable memory made during 2nd F with Fonzie this morning. Apparently he and Fonzie live almost across the street from one another and Fonzie was unaware of Yoshi’s hospital name…That’s F3 for you. Do any of us really know each other by anything other than our F3 names?

Always an honor and great to see CrabLegs in the gloom. Thank you for posting and hope to see you out and about the neighborhood again soon. All PAX posting this morning. Those bricks are a reminder that running is tough enough, but running with extra weight is tougher. Today we got through it together. Never do life OYO.


YHC took us out. Prayers for Emeril and his family member with cancer. Additional prayers for Sprinkler and Cancun. Continued prayers for first responders and healthcare workers. All PAX traveling and those battling illness.

Always an honor to lead. Thanks for giving me this opportunity this morning.

Ravishing Rick Rude… He was a wrestler… He is dead… No more questions

EC: Pikachu, Dawgpound, UTI, Lipstick, Katniss, Dahmer
FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:

Circle Up
Foot trace
Hips In a Barrel
Spinal Twist
Neck Stretch

The Workout:

Everyone lined up for one Indian run. We always turned right. At all cuddle sacs we did the following.

10 Merkins
10 Squats
10 LBCs


Punch of stretching. It felt good.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Stone Cold Kung Pow 5/28/21

Warm Up: A Quick set of 22 counts of SSH and then a mosey over to the church parking lot for a Broken Skull obstacle course. We toured the grounds to hand out instructions and then we got to work.
The Workout: There were 8 stations that the pax and a partner needed to run to complete the exercise and then run to the next one. The goal was to complete 2 revolutions of the course in the allotted time. The stations were as follows
Station 1: Weight plate chest presses (25 reps)
Station 2: Water bottle or Sandbag Farmers Carry
Station 3: Roll the 3 dice, perform those exercises
Station 4: Battle Rope Figure 8’s (25 reps)
Station 5: Out of the box (25 Reps at each corner of SSH, Squats, Windmills and Frankensteins) bear crawl to each corner
Station 6: Fire Hose Run
Station 7: Catalina Winemakers around the clock with tires
Station 8: Traveling Merkins with an overhead press.
Mary: Mosey back to the parking lot

Announcements: Memorial Day message, Freedom is not free, it has a high price that has been paid by alot of great men and women. In recognition of Memorial Day for every pax member that wears a RED shirt on Friday the 28th I will donate $10 to the Travis Manion Foundation and if 75% of the pax wears a RED shirt I’ll double it.

Prayer: Roger Roger family friend that has thyroid cancer, men and woman on the front lines

May 14 2021 – KungPOW (Wescott) QIC POTS

May 14 2021 – KungPOW (Wescott) QIC POTS


POTS, Pumpkin Spice, Blue Hen, Labatt, Flanigan, Deadbolt, Mookie





 Warm Up:

Good Mornings


Fazio Arm Circles

 The Workout

 Mosey’d to church parking lot.

Station 1 (3 rounds)

 Curls for the girls (with Rock)

Sprint to Yellow Fire hydrant complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Overhead press (with Rock)

Sprint to Yellow Fire hydrant complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Triceps Extensions (with Rock)

Sprint to Yellow Fire hydrant complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Station 2 (3 rounds)

 Merkins (10)

Side steps (side hustle) complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Squats (10)

Side steps (side hustle) complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Lunges (10)

Side steps (side hustle) complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Station 3 (3 rounds)

 Side step with squat (10)

Lung walk complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Side straddle hop’s (10)

Lung walk complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Step ups on the curb

Lung walk complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

Pledge of Allegiance:

Lead by Double D


Guantanamo’s for all.


 JoCo CSOP coming up soon


Military and First responders.


The Undertaker

After hearing about Summer Slam for a while YHC decided to pick up one of these Kung Pow Q’s to celebrate his favorite wrestler growing up – The Undertaker.

The pre-blast promised trying to kill pax – thankfully we didn’t accomplish that but we did celebrate accordingly.

FNGs: None today. I hear there’s a free F3 shirt if you bring an FNG to Kung Pow.

EC: YHC, Cupid, Cancun, Deadbolt (great work on 5 pack w/5 ECs!), Roger Roger, and MadDog.
Warm Up:

SSH x20

Daisy Picker x20

Good Morning x10

The Workout:

Pax were warned that The Undertaker attributed good cardio to his many years of success. Many remarks were had about that assuredly being the only thing.

1st Thing – mosey down the street to a nice hill near Bibleview ct. Pax were informed of The Streak – The Undertaker’s 21 match winning streak at WrestleMania, widely regarded as the greatest winning streak in sports history.

Special back blast reading bonus – the first pax to message me directly (Slack or Facebook) with the name of the wrestler that broke The Streak gets a free beer/lunch if you don’t drink)

To celebrate the 21 straight we did 21s on said hill – starting with 1x squat at the bottom and 20x LBCs at the top. It’s like 11s but a lot harder.

After ~15 minutes we audibled – none of us are The Undertaker and this was going to take too long. We had other career highlights to get to.

2nd Thing – we moseyed back to the pool parking lot. Pax were reminded that one of The Undertaker’s signature moves was the chokeslam. Chokeslamming each other seemed like a bad idea (especially on a day with no disclaimer) so instead we could lead with one strong hand. We did this by doing 10x Turkish Getups on one side (don’t worry though – the other side was promised to be fulfilled later). We then moseyed out of the neighborhood and crossed over to the church where we fulfilled our other 10x Turkish Getups (on the other side, unless your name is Cupid and apparently you can only do them on one side).

3rd Thing – one of the storylines most often remembered about The Undertaker was the one with his brother Kane. They frequently fought and partnered with each other. To celebrate this pax were told to partner up with someone of similar spead for a mix of competing and supporting – we raced to opposite ends of the parking lot and back (as in pax went opposite directions from their partners – apparently this was very confusing). Once they got back the winner plank holds until their partner gets back at which point they lift each other up with 5x Patty Cake Merkins. We repeated this 3x times.

4th Thing – Pax were reminded of two things. 1 – The time when “in nineteen ninety-eight when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table” and 2 – The Undertaker loved lightning and even once used it to destroy the ring. To honor these two things we were going to throw outselves on the ground to the tune of Thunderstruck – SSH the entire song and a Burpee everytime you hear Thunder or Thunderstruck.

Pax seemed smoked but we weren’t at the starting point so we moseyed back to the pool parking lot for some very limited Mary.


We continued celebrating The Streak with 21x IC of the following:

Low slow flutter


Crab cakes

Homer to marge (with some nice demonstration by Deadbolt)

Picklepounder (it is Mother’s day weekend)

Grasshopper 5k for Sergeant Rick Leach
T-Claps (Recognition):

Deadbolt for 5 pack + ECs

All the pax venturing outside of their norm for Main Event May

Caitlin and Kid Cracker and his team as they beging working to help her.

Ooohhh Yeeeeaah!

Today we celebrated the life and wrestling lore of none other than the Macho Man Randy Savage. Though we didn’t get to nearly as much as YHC had planned, we had a raucous group of PAX making noise all throughout the neighborhood we should be quiet in. But that’s the way the Macho Man lived…insane in the brain, flamboyant, say it if you want to, and badass to the core!

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings x10 IC, 10 Burpees OYO, a mosey down into the hood, and we all know that the Macho Man could party like a rock star so…Moroccan Nightclubs IC x10. Finished with a mosey to the final cul-de-sac.

The Workout: So Macho Man’s first famous feuds were with Tito Santana and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. Back then, the Macho Man was smaller, high-flying, and faster. We circled up for a fast-feet/up-down progression for about 3 minutes.

We then remembered Miss Elizabeth, such an important part of the Macho Man journey,  with Pickle Pounders x20 IC and Hello Dollys x15 IC.

PAX were instructed to return up the hill stopping at every “rope” (intersection) for some exercises, because Macho Man was never afraid to go to the top rope. Street 1: Star Jumps x15, Street 2: Squat Jumps x15, Street 3: Prisoner Squats x15, Street 4: The Top Rope, 15 Burpees OYO. Finished with 15 SSH IC before exiting the hood to go to church.

At the church parking lot, we referenced yet another famous feud with The Ultimate Warrior. If you remember, whenever the Ultimate Warrior would start his “comeback” in any match he would do something like an “airpress to the spirits” or whatever. So we did Jack Webb’s 1:3 ratio up to 5.

Now how did the Warrior always enter the ring? Running. Split PAX into 2 groups. 1 Group would Indian Run around the U at the church, while the other group did a suicide sprint to a series of 6 cones. Then, groups switched roles.

We did not forget that weird period where Macho was all in to Queen Sherri. Homer to Marge x 20 IC.

A quick mosey over to the rock pile for a reminder that Macho Man had also joined forces with, then split with Hulk Hogan…the largest pythons in the world baby! Curls for the Girls x 30.

Macho Man also got married to Miss Elizabeth shortly after the feud with Hogan. A famous scene unfolded in the WWF ring with the Macho lifting up Miss Elizabeth over his shoulders. Alternating Lunges IC x20, Overhead alternating presses with rocks x 20IC.

Unfortunately, YHC started running out of time here. But we didn’t want to forget that Macho Man got SWOLE!!!! in his later years of wrestling. Hand Release Merkins x 20. We finished with a mosey back to the flag.

Mary: 10 Burpees OYO upon return. Then, the entrance song for the Macho Man, Pomp and Circumstance, guided us for 4 minutes through a plank-o-rama, finishing with 20 Good Mornings. Have a Macho Day…Dig It!!!
Announcements: It’s on! May Monthly Challenge is live tomorrow.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: POTS son, going into the Air Force. Police around our country, Delaware Cop and family after tragic incidents. Truth in Nature (Roger Roger), a ministry for boys without fathers/dads. Gillette and shoulder surgery healing, as he walked up to the COT toward the end. YHC took us out!