New Lighted Frisbee at Mutiny

Warm Up:  Good am, static stretches, SSH
The Workout:  Ultimate frisbee:  6v5.  Lots of burpees.  Lots of scores.  Lots of great throws and catches.  breach brought a light up frisbee  still hard to see/play in the darkness especially if you were wearing black/dark clothing.

Mary:  None
Announcements:  Iron PAX; possible Ultimate next week AFTER Mutiny.
T-Claps (Recognition):  PAX who were flexible playing Ultimate one week early.
Prayer:  Welcome back Norm from his Army training; Best wishes to Boy George as he gets ready to close on his house and begin an adventure across the USA with his family.  UNSPOKEN.  YHC took us out.  Honored to lead.

Sunday Funday



Warm Up:

10x Fazio Arm Circles (Fwd & Rev), 10x Imperial Walkers, 10x Hillbillies, 10 Daisy Pickers, quick mosey up and down the parking lot to include butt-kickers, high-knees, karaoke to the right and left

The Workout:

4PAX completed “I Believe It’s Jogging…or Yogging…It’s a Soft ‘J’ Virtual 5K” (@LipSync, @RogerRoger, @Dauber, @Forceps).  7PAX completed the “standard route” of 5-6mi at AGS that I learned from @Mookie, which is leaving Womble, R on Stinson, R on Bass Lake, L on Salem Ridge, L on Linksland, R on Holly Springs Rd, L on Raleigh Rd, L on Grigsby, and follow Grigsby to the backside of Womble and enter the 2nd entrance back to Womble.  This ends up being around 6miles, give or take a little depending if you’re the “6” or you’re picking up the “6”.

When YHC and fellow 6PAX finished our 6mi jog, the 4PAX who completed the “Kind of a Big Deal” Virtual Run were already in their T-shirt’s, wearing their medals, sipping cans of Coors light, and had already taken a memorable group picture with the classic AGS sunrise in the background (Photo available on Slack 1stf channel at 9:27am Sunday 8/30)

It was a beautiful day today and the humidity felt like half of what it was the morning prior…thank you to all of those who came out and joined.


2020 IronPAX Challenge Week 1

T-Claps (Recognition):

Picking up the 6


Gave thanks for bringing us together for fitness, fellowship, and faith {F3}, as well as keeping us safe Sunday morning.  We prayed that God will look over our friends, family, and loved ones.  We also prayed God to give strength and comfort to those struggling from addiction, disease, mental illnesses, and sickness.  Lastly we prayed God will look over those who have lost their way and we ask that they are given the strength to once again follow His path.

Awesome Monday!

YHC has been on LED about coming out to Something Awesome instead of Mutiny and he finally showed!  Glad to have you in the gloom, it’s only 2 miles closer but appreciate you guys showing as I was expecting a couple FNGs.  The FNGs didn’t make it, I’ll have to keep up the EH.  Now that our pool is back open(burned down 2 years ago) it’s a great spot to EH guys.  Something Awesome will be a great site just gotta keep working the area.  Appreciate all of you who showed and glad to see Towelie back for his second post and he had the towel again!  Have a great week!!


Pax:  Fonzy, LED, Quiver, Towelie, New Mexico(QIC)
Warm Up:  Jog around the school, SSH, GM, EW, HB, Merkins
The Workout: Reverse Jacob’s Ladder(bonus 10 burpees at the end), run up banks road come back down to the benches, 20 foot release squats, 20 dips, 20 LR step ups, 20 urkins, rinse repeat X 25, rinse repeat x 20.  Inverted Mtn Climbers X 15 run across parking lot, rinse repeat X 10, and X 5.
Mary:  elevated flutter kicks, protractor and rosalitas
Announcements: Wednesday at Possum Trot Fonzy will be leading some insane workout from SC.

Prayer:  Quiver’s Uncle and his family post Covid. NM’s friend Chris in the hospital fighting Leukemia.

Counting to 15 Sucks

FNGs: none
EC: Nemo, Coal Ash, Bulls Eye (bike ride)
Warm Up
: Quick jog around the block, dodging the one car that was out. Circle up for SSH x 15, Imperial Walkers / Hillbillies x 10 each, Fazio Arm Circles front and back x 10 each, Daisy Pickers x 10.
fifteenThe Workout: PAX were instructed to select a medium-sized rock and meet up at the amphitheater. It went like this:
Curls for the Girls x 15
Triceps x 15
Ground Pounders x 15
Ruh Rohs x 15
Bus Drivers x 15
We did this for 3 rounds. On the fourth round, we reduced the count to 10. In between each round, we ran around the library and did lunges in the Craigs List meetup parking lot. After the last round, we returned the rocks and did an Indian run around the library and back for Mary.
Mary: WWIIs x 15, LBCs x 30, Freddie Mercuries x 20, Mountain Climbers x 20, 6 inch hold 10 count to Low Slow Flutter x 10 to 6 inch hold 10 count.
Announcements: Mulch sign up! Also, know your limits when working out and let someone know if something doesn’t feel right.
T-Claps (Recognition): Bulls Eye for coming out to exercise before a busy day of virtual school.
Prayer: Coal Ash’s father-in-law for healing, families navigating school, families dealing with Covid, Crab Legs as he continues his journey.

Can we just stretch?

12 Pax graced Ting with their presence this morning at the beginning of the taper for BRR. YHC promised a must for all marathons and BRRers. The workout was pretty straight forward and simple and hopefully just difficult enough to keep the Pax coming back.

EC: Emeril, Pablo, Dawgpound, Redenbacher, Skidmark

FNGs: None
Warm Up: 1 lap of warmup introducing the workouts at each station
1. 15 Hillbillies
2. 10 alternating reverse lunges
3. 5 Parker Peters
4. 10 Burpee Box jumps
5. 15 Rocky Balboa Situps

The Workout: Partner up off a random count for a two man weave/Indian Run.  Pax would start by the dumpsters at the top of Ting. Run to the short wall for 10 Burpee Box jumps and the return to dumpsters for 5 Parker Peters. Then run down to the turn by the tennis court for 10 alternating reveres lunges. Back to dumpsters for 5 PP. Down to the corner below the ramp for 15 Rocky Balboa Situps. Back to Dumpsters for 5 Peter Parkers. Down to the guard rail for 15 hillbillies and back for 5 PP. Then do it in reverse.

Group met for the 6 and did the last two exercises as a complete unit and return home.

Mary: Some stretching
Announcements: I’m sure there is more mulch to be put down
T-Claps (Recognition): Cowboy and his first 100 mile month
Prayer: Guys stay healthy through BRR and marathon training

Good Ol’ String of Pearls

FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH x 15, Hillbillies & Imperial Walkers x 10 each, Good Mornings x 10
String of PearlsThe Workout: The concept of a string of pearls may or may not be unique to the F3 Nation. The concept is simple enough though; you run a little, do an exercise, rinse and repeat. We finished up with the warm up and took off. YHC was kind of making it up as we went, so I’m probably forgetting some of what was done. But some exercises that made an appearance were the good ol’ Murcan, negative pull ups, squats, WWIIs, air presses, balls-to-the-wall, Urkins/Durkins/Dips. A good pace was kept along the way. Came back to the tennis court for Mary.
Mary: Popcorn Mary. To be honest, I don’t remember all of what was done. But we had enough time for the rounds before calling out quits.
Announcements: Mulch sign up!
T-Claps (Recognition): Flojoe for the nursing work he’s doing.
Prayer: Flojoe’s family while he’s away, families navigating school with their kids, families with members dealing with Covid, Crab Legs as he continues his journey.

Schweddy U-turn – Lipstick’s soul mate spotted

Holy schweddy balls it was a hot U-turn on Saturday as 12 PAX literally sweated their balls off over five miles.  Warm up consisted of some good mornings, IW, daisy pickers, windmills and 5 burpess OYO courtesy of Lipstick’s alarm clock malfunction.

Fortunately for the PAX there was a late run site to behold as two ladies apparently decided to be miserable as well Saturday morning.  We made our way down Green Oaks only to see one of them emerge from a construction port-a-potty…could it be?  Lipstick’s sister from another mister?  Perhaps dare I say his deuce dropping soul mate?  His poop partner?  His BM buddy?  For those that missed it, all I can say is this chick could really “run for the john”.  Truly a site to behold.

Announcements – mulching around Bass Lake is getting close to wrapping up, check out the sign up sheets to help support.  Leadership met on Wednesday this past week to discuss 3rd F opportunities, see Slack for details.

Prayer requests – Skidmark’s neighbors daughter who is recovering from a copperhead bite, UTI’s brother as he is on the mend.


“Reasonable Q”

FNGs: None

4 HIMs posted to GP this morning at 7AM;  1 HIM posted at 7:32.  Mubble chatter was fantastic.  YHC brought the music box.


10 Good Mornings, 10 Daisy Pickers,  10 Emperial Walkers, 10 Hillbilly’s, 10×3 ct Windmills,  20 SSH, 20 Fozzie Arm Circles, 4×10 ct arms stretches, 10×3 ct Willy Maze Hays

The Workout

Circle of Rock: (Rotate rocks between exercises).

4 set of 10 x 3 ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Trunk Twists,  Rutrows, and Ground Pounders.

Mosey to the parking lot.

4 sets of 20 Rock Press,

1 set of each: 10×3 ct Windshield Wipers, 10x3ct Box Cutters, 30ct 6 inches and 10x3ct Scissor Kicks

PAX pair up for 4 sets of Rock Planks and Crab Rock Planks while other PAX alternates between Frankensteins and Lunge Walks

Mosey to the Wall of Pain

  • 50 ct Prisoner Wall Sits, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10×3 ct American Hammers
  • 50 ct Bernie Wall Sits, 10 Plank Jacks, 20×3 ct LBC’s,
  • 50 ct Trump Wall Sits, 10 Star Jumps, 10 Homer to Marge, 10 each single leg H2M

Mosey back for Mary to stretch it out: Pigeon Pose, Calf Stretch, Hamstring stretch and Butterflies

Announcements:  Soft J 5K being hosted at AGS on Sunday; sign up for mulch work

Prayer Requests:  Prayers for Shredder work & family stress.  Praise for Forceps’ -AC fixed, car fixed, Volvo sold; Prayers for divorce being finalized in the coming weeks and for his son Jon’s estate to be closed. Praise for Pumpkin’s 19 yr old friend Sidiq for accepting Christ and prayers for Sidiq career path.

Upper body burnout

Warm Up: SSH, good morning, sir Fazio arms, Daisy pickers

The Workout: One minute of work, 10 second rest, five rounds of five exercises

-Rows, Tricep extensions, squats, curls for the girls, Clean and press

Mary: 15 minutes of core work with the bell

Announcements: Sign up for mulching

Prayer: Snap is opening a new practice. Prayers for a smooth opening and much success.

Pumpkin spice has helped two young men get signed up for a early law-enforcement Academy. Prayers they stay focused and motivated

It’s the Humidity That Gets You

Pax of 1 this morning. Must be the cold.


No, but I have been out of town for 2 weeks
Warm Up:

None, jumped right into the main thing
The Workout:

Not sayin’, cause I’m going to do it again next week. Teaser: lots of sports have been cancelled of late, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do a little football and baseball, by which I mean exercises that are vaguely related to some sport, somehow, either in name or setup.

Heavy stretching
T-Claps (Recognition):

Dovetail’s wife. Dovetail’s parents considering a cross-country move. God to use this pandemic to strengthen families and our nation. Everyone affected by the hurricane in the Gulf.