All by myself…at the Casino

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around the track followed by 20 SSH in cadence, 20 imperial walkers, 20 hill billies, and 20 Frankenstein’s
The Workout: What’s that spell?

Event 1:

Bat Wings-20, Indian Bear Crawl (a little difficult by myself but modified to bear crawl 3 parking spots then plank hold for 10 seconds R/R 10x, Randy’s 20x, Travolta’s 10x each side, Hairy Rockettes – 10 each leg, Dancing bears (this one was a little tricky, plank hold and switch to alternating left foot up and right hand up and switch), alternating shoulder taps – 20x, yurpees – only 5 because they suck and it’s my birthday…

Event 2:

Crab cakes – 20x, Annies – 20x each arm, Kickbacks 10 each leg, E2k’s (oblique crunches) – 20x each side.

Mary: Mosey around the track one more time, Freddie Mercuries, LBC’s, Reverse LBC’s, Obliques both sides – all 10x cadence
Announcements: Christmas Party on 17th at Bombshells
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Our country, our leaders, for those who are hurting and maybe sick with Covid.

Bday Q #5 – Longer than it Looked

4 Pax finished the week strong and helped YHC round out a 5-pack of B-Day Q’s at Casino Royale. This was a first for YHC to do 5 consecutive Q’s – and added EC to each of them as well. The goal for the year was to hit 200 workouts and this was number 215. I’m hoping to hit 230 by the end of the year. I know this wouldn’t have been possible without so many of my F3 brothers who have pushed me all year long and kept me going – mostly with the possibility of coffee after the workout. I’m thankful for all of you and for helping me get faster, stronger, and even a little better with age. Thanks also for helping YHC celebrate my 45th trip around the sun this week. SYITG soon!

Warm Up:

After a quick review of the F3 mission statement, we moseyed around the parking lot and launched in…

Good Mornings x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
Stretch – Right leg over left / left leg over right
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 fwd IC/ x 10 rev IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC

The Workout:

Mosey to the pavilion for some ladder fun. After each exercise on the way up the ladder, we did a lunge-walk lap around the playground. We realized quickly that it was a lot longer than it looked – especially when lunge-walking. Some modification was necessary but we all got through it. On the way back down the ladder, we audibled and moseyed around the parking lot between exercises.
Turkish Get-ups x 6 (3 each side)
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Carolina Dry Docks x 15
Step Ups x 20 (10 each leg)
LBC’s x 25 IC

We moseyed toward the shovel flag where YHC spotted a football which was promptly integrated into the workout. We paired up and each pair took turns throwing the ball, backing up one parking spot each for each throw. If the pass was caught, the Pax chose the exercise. Each time the ball was dropped, the penalty was 5 burpees. We had time for about 5 rounds which incorporated plenty of abs so no need for extra Mary.


Included in the workout


Ultimate at Ting (tomorrow)
Christmas Party on the 17th
Toys for Tots – FVFD
Shop w/ a Cop donations needed for FVPD

T-Claps (Recognition):
Great job getting out for EC, Martini!

Thankful for my F3 brothers and the 2nd F’s!
Those who have COVID
Those who are having a tough time during the holidays

We Just Cut This Grass, eh!

Casino Royale has a ton of space to work with. YHC brought the heaviest leftover coupons from the previous day’s adventures at Disney. We covered a good section of the Casino Lawn…but it was only a fraction of the lush acreage of this place.  5 pax and a pooch got after it on the fields of the casino and left very grassy.

EC: YHC, Norm, Nemo

FNG: nope
Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Daisy Pickers, Goofballs.
The Workout: Moseyed to wall for a 30 count each pax People’s Chair. A short stretch then Repeato with a 20 count. Mosey to the field where the coupons lay. The five beginning stations were: 100 lb, heavy bag flip, 100 lb. heavy bag drag, fire hose carry, bear crawl, and lunge walk.  Each pax would do their exercise station for about a 50 yard out and back. Typically, guys on fire hose and heavy bag would get 2 laps each round. At the end of each round we did an exercise to complete our BLIMPS! Pax would then rotate to next coupon station. BLIMPS! consisted of 10 burpees, 20 lunges, 30 IW’s, 40 merkins, 50 plank jacks, 60 squats, and 70 SSH for the !  Pretty well smoked we went to the Wall for some BTTW. Each pax did a 20 count, then a 15 count.
Mary: We stayed at the Wall for Mary with15 counts of Freddie Mercury, LSF, LBC, And WW1’s in 15 counts.  Complete the day with a 10 count per pax BTTW.
Announcements:lots to donate too.  Check Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition):Nemo for getting those heavy bags again today.
Prayer: Unspoken, Norm and his family as he’s away for training the next 3 weeks. YHC took us out.  I might put my toys away for a few weeks now.

4 pax weren’t scared of David Goggins or the rain when they committed to Casino Royale this morning. The mumble chatter was at a minimum but was powerful. Key takeaways from mumble chatter this morning. 1. If you have a website you are an organization. Guess I need to take down 2. LED coaches kids  3. That’s all I remember because we were too busy working out.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: None, we got right to it.
The Workout:
1. Started with 2 minutes of SSH followed by 2 minutes of merkins. We did this for 16+ minutes.
2. Burpee mile – 12 burpees every .25 mile in a 4 man Indian Run

Mary: We did Mary for 14 minutes
50 CC LBC’s
25 CC Low Slow Flutter
25 CC Dying Cockroach
We then held plank for 10 minutes doing various exercises such as mountain climbers, 1 arm plank, plank jack. We practiced being mentally strong while in plank so Pax were asked to repeat the F3 mission and we named the core principles in order.
Announcements: Mulch
T-Claps (Recognition): What rain?
Prayer: Apparently Fumunga gets some congratulations. I knew you could do it.

9/11 Tribute

4 HIM decided to join YHC on a special 9/11 tribute workout that involve TRX bands. It was another schweaty morning and the park was full of walkers while we got swole. On this day, always remember those that perished and the hero’s that sacrificed their lives for others.

The Workout:
2001m run (1.25 mile)
During run stopped 4 times
Good Mornings
Imperial Walkers/Hillbillies

9 exercises 11 reps
Squat jumps
High row
Low row
Merkin crunch
Twist pulls
Rinse and Repeat

110 lunge walking steps

Leg lifts
Shoulder taps
Pickle pounders
Freddy Mercuries
6 inch hold 11 Ct x 4
Twin Tower lifts aka Heels to Heaven

BRR happening now, no mulch this weekend

BRR runners, 9/11 remembrance and families

Great work guys! TRX is no joke. Always a pleasure to lead.

BS out!

Normageddon it! > Part 1

YHC has had the honor of being part of F3 for two years now and it is only fitting to celebrate with a week’s worth of Q’s (albeit somewhat disjointed).  This is just a small way to give something back to those who have given so much to me.

Thanks to all of you who have truly helped make this much “more than a workout” and created a great community of mutual encouragement and accountability. YHC is not only in the best physical shape I’ve been in since high school, but much healthier mentally and spiritually than when I started two years ago as well. Not to mention the great friendships that have been made along the way! Thanks for being there in the gloom and for the constant push. It is greatly needed and appreciated even more. Keep it up HIM!

FNGs: None
Warm Up:

  • Mosey around the lot for a tour of what was to come…
  • Recitation of the F3 Mission Statement (Aye!)
  • SSH x 24 IC
  • Daisy Pickers x 15 IC
  • Frankensteins x 15 IC
  • Windmills x 15 IC

The Workout:

We counted off by 3’s to form 3 different groups. Each group split up and ran to one of three stations to do an exercise that was listed on the sheet. When finished, we returned to “home base”, when the whole team was back we did 5 burpees, and proceeded to the next station. The round was complete when all PAX completed all 3 stations with burpees in between. We completed 4 rounds total but dropped the burpees in the last round due to time constraints.

Station 1 > Abs > each exercise = 20 count IC
Round 1 – LBC’s
Round 2 – Freedie Mercuries
Round 3 – Low Slow Flutter
Round 4 – American Hammers

Station 2 > Arms
Round 1 – Merkins x 20
Round 2 – Carolina Dry Docks x 20
Round 3 – Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 fwd/ 10 rev IC
Round 4 – Shoulder Taps x 20 IC

Station 3 > Legs
Round 1 – Squats x 20 IC
Round 2 – Lunges – alternating legs – x 20 IC
Round 3 – Star Jumps x 20
Round 4 – Apolo Ohno’s (Speed Skaters) x 20 IC


Homer to Marge x 10 IC
Homer to Marge – right leg up – x 10 IC
Home to Marge – left leg up – x 10 IC


  • No Mulch this Sat.
  • BRR next weekend

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • 4 PAX did 2 mile EC – good work!


  • Kids in school
  • Dauber’s daughter is homesick @ Baylor

As always – it’s an honor to lead! Until next time…

Core and Glutes

YHC made a commitment to Q one of South Wake’s newest AOs unaware that it would be Deadbolt’s 6 year anny. Good thing I held my commitment because who wants to run 2.5 miles during a workout? I’ll stick with the .27 miles we got this morning. YHC promised glutes and core and delivered. No gloves were needed and the Q didn’t wear shoes.

EC: None

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, Fozio Arm Circles, Good mornings, Overhead claps, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies
The Workout: Tabata style rotation 20 second AMRAP, 10 second rest for 8 sets then rotate to the next exercise.
Exercises in no particular order:
Glute Side hops – cone to cone
Glute Diagonal hops
Single leg homer to marge
Side plank crunches
American Hammers
Peter Parkers
Reverse lunges
Mary: Single leg deadlifts – no weight, slow count, form matters
Announcements: Ruck event in October – Sounds awesome Banana Seat, mulch
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Rams’ family, our county

Welcome to Casino Royale

It’s not often that you get a chance to Q the official launch workout for a new AO, so I jumped at the chance. There was some chatter about EC the afternoon before the workout, so YHC went out and scouted a nice hilly 2 mile route with a shot at a couple Strava segments aka hills. Rolled into the parking lot at 0500 to 2 PAX eager to get after it, waited until 0505 then headed out.
Fumunga, ShamWow, Boy George. T-claps to Fumunga charging the hills to try to take the crowns away from the notorious Evan Darm, some dude who has stolen many of them from me in Fuquay. Got one, maybe the other next time. The full 2 mile route is also a segment, hoping this is enough to lure some PAX from the Sprangs to go after that crown.
: none
Warm Up: Knowing we needed to get 3 miles today, we started off on the mosey. This AO has a great 800ish meter loop (1/2 mile) with easy landmarks every 200 meters. We spent the warm-up lap stopping every 100 meters for exercises, and I also noted where our 4 corners would be for the workout. Exercises were Daisy pickers, windmills, seal claps, Frankensteins, overhead claps, Sir Fazio arm circle forward/reverse, and good mornings. All had 5 reps in cadence (6 for GM).
The Workout: After returning to the starting corner, we reviewed our stopping points. Each lap would have the same exercise at each corner, with increasing reps. Once the faster PAX finished running back to the start, they loop back to pick up the 6, and then we finish each 1/2 mile loop with a bonus exercise.
Corner 1 – Dips IC
Corner 2 – Carolina Dry Docks
Corner 3 – Diamond Merkins
Corner 4 – Arm Haulers – laying on your belly with your knees and head up off the ground, starting in the Superman position, bring your arms back to slap your glutes, then back to Superman is 1 rep.

Lap 1 – 5 reps at each station, bonus exercise is…. crap I forgot the bonus exercise! Probably because I was up all night stressing about not forgetting the workout, and I was so tired I forgot the workout.

Lap 2 – 10 reps each station. Bonus exercise is 5 burpees – had plans to make this a double merkin with a plank jack burpee (so down, merkin, plank jack, merkin, back up), but was feeling nice this morning.

Lap 3 – 15 reps each station. Some mumble chatter about how we were going to die if we ended up getting up to 25 reps. They didn’t know YHC had something nice and easy in store for them. Bonus exercise – 5 absolutions.

Lap 4 – 10 reps each station, because I’m a nice Q and we were running short on time (not really). Bonus exercise – 6 Blue Devils (3 each side) – a Bobby Hurley (squat jump with a basketball jump shot form), into a Turkish Getup (flopping like the Dukies are known for).

Lap 5 – Chase the Rabbit. We ditched the exercises this time in favor of some fast strides. A bit of confusion on stopping points, but the intention was to run hard for 100 meters then recover for 100 meters. YHC counted down 3…2…1…Go! for each PAX, and you were supposed to try to chase down the PAX in front. We did 4 of these and at that point we were pretty smoked.
Mary: The PAX all pushed hard to finish our miles so quickly that we still had 6 minutes left, just as I had hoped. I have a yoga stretching routine I like to do after runs that usually takes about 15 minutes, but I condensed it down and we quickly moved through about 8 different positions on each leg, stretching out our quads, hamstrings, hips, back, and glutes. Pretty sure everyone felt like a million bucks after that. Ended with Have a nice day, and one last leg stretch while doing our count-off/name-o-rama.

  • Casino Royale is open! We discussed our monthly schedule and think we have it – 1st Friday – HIIT/3 miles like we did today, 2nd Friday – Dealer’s Choice (card deck, dice game, etc.), 3rd Friday – Running / speed work, 4th Friday – Kettle/dumbbells and TRX bands. Get on the Q sheet!
  • 1776 workout being led by Skidmark. 0600 at Womble on Saturday July 4th. 7.4 miles of running, 1776 reps of exercises.
  • Continuing mulch work at Bass Lake. Almost 1/2 mile done. No mulching July 4th.

T-Claps (Recognition): EVERYONE for pushing hard today! There were some pretty large sweat puddles after COT

  • Praise! Natty Ice and M’s pregnancy is going great. Baby Hannah is at 26 weeks. Prayers for continued healthy pregnancy and delivery.
  • Fumunga’s co-worker dealing with breast cancer and upcoming surgery
  • LipSync’s M’s friend’s husband (can’t remember his name) – an F3 guy that also runs a lot was out for a run and had some chest pains. Found out he had a blockage in his widowmaker but was able to get fixed up and make a full recovery. Good reminder to PAX to listen to our bodies and not overdo it, and get checked out if something doesn’t feel right.

YHC took us out. Always so much fun to Q, and I appreciate all the H.I.M. that came out to help get this AO off on the right foot.