Sheepdog – TKD Conditioning.

4 HIM brought it this morning while working through some high intensity TKD Olympic training drills.

All 4 Hit the road for extra credit. Norm busted in with an 8:00 minute mile (before he knew what was on the menu.

Warm Up:

Light warm up lap

Side straddle hop

Sir Fozio Arm Circles (f&b)

Michael Phelps


Good Mornings

Willie Mays Hayes

The Workout:

Pax started with a couple of light drills designed to loosen the hips with modified suicides. 1st round; knew raises down and then run back (each line). 2nd round; Front high lifts down to each line and run back. 3rd round; front kicks down to each line and run back.

Then Pax hit the curb and Traveled around the island

Next, we picked an intersection of two parking lot lines. Pick a + parking lot line. TKD stance jacks, with switching sides.

Curb travel, reverse.

Switch side, front kick drills.

4 corners, from kick drill.  Basically Pax fires a front kick, turns 90 deg. and kicks, 90, kick, etc, to each direction in rapid succession. 


1 min. of LBCs.


May challenge. 3rd F opportunities, etc.

Prayer: Families, country, Mayor Sears health.

Emeril’s Rest Day

While Emeril took the day off in order to burst into the May challenge, 7 PAX got stronger swinging a kettle bell.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Jog around the parking garage (high knees, butt kicks and side shuffle), good morning x10, sir fozio arm circles x10 forward and backwards, seal clap x10, overhead clap x10, daisy pickers x10
The Workout:

On my count: KB Curlsx5, KB Tricepsx5, Halosx5, Figure Eight x5, Shoulder Press x5, Swing High Pull x5

TABATA 45 sec on; 15 sec off 

Switch exercise at halfway (23 sec) mark







On my count: Wonder Bra x5, Goblet Squat x5, Renigade Row x3, KB Swing x5, Snatch x3, Merkin on Bell x5







Mary: Good Morning x10
Announcements: See slack; May Challenge
T-Claps (Recognition): None
Prayer: Praise Motor Boatin’ coming out when he’s not a morning person.  16-bit’s ankle is healing well.

Tiger Blood/Travis Manion WOD 4/29

13 men took on Tiger Blood for the 2021 Travis Manion Foundation Workout of the Day (Wod) 

Warm Up: Mosey down to the track

The Workout: 29 squats with your weight implement of choice, run 400 meters, repeat 7 times

Mary: Quick message about TMF and the importance of carrying on the ethos of “If Not Me, Then Who”

Announcements: May Challenge in a few days

T-Claps (Recognition): FRAM for max effort during the workout.


Closed in Prayer:

Ooohhh Yeeeeaah!

Today we celebrated the life and wrestling lore of none other than the Macho Man Randy Savage. Though we didn’t get to nearly as much as YHC had planned, we had a raucous group of PAX making noise all throughout the neighborhood we should be quiet in. But that’s the way the Macho Man lived…insane in the brain, flamboyant, say it if you want to, and badass to the core!

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings x10 IC, 10 Burpees OYO, a mosey down into the hood, and we all know that the Macho Man could party like a rock star so…Moroccan Nightclubs IC x10. Finished with a mosey to the final cul-de-sac.

The Workout: So Macho Man’s first famous feuds were with Tito Santana and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. Back then, the Macho Man was smaller, high-flying, and faster. We circled up for a fast-feet/up-down progression for about 3 minutes.

We then remembered Miss Elizabeth, such an important part of the Macho Man journey,  with Pickle Pounders x20 IC and Hello Dollys x15 IC.

PAX were instructed to return up the hill stopping at every “rope” (intersection) for some exercises, because Macho Man was never afraid to go to the top rope. Street 1: Star Jumps x15, Street 2: Squat Jumps x15, Street 3: Prisoner Squats x15, Street 4: The Top Rope, 15 Burpees OYO. Finished with 15 SSH IC before exiting the hood to go to church.

At the church parking lot, we referenced yet another famous feud with The Ultimate Warrior. If you remember, whenever the Ultimate Warrior would start his “comeback” in any match he would do something like an “airpress to the spirits” or whatever. So we did Jack Webb’s 1:3 ratio up to 5.

Now how did the Warrior always enter the ring? Running. Split PAX into 2 groups. 1 Group would Indian Run around the U at the church, while the other group did a suicide sprint to a series of 6 cones. Then, groups switched roles.

We did not forget that weird period where Macho was all in to Queen Sherri. Homer to Marge x 20 IC.

A quick mosey over to the rock pile for a reminder that Macho Man had also joined forces with, then split with Hulk Hogan…the largest pythons in the world baby! Curls for the Girls x 30.

Macho Man also got married to Miss Elizabeth shortly after the feud with Hogan. A famous scene unfolded in the WWF ring with the Macho lifting up Miss Elizabeth over his shoulders. Alternating Lunges IC x20, Overhead alternating presses with rocks x 20IC.

Unfortunately, YHC started running out of time here. But we didn’t want to forget that Macho Man got SWOLE!!!! in his later years of wrestling. Hand Release Merkins x 20. We finished with a mosey back to the flag.

Mary: 10 Burpees OYO upon return. Then, the entrance song for the Macho Man, Pomp and Circumstance, guided us for 4 minutes through a plank-o-rama, finishing with 20 Good Mornings. Have a Macho Day…Dig It!!!
Announcements: It’s on! May Monthly Challenge is live tomorrow.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: POTS son, going into the Air Force. Police around our country, Delaware Cop and family after tragic incidents. Truth in Nature (Roger Roger), a ministry for boys without fathers/dads. Gillette and shoulder surgery healing, as he walked up to the COT toward the end. YHC took us out!

Building B.O.M.B.S on the Abyss

A balmy morning at the Happiest AO on Earth. YHC wasn’t sure to expect with only 1 HC (U.T.I) and 1 other EC’er (Emeril). So to my surprise after getting back from EC…the whole Fritter Foundation and a huge clown car of 12 Oaksers pulled in! 17 Men gathered at Disney to take a ride to the dark corner known as “the Abyss”. I love this place!

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: SSH x40, Good Morning x a lot, 10 Burpees OYO, Windmills x 10, Sir Fazio’s x 12 (F/R)
The Workout: A mosey over to the Abyss, PAX partnered up for some BOMBS. 1 Partner descends into the darkness, completes 10 Star Jumps, while PAX on top do AMRAP exercise and then switch roles. Exercises were: Burpees, Outlaws, Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups, and Squats. Plank hold for the 6.

We then moseyed over to the high school where a couple of divergent hills lay before us. At the meeting point of said hills, we did Shoulder Taps IC x10, and Hand Release-Release Merkins x 10 IC. We then used the same partner groups to run to the top of each hill, return, and meet in the middle where we did Shoulder Taps x10 IC as a team for round 1, then did the Hand Release-Release Merkins x 10.

3 Indian run lines back to the flag for Mary. Lot’s of picking up the 6…great work men!
Mary: Monkey Humpers IC x 20, Hand Release-Release Merkins x 20, Monkey Humpers x 10 IC, Hand Release Merkins x 10. Pickle Pounders x 10 IC, LSF’s x 20 IC, LBC’s x 20 IC, Homer to Marge x 20 in varied cadence.
Announcements: Sign up end today for the May Main Event.
T-Claps (Recognition): The PAX for showing up. YHC can tell you it gives great confidence to a Q when a crowd shows up!
Prayer: Wallaby and his M. Shamwow! with injuries. YHC took us out. A great day and an honor to lead!

Getting Some Miles In @ VC

FNGs: none – welcome back- Pigeon.  yogurt brought his neighbor by for some two-wheeling fun.  Yogurt nursing an arm injury-hoping to be back out soon.
Warm Up: None
The Workout:  Lipsync led most of the route with occasional boosts from Kubota crushing all the hills we encountered today.  See route that included Bass Lake.  Nice and hot out there….summer quickly approaching.
Mary:  Never saw her as we put our bikes away and got ready for Thunder.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:  Gump’s recovery.  Yogurt’s recovery.  Any other PAX healing.  Unspoken.





Not many fan favorites

YHC preblasted some track and field type activities this morning at TBD. To much disappointment there was no javelin.

FNGs: None this morning
Warm Up: Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal claps, Overhead claps, Moroccan Night clubs, and some modified SSH where you only brought the arms half-way down
The Workout: The original plan was for a merkin mile but was modified to merkin 1/2 mile or slightly more than 1 loop around the soccer complex. Finished at the pavillion. In the ampitheater. did some sets of preacher chairs, balls to the wall, and single leg box jumps (modification was a step-up). Mosey to the rock pile for Jack Webb-Shot Put-Bear Crawls. 1 merkin/3 over head press with the rock about 16lbs (weight of a shot put). After the overhead press Pax would shot put the rock then bear crawl to it. Continued all the way to 10 merkins/30 overhead press. Mosey back to the pavillion. The hardest race is the 800m. So we did about a 600m run at our best pace. Made the U at the soccer field then picked up the 6. In the grass area by the tennis court Pax did burpee triple jump. You can figure this out on your own.
Mary: Some abs and some Skidmark typical plank holds.
Announcements: May Challenge
T-Claps (Recognition): Tetanus birthday today
Prayer: ShamWow hopefully on the mend, Family of little girl in Garner killed by Dog, Strategry’s daughter trying to get into NC State

Single, Double, Triple

FNGs: none

PAX:  @Martini, @Norm, @Finkle, @K I T T Y L I T T R
Warm Up: Mosey around the park track, in cadence SSH, Good Mornings, Daisy Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, tricep/shoulder stretches
The Workout: We went down to the ball park and did 5 rounds of singles, doubles, and triples.  Each Pax took turns being the batter and calling out single, double, or triple then pulled randomly that amount of exercises out of the hat.  If they called a double and drew diamond merkins and squats, then the batter would run, crab walked, bear crawled or lunge walked around the bases twice  and the other players were left at home plate doing diamond merkins for the first lap around the bases and then squats for the second time around.  We did 5 rounds of this and that took us to the end of Mary.
Mary: incorporated into the Main Event
Announcements: Saturday morning AO for running at Flemming Loop Park, SIHP June 12th
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: @Martini’s shoulders, @Finkle’s friend of the family Ashton, @Fumunga and 2.0, @Norm’s wife going out of town for funeral.

Cackling and Clucking on the Yard

There are some PAX (POTS) that simply shut down the mumblechatter with burpees. YHC can typically deal with some mumblechatter during the warm ups or even Mary at some point…during the workout…nah. Those that were, according to POTS cackling and clucking (you know who you are) put in some reasonable work on the Yard this morning, so the guest Warden didn’t punish. Apparently, the pain stations equipped with many types of coupons were enough anyways…13 men…a record for Prison Yard…did the crimes and did the time at Hilltop Needmore Prison today.

FNGs: no fresh meat on the Yard today!
Warm Up: After a quick set-up with the help of the inmates, we ran a quick mosey loop followed by SSH x30 IC, Windmills x10 IC, Sir Fazio’s F/R x 12 IC, Frankensteins x10 IC, Standard Merkins x 20.
The Workout: The timer was two men, flipping the large tractor tire up the hill and carrying back to the bottom. Each man flipped up the hill once. During this, the PAX took part in various pain stations including: Kettlebell Swings, Plank Pull Throughs, Steel Mace Warrior Squats, Railroad Iron Bench Press, Pain Stick Squat, Pain Stick Curl, Pain Stick Press, Partner Pain Stick Squat and Press, Tractor Weight Shoulder Shrug, Farmers Carry with the Tractor Weights and Diamond Merkins, 4 cones for a side shuffle Burpee routine. All prisoners got to play with the toys multiple times.
Mary: Put the coupons away, followed by LSF x30 IC and LBC’s x30 IC.
Announcements: May Main Event…only two more days to sign up. Bed build info on Slack. Breach will Q a Travis Mannion workout Thursday at Tiger Blood.
T-Claps (Recognition): Lots of EC this morning…LED, Breach, FRAM, Nemo, Mookie, Deadbolt. Nemo’s first time on the Yard…looked like he’d done time before….good work!
Prayer: Shamwow! injury and hopes he or all injured PAX can get back after it! Motor Boatin’ a prayer of thanks for the accountability. Breach took us out including the moment of silence for our military and first responders on the front lines. Honored to lead this strong group this morning!

How many Monkey Humpers?

Warm Up:SSHx20
The Workout:Round 1 at Goodwill: Dora with suicides – 100 Merkins, 200 Star Jumps, 300 Monkey Humpers IC.  Round 2 on the hill: 3 sets of crunches with partners doing bear crawl up, crawl bear down, backward crab walk up, forward crab walk down, bull frog up and down hill.  Round 3 in the court: shoulder tapsx20IC with partner doing preachers chair, mountain climbersx20IC with partner doing BTTW.

Mary: Ab blast
T-Claps (Recognition):Halfway House – great to see you out!
Prayer: Wallaby’s wife, Sham-Wow, Brexit surgery, 16Bit recovery