RESPECT 80s Hair Bands

: None
Warm Up:  Sir Fazios, Good Mornings, Seal claps, overhead claps, daisy pickers and static stretches.
The Workout:  Three different exercises.  Rinse and repeat 2X.

swings, halos, tricep extensions

figure 8, midget love handles, thrusters

upright row, lawnmowers, bus drivers

on the mat: straight are extensions, nipplers, 6 inches

on the mat: overhead press, plank pull, modify burpee

farmer’s walk with two kb; slap kb; curls for girls

popcorn kb included lawn mowers, burpee, side lifts, etc

Mary:  stretches/yoga
Announcements: Derek Davis 5K
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Isabelle and Jany (mother-in-laws of Best In Show and Dauber respectively) – help with illness; PRAISE – Dauber’s promotion

Great turnout by RESPECT PAX


Honored to lead – Dauber



Two for Kettle Bells (2/25/22)

sorry for delay in posting.  This is from last week.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Quick Lap, Side Straddle Hop, Good Morning, Spinal Rotation, Arm Circles
The Workout: Circuit One: 3 Rounds. 10xKB CURLS, 10xTRICEPS, 10xHALOS, 10xFIGURE EIGHTS, 10xSHOULDER PRESS (each side), 10xSWING HIGH PULL R/L (each side); Circuit Two: In between each set run to curb, 10 merkins, run back. 2 Rounds; 10xWONDER BRA, 10xGOBLET SQUAT, 10xRENEGADE ROW (each side), 10xKB SWING, 10xSNATCH ALTERNATE

Mary: Some abs & stretches
Announcements: None
T-Claps (Recognition): Rocky Road new to F3.  This was his third straight day posting.
Prayer: Pumpkin Spice praying about possible role or job change.

No show and a late show


: Emeril, Dawgpound, Buford, Deadbolt, Nemo, Redenbacher

No Show
: M4L

: Dumbo

Warm Up:  Foot rolls, Hip Thrusts, Arm back with circles, Fozzy Arm Circles

The Workout: Based on some HC’s I received I figured we’d have a good group of PAX show up so planned a workout that would break us up into 4 groups at 4 different corners surrounding the plaza/parking garage.  Prior to running EC I put 2 exercises written in chalk at each corner.  1 exercise focused on upper body and 1 focused on core.  Legs were feeling the affects of a lot of running this week and had plans to run longer Saturday so felt giving the legs a break was in order.   No @M4L at the workout. Apparently he’s the only person in Southwake that turns his phone off at night and has no other way to wake himself up.   As usual Dumbo rolled in right as the workout as about to start so threw in 5 burpees as a penalty for his tardiness.

Corner 1:  KB Swings.  Halos
Corner 2: Bridge Press. Midget Cookie Pouch
Corner 3:  Rows. Midget Side Bends
Corner 4: Figure 8.  Pass Through

When walking from Corner 1 to 2 and Corner 3 to 4 John Cusack with you KB.
When walking from Corner 2 to 3 bicep curls
When walking from Corner 3 to 4 tricep extensions.

First time around do exercise 1 and then move to the next Corner. Repeat until all 4 corners are done.
Second time around do exercise 2 and then move to the next Corner. Repeat until all 4 corners are done.
Third time around do both exercise 1 and 2 and then move to the next Corner. Repeat until all 4 corners are done.

Once done we headed back for extended Mary with stretching.

: LBC’s, Box Cutters, Freddy Mercury,  Merkins, Calf stretches, Runners pose, shoulder stretches, Pigeon pose.

: Deadbolt running a 1/2 at ATT tomorrow. See slack for info.

T-Claps (Recognition)
: Skidmark for pushing DB to do the 1/2

: Deadbolts co-worker (John), Pikachu’s boss and his bosses wife, Dawgpounds sister

Detective Pikachu

Another week of only one detective at Crazy Time – this time the real deal.

Warm Up:

1 mile run
The Workout:

100 diamond merkins

200 Pickle pounders

300 Monkey humpers

1 mile run flowing right into Crazy Ivan EC

The point of trust was in full effect. Only one more week in this format – workout will change in April.



Detective Dawgpound

Dawgpound’s alarm went off at 3:45 this morning.  Something was not sitting right with me.  I just didn’t know what was wrong… yet.  I arrived promptly at Crazy Time at 4:26.  I was starting to get concern for the Q wasn’t anywhere to be found.  I finally knew why I felt unsettled this morning.  I journeyed back to my car to grab my phone to see if anything on the Slack Verse mentions why Pikachu was missing.  No information was present there.  I then said a quick prayer and started the workout.

Warm Up:

Since I now had my phone I started up “Post Malone Essentials”. I highly recommend this playlist.

Side Straddle Hops
Fazio Arm Circles
Daisy Pickers
Michael Phelps

The Workout:

I split up the 100 Diamond Merkins, 200 Pickle Pounders and 300 Monkey Humpers into 10 sets.  I’ll tell you what 30 Monkey Humpers gets tough after set 4.  At least it did for this detective.


I proceeded to Ivan EC and also started to think about what my Emergency Q will be if Pikachu failed to show up there.  Lucky three minutes till the start of EC Pikachu showed.  It turns out it was a case of the sleeping through the alarm.  Luckily he woke up on his own in time for EC and Ivan.

Mystery Solved.


Final Crunchy Burp Tapping

Warm Up:
The Workout:You know the deal!

Last one for February. New workout starts next week!

100 – Burpees

200 – B2W Shoulder Taps

300 – LBC’s

Announcements: Check FB/Slack

2nd F Tonight at Big Easy downtown. Crosby has live photos with Band starts at 11(2100).
Prayer: Silent Prayers

What’s 200 divided by 4?

YHC showed up for Crazy Time on his last day of February in town with no other HCs knowing that it might be just him. Once 0431 rolled around and it was confirmed to just be him, the run set off. The IT band didn’t want to cooperate (it would later loosen up before Cletus) so the run was cut short and we were off to the prescribed sets:

100 burpees

200 shoulder tap balls to the wall

300 LBCs

Since the running was out, YHC decided to spice it up and do 4 sets instead of the normal 20. The first set:

25 burpees

75 shoulder tap balls to the wall

75 LBCs

Now before you read on – yes those numbers look funny. But 0430 Pikachu doesn’t have enough brain capacity, so he marched on. Set 2:

25 burpees

75 shoulder tap balls to the wall

75 LBCs

And set 3:

25 burpees

75 shoulder tap balls to the wall

75 LBCs

It was during this set of LBCs that YHC was lamenting how much of a struggle the last balls to the walls were. He was sad that he had 75 to go……and then it clicked. 200/4 doesn’t equal 75 – it equals 50. And 75*3>200 – so the balls were done! Therefore set 4:

25 burpees

75 LBCs

And YHC got a slight break before the start of Cletus.

Crosby has the Q for Crazy Time for the next few weeks while YHC tours Europe for work – word on the street is Crosby might even be picking the workout for March!

BackPage?!? At Crazy Time!

YHC heard the Nantan had a friend HC’d – he didn’t expect to have 5 show up at 0430, including one blast from the past.

Warm Up:

1st mile
The Workout:

YHC, Deadbolt, and Mookie did Crazy Time as perscribed. Skidmark and BackPage modified but still put in work.

100 Burpees

200 Shoulder Tap Balls to the Wall

300 LBCs

No 2nd mile happened – we were pressed for time to make Crazy Ivan
Announcements: N/A

Prayer: We were taken off and were off to Crazy Time.

Warbucks Joins Crazy Time

Warbucks decided to check out this crazy time thing – good thing or YHC would’ve been solo. First Friday in February so the workout has changed – turns out this iteration is much quicker than a murph.

Warm Up:

1 mile
The Workout:

100 burpees

200 shoulder tap balls to the wall

300 lbcs

EC for the next workout




Pikachu and Warbucks ran off to catch Ivan and Cletus EC respectively.

Pickle Pounders End Eventually

Pax of 3 for a cold Crazy Time – last iteration in the current workout selection.

Warm Up:

1 mile run
The Workout:

Modification – playground was wet so we went under the shelter. 100 diamond merkins

200 pickle pounders

300 homer to marge

1 mile run

For February Crazy Time will shift to:

1 mile run

100 burpees

200 shoulder tap balls to the wall

300 lbcs

1 mile run

Should be a fun month. You can blame Crosby for the burpees 🙂
Prayer: N/A