WOW, lots has changed…







Saw that Lab Rat posted that he needed someone to Q the workout at Morning After. I had never been to Morning After but, I grew up in Garner and knew Vance elementary school even if it had been 30 or so years since I had been out that way, so I figured why not. Met Toro in the park parking lot, however, I did not know that they meet in the school parking lot, luckily he was texting with Tent City and we got corrected even if a few minutes late to start.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Wander behind the school, was looking for a rock pile but it was pointed out that it was in the front of the school so we circled up for warmups. 15 ssh, 10 Merkins, 15 Imperial Walkers, 10 Sir Fazio Forward and backward then 15 good mornings to finish up.

The Workout: Wandered back to the front of the school to find said rock pile.

  • Thang 1: Diego 123, 100 Rock Curls, 200 Triceps Extensions, 300 Rock Squats
  • Thang 2: 4 Corners, Start at 10 at each corner, subtract one every circuit till done. Jump Squats, Monkey Humpers, Hillbillys, and LBC

Mary: 15 Freddy Mercuries, 15 Homer to Marge, and Have a nice day
Announcements: 9/11 Stair Climb
T-Claps (Recognition): Tent City for recruiting 5 FNG’s in his past 2 months with F3. Chicken Hawk and Toro for their second post.
Prayer: Stove Pipe with an upcoming Job Interview,  Tent City with an Interview at a school for his kids.

NMS: This was my first-time Q’ing someplace I had never scouted out at all. thanks to Stove Pipe for helping me finds things and being ready to lead if I had not made it. A lot has changed in the area since I grew up in Garner, but 1010 and old stage still was familiar, always good to go back to your hometown area.

Strava Link

Morning After

Warm Up: 2 laps around the track then onto the clock for 12 SSH IC, 11 SSH IC, 10, etc etc
The Workout: The Clock Starting with 12 and working to 1 or vice versa • Merkins • Tricep extensions (with rock) • Squats • Curls (with rock) • WWIIs • Monkey Humpers • Should Press (with rock) • Hillbillies IC Total 78 movements for standard counts
Prayer: Celebration of marriage, travel mercies, career direction and guidance

Morning After

Warm Up: SSH, Arm Circles, Michael Phelps
The Workout:

Deck of death • Spades – burpees

Hearts – merkins

Clubs – WWIIs

Diamonds – Squats

PAX finished early so YHC fired up the ole music box… Flower– Bring Sally Up-stand, Bring Sally Down-squat and hold Tubthumping – SSH for duration of song, “I get knocked down” (burpee then back into SSH)

Mary: Flutter Kicks IC to 40


Morning After

Warm Up: A lap around the track followed by SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Arm circles + Michael Phelps.
The Workout: On the jog to the track. Stopped to “bone the fish” on the way. If you have to ask, you have to come to Morning After. Hit the track for a 1 Mile run. YHC and Lvl3 miscounted laps and did some extra credit then picked up the 6. Off to the shelter for Lt. Dans x 20, step ups 10×2, foot release squats x 20. Plank for the 6 after each On the jog to the courts for a round of BLIMPS then jog back to the front to adopt a rock. Curls for the girls and tricep extensions followed by rock squats and sumo squats n=15 each. Quick Indian Run lap then circled for Mary
Mary: flutter kicks IC and LBC IC to 30 each with variable cadence speed.
Prayer: travels for PAX and illness in family

Commodore Computers Still Exist


Warm Up: Laps and SSH, Imp Walkers, Daisy Pickers, and Hillbillies
The Workout: Station 1: Tire Flip/Burpee Combos – PAX flipped the tire then performed a burpee while waiting for partner to flip it back. Rinse and repeat AMRAP
Station 2: Tire Sled drags – PAX belted in to the sled with the “kilo” and sprinted ~20 yrds while partner jogged alongside. Rinse and repeat AMRAP
Station 3: This was the “Pace setter” PAX hit the tire with the sledge hammer (AMRAP) while partner performed a number of slams with the slam ball. Once finished PAX rotated to next station.
After each round through the stations, PAX took a jog around the track. Repeated 4x through and moved to mary.
Mary: American hammers, flutter kicks, LBCs all IC to 20
Announcements: Brain Fart
Prayer: jobs were preserved, travel mercies, foster care situations, unspoken

What Hurricane?

Warm Up: SSH IC, Arm circles, cotton pickers, mtn climbers, standard merkins

The Workout: PAX lined up to perform a modified Beast.  6 Merkins then bear crawl to the next line, rinse and repeat until PAX reached the center column.

Modified Tabata – 20 seconds work, 15 seconds rest.  Alternate cycles of jump rope and slam ball for 2 rounds through.

Cut a deck of cards in half.  Spades = burpeess, clubs = air squats, diamonds = WWIIs, hearts = merkins.

Back under the main shelter.  Linkin Park up on the playlist.  Wall squats for the verses, Balls to the Wall for the choruses.

Lined up at the bottom of the shelter lunge walked to the top, broad jumped back to the bottom.  Recovery walk to the top.

Thunder on the playlist.  Everytime “Thunder” was mentioned, PAX performed  a monkey humper.

Mary: WWIIs, supine freddy mercury, superman, heels to heaven, there could be more but this Q cannot remember.  Train on the playlist.  Plank was held and rotated through left and right arm up, chill cut same thing with hip dips, then back to regular to finish it up.

Announcements: Darby organizing a ruck.  Possibly an overnight ruck prior to Veterans Day to meet up at a location an then continue into the morning.

Prayer: safety for those in the path of this storm and those who are dealing with the after effects.

And on that note…

Warm Up: Led by Stovepipe as YHC was en route.  Many laps around the ‘lot ensued followed by a lovely 20 burpee penalty for YHC, SSH, windmills, static stretch, merkins, and mountain climbers

The Workout:  PAX adopted a rock and partnered up.  All exercises 15 reps with the rock except merkins.

  • Shoulder press
  • curls for the girls
  • tricep extensions
  • sumo squats
  • standard merkins

After PAX went through the list, partners switched rocks and did the run through again.

Mosey over to the basketball courts for 2 rounds of B.L.I.M.P.S.  Almost had a merlot.

Mosey back to the front lot for build a bears

Mary: Flutter Kicks IC x 40

Prayer: Injured Reserve (PnG), Bloodsport and Mrs healing, Laker upcoming travels, Lab Rat’s grandpa, Unspoken

Morning After the Fartsack Q

Warm Up: Several laps around the parking lot followed by Ladder drills to get the feet moving and the heart rate up.  SSH, Goofball, Windmill, static stretching.
The Workout: Modified Tabatas! 12 rounds x 2 for an 8 round tabata for each exercise.

  • 20lb slam ball
  • Jump Rope
  • Standard Merkin

20 seconds on 10 seconds off.  Rotate after each interval.

YHC limped along for an indian run lap around the park with the PAX and was admittedly dismayed there was still 15 minutes left after the lap was completed. (applause for non-sleeping 2.0)

Headed to the shelter for more fun.  First up was legs with foot release squats x 20, single leg step ups 10/leg and jumping lunges 10/leg.  Al Gore for the 6 then over to the posts for 20 count wall squats.

15-10-5 Irka-Derka-Merkins.  Then 15-10-5 Derka-Merka-Irkins, then 15-10-5 Merka-Derka-Irkins (insert Team America jokes here)

Mary: flutter kicks x 20 IC

Prayer: Lab Rat’s wife’s cousin’s baby had a successful surgery for stent placements and will have more operations to come.  But he (Grayson) is moving out of the ICU to a step down unit once one becomes available.  Sweeny Todd’s M had emergency C-section and is having some issues and may require a surgery, United’s M is still looking for a job and they are dealing with no AC in their home out in Greensboro–they have a 1 year old.

No Rest for the weary

Props to Lab Rat and Darby for completing a 5 Pack (Detox, The Station, GTR, Disney/Kenny’s, Morning After)

Warm Up: Lap around the lot followed by SSH, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, static stretch, and arm circles
The Workout:

PAX partnered up and ran opposite directions around the lot for a miserable mile.  North and South ends: patty cake merkins and Squat jumps; East and West ends: bear craw and lunge walks.  PAX completed 4 laps and plank for 6.

Keeping a running theme DORA 1-2-3s.  Merkins (100), Squats (200), flutter kicks (300).  All exercises were cumulative.  Partner ran length of parking lot and back then picked up the count.

Run to the shelter and lined up on a line.  PAX completed 5 WWIIs then crab walked up to the next line until the center column was reached.  PAX held a wall squat for the 6 then a 10 count was observed.

Mary: PAX held plank was asked to name something they were thankful for and what positive impact F3 has had in their lives.
Announcements: Sasquatch tomorrow and a wild coyote is roaming garner.  Media hype made it appear crazier than it was.
Prayer: politics at work, upcoming surgeries, continued healing for Grayson (now 5.6 lbs), unexpected loss

This Rock Feels Dirty…and Used…But has nice Cleavage

Start this off by welcoming back Bloodsport after a long recovery from a surgery!  Way to get after it this morning!

Warm Up: Indian run, happy feet, butt kickers, and high knees around and around and around the lot

The Workout: PAX ran to the long low wall for some 15-10-5 Derkins/Nipplers then repeated for 15-10-5 foot release squats/Al Gores.

Journeyed to the rocks where there was talks of circle merks and nice cleavage (geology reference)

  • shoulder press, curls, tricep extension x 20 each (drop rocks rotate clockwise)
  • Goblet Squats & Merkins x 20 each (drop rocks + rotate)
  • 3 Position calf raises (drop rock and rotate) x 20 each
  • Rinsed and repeated dropping the replicates to 10 except for the calf raises.

PAX spread out for some 1776

1 jump squat, 7 hand release merkins, 7 air squats, 6 burpees.  Held plank for 6.  Repeated 4x

recovery jog down to the bottom of the lot for ab doracides.

  • Freddy Mercury x 100
  • American Hammer x 200
  • Flutter kicks x 300


PAX circled and held plank, going around Q asked each PAX to name a benefit F3 has given them in their lives.


Sasquatch next weekend and for the kids and kids at heart a free bubble festival (food trucks, bounce houses etc) out in the land of the Ram being put on by the Chapel Church.


Zoning for school, deaths in families, health for infants and babies, marriages of coworkers, those recovering from injuries, wisdom in decisions we must make.