Awesome Monday!

YHC has been on LED about coming out to Something Awesome instead of Mutiny and he finally showed!  Glad to have you in the gloom, it’s only 2 miles closer but appreciate you guys showing as I was expecting a couple FNGs.  The FNGs didn’t make it, I’ll have to keep up the EH.  Now that our pool is back open(burned down 2 years ago) it’s a great spot to EH guys.  Something Awesome will be a great site just gotta keep working the area.  Appreciate all of you who showed and glad to see Towelie back for his second post and he had the towel again!  Have a great week!!


Pax:  Fonzy, LED, Quiver, Towelie, New Mexico(QIC)
Warm Up:  Jog around the school, SSH, GM, EW, HB, Merkins
The Workout: Reverse Jacob’s Ladder(bonus 10 burpees at the end), run up banks road come back down to the benches, 20 foot release squats, 20 dips, 20 LR step ups, 20 urkins, rinse repeat X 25, rinse repeat x 20.  Inverted Mtn Climbers X 15 run across parking lot, rinse repeat X 10, and X 5.
Mary:  elevated flutter kicks, protractor and rosalitas
Announcements: Wednesday at Possum Trot Fonzy will be leading some insane workout from SC.

Prayer:  Quiver’s Uncle and his family post Covid. NM’s friend Chris in the hospital fighting Leukemia.

It’s Something Alright

7 PAX posted at Something Awesome. Two cotters and two FNG’s. We had some laughs and farts but mainly sweat. Clown car arrived at 5:31 so burpees followed the opening mosey. Here’s what you missed.

Peephole (works on pad locks for doors) and Towelie (he brought a small red towel to wipe his perspiration from his brow)

Warm Up:
Mosey then circle up
Good mornings
Michael Phelps

The Workout:
Bear crawl ring of fire
– bear crawl around the circle. Q calls out various merkins x10 (Reg, diamonds, wide, ranger, knerkins)

The Michigan
– Run 20 yards 10 squats, run back 10 Jack Webb’s
– Repeat 40 yds 20 squats 20 jack webs
– Repeat 60 yds 30/30
– 80 yds 40/40
– 100 yds 50/50

Grab some wall – 3 rds
Seal clap preacher seats x10 IC
BTTW shoulder taps x10 IC

Small wall- 3 rds x15, x12, x10
Side step up & overs on small wall
Chest tap irkens
Box jumps
Dirkens (last set hand release)
Mosey over to mary

Hurricane Hoedown (look it up)
Pretzel both sides
Windshield wipers
Heels to heaven
Boat canoes

AO School House on Wednesday. Breakfast and q-source to follow. SW guys are welcome.

T-Claps (Recognition):
Cotters back in the gloom (Buttwax and Rainmaker)

NM friend Chris chemo battle with leukemia 36 wife two kids
Darby’s friend special ops broke back and Covid-19

Strong work today gents. Appreciate the opportunity to lead.

BS out!