

If It Burns For 7 Years… Should You See a Doctor?

FNGs: Friendly, not new

Warm Up: SSH, Daisy Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Willy Mays Haze 

The Workout: 

  • Running lap around the outside of the field – talk about how Pikachu are electric Pokemon but for some reason are OK swimming and surfing.  Not fire Pokemon though, swimming is a no go.
  • Grab Blocks and head to the soccer field.  1st, take a walking lap around the field with your block.
  • Head into the gate between both fields, drop your block for 5 burpees.  Talk about Pikachu’s Pickle.
  • Pick up blocks and follow the outside line of the field until you reach a corner.  Uneven burpees on the block, 3 each side.
  • Farmer carry the block to the next corner, switching hands half-way.  Talk about Pikachu’s Eggplant.
  • Partner up and set both blocks shoulder-width apart.  Partner 1 completes negative Merkins AMRAP while Partner 2 runs the length of both field end-zones and back.  Switch and complete 2x.
  • Carry blocks to next corner.  Talk about how Gizmo was named after Pikachu’s little soldier.  Also reflect on how much Downrange and Cancun love sausage.
  • 15x Skull Crushers
  • Carry blocks overhead to half-field, recover, carry blocks to the next corner.  Not sure what we talked about here….
  • Run a victory lap around the field.
  • Get back to last corner and partner up for Explosive Merkins.  Setup blocks accordingly.  Partner 1 does Merkins AMRAP, Partner 2 runs one of the two soccer end-zones.  Each completes 1x
  • Go to soccer field endzone and sprint to opposite endzone 1x.  Return mozy.
  • Return Blocks to their home and head to Mary

Mary:  Homer to Marge, Low Slow Flutters, Poop Eaters, Pickle Pounders, Squats

Announcements:  F3 Dads Camp Seagull –

T-Claps (Recognition): Support from the PAX on my 7 years.  Thanks Fellas.  Can’t say enough this group means to me.  It’s always awesome to know that I have you all.

Prayer: For those still trapped at the airport, Cancun’s wife see MealTrain

Triple Nickel on Earp

18 PAX for a lot of hill repeats on Earp St.

WU over to top of Earp parking lot
Good Mornings

Thang 1
Triple Nickle to cemetery 5x5x5
Burpees and Turkish get-ups at top ends and shoulder tap merkins at bottom

Thangs 2
3-some pull ups/rows
Clock merkins (2,4,6,8,10,12)

Sally (aka Green Sally)
Lower stretch

Thanks for the opportunity to lead at DTT.

BS out

Downtown Train Birthday Bash 59

Warmups: Good mornings 10x, Bat wings 10x 4 positions, Sidestradle hop 59x for bday

Main Event: Mosey to stage area in front of HS Culture Club

Absolutions 10x

Complete circuit around library with three stations. Each station with three exercises: arms/shoulders, legs, core.

Partner up for counts and form. Complete 59 reps between the two of you.

Station 1: Merkins, squats, LBCs 59 reps

Between: Absolutions

Station 2: Side planks, lunges, WWIIs 59 reps

Between: Jack Webbs

Station 3: Patty cake Merkins, squat hold, American hammer 59 reps

Finale: Sprints in parking deck

COT: Announcements: Accept the challenge. In this case, consider signing up for the Triangle Sprint Triathlon. Super easy.

Fence painting on Monday, May 20

Prayer requests: Hasselhoff job situation/opportunity


Second F: Coffee by Abe and Wild Turkey

Fresh strawberries by yours truly.

Honor to lead. Thanks for helping celebrate my birthday.


Friends Old and New

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Willy Mayes Hayes, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs

The Workout: PAX were instructed to go get a “mediumish” rock and meet up at the amphitheater. 4 rounds of:
15 Curls for the Girls
15 Tricep Extensions
15 Ground Pounders
15 Ruh Rohs
15 Tempo Squats
bearcrawl down to the library doors, mosey back
We swapped rocks in between each round. Once done, we returned our rocks gently and responsibly back to the rock pile.

Mary: Plank for a 10 count around the circle (170 count total), LBCs, WWIIs, Homer-to-Marge, American Hammers, finished things up with a little stretching.

Announcements: UFO every 1st / 3rd and 5th Monday of the month! Watch for 3rd F opportunities with the town that help support our ability to use the fields at Ting for UFO.

T-Claps (Recognition): 3rd Cousin, Bobby Dall and Slide Rule for joining us back in the gloom. Good to see you all again!

Prayer: Midget and his family for their loss.

Thoughts: Midget shared with us at COT that his mom always put others first. He encouraged us to do the same in our own lives, put others first and always give. If you maintain this mindset of others first and use it as your guiding principle, the decisions you make will fall into the right place automatically.

EGG-cellent workout

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, WMH, Arm-circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Michael Phelps.

The Workout:

Circuit #1: PAX chose a coupon (sets of dumbbells, weight plates, weight vest, mace bell, kettlebells, slam ball)

Selected exercise from Easter basket (plastic eggs).  Stacked exercises.  Did each exercise 10 count in cadence: Triceps, Row, Curls, Halos, Ground Pounder, Death March, Shoulder Press. 

Circuit #2: Selected exercise and number from Easter basket: Urkins, Durkins, Dips, Step Ups; Round 1: 15 count; Round 2: 10 count

Circuit #3: Each PAX did 10 inverted rows on playground then murder bunnies the circumference of the playground. PAX alternated doing 10 merkins and 10 squats while waiting for inverted row bar and for other PAX to complete their murder bunnies

Mary: American Hammer, Box Cutter, LSF, Shoulder Stretch. 

Announcements: April Ab Challenge, Bottle Share coming up, 

T-Claps (Recognition): No Regerts new to F3. Two posts in a row. 

Prayer: PAX struggling to find work, struggling marriages, sibling with addiction. 


PSA: Backblasts are important!!!

FNGs: Nope, also no sign of the legendary Dick Root…

Warm Up:

Mosey from flag to corner of lot, circle up

SSH x 25 IC

Good mornings x 10 IC

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 IC F/R

Seal Claps x 10 IC

Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC

The Workout:


PAX moseyed to far end of lot to the dead end area. PAX partnered up and completed a partner DORA consisting of 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBC. Partner 1 completed exercises while Partner 2 ran to the flag and back, switch it up until done. Strong work by all PAX here picking up the 6/finishing together.


Mosey to side wall of the church, where we did two rounds of people’s chair and chillcutt plank holds. The first round we did 10 count each PAX, 2nd round we did 20 count each PAX thanks to some poorly timed jokes from Hasselhoff and Downrange – bet they won’t do that again. 🙂


PAX moseyed back to area where we completed our warmup. We completed a round of Guantanamo (PAX lay down side by side, all raise legs to 30 degrees, PAX at the end of the line gets up and goes down the line pushing down the other PAXs feet while they attempt to not let their heels hit the ground).

YHC then tried to call something that I’ve never done before and probably isn’t in the F3 exicon. I had the PAX flip over into standard plank, and much like Guantanamo, I had the PAX at the end of the line to down the line and try to push down on each PAX back while they maintained plank. After a few PAX went down the line, Best in Show made a suggestion to stop before we hurt someone’s back…that was definitely the right call so we switched to having the PAX at the end of the line slap hands with the PAX doing planks as they ran by. Think 1996 Bulls theme music here…so if I had to name that revised exercise, I’d call it “Sirius” named after the Bulls theme song. If you’ve never heard it or have no idea what I’m talking about, watch this –

Mary: Popcorn including Boxcutters, Heel Taps, Low Slow Flutter, Dying Cockroach, WW1, Freddie Mercury, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, and a little stretching.


  • 2nd F event upcoming for shovel flag builds, see details on slack from BnB and Firefly.
  • Stressed importance of site Qs having flags at their AOs.
  • Also stressed importance of backblasts. The Thanks Pumpkin Spice for raising this. We have gotten bad about backblasts – this is how we keep track of what we’ve done and we help inspire other PAX and guys that may want to Q for the first time and need ideas. Or if you’re like me and you’ve been at it for a while, I always like new ideas and sometimes reference old backblasts to get inspiration and switch it up a bit.
  • Re: backblasts, posting 2 sentences on Slack with PAX name IS NOT a backblast…something like this one I’m writing now IS.
    • Seems like there was confusion amongst the PAX around what a backblast actually is. I’ll own that as one of the guys that has been around longer.
    • Guys, if you’ve been around for a while, coach the newer guys on this. And if you’ve been around for a while and have just gotten Slack about it (see what I did there?), then tighten up…Let’s not lose the plot on why we do what we do!
    • Use the backblast generator on You’ll need a login if you don’t have one in order to post these. If you don’t have one, get with our comms Q Softserve and he will get you going.

T-Claps (Recognition):

PAX going after 5 packs this week including Pumpkin Spice and YHC. Even our visitor Bo Peep from F3 Cherokee is 4 for 4 this week and looking to get out before he leaves town tomorrow. What’s your excuse?


Best In Show’s friend Starla who is dealing with a falling syndrome and getting lots of concussions, my friend Trent’s mother in law Linda who was just diagnosed with Leukemia, PAX dealing with job issues/loss/stress of their own or in some cases Ms or family members. Praise for successful carpal tunnel surgery for my dad yesterday.

YHC took us out. Make it a great day, guys!

No cows at Downtown Train…but we kept MOOving

FNGs: none

Warm Up: side straddle hop, windmills, frankensteins, imperial walkers, hillbillies, sir fazio arm circles and a plank hold around the circle for a late arrival.

The Workout: Moseyed to the closest corner by the parking deck. Script was 7 of Diamonds, first exercise at each corner of the block was 7 IC plank jacks. 2nd lap was 14 IC low slow flutter. 3rd lap was 21 merkins. 4th lap was 28 squats. We finished with 20 side straddle hop before heading to the rocl pile. 

Gathered some rocks and proceeded to do two rounds of 20 overhead press, 20 ruh rohs, 20 skull crushers, 20 chest press and a mix of carolina dry docks and erkins. 

Mary: Homer to Marge, heel taps, box cutters and some others

Announcements: Pumpkin Spice going for a 5 pack. Site Qs be sure to be posting a flag at our AOs.

 Prayer: Captain Kangaroo F3 Raleigh

‘Twas the Week Before Christmas

FNGs: Zero

Warm Up: Side Straddle Hop, Good Mornings, Windmills, Daisy Pickers, Frankensteins, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles

Bondo with the good call for a count off before we Moseyed to the Parking Deck! Thanks Bondo!

The Workout:

PAX planked whenever the poem was being read and they were not performing another exercise.

Twas the week before Christmas, when all through downtown

Not a sad clown was stirring, only the PAX.

The burpees  (10 oyo) were finished in the parking lot with care

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be here

The PAX were planking all cold on the ground

While visions of 20 monkey humpers danced all around

And Cancun with his stinky gloves, and Abe in his cap

Had just settled down with the PAX to do 20 plank jacks.

When out on the grass, there rose such a clatter

The PAX sprang from their plank to see what was the matter.

Away to the other side (across the parking deck – touch the wall and return) we flew like a flash

Sprinting vigorously, we completed the dash.

The concrete at the feet of the of winded PAX

Gave the luster of 20 in cadence smurf jacks

When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,

But Stickers and 8 tiny exercises so near.

A little old Q, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment, this must be a trick.

More rapid than eagles his courses they came,

And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.

Now Little Baby Crunches (ICx10), now Mountain Climbers (ICx10), now Squats (ICx10), now 10 OYO Burpees

On Merkins (ICx10), on Side Straddle Hops (ICx10), on Lunges (ICx10), on Side Lunges (10 each leg)

To the end of the parking deck, to the base of the wall

Now dash away, dash away, dash away all! (sprint back to other end – touch wall and return)

So up to the other end the PAX they flew

With a sleigh full of toys and Stickers, too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the ground

The sound of feet as more mountain climbers (ICx10) came ‘round.

As we drew in our hand, and did 10 Merkins

Down the slide Stickers came with a bound

He was dressed all in red, from his head to his foot,

His clothes were all tarnished, in sweat and dirt.

A bundle of toys, he had brought on his back

He looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes, how they twinkled, his dimples how merry.

His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow

And the beard of his chin was gone, oh no!

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth

And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath

He had a broad face and a little round belly

That shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.

He was lean and mean, a right jolly old creature

And everyone laughed when they saw him,

he had the weirdest of features.

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head

Soon let me know, we had nothing to Dredd.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to work.

Laying out presents, then he turned with a jerk.

And laying a finger on his nose,

Giving a nod, up the slide he rose.

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle

But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight


Mosey to Ampitheater to open a present!

But wait, what’s this?! Santa left us a present?? 

We opened the present and found a Tea Party Set: 10-20-30-40  (Perform 10 Dirkins, 20 Irkins, 30 Dips, 40 Step Ups)

We wrapped with the Little Merkin Boy at the end. (PAX Plank, while we Play Bing Crosby’s Little Drummer Boy and every time we get parump-a-pum-pum – do a merkin)

Mary: Homer to Marge, Box Cutters, Heel Taps, Supermans, Low Slow Flutter, WWIIs followed by stretching to close us out

Announcements: Backblasts are a big part of F3, and a help to fellow PAX looking for ideas or to see if an AO is active. Downtown Train closed for Christmas next week. Banana Seat with Purple Cobra Q tomorrow. 3Alarm Christmas party tomorrow at 6pm at his house. Reach out to PAX you haven’t seen in a while, check in and see how they’re doing.

T-Claps (Recognition): Pumpkin Spice wedding anniversary today! Welcome back to the gloom, Kosher! 

Prayer: Sick and injured PAX, Bondo’s brother Jimmy hospitalized battling COVID.

We even got 1.99 miles in

FNGs: None

Warm up: Mosey to The Block garage. High Knees, Butt Kick, Side shuffle. SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Claps, Daisy Pickers.

The Workout:

5 rounds. PAX shared the count.
10 inverted rows
20 LBC (in cadence)
30 Squats
Mosey to Block Amphitheater
10 Derkins
20 Boat/Canoe
30 Step Ups
Mosey to Block Garage

Mosey back to the flag

Mary – a few stretches

Got 1.99 miles in. 

Announcements: 2nd F Friday lunch

T-Claps (Recognition): 

Prayer: Best in Show’s mom and mother-in-law’s health; Hasselhoff’s friend lost his father

Forceps Respect Q @ Cletus

First of all Thank You to everyone who showed up for my respect Q.  July 4th will mark my 6th year with F3 and it has been such a positive and amazing experience for me. I cannot express how much this organization and so many of you have meant to me in my life.   

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good mornings – 10 IC, SSH x 25 IC, Daisy Pickers – 25, Willy Maze Hays – 10 IC, SF Arm Circles – 10 IC

Mosey to rock pile – Pax pick up two small rocks

3 sets of each rotating around circle

Curls- 25 IC, Tricep extensions -25 IC,  Nipplers – 25 IC, Overhead press- 25 IC, Seal Claps – 25 IC

Dora: Partner up

100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 200 squats rotating exercises while the other partner runs to end of parking lot & back 

Plank Hold till all teams are done.  

Patty Cake Planks to 25 IC

Big Boy Sits ups to 25 IC

Mosey to playground.  

Same partners: 1 HIM does 25 Pull up while other does Mountain Climbers x 25; Plank Jacks x 25

Mosey to tennis court to meet up with Crazy Ivan crew

Banana Seat led us through some Ab exercises which included American Hammers 

Announcements: Run for Quay +2nd F and Sprint Tri on Saturday

Prayer: Banana Seat led us in prayer