
Let the bodies hit the floor


Warm Up: Core Values/Mission while Squats, Plank, Daisy Pickers, GM, SSH.

The Workout: teams of 2, 3 SB 80/60/40 full length of FB field Burpee Bag toss or Bear Crawl drag. One guy runs while other works. Rotation upon return. Odd man out harness Bear Crawl drag 120lbs around inside of track. Rotate as PAX gets tired. Rinse and repeat back but opposite combos.

Mary: No time

Announcements: Even the Odds next week . Road clean up postponed, HSFC needs $donations

T-Claps (Recognition): Prayer: FRAM work patience and humility. Unspoken


Noice Ordinance Choppa Q

FNGs: 2 now Rump and Goldfish

Warm Up:SSH, Good Mornings, windmills, Hillbillies

The Workout:partner Sandbag throw 50 yards while one partner does merkins

roll the dice for workout while one pax carries a 80pound sandbag


 Announcements:Adopt a highway March 8th 10:30am Vote for Best in Shows of

 T-Claps (Recognition):Breach and Shooting Blanks in The race for the sun. Yogurt in a mountain bike race  Prayer: for guys that aren’t here 

Popeye’s Amateur Hour at Crazy Ivan

FNGs: None

Warm Up:

  1. Side Straddle Hop
  2. Squats
  3. Good Morning
  4. Sir Fozio Arm Circles.
  5. Lunges with Torso Twist

The Workout:

Perform the circuit below for 3 rounds, with 45 seconds of work per exercise, 15 seconds of rest, and 1 minute of rest between rounds. Alternate arms or sides as needed. Adjust weight for proper form and intensity.

Lower Body Focus

  1. Kettlebell Goblet Squat
    • Hold the kettlebell at chest height, squat low, and engage quads and glutes.
  2. Kettlebell Deadlift
    • Focus on hamstrings and glutes with a flat back.
  3. Kettlebell Reverse Lunge
    • Place one foot on a low surface behind you, holding the kettlebell at your chest or in one hand.

Upper Body Focus

  1. Kettlebell Clean and Press (Alternating)
    • Clean the kettlebell to your shoulder, then press overhead.
  2. Kettlebell Bent-Over Rows (Alternating)
    • Hinge at the hips and row the kettlebell to your torso, alternating sides.
  3. Kettlebell Halo
    • Circle the kettlebell around your head, keeping your core tight.

Full-Body/Cardio Focus

  1. Kettlebell Swings
    • Use explosive hip movement to swing the kettlebell to shoulder height.
  2. Kettlebell Lateral Lunge with Pass-Through
    • Step out to the side and pass the kettlebell under your leg. Alternate sides.
  3. Kettlebell Ground Pounder
    • Combine a squat with an overhead press for a powerful full-body movement.

Core Focus

  1. Kettlebell American Hammers
    • Sit and twist side to side with the kettlebell. Lift feet for an extra challenge.
  2. Kettlebell Plank Drag
    • In a plank position, drag the kettlebell from side to side under your torso.

Announcements: Vote for Best In Show’s dog – Link in SLACK

Prayer: Continued healing for Best In Show


Some can jump rope

FNGs: None

Warm Up: GM, DP, WMH, Arm Circles/Seal & Overhead Clap

The Workout: Three Rounds each circuit. 10 count or 5 each side each exercise. Someone was always on the jump rope for 100 or 50 count.  Weight plates 15# to 35# provided. PAX encouraged to modify any exercise with or without weight. 

Circuit 1: Curls, Triceps, Rows, Wonder Bra

Circuit 2: Squat to seated position on bench, Step Ups, Bulgarian Leg Squat (R&L)

Circuit 3: Derkins, Erkins, Dips

Circuit 4: Lunge, Side lunge, SL Romanian DL (R&L)

Circuit 5: Chest Press, Pullover, LSF (weight above chest) , H2M, American Hammer.

Mary: LBC, GM and return coupons

Prayer: Socrates 2.0 surgery, Praise replacement auto for Socrates, Pumpkin Spice’s M has the flu. Safe travel. 

men working out in a frozen parking lot with sandbags, looking colder, with more men added

Sandbag Roundup

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Quick SSH, Good Mornings, WMH, Mosey

The Workout: Full body (focus on lower) Sandbag Workout, 10 Stations 90 Sec work, 30 Sec rest, with a Quick Mosey in between sets

Mary: No Time

Announcements: Get Warm, Stay Warm

T-Claps (Recognition): Thanks to Breach for bringing the Sandbags!  Thank you to all who hit that HC – @sardine, @Mr. Terrific, @lube, @LED, @2 Dollars, @shooting blanks.

Prayer: Shooting Blanks Daughter and Mr. Terrific’s Friends who’s house burnt down in NY.

Best Crazy Ivan of 2025 so far

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Take a lap. 

The Workout: Tabata 25 seconds on; 10 sec rest; 3 rounds with a lap in between: KB Swings, Deadlift, Squat w curl, Cleans (R, then L), Snatch (R, then L), Alternating Merkin on the Bell, Renegade Row with pass thru.

Mary: One round 25 sec; 10 sec rest KB Figure 8s, Around the World, Midget Love Handles & Halos. 

T-Claps (Recognition): @sardine using 2 bells for the majority of the workout. 

Prayer: My M & 2 daughters’ travel to Thailand, Cancun’s M starting new job, for PAX recovering from illness, injury and surgeries. 

NYE Prison Yard Q

“This AO is Sponsored by Go Ruck!”

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good Morning, Willie Mays Hayes, Sir Fasio Fwd/Bkwd, OH Claps, Seal Claps, SSH

The Workout: 8 Stations with 16 workouts 90 sec work &30 sec rest/switch. 

Stations were as follows:

Coupon Rd#1 Rd#2
50lb Ruck Single Arm Row Bear Crawl Drag
Cindy Murder Bunnies Redrum Rabbits
80lb Sandbag/ 40lb Sandbag Squats Squat Shots
60lb Sandbag Over Head Press Chest Press
80lb Sandbag  Deadlift Jump Over Burpees
80lb Sandbag Ball / 50lb Sandbag Sandbag Burpees Dung Beetle
55lb Sandbag Jerry Can John Cusak Kettle Bell Swing

Mary:  Popcorn with reps of 24 in cadence: Low Slow Flutter/Hello Dolly/Heel Tap/V-Hold/WWII (clock ran out on @BananaSeats Pickel Pounders) we will try to do better next year.

Announcements: Q Sheet Needs attention at all AO’s.  The goal for Prison Yard is to be booked out 2 Months minimum in 2025.

T-Claps (Recognition): To everyone for a strong year

Prayer: All the unspoken and Injured Pax