
Best Crazy Ivan of 2025 so far

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Take a lap. 

The Workout: Tabata 25 seconds on; 10 sec rest; 3 rounds with a lap in between: KB Swings, Deadlift, Squat w curl, Cleans (R, then L), Snatch (R, then L), Alternating Merkin on the Bell, Renegade Row with pass thru.

Mary: One round 25 sec; 10 sec rest KB Figure 8s, Around the World, Midget Love Handles & Halos. 

T-Claps (Recognition): @sardine using 2 bells for the majority of the workout. 

Prayer: My M & 2 daughters’ travel to Thailand, Cancun’s M starting new job, for PAX recovering from illness, injury and surgeries. 

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 2.49.09 PM

52nd Birthday Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, Arm Circles, GM, WMH

The Workout: Choose a coupon (#15 to #45 kettlebell or ball) and added one rock from the rock pile.  

Two columns of exercises. 52 cards + 2 jokers; Cadence given number on card; face cards 10; Ace BTTW 11 count in cadence; Joker Wall Sit each PAX 10 count and change exercises to other column 

Diamonds: Wonder Bra | Rows

Hearts: Ground Pounder | Squats

Clubs: American Hammer | Windshield Wiper over the KB/rock

Spades: Curls | Triceps 

Mary: This one came down to the wire. Return coupons

Announcements: Picnic , Memorial Day Murph, Check slack

Prayer: PAX traveling, recovering from injury, looking for work


King TUT at TBD


FNGs: None

Warm Up: Mission Statement / Disclaimer / 5 Burpee penalty for lat PAX. Mosey to Rock pile & pickout a Medium to Large rock. Squat hold for the six. Burpee penalty for Plunger getting a weenie rock.  SSH/Good mornings/Stretch Hamstrings, SFAC,

The Workout:  All exercises were performed with an I/C 3 count on the positive and neg muscle contraction. 20 count or 10 reps for 99% of exercises.  5 burpee penalty if you dropped your rock without the Q’s direction..cough cough Yogurt, Bleeder. 

Set 1:   Curl/Tri/press (3 count on neg/pos)

Set 2: Squat/single leg lunge/good morning (3 count on neg/positive)

Set 3: HTM/WW1/Weighted side plank

Set 4: squirrel squat/lunge hold single arm press

Set 5 (Mary): Wheelbarrow flip 25/Heel touches w/press

Mary: We thanked ourselves and someone who’s been frustrating us.

Announcements: WOD, and Beer Ruck

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Friend of Plunger’s Dad diagnosed with throat cancer. Unspoken 

Last Call for Q School

10 PAX for the final scheduled March 2024 Q school hosted at Downtown Train.

Why Q school? This is to help with F3 formality (uniform) across all regions so if you attend an AO in New York or Texas it’ll still be close to the same structure.

3 main topics to cover – How to Q? Why to Q? (new exciting things) Are you ready to Q?

Sample structure for warm up with some discussion:
Disclaimer, warmup, workout (the thang), Mary, CoT – 45 mins total time, get a watch. Assign a sweeper if you have a large group of FNG’s.
Bring a Flag if you plan to Q. If you don’t have one, ask site Q to bring one.

Conduct WU and have guys take turns with exercises. SSH, Good Mornings, etc.

Be ready for CoT with announcements and prayer requests/praises

Review during workout:
Cadence Count
Form and rep count
Know your PAX limitations if possible
Site Q duties
Q sheet, pre-blast, backblast
Exicon, backblast from other regions, winky, Co-Q

Thang 1:
Partner up in parking deck
P1 does Australian Mtn climbers
P2 runs to opposite long side and back
3 rds with different merkins after each rd

Thang 2:
P1 holds squat while P2 does 10 dirkens with feet on partners legs
Leg pushes abs
Patty cake merkins
Rinse and repeat

Various exercises

Thanks everyone for coming out. Now sign up to Q.

BS Out!

Golfing Graveside

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Variety

The Workout:

  1. Rules: teams of 2 or 3. Must always alternate throws. Must carry your golf bag (rock) with your team at all times.
  2. Land mark target (hole) picked with rules for frisbee to hit. Must stay on South Park Grounds.
  3. At Tee off exercise is called and done I/C until all teams throw.
  4. Modes of Travel  in no particular order but all must be done before repeats. Run /Lunge Walk/Bear crawl/Min of 3 Burpee Broad jump.
  5. Hole completion – score = # of Kraken burpees. 2nd place does their score and half of team in front of them.  Max hole score 10. R/P/S breaks tie (one time)
  6. Winning team picks new hole and tee box. Losing team picks tee off exercise.
  7. Rinse and repeat and have fun.

Mary: Banana Seat

Announcements: Road Clean up, core challenge, Check Slack, Even the Odds 3/22/24

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Health, H1N1 mother-in-law and  Unspoken.

Downward Sheepdog

FNGs: None but we have a new shovel flag

Warm Up: Mosey to the dry spot

The Workout: Various Yogo poses that sucked. 

Mary: Plank hold, Side Plank Hold, Reach outs and ups.

Announcements: Check Slack

T-Claps (Recognition): none

Prayer: 11 yr old girl that passed, Ricco daughter sick, unspoken. 


No cows at Downtown Train…but we kept MOOving

FNGs: none

Warm Up: side straddle hop, windmills, frankensteins, imperial walkers, hillbillies, sir fazio arm circles and a plank hold around the circle for a late arrival.

The Workout: Moseyed to the closest corner by the parking deck. Script was 7 of Diamonds, first exercise at each corner of the block was 7 IC plank jacks. 2nd lap was 14 IC low slow flutter. 3rd lap was 21 merkins. 4th lap was 28 squats. We finished with 20 side straddle hop before heading to the rocl pile. 

Gathered some rocks and proceeded to do two rounds of 20 overhead press, 20 ruh rohs, 20 skull crushers, 20 chest press and a mix of carolina dry docks and erkins. 

Mary: Homer to Marge, heel taps, box cutters and some others

Announcements: Pumpkin Spice going for a 5 pack. Site Qs be sure to be posting a flag at our AOs.

 Prayer: Captain Kangaroo F3 Raleigh

Wheelbarrow 11’s…WTH?!?

7 PAX and 1 HC no show for Prison Yard. Today’s goal was 3 sets of 11’s. Little did I know we would only get started on the 2nd round before time expired. YHC planted the flag and off we go at 0530.

Warm up
Good mornings x11
SSH’s x11
Arm circles x11
Seal claps x11
Overhead claps x11
Squats x11

Mosey to opposite side of clubhouse
11’s with partner wheelbarrows (take turns)
WWI’s on one end and burpees on the other. 3 dirkens at half way cone while in wheelbarrow position.
– Roughly 40 yds from end to end with a cone in the middle
(Modify to lunge walk after 5 rds each due to difficulty)

11’s with crab walk
Reverse LBC IC & Turkish getups with 3x IC crab cakes was the plan. We ended up doing half the distance with getups on one end and crab cakes on the other. Only made it 2 or 3 passes before time was up.

We finished up with a mosey around the clubhouse and back to the flag just past 45 mins.

Strong work to those who posted for this one. Cancun had to hit the showers early to practice soap dropping. Hopefully we will finish this one up the next time YHC has the Q at the Yard.

BS Out!

Cinder Blocks are heavy

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, WMH, Arm Circles.  The PAX did a great job reciting core values and F3 mission. No penalty burpees.

The Workout:

Grab a Cinder Block, Cusack for a bit. 10x Ground Pounder, 10x Rows. Cusack. Did 3 rounds.

Curls and Triceps as we walked to bathroom building w blocks.

Dora : 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC (single count). Partner farmer carry both cinder blocks 50M and back.

return blocks.

Mary : Stretches and circle of ab exercises called out by each PAX. Final set of Good Mornings.

Announcements: Trash pick up today 9AM Walmart FV.  My Way anniversary party today 5:30PM My Way in Holly Springs

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Motor Boatin’s sister to ER last night . Uncertain. All PAX dealing with injuries and illness.

Reindeer Tryouts amid the 12 Days of Christmas

FNGs: Nil

Warm Up: 
Side Straddle Hop
Daisy Pickers
Imperial Walkers
Sir Fazio Arm Circles

The Workout:
Reindeer Run (Indian Run) the long way around the main fields with our destination set at the rock pile.  Grab a medium size rock and carry it back to the smaller picnic shelter.

We performed the 12 Days of Christmas workout just as the song intended. YHC figured out the bluetooth speaker this time and had some free Spotify playlist at the ready.  Apparently “Pop Christmas” isn’t just Christmas songs, so we had quite the variety as well as some mumblechatter about various prescription drugs and their side effects brought on by the ads.

12 Days of Christmas Workout

1 Lap around the Tennis Court
2 Monkey Humpers
3 French High Knees (Ea. Leg)
4 Calling Curls for the Girls
5 Golden Ground Pounders
6 Geese a Laying Leg Lifts
7 Swans a Squatting
8 Maids a Merkins
9 Ladies Break Dancing (Bears) (I.C.)
10 Lords a Lunging (Ea. Leg)
11 Pickle’s Pounding (I.C.)
12 Drummer’s Driving Buses (I.C.)

A lot of Mary mixed in with the workout, due to time constraints, we did a bit of stretching and closed it out.

Be safe with upcoming Holidays and travel

Pray for patience and being an example for those around us. Holidays can bring us together with family we may not always get along with, but give strength and patience to the HIM we want to be.