
Triple Nickel on Earp

18 PAX for a lot of hill repeats on Earp St.

WU over to top of Earp parking lot
Good Mornings

Thang 1
Triple Nickle to cemetery 5x5x5
Burpees and Turkish get-ups at top ends and shoulder tap merkins at bottom

Thangs 2
3-some pull ups/rows
Clock merkins (2,4,6,8,10,12)

Sally (aka Green Sally)
Lower stretch

Thanks for the opportunity to lead at DTT.

BS out

Downtown Train Birthday Bash 59

Warmups: Good mornings 10x, Bat wings 10x 4 positions, Sidestradle hop 59x for bday

Main Event: Mosey to stage area in front of HS Culture Club

Absolutions 10x

Complete circuit around library with three stations. Each station with three exercises: arms/shoulders, legs, core.

Partner up for counts and form. Complete 59 reps between the two of you.

Station 1: Merkins, squats, LBCs 59 reps

Between: Absolutions

Station 2: Side planks, lunges, WWIIs 59 reps

Between: Jack Webbs

Station 3: Patty cake Merkins, squat hold, American hammer 59 reps

Finale: Sprints in parking deck

COT: Announcements: Accept the challenge. In this case, consider signing up for the Triangle Sprint Triathlon. Super easy.

Fence painting on Monday, May 20

Prayer requests: Hasselhoff job situation/opportunity


Second F: Coffee by Abe and Wild Turkey

Fresh strawberries by yours truly.

Honor to lead. Thanks for helping celebrate my birthday.


That smell

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, daisy pickers, Willy Mays hays, Sir Fazio arm circles, chinooks, mountain climbers

The Workout: 

Thing 1- PAX form two lines, each line possessed two soccer balls. At a jogging pace, the balls were thrown overhead to the pax behind, once at the back of the line that person sprints to the front to start the cycle again. Drops meant all pax stopped and performed 5 squats. ~1/2 mile loop around the park completed. We did a lot of squats.

Thing 2- Medium sized rocks were obtained and we made our way to the picnic shelter. Pax paired up for a music-based AMRAP/Dora style workout- one partner completed AMRAP exercises while the other partner cusacked their rock up a small hill and around a loop. When the song changed, the exercise changed (tricep extension, step ups, erkins, bicep curls). Skynyrd set the tone, and my free version of Spotify (like Lebron) blessed us with zero ads during the workout. Shoutout free Spotify. 

All pax participated in an extended wall sit for the duration of Saturday Night Special. Some pax held out for the whole time, others gave it a break… something about running plans for the weekend. Near the end of the first verse a thicc odor spread like the plague from an unnamed pax, driving others to seek refuge elsewhere in the shelter. Pax were unpleased by the aroma, Q was unpleased because it didn’t happen during “That Smell”. 

Mary: American hammer, WW1, plank hold

Announcements: 3rd F opportunities on Slack, fence painting with the town, Men’s night at local church

T-Claps (Recognition): Turkey and Nickelback both have kids graduating college

Prayer: Bobby B’s family member undergoing heart procedures, UTIs family member with a scary diagnosis. 

Sciatica is my wife’s name!

FNGs: None (5 PaX split off and Rucked) 

Warm Up: Mission, Disclaimer, SSH, Good Mornings, Daisy Pickers, Frankenstein, SFAC, Scarecrows. 

The Workout: Thang 1: Each PAX grabbed a Med/Lrg rock.  Two lines for parking lot Indian runs.  The man at the back did a burpee (Stack’em)  and ran to the front while PAX did an exercise.  I/C Exercise when meeting in the middle.  (OH press, Curls, Triceps) Thang 2: Guantanamo Bay’s with a side shuffle rock press, Panama Canal with a bear crawl under the legs while pushing a rock.  Hold plank and pull all rocks through. Thang 3. Various strength exercises low rep good form. 

Mary: WWI, WWII, and V-Curl ups with rock, Side Raise with rock

Announcements: Painting, Fill up Q-Sheet

T-Claps (Recognition): All that help with the food cupboard

Prayer:  Nemo’s Mom passing, Pumpkin Spice helping a guy in a dark place dealing with Porn and his family, Rubiks business venture. YHC took us out. 


A Roll of the Dice

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mayes Hayes

The Workout: Today we followed the dice. Always a fun time (in my opinion at least) because you get to go on a field trip and you never know what you’ll get. Somehow, bear crawls, balls to the wall and absolutions showed up on the dice as well. Weird. About 1.75 miles and a bunch of merkins, side stradle hops and lunges in between.

Mary: LBCs, WWIIs, Homer-to-Marge, Poop Eaters, a bit of stretching

Announcements: Beer ruck on Saturday starting at 12, Spring Classic on Saturday (if you’re not running, help at an aid station)

T-Claps: Slide Rule and Wiggly coming back out to the gloom. Missed ya fellas.

Prayer: Unspoken, Banana Seat’s family

Last Call for Q School

10 PAX for the final scheduled March 2024 Q school hosted at Downtown Train.

Why Q school? This is to help with F3 formality (uniform) across all regions so if you attend an AO in New York or Texas it’ll still be close to the same structure.

3 main topics to cover – How to Q? Why to Q? (new exciting things) Are you ready to Q?

Sample structure for warm up with some discussion:
Disclaimer, warmup, workout (the thang), Mary, CoT – 45 mins total time, get a watch. Assign a sweeper if you have a large group of FNG’s.
Bring a Flag if you plan to Q. If you don’t have one, ask site Q to bring one.

Conduct WU and have guys take turns with exercises. SSH, Good Mornings, etc.

Be ready for CoT with announcements and prayer requests/praises

Review during workout:
Cadence Count
Form and rep count
Know your PAX limitations if possible
Site Q duties
Q sheet, pre-blast, backblast
Exicon, backblast from other regions, winky, Co-Q

Thang 1:
Partner up in parking deck
P1 does Australian Mtn climbers
P2 runs to opposite long side and back
3 rds with different merkins after each rd

Thang 2:
P1 holds squat while P2 does 10 dirkens with feet on partners legs
Leg pushes abs
Patty cake merkins
Rinse and repeat

Various exercises

Thanks everyone for coming out. Now sign up to Q.

BS Out!

Pairs and stairs

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up:

SSH, Good Morning, Sir Fazio F/R, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night clubs, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, 5 Burpees OYO for BnB being late

The Workout:

Thang 1: partner DORA – 100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. 1 partner runs to top of stairs in parking deck, back down. Switch with partner doing exercises.

Thang 2: Urkins, Dips, Plank Hold, Low Slow Flutter x3 rounds

Thang 3: Peoples chair 10 count each PAX, BTTW x5 each PAX, Monkey Humpers x10 – 3 rounds

Mary: Popcorn – Homer to Marge, pickle pounders, Freddie mercury, crab cakes, 100 tap the ground, heel taps, J-Lo’s, stretching


Downrange looking for rental, BnB and Firefly leading shovel flag event 3/8, Shooting Blanks looking for company on Tobacco Road Marathon

T-Claps (Recognition): all PAX for a strong showing

Prayer: Banana Seat aunt passed, unspoken, sick and injured

Reach out to guys you haven’t seen in a while.


PSA: Backblasts are important!!!

FNGs: Nope, also no sign of the legendary Dick Root…

Warm Up:

Mosey from flag to corner of lot, circle up

SSH x 25 IC

Good mornings x 10 IC

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 IC F/R

Seal Claps x 10 IC

Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC

The Workout:


PAX moseyed to far end of lot to the dead end area. PAX partnered up and completed a partner DORA consisting of 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBC. Partner 1 completed exercises while Partner 2 ran to the flag and back, switch it up until done. Strong work by all PAX here picking up the 6/finishing together.


Mosey to side wall of the church, where we did two rounds of people’s chair and chillcutt plank holds. The first round we did 10 count each PAX, 2nd round we did 20 count each PAX thanks to some poorly timed jokes from Hasselhoff and Downrange – bet they won’t do that again. 🙂


PAX moseyed back to area where we completed our warmup. We completed a round of Guantanamo (PAX lay down side by side, all raise legs to 30 degrees, PAX at the end of the line gets up and goes down the line pushing down the other PAXs feet while they attempt to not let their heels hit the ground).

YHC then tried to call something that I’ve never done before and probably isn’t in the F3 exicon. I had the PAX flip over into standard plank, and much like Guantanamo, I had the PAX at the end of the line to down the line and try to push down on each PAX back while they maintained plank. After a few PAX went down the line, Best in Show made a suggestion to stop before we hurt someone’s back…that was definitely the right call so we switched to having the PAX at the end of the line slap hands with the PAX doing planks as they ran by. Think 1996 Bulls theme music here…so if I had to name that revised exercise, I’d call it “Sirius” named after the Bulls theme song. If you’ve never heard it or have no idea what I’m talking about, watch this –

Mary: Popcorn including Boxcutters, Heel Taps, Low Slow Flutter, Dying Cockroach, WW1, Freddie Mercury, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, and a little stretching.


  • 2nd F event upcoming for shovel flag builds, see details on slack from BnB and Firefly.
  • Stressed importance of site Qs having flags at their AOs.
  • Also stressed importance of backblasts. The Thanks Pumpkin Spice for raising this. We have gotten bad about backblasts – this is how we keep track of what we’ve done and we help inspire other PAX and guys that may want to Q for the first time and need ideas. Or if you’re like me and you’ve been at it for a while, I always like new ideas and sometimes reference old backblasts to get inspiration and switch it up a bit.
  • Re: backblasts, posting 2 sentences on Slack with PAX name IS NOT a backblast…something like this one I’m writing now IS.
    • Seems like there was confusion amongst the PAX around what a backblast actually is. I’ll own that as one of the guys that has been around longer.
    • Guys, if you’ve been around for a while, coach the newer guys on this. And if you’ve been around for a while and have just gotten Slack about it (see what I did there?), then tighten up…Let’s not lose the plot on why we do what we do!
    • Use the backblast generator on You’ll need a login if you don’t have one in order to post these. If you don’t have one, get with our comms Q Softserve and he will get you going.

T-Claps (Recognition):

PAX going after 5 packs this week including Pumpkin Spice and YHC. Even our visitor Bo Peep from F3 Cherokee is 4 for 4 this week and looking to get out before he leaves town tomorrow. What’s your excuse?


Best In Show’s friend Starla who is dealing with a falling syndrome and getting lots of concussions, my friend Trent’s mother in law Linda who was just diagnosed with Leukemia, PAX dealing with job issues/loss/stress of their own or in some cases Ms or family members. Praise for successful carpal tunnel surgery for my dad yesterday.

YHC took us out. Make it a great day, guys!

No cows at Downtown Train…but we kept MOOving

FNGs: none

Warm Up: side straddle hop, windmills, frankensteins, imperial walkers, hillbillies, sir fazio arm circles and a plank hold around the circle for a late arrival.

The Workout: Moseyed to the closest corner by the parking deck. Script was 7 of Diamonds, first exercise at each corner of the block was 7 IC plank jacks. 2nd lap was 14 IC low slow flutter. 3rd lap was 21 merkins. 4th lap was 28 squats. We finished with 20 side straddle hop before heading to the rocl pile. 

Gathered some rocks and proceeded to do two rounds of 20 overhead press, 20 ruh rohs, 20 skull crushers, 20 chest press and a mix of carolina dry docks and erkins. 

Mary: Homer to Marge, heel taps, box cutters and some others

Announcements: Pumpkin Spice going for a 5 pack. Site Qs be sure to be posting a flag at our AOs.

 Prayer: Captain Kangaroo F3 Raleigh

Wide Right at Cletus

FNGs: Yes! Welcome FNG Tom aka Wide Right! Buffalo Bills fan, Pikachu gets credit for the name. Crazy Ivan guys came over for the FNG naming convergence.

Warm Up:

SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Frankensteins, Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mays Hays

The Workout:


PAX moseyed to the old Crazy Ivan lot at the other end of the soccer fields. We did 11s with Wide Grip Merkins on one end, WW2 on the other end, PAX ran between ends of the lot, stopping about halfway down on the trip down.


Mosey to amphitheater for 2 rounds of People’s Chair, Derkins, Dips, Heels to Heaven, and Chilcutt Plank Holds.


Mosey to the rock pile, grab a medium to large rock. We completed curls for the girls, ruh rohs, wonderbras, chest press, skullcrushers, shoulder press, ground pounders, and bus drivers.


Homer to Marge, Box Cutters, Low Slow Flutter, Pickle Pounder finisher


Free CPR class on Feb 7 hosted by town of Holly Springs at the Library, highly recommend. CPR can and has saved lives in F3!

T-Claps (Recognition):

Abe and Bleeder for picking up trash along their EC ruck today. Kudos to FNG Wide Right for coming out and putting in solid work on his first workout. Also kudos to Arby’s who posted at Ivan today and put in a 5 pack on his first week out in the gloom!


PAX running Uwharrie this weekend, Yogurt’s co-worker dealing with cancer. Sick and injured PAX.


Turkey’s FIL Tommy rang the bell and is cancer free. Enron who was named at Cletus on a Friday in South Wake and is a North Raleigh guy now – his M was dealing with both breast and lung cancer and has been cleared!!! Also able to ring the bell!

Honored to lead, make it a great day, gents!