

Painting the Fence at Sugg

FNGs: No

Warm Up: It was plenty warm

The Workout:

Fence Painting, Lifting paint buckets,

Mary: Light clean-up

Announcements: Next Town Support effort will be scheduled soon, check with Gump

 Great 2nd F following a fun morning of work

T-Claps (Recognition):  These dudes.  Doin’ good in the hood


That smell

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, daisy pickers, Willy Mays hays, Sir Fazio arm circles, chinooks, mountain climbers

The Workout: 

Thing 1- PAX form two lines, each line possessed two soccer balls. At a jogging pace, the balls were thrown overhead to the pax behind, once at the back of the line that person sprints to the front to start the cycle again. Drops meant all pax stopped and performed 5 squats. ~1/2 mile loop around the park completed. We did a lot of squats.

Thing 2- Medium sized rocks were obtained and we made our way to the picnic shelter. Pax paired up for a music-based AMRAP/Dora style workout- one partner completed AMRAP exercises while the other partner cusacked their rock up a small hill and around a loop. When the song changed, the exercise changed (tricep extension, step ups, erkins, bicep curls). Skynyrd set the tone, and my free version of Spotify (like Lebron) blessed us with zero ads during the workout. Shoutout free Spotify. 

All pax participated in an extended wall sit for the duration of Saturday Night Special. Some pax held out for the whole time, others gave it a break… something about running plans for the weekend. Near the end of the first verse a thicc odor spread like the plague from an unnamed pax, driving others to seek refuge elsewhere in the shelter. Pax were unpleased by the aroma, Q was unpleased because it didn’t happen during “That Smell”. 

Mary: American hammer, WW1, plank hold

Announcements: 3rd F opportunities on Slack, fence painting with the town, Men’s night at local church

T-Claps (Recognition): Turkey and Nickelback both have kids graduating college

Prayer: Bobby B’s family member undergoing heart procedures, UTIs family member with a scary diagnosis. 

How many Jump Ropes?

FNGs: None

Warm Up:5 min of various

The Workout:

ME: Thang 1

  1. Squat Jumps /Speed Skaters
  2. High knees/Forward Back Feet
  3. Tuck jumps / Leg swings 
  4. Calf raises / Heisman
  5. Lateral bounds/single-leg Deadlift
  6. Butt kicks/Jump Lunges
  7. 1000 jump ropes per PAX. 

Thang 2: Yoga

Mary: During Yoga

Announcements: Painting, Q-sheet

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Lost family members, Injured Pax, unspoken (YHC took us out)

UFO May 6th

FNGs:1 Welcome Tumbleweed.

Warm Up: Mission Statement, 3 Burpees, SSH, Frankenstiens, 10 merkins, 10 squats

The Workout: LBC, Brokeback Merkins, and 3 burpees on the Drops.  It was a close game until Team Yellow stopped fooling around. It was a great play and a huge effort by all. 

Announcements: Painting Holly Springs Monday, May 20th 9-11. 

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Buttermilk for running, Unspoken, YHC took us out. 


A Roll of the Dice

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mayes Hayes

The Workout: Today we followed the dice. Always a fun time (in my opinion at least) because you get to go on a field trip and you never know what you’ll get. Somehow, bear crawls, balls to the wall and absolutions showed up on the dice as well. Weird. About 1.75 miles and a bunch of merkins, side stradle hops and lunges in between.

Mary: LBCs, WWIIs, Homer-to-Marge, Poop Eaters, a bit of stretching

Announcements: Beer ruck on Saturday starting at 12, Spring Classic on Saturday (if you’re not running, help at an aid station)

T-Claps: Slide Rule and Wiggly coming back out to the gloom. Missed ya fellas.

Prayer: Unspoken, Banana Seat’s family

Wood Chuckin’

FNGs: None

Warm Up: 25 SSH; Bat wings: 15 Sir Fozio forwards, 15 backwards, 15 seal claps, 15 overhead claps; Jack Webbs to 10. Arms and shoulders are awake now. 

Been eyeballing the handrails outside the gym entrance since the middle school was finished. We did a sideways bear crawl up and around three times. 

Found some curb and did about 50 yards of fancy feet 

Main event: Everyone selected a log from thestack. Lined up for John Cusack (overhead carry) Indian run the long way around the elementary school, arriving at the track. During the pain, we all got a chuckle out of several wood references along the way, including Morning Wood and Major Wood. Had to modify from the overhead carry. Shoulders were toast. 

Tossed log over the fence and hopped in. Lined up on soccer end line. H1N1 explained the soccer term, end line. 

First pass: Lunge walked with log. Really we were just scoping out the log toss. I wanted to make sure there were no sprinkler heads. Didn’t see any. Learned that Wide Right played high school football and played both offensive and defensive line. 

Second pass: Throw your log as far as you can, run up to it and do a burpee. Rinse and repeat until you reach the other end line. Fram led  the way. Saw a cigarette butt in the middle of the field. 

Third pass: Mosey with another overhead press? Followed by 15 bus drivers in cadence. Shoulders are feeling good now!

Looked down at my watch and it was 6:05 already. 

OK, time for some SPRINTS! Moseyed to start line. I marked several intervals along the way. We did four intervals. Not very clean starts, but solid effort by all. 

Mary: We had 1 minute for low slow flutter. Have a nice day. 

Announcements: Highway cleanup Saturday after GroundPounder. 

T-Claps (Recognition): This group worked hard today!

Prayer: Finkle’s brother (separation), Rico’s son (noggin), H2N1 family (lost grandmother recently)

Wide Right at Cletus

FNGs: Yes! Welcome FNG Tom aka Wide Right! Buffalo Bills fan, Pikachu gets credit for the name. Crazy Ivan guys came over for the FNG naming convergence.

Warm Up:

SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Frankensteins, Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mays Hays

The Workout:


PAX moseyed to the old Crazy Ivan lot at the other end of the soccer fields. We did 11s with Wide Grip Merkins on one end, WW2 on the other end, PAX ran between ends of the lot, stopping about halfway down on the trip down.


Mosey to amphitheater for 2 rounds of People’s Chair, Derkins, Dips, Heels to Heaven, and Chilcutt Plank Holds.


Mosey to the rock pile, grab a medium to large rock. We completed curls for the girls, ruh rohs, wonderbras, chest press, skullcrushers, shoulder press, ground pounders, and bus drivers.


Homer to Marge, Box Cutters, Low Slow Flutter, Pickle Pounder finisher


Free CPR class on Feb 7 hosted by town of Holly Springs at the Library, highly recommend. CPR can and has saved lives in F3!

T-Claps (Recognition):

Abe and Bleeder for picking up trash along their EC ruck today. Kudos to FNG Wide Right for coming out and putting in solid work on his first workout. Also kudos to Arby’s who posted at Ivan today and put in a 5 pack on his first week out in the gloom!


PAX running Uwharrie this weekend, Yogurt’s co-worker dealing with cancer. Sick and injured PAX.


Turkey’s FIL Tommy rang the bell and is cancer free. Enron who was named at Cletus on a Friday in South Wake and is a North Raleigh guy now – his M was dealing with both breast and lung cancer and has been cleared!!! Also able to ring the bell!

Honored to lead, make it a great day, gents!


21 Pax posted on this beautiful 60 degree morning. Not only was the temp nice but the there wasn’t a stench coming from the dump. New site Q’s took over this morning and hopefully they weren’t going to disappoint. 2 FNG’s this morning. Welcome Béla and Wide Right. Disclaimer given we got to work. M4L was on time and held true to his commit from yesterday.

Lots of EC: Emeril, Chips, Crosby, Lip Stick, Pablo, Peeping Tom, Dawgpound, Skidmark, 187, Slide Rule, Cowboy, Yogurt. Hope I didn’t miss anyone.

Warm Up: Mosey around Ting Stadium. Stops at random corners to do some Good Mornings, Fozio Arm Circles, Hillbillies, Frankensteins, and finish off with some Mucho Chesto (10 reps each of merkin, wide merkin, close merkin, right hand forward, and left hand forward). 5 bonus burpees for a late arrival.

The Workout: Burpee Mile. Run ¼ mile and do 12 burpees together. After the last set M4L gave a quick 20 count so 2 additional burpees were added to bring the total to 50 for the burpee mile.

Mosey to the hill by the tunnel. Pax completed a Jacob’s ladder. Running up and down the hill with an increasing number of merkins each time up the hill. Finished at 7 merkins.

Mary: Dawgpound led Low Slow Flutter, Homer to Marge, Box cutters, and some right arm to left leg and left arm to right leg situps.

Finish about 2.3 miles total.

Announcements: CSAUP in Carpex at Bond Park 10/20 at 6:00AM. 7 weeks until the HSHM. Time to start running.

Prayer: Crablegs, Brandon from Hope, Roger Roger’s neighbor, Slide Rule’s friend that had an medical episode. We are getting older. Get those wills in place and don’t do stupid things. Like CSAUPs?