
men working out in a frozen parking lot with sandbags, looking colder, with more men added

Sandbag Roundup

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Quick SSH, Good Mornings, WMH, Mosey

The Workout: Full body (focus on lower) Sandbag Workout, 10 Stations 90 Sec work, 30 Sec rest, with a Quick Mosey in between sets

Mary: No Time

Announcements: Get Warm, Stay Warm

T-Claps (Recognition): Thanks to Breach for bringing the Sandbags!  Thank you to all who hit that HC – @sardine, @Mr. Terrific, @lube, @LED, @2 Dollars, @shooting blanks.

Prayer: Shooting Blanks Daughter and Mr. Terrific’s Friends who’s house burnt down in NY.

Simple but effective

FNGs: Warm Up: some good mornings, Fabio arm circles, Frankensteins, windmills,

The Workout: two lunges and 8 count squat pulse for 30 yards followed by lap around circle. 4 count bear crawl, 2 pushups and burpee for 30 yards followed by lap around circle. Rinse and repeat after 40 count SSH to honor the 40 Gold medals from Us Olympians. Did some stretching in the tennis court followed by Mary.

Mary: 40 count LBC, 40 count homer to Marge, 40 count reverse LBC and 1 minute chill cut with knee taps.
Announcements: even the odds last week of August followed by Pax Challenge in Sept. at Sheepdog.

Prayer: patience and support for families and pray for health issues.


Simply effective

FNGs: Warm Up: a short Jog, side straddle hops, windmill, daisy pickers, Willie mays hays, Fabio arm circles and overhead claps.

The Workout: grabbed some rocks and 7 paxs did exercises while three did three varying distance out and backs doing 2,4, and 6 burpees at each marker. Second round consists of star jumps at the markers.

in place of pull ups we did 20IC wall taps from plank, and 20IC peoples chair.
Mary: 20IC LBC, Hello Dollys, LSF, Heal taps, and Pickle Pounders.

Announcements: Even the odds Friday at Sheep Dog, f3 picnic T-Claps (Recognition): Prayer: Rubixs dad going through Chemo

Even the Odds

EVEN the ODDS 3/22/24


1 Run  400 1.0 2 100 I/C SSH 2.0
3 Run  800 2.0 4 100 I/C Big Boy Sit-ups 2.0
5 Run  1200 3.0 6 100 I/C Plank Hold  2.0
7 Run  1600 4.0 8 50 Absolutions 5.0
9 Run  1200 3.0 10 Tire Flip (1 lap) or Squat Thrust Broad Jump (1 lap) 20.0
11 Run  800 2.0 12 100 Sandbag Burpees (25 per bag) 20.0
13 Run  400 1.0 14 Lunge Walk Curves / Sprint straights (2 Laps) 5.0
15 Run  1600 4.0 16 Bear Crawl (1 lap) 10.0
17 Run  1200 3.0 18 John Cusack w/Cindy (1 lap) 10.0

PAX picked their path.  

1 hour beatdown: 


Announcements on SLACK. 


SEE ya’ll in three months! 


Upper Body Day at THE YARD

Warm Up:  Standard stuff, SSH and the like, but knowing today would be upper body-heavy, I threw in some Sir Fazios and Slo-Mo Merkins to get that whole area ready to go

The Workout:  This is a lazy copy & paste of routine I’ve done before, with the purpose of eschewing a well rounded full body workout for a more targeted beat down of one particular area.  The thang was this:

A warmup of 7’s on the parking lot hill, consisting of LBCs and Squats.  Then the main event was 3 stations, positioned around the community center building:  Merkins, Dips, Carolina Dry Docks.  We hit a set of one, mosey about 1/3 of the way around the building, repeato, repeato repeato. 

Because the mosey was so short and didn’t give us much time to recover between sets, I threw in a few rounds of People’s Chair after 2 or three rounds.  The only other variation was on the Merkins – one set was Diamonds, one set was wide-grip, and the final set was a Merkin Sampler – 4 reps of each. 

Mary: Side hips raises, heel taps maybe, …something difficult FRAM made us do, and probably one more, I dunno.  

T-Claps (Recognition):   The pre-workout message was a reminder of GRATITUDE.  Keeping our mindset off “I HAVE to workout”, and keeping it on “I GET TO/AM ABLE to work out”.  Celebrate physical abilities of our bodies and be grateful for every opportunity to use them as they are intended.

Prayer:  Nemo driving to Ohio with his son for a big time swim competition

Chicken after dancing puts the fire out

9 PAX including 1 FNG thanks to Abacus took to the streets of Fuquay this morning. YHC picked a few from the exicon to coincide with the places to stop at today. We stayed together and finished on the world’s greatest parking lot. Disclaimer was given to our FNG then away we went.

Mosey down to parking lot other side of railroad tracks
Warm up
Good Morning
Mtn Climbers
Carolina dry docks

Mosey to Dance Academy
Breakdancer merkins – Begin in plank and perform the down part of a merkin. On the up, raise the right arm and come into a side plank, kicking your left leg in front of your body. Rotate back to plank and repeat on the other side.

Indian run to Fuquay Tire
Flat Tire – Partner 1 gets into wheelbarrow and takes 4 steps then does 1 derkin, takes 8 steps and does 2 derkins. Continue this 1:4 progression until each partner gets to 20:5, then switch.

Indian run to Fire Dept
Fire drill – PAX in a circle, chopping feet or high knees. Each PAX calls out “Fire” all PAX hits the ground rolls right, merkin, roll back left, another merkin, then back up chopping.

Mosey to Joyce & Family restaurant
Chicken peckers – Feet up on the Wall, Hands on the ground. IC lift your hand and touch your opposite shoulder. (BTTW shoulder taps)
Quick LBC break then R&R

Indian run back to flag with a pick up the six along the way.

Each PAX called an exercise.

Core challenge and PT breakfast announcements coming soon.
Breach has a road clean up scheduled for this Sat.

Prayers for those having surgery or recovering.

Great time ITG today men! Always an honor.

BS out

Even the Odds Rev3

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Met at normal AO start.  Mosey down to Sheepdog Track. Circled up for SSH, Imperial/Hillbillies, SFAC, Good Morning, and Daisy pickers.  Anticipation was high as most of the first time PAX had heard through the SLACK machine and by reputation how brutal of a beating this can be.  Several PAX were on their 2nd and 3rd round of this 1-hour long beatdown of U vs U but were still anticipating the special kind of suck it brings. YHC read the rules and tweaked how the “points” are scored.
The Workout: The ODD numbers must be done in order of sequence.  1,3,5, etc. the EVEN numbers can be done in any order you choose.  Once you start the exercise you must complete that exercise before moving on to the next number (Even or Odd). The timer is set for one hour.  You must keep track of your points for a total tally at the end of the hour.  If the exercise is not completed before the timer runs out, you do not get ANY points for completion. During the workout, the PAXs that are running can pick up any man’s six on any of the EVEN exercises.  (*note* If you are bear crawling and get tired you cannot walk around the track to complete the 400m. It’s a 400m bear crawl…not a 100-meter bear crawl and 300-meter walk).

Mary: Too tired to do it.
Announcements: F3 Xmas party.
T-Claps (Recognition):  Any HIM that showed up for this beating for their first time: Shredder, Farva, Duece, LED, 2 Dollars, Sunshine, Banana Seat  Several guys have done it twice:  Maybeline, Nemo, and Lipstick  Guys who have done it three times. Breach, Cupid, and YHC.
Prayer: Tough times during the holiday season for many men and families. Reach out.

Slow and Sweaty Wins the Race

FNGs: none
Warm Up: normal warm o rama
The Workout: start with 10 rounds of motivators (should have been 20 imo). Move to the rock pile for a SMALL TRAVEL rock. Head back over to the Greenway for some rock work. Pyramid stack at each light pole with a mode of travel in between. Exercises: patty cake merkins, star jumps, lunges, WW1. Modes of travel: stinky baby, turtles, side steps, John Cusack, duck walk, turtles again.
Mary: popcorn Mary for the last 5min
Announcements: Picnic signups
T-Claps (Recognition): LED, 2 dollars, abacus for EC
Prayer: 16bit’s daughter

Prison Yard work ain’t easy but the coffee’s good

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Side Straddle Hops, Good mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Fonzi Arm Circles, Seal Claps


The Workout: PAX moseyed over to an uphill section of the parking lot. Along the parking lines, we did 1 burpee lunge before karaoking to the other side of the parking lot to do the same on that side. 14 burpee lunges in total. Headed downhill on the parking lot, we did 2 Peter Parkers to a lunge before shuffling to the other side of the parking lot to do the same on that side. 28 Peter Parker lunges in total.

Moseyed up to the starting spot where cinder blocks, a sledge hammer, and an ab roller were waiting for us. We split into 1s and 2s. 1s worked toward an individual total of 50 Curls for the Girls, 50 Shoulder Press, 50 Ruh rows, 50 Sledgehammer squats and 50 Norma Jean Riley’s (ab rolling). 2s ran to the other side of the parking lot to do 5 burpees and 10 WWIIs before running back to the 1s. 1s and 2s exchanged spots until each got to their 50 reps in.

Mary: 7 Minute Abs (give or take a minute) – Low Slow Flutters, American Hammers, Freddie Mercuries, LBC, Reverse LBC, Pickle Pounders, Box Cutters, Hello Dollies. Wrapped up with 10 Peter Parkers due to excessive mumblechatter
Announcements: July 5th volunteers needed for HS firework show, South Wake picnic July 30th
T-Claps (Recognition): YHC celebrated his 1-year F3 Anniversary today. A big thank you to all PAX who’ve pushed me, encouraged me, and held me accountable this past year. Shot out to @Sunshine who also recently wrapped up his 1st year at F3 and has been crushing it all year long.
Prayer: Prayers up for Carpex PAX Pet Sounds dealing with health issues, prayers up for the South Wake F3 Community at large

Post-workout, All PAX joined in for some 2ndF homebrewed coffee courtesy of YHC.

PT Throwback

For the third day in a row, YHC was at the helm. EC was skipped due to some fatigue. Rolled up with 4 mins to spare for some mumble chatter. Nine pax were ready to do some work. I wanted to relive some old school workouts at PT so that’s what we did. Everyone survived but not without some moaning and groaning. Heck I think I ever moaned some from my stupid ideas.

Warm up
Follow the leader into the tennis courts for some agility on the lines then circle up.
Smurf jacks x20
1 burpee
Windmills x10
2 burpees
Slaloms x15
3 burpees
Michael Phelps x10
4 burpees

Partner up similar size
Using the four tennis courts across:
Wheelbarrows across 2 courts with 10 dirkins at the end of each court
Switch partners
Partner carry with 5 squats middle and end
Switch and go back
Wheelbarrow across all 4 courts
Switch and go back
Broad jump burpee across all 4

Indian run down to bottom of road then back up to concession stand hill
11’s monkey humpers & diamond merkins
back peddle to top, reg down
Indian run back to courts

Suicides at end of each court

Dying cockroach
Boat canoes
Heels to heaven

We ended with a circle of trust and FedEx took us out.
If you see a problem within F3, confront the situation and try to help. Don’t be a bystander. We can all be better together.

BS out!