
Paradise City 8-19-2024

Paradise City – Burpees and Speed

EC: Full House, H1N1, Yogurt

FNGs: None, but @Karoake could be considered a Kotter

Warm Up: 5 burpees OYO, 10 GMs, 5 more burpees OYO, 25 SSH, 25 OH claps. Circled the fields and tennis courts a couple of times with minimum 5 burpees OYO at each corner, plus one exercise, including merkins, big-boy sit-ups, and OH claps.

Main Event 1: Suicides on tennis courts. Been a long time since we visited these. Recalled immediately that fenced sections are three courts wide, which worked out great.

Each run = Far sideline court 1, back; far sideline court 2, back; far sideline court 3, back.

Exercises upon completing each run = Plank jacks, shoulder taps, OH presses

Finished with one last run to far sideline court 3, Karaoke led the way.

Main event 2: Sprints on Ramp

Format: Similar to suicides – Sprint to first blue sign “Foul ball area,” walk back; Sprint to second sign, walk back; Sprint to third sign, walk back. We had time for only three, but everyone accelerated.

Mary: Stretched those hammies while they were warm.

Announcements: 3-Alarm event is on, just like every Tuesday. This week, there will be extended fellowship afterwards.

Prayer: Full House dad in hospital. H1N1 death in family and co-worker’s family.

Hope all have a productive week.

AARP in action


11 PAX got sweaty at AARP, a.k.a. Thunder. Great “Respect” turnout.  Lots of dumbbell and kettlebell exercises.  Yoga for COT.  Exercise included curls for the girls, triceps, rut rows, bus drivers, squats, swings, farmer’s Cary, figure 8s, thrusters, halos, lawn mowers, people chair, B2Wall

Prayers:  Enron’s dad, Injured PAX, Ill family members, UNSPOKEN.  Lots of positive news shared too!

Dauber took us out.  Honored to lead.

6 years is a long time but not that long

So great to have 29 in the gloom this morning to help me celebrate 6 years with F3.  This group has changed my life and I hope to continue paying that forward.  It’s a whole lot more than a workout!!!

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Windmill, Imperial Walkers, Mosey, Good Morning, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Mosey

The Workout:  Cones were set up about 10 yards apart.  PAX performed the following exercises: 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 imperial walkers, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks and 30 squats.  We went through the circuit 4 times traveling by bear crawl, lunge walk, broad jump and bunny hop.  Between sets mosey to the disc golf tee box and perform ab exercises to wait on the 6.

Mary: Low slow flutter, LBC, Homer to Marge, big boy sit ups, box cutters


T-Claps (Recognition): The PAX of F3!!!

Prayer: Emeril knee surgery, Gillette colleague that was killed

Paradise with a UTI

Wet ‘n Wild (Turkey) at Paradise City

FNGs: I think they were scared of the thunderstorms like Downrange

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Willie Mays Haze, Daisy Pickers, Lap, SSH

The Workout:

Since I was on Q, the crazy rain, some previous day shenanigans, and the upcoming Murph the numbers at Paradise were a little lower than I’d hoped (I had a sweet playlist and everything).  The gameplan was to split into teams and have a little race of sorts.  Since we were 3… this is what we did instead.

10 Cards, A-10 were shuffled and placed on the wet pavement.  In an accountability group of 3 we used the 10 cards to randomize the following list of workouts and share the work.

  1. [Ace] Gradual hill “Ting Ramp” runs (4 times, 3 times, 2 times)
  2. Squats x50 ea
  3. Benches (box jump, step up squat, step ups) x10 reps
  4. Sea Turtles (30 ea, 20, 15)
  5. Squats x25 ea
  6. Sea Turtles (30 ea, 20, 15)
  7. Run up steep “Ting Ramp” hill (4 times, 3 times, 2 times)
  8. Squats x25 ea
  9. Star Jumps x200 group total
  10. Benches (box jump, step up squat, step ups) x10 reps

Mary:  We ran a lap around Paradise to make sure we hit the 3 mile minimum

Announcements:  Murph and more to be reviewed at the Murph or on Slack.  Run the Quay Tent on June 1 and SW Family BBQ June 9th at 2p

T-Claps (Recognition):  Pikachu for commuting to Paradise in the rain from Womble for EC.  Pikachu and Turkey for picking up the 6, who remained in the fartsack when they stopped by “on their way” to Womble for the Murph.

Prayer:  Lipstick and fam, Downrange (of course), my cousin Caroline and her family displaced by a tornado that struck their house, Pikachu’s M

4 corners around the baseball fields

A old school limited “run” with fun stops.

warm up the arms and a bit of the legs.

walk to the old rock pile and grab a rock or two.

Arm workout between stops.  overhead press, curls, …

Core work at the stops.  lbc, homer to marge, mountain climbers…

Downtown Train Birthday Bash 59

Warmups: Good mornings 10x, Bat wings 10x 4 positions, Sidestradle hop 59x for bday

Main Event: Mosey to stage area in front of HS Culture Club

Absolutions 10x

Complete circuit around library with three stations. Each station with three exercises: arms/shoulders, legs, core.

Partner up for counts and form. Complete 59 reps between the two of you.

Station 1: Merkins, squats, LBCs 59 reps

Between: Absolutions

Station 2: Side planks, lunges, WWIIs 59 reps

Between: Jack Webbs

Station 3: Patty cake Merkins, squat hold, American hammer 59 reps

Finale: Sprints in parking deck

COT: Announcements: Accept the challenge. In this case, consider signing up for the Triangle Sprint Triathlon. Super easy.

Fence painting on Monday, May 20

Prayer requests: Hasselhoff job situation/opportunity


Second F: Coffee by Abe and Wild Turkey

Fresh strawberries by yours truly.

Honor to lead. Thanks for helping celebrate my birthday.


That smell

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, daisy pickers, Willy Mays hays, Sir Fazio arm circles, chinooks, mountain climbers

The Workout: 

Thing 1- PAX form two lines, each line possessed two soccer balls. At a jogging pace, the balls were thrown overhead to the pax behind, once at the back of the line that person sprints to the front to start the cycle again. Drops meant all pax stopped and performed 5 squats. ~1/2 mile loop around the park completed. We did a lot of squats.

Thing 2- Medium sized rocks were obtained and we made our way to the picnic shelter. Pax paired up for a music-based AMRAP/Dora style workout- one partner completed AMRAP exercises while the other partner cusacked their rock up a small hill and around a loop. When the song changed, the exercise changed (tricep extension, step ups, erkins, bicep curls). Skynyrd set the tone, and my free version of Spotify (like Lebron) blessed us with zero ads during the workout. Shoutout free Spotify. 

All pax participated in an extended wall sit for the duration of Saturday Night Special. Some pax held out for the whole time, others gave it a break… something about running plans for the weekend. Near the end of the first verse a thicc odor spread like the plague from an unnamed pax, driving others to seek refuge elsewhere in the shelter. Pax were unpleased by the aroma, Q was unpleased because it didn’t happen during “That Smell”. 

Mary: American hammer, WW1, plank hold

Announcements: 3rd F opportunities on Slack, fence painting with the town, Men’s night at local church

T-Claps (Recognition): Turkey and Nickelback both have kids graduating college

Prayer: Bobby B’s family member undergoing heart procedures, UTIs family member with a scary diagnosis. 


Water Park at R4TJ

FNGs: none (don’t blame them)

Warm Up: SSH, high knees

The Workout: 6 runners and 3 ruckers. The runners had a nice and simple out and back on Crossway. 5 miles, give or take, and a few hills. The temperature was just right for the rain to not be too much of a bother. Everyone did a good job picking up the 6 (YHC).

Mary: Nah, we’re good.

Announcements: see Slack

T-Claps (Recognition): all of the PAX who got out in the driving rain this morning to get it done

Prayer: injured PAX, miss seeing them in the gloom, reach out!

Moleskin: F3’s third core principle is “Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.” Obviously, safety takes priority. Don’t go play on a field when their’s lightning (we were skirting the edge of that today), don’t go for a hard long run if it’s 120° F. But part of getting up at 5:30 in the morning and knocking out a workout is doing the hard thing. Those hard things make us stronger, not just in a physical sense but also mentally. So if it’s raining, if it’s cold, if it’s dark, make the commitment to get out there (safely) and put in the work. You’ll be better for it and so will your brothers in the gloom.


Pairs and stairs

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up:

SSH, Good Morning, Sir Fazio F/R, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night clubs, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, 5 Burpees OYO for BnB being late

The Workout:

Thang 1: partner DORA – 100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. 1 partner runs to top of stairs in parking deck, back down. Switch with partner doing exercises.

Thang 2: Urkins, Dips, Plank Hold, Low Slow Flutter x3 rounds

Thang 3: Peoples chair 10 count each PAX, BTTW x5 each PAX, Monkey Humpers x10 – 3 rounds

Mary: Popcorn – Homer to Marge, pickle pounders, Freddie mercury, crab cakes, 100 tap the ground, heel taps, J-Lo’s, stretching


Downrange looking for rental, BnB and Firefly leading shovel flag event 3/8, Shooting Blanks looking for company on Tobacco Road Marathon

T-Claps (Recognition): all PAX for a strong showing

Prayer: Banana Seat aunt passed, unspoken, sick and injured

Reach out to guys you haven’t seen in a while.

TBD if suicides are all fun and games

FNGs: none

Warm Up: side straddle hop, imperial walkers, hillbillies, merkins, frankensteins, prisoner squats, sir fazio arm circles, seal claps

The Workout: 

PAX did a short Indian run to the opposite parking lot. Workout was suicides to the trees in the median. 1st Stop = 10 star jumps, return home, 2nd stop = 20 merkins, return home, 3rd stop = 30 star jumps, return home, 4th stop = 40 merkins. Return home. Work your way back down at 5th, 6th and 7th tree returning home each time. 


Mosey to amphitheater for some dips, step ups and erkins then continue on to rock pile.

Medium rock for some All about the Benjamins. 25 curls for the girls, 25 lunges, 25 squats, 25 lunges, 25 overhead press, 25 lunges, 25 chest press followed by 20 skull crushers and 20 ruh rohs. 

Trade rocks for some handheld size and perform static lateral and front raises as well as some static curls for the girls.

Popcorn Mary around the circle for 11 total exercises (Sorry Kosher!)

Announcements: Several on track for a 5 pack this week.

T-Claps (Recognition): Good work to those putting in the effort for the 5 pack

Prayer: Captain Kangaroo F3 Raleigh passed away. Koshers dad undergoing surgery. Bobby Bouchers family.