
Shining Stars at Purple Cobra with an FNG

FNGs: Timber

Warm Up: Multiple mosey and stop for thunder-hops, frankenstein, imperial walkers, hill billies. Mosey to the wall by the baseball field for step ups, merkins, dips for 2 rounds

The Workout: 

Got coupons from the rock pile and did 2 sets of movements before the Q selected a PAX to select a number between 1 and 5. Each number selected was for a different station. The PAXs bear crawled the selected station, leaving their rocks for the moment. We hit all the stations and hit station 4 twice. After completing the exercise at the station the PAX bear crawled back. We repeated this for what ended up being 6 rounds.

  1. Kevin Harts
  2. Mike Tyson
  3. Big Boy Sit ups
  4. Preacher’s chair
  5. Star jumps

We then mosey’d to the playground for Derkins, Urkins and dips

Mary: American Hammers, Box cutter, LBCs, Heel taps, Homer to Marge

Announcements: Abe is collecting food for the food cupboard

T-Claps (Recognition): PAX that helped Shooting Blanks move on Saturday.

Prayer: A hiker named Jason passed away this last weekend unexpectedly, prayers for his family. Also for grand-daughter.

Noice Ordinance Choppa Q

FNGs: 2 now Rump and Goldfish

Warm Up:SSH, Good Mornings, windmills, Hillbillies

The Workout:partner Sandbag throw 50 yards while one partner does merkins

roll the dice for workout while one pax carries a 80pound sandbag


 Announcements:Adopt a highway March 8th 10:30am Vote for Best in Shows of

 T-Claps (Recognition):Breach and Shooting Blanks in The race for the sun. Yogurt in a mountain bike race  Prayer: for guys that aren’t here 

9 MEN vs Hurriane Debby

Hurricane Debbie is flooding the streets, but that didn’t stop 9 MEN that courageously faced the wind and the rain. Everyone was soaked in about 10 seconds of exiting their vehicles.

EC: 3 miles ShootingBlanks, Downrange, Mr. Terrific

FNGs: Didn’t show, Debby scared them off?

Warm Up: Side-straddle hopps, shoulder taps, plank jacks, 

The Workout: 5 rounds of 4 Corners, escalating. Mosey between corners, sprint to the finish line, pick up the six when done with your round

Round 1, C1 5 burpees /  C2 10 Murkins / C3 15 LBCs / C4 20 squats. 

Round 2, C1 5 burpees /  C2 5 burpees, 10 Murkins / C3 5 burpees, 15 LBCs / C4 5 burpees, 20 squats. 

Round 3, C1 5 burpees, 10 Murkins /  C2 5 burpees, 10 Murkins / C3 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs / C4 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 20 squats. 

Round 4, C1 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs/  C2 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs / C3 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs / C4 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats. 

Round 5, C1 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats /  C2 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats / C3 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats / C4 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats

Mary: LBCs, Low-slow flutter, Have a nice day

Announcements: Shooting Blanks has some generators for sale

T-Claps (Recognition): Courageous PAX in the hurricane wind and rain.

Prayer: Shooting Blanks’ family member is moving next week, health concerns, safety in the storm

6 years is a long time but not that long

So great to have 29 in the gloom this morning to help me celebrate 6 years with F3.  This group has changed my life and I hope to continue paying that forward.  It’s a whole lot more than a workout!!!

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Windmill, Imperial Walkers, Mosey, Good Morning, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Mosey

The Workout:  Cones were set up about 10 yards apart.  PAX performed the following exercises: 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 imperial walkers, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks and 30 squats.  We went through the circuit 4 times traveling by bear crawl, lunge walk, broad jump and bunny hop.  Between sets mosey to the disc golf tee box and perform ab exercises to wait on the 6.

Mary: Low slow flutter, LBC, Homer to Marge, big boy sit ups, box cutters


T-Claps (Recognition): The PAX of F3!!!

Prayer: Emeril knee surgery, Gillette colleague that was killed

Triple Nickel on Earp

18 PAX for a lot of hill repeats on Earp St.

WU over to top of Earp parking lot
Good Mornings

Thang 1
Triple Nickle to cemetery 5x5x5
Burpees and Turkish get-ups at top ends and shoulder tap merkins at bottom

Thangs 2
3-some pull ups/rows
Clock merkins (2,4,6,8,10,12)

Sally (aka Green Sally)
Lower stretch

Thanks for the opportunity to lead at DTT.

BS out


Summit Disney

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, HillBillies, Frankensteins, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps.

The Workout: Moseyed down the hill and took a right towards Optimist Farm Rd. Made our way to the River Rock pile and grabbed two rocks just small enough to grasp for exercises. Moseyed back to the greenway path and went about halfway up. This Q just realized the presence of another rock pile, conveniently placed right where we were going to execute our workout. 

Round 1: 
Curls for the Girls – 10x IC
Overhead Press – 10x IC
Ruh Rohs – 10x IC

Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 5 Star Jumps

Round 2:
Curls for the Girls – 10x Each Arm, Hold 1 at 90° and perform reps with other arm, rinse repeat
Overhead Press – 10x Each Arm, Hold 1 at 90° and perform reps with other arm, rinse repeat
Ruh Rohs – 10x IC

Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 10 Star Jumps

Round 3:
Curls for the Girls – 5x from down to 90°, 5x from 90° to top, 5x full range
Overhead Press – 10x IC
Ruh Rohs – 10x each arm, hold 1 at 90° and perform reps with other arm, rinse repeat

Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 15 star jumps

Round 4: Grab a new rock from recently discovered rock pile for squats, chest press and skull crushers
Squats – 15x
Chest Press – 15x IC
Skull Crushers – 10x IC

Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 15 star jumps

Round 5: 
Squats – 10x Tempo IC
Chest Press – 10x Tempo IC
Skull Crushers – 10x IC

Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 10 star jumps

Round 6: 
Squats – 15x
Chest Press – 15x IC
Skull Crushers – 10x IC

Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 5 star jumps

Return all of our rocks to designated areas and return to greenway path.

Challenge yourself and give it all you got from base of greenway up the hill to the fields. Pick up the 6 as necessary. 

Mosey to the playground after catching our breath and perform 2 rounds of dips and derkins on the wall. 

Make our way to the flag for Mary.

Mary: Homer to Marge, Heel Taps, Freddy Mercuries, Heels to Heaven, Box Cutters, Absolution

Announcements: Picnic on the 9th at Womble. Keep an eye out for July 5th signup – Choppa has the Q.

T-Claps (Recognition): All the ruckers and runner converging on the AO to join in COT. Great effort by the PAX at the bootcamp. 

Prayer: Skittles friend going into surgery; Fedex; Tofu’s family with recent loss; Unspoken


Jellybeans set the tone

On my way to the AO, as I continued to work through the details of the workout in my head, I turned onto Holly Springs Rd and was coming up on my turn into Jones Park. Ahead of me, the silhouette of a HIM crossing Holly Springs Rd; Regal, Majestic, Patriotic; this HIM  (later identified as Jellybeans) was rucking to the AO for the workout, with his Shovel Flag in tow, backlit by the light of dawn.  A sight to see, an inspiration to those around him, a proud member of F3. For me, this certainly set the tone for the morning. 

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up: Good mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm circles, Seal Claps, OH Claps, Daisy Pickers

The Workout: Mosey to the rock pile for a medium rock. 

Made our way to Holly Springs Rd via Cusack and Mosey with various rock exercises mixed in (Ruh Rohs, Lunge walk with OH Press, Squat with OH Press, Curls for the Girls)

Circled up in the grass adjacent to Holly Springs Rd for 3 rounds of various rock exercises combining arms, legs, and ab work. Each round was separated by sprints down the new greenway path with a mosey back to the rocks. 

Exercises included ruh rohs, skull crushers, ground pounders, chest press, american hammers, homer to marge, squats, lunges, and a combo 6 inches and overhead rock pull on our six. 

Made our way back to the rock pile mixing in some of the same exercises and modes of transportation along the way.

Finished with a plank hold rock pass down the line of 14 PAX x 2.

Over to the playground we went to complete the June challenge of 20 pullups at every AO. 

Mary: Low Slow Flutter, Freddy Mercuries, Mountain Climbers and finished with some Yoga Stretching


F3 picnic this Sunday.

T-Claps (Recognition): Nada

Prayer: Best in Show’s Uncle Bob, Fedex, Slide Rule, and all unspoken