
Screenshot 2023-06-14 163901

The Bowler Runs 4 The John

FNGs: Nuh uh

Warm Up: EC was had by 187, Lipstick, UTI

The Workout: A past route of my own creation returns!

Mary: Profuse sweating in the parking lot, heavy breathing


  • Bottle Share this weekend – see Cupid and Slack
  • Picnic next weekend – see Cupid and Slack
  • 3 Alarm Run – just show up (See Q sheet)
  • R4TJ in need of a site Q – Bring the flag, encourage leadership, draw up some running routes – Ask Lipstick, UTI, and Redenbacher for past Site Q overview.  

T-Claps (Recognition):

Flag provided today by Yogurt – thanks brother!



  • Maybelline
    • MIL is having open heart surgery, M is traveling to be with her
    • Dad is recovering from recent procedure
  • Pikachu
    • MIL is traveling
    • Mom is having surgery
  • Down Range
    • New baby, new to the area, new job

Plogging at R4TJ

FNGs: none

The Workout: YHC learned of plogging recently (picking up trash while running/jogging). Global Running Day was coming up and I decided to take the Q and celebrate by plogging. 

4 bags of trash were collected and 3.7 miles were covered in one hour. Pace was definitely affected with lots of starting and stopping. But I still managed to get a decent run in and Main St is cleaner for now. 1st and 3rd Fs accomplished.

Prayer: 187’s mother-in-law, Maybelline’s dad

U-Turn 5-13-2023

Respect The 1st F

Warm-Up: Warm Up: Good mornings 10x to stretch out; 58 SSHs to recognize my 58 years of the good life.

The Workout: 5.8 mile run based on the Original U-Turn route: Irving, Thomas Mill, Green Oaks, Ballentine, Elm, Main, Holly Springs Road, Sprint to Starbucks

COT Message:

  1. Respect the 1st F. If you are a site Q, if you leading workouts, if you regularly attend a workout, then you should be flying an F3 flag. Why? The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. Planting a flag at your workout is a metaphor for that mission. Without a flag, we’re just a bunch of guys working out together. Respect the 1st F, fly your flag, give others the opportunity to experience F3.
  2. Don’t wait until you’re in your 50s to develop an exit strategy for work. If we’re all lucky, we’ll live to be 90 years old. Do you want to work beyond your 50s or 60s? I don’t, at least not tied to a desk. Make a plan now.
  3. Don’t wait until your in your 50s to find Jesus. Turn your life over to Him now and your life will be much more peaceful.

Announcements: Udder has a bib to give for a half marathon in Umstead for next weekend.

T-Claps (Recognition): none called out today

Prayer: Safety to Redenbacher, who’s taking a deep underwater dive in Florida today. Strength and safety to Bobby Boucher, Gator, who are knocking out the New River Marathon near Boone today.

Second F: Panera. I brought a box of fresh strawberries from Miss Madison’s Strawberries. You can find one of their stands on the corner of Bass Lake Road/Hilltop Needmore and Sunset Lake Road (you know, the Citgo station). These strawberries were delicious.

Bottom Line: This was a great way to kick off my birthday. I really appreciate everyone coming out–I know many of you adjusted your runs and plans to be there, so THANK YOU! And I appreciate all the kind words and support throughout the day. Now, go build yourself an F3 flag and fly it!


Where is Waldo?

EC:  Emeril, TomTom, UTI et al

FNGs: Not today

Warm Up: pffffft. we show up ready to go at the John.

The Workout:  Standard 5 mile route – The Grinch

Mary:  Short on time

Announcements: Check Slack and Facebook

T-Claps (Recognition): Skidmark for feeling good enough to run!

Prayer:  UTI mother in law, UTI family friend, all PAX to remain healthy, unspoken.

Skidmark took us out. Always an honor to lead

Even the Odds Rev3

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Met at normal AO start.  Mosey down to Sheepdog Track. Circled up for SSH, Imperial/Hillbillies, SFAC, Good Morning, and Daisy pickers.  Anticipation was high as most of the first time PAX had heard through the SLACK machine and by reputation how brutal of a beating this can be.  Several PAX were on their 2nd and 3rd round of this 1-hour long beatdown of U vs U but were still anticipating the special kind of suck it brings. YHC read the rules and tweaked how the “points” are scored.
The Workout: The ODD numbers must be done in order of sequence.  1,3,5, etc. the EVEN numbers can be done in any order you choose.  Once you start the exercise you must complete that exercise before moving on to the next number (Even or Odd). The timer is set for one hour.  You must keep track of your points for a total tally at the end of the hour.  If the exercise is not completed before the timer runs out, you do not get ANY points for completion. During the workout, the PAXs that are running can pick up any man’s six on any of the EVEN exercises.  (*note* If you are bear crawling and get tired you cannot walk around the track to complete the 400m. It’s a 400m bear crawl…not a 100-meter bear crawl and 300-meter walk).

Mary: Too tired to do it.
Announcements: F3 Xmas party.
T-Claps (Recognition):  Any HIM that showed up for this beating for their first time: Shredder, Farva, Duece, LED, 2 Dollars, Sunshine, Banana Seat  Several guys have done it twice:  Maybeline, Nemo, and Lipstick  Guys who have done it three times. Breach, Cupid, and YHC.
Prayer: Tough times during the holiday season for many men and families. Reach out.

Not Quite As Bad As A Dirty Delete

Pre-blast art by: DALL-E 2 with the prompt “fat purple cobra sitting next to half-eaten pumpkin pie”

FNGs: No

Lipsticks attendance was a surprise since he had HC’d and made a big deal about dirty deletes for Prison Yard… He overslept so we got him instead (yippee)

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Frankensteins, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies

The Workout:

THANG 1 – Mozy to the church lot – Stack-em-up BLIMPS

  • Run to 1st Post
  • 5x Burpees
  • Run Back to Start 10 SSH
  • Run to 2nd post
  • 10x LBCs
  • Run to 1st Post
  • 5x Burpees
  • Run Back to Start 10 SSH
  • Continue on this way through 15x Imperial Walkers (IC), 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats


  • 10WW2s
  • Sprint up the hill
  • 10 Star Jumps
  • Down the hill
  • Repeat 5x

Mary: Box Cutters, Ankle Grabbers, Crab Cakes

Announcements: Christmas Cookie Party – Ms and 2.0s invited


  • Sick PAX coming back from the holidays.
  • SoftServe, healing up after an ordeal involving his ring finger.  Also prayers for his family as they are faced with some tough decisions concerning one of their dogs.

Is it still supposed to burn after 5 years?

7 years ago – I had reached my max weight the year prior, 230 lbs.  After a friend and colleague passed away unexpectedly, I decided to train for and run in my first race ever.  The Triangle Sprint Tri.  I spent the next year biking, running, and swimming to the best of my ability – trying to prepare enough to survive the race.  I had a small group of local Tri-ers that helped me through along with some friends that also decided to race in the name of the friend we lost.

6 years ago – I had just completed the Triangle Tri, in the year prior I lost 30 lbs.  I was looking for something to keep the momentum.  I was working my way through a trial with a local CrossFit gym.  It was expensive, the people were nice but I still felt out of place.  I had started running with the Holly Springs Run Club and continued to off and on as well.  I was inconsistent and gained back 10lbs.

5 years ago – I showed up solo to my first workout at Paradise City after being EH’d only 1x several months before at a Wednesday morning Holly Springs Run Club run.  (I ran next to Deadbolt that morning).  July 24, 2017 I joined F3.

Today – I’ve lost 50 lbs since starting my fitness journey.  Much of it would never have been sustained without F3 and this community.  There are so many physical, mental, and personal challenges that I have faced because of F3 OR been more prepared for in my everyday life because of F3.  Marathons, Relays, the Pandemic, life…

The following workout closely resembles my first post Q’d by Emeril and CHiPS

FNGs: Nil

Warm Up:

  • Fellowship Run
  • Fast Feet on the Curb and switch
  • Carioca and switch
  • Circle Up
    • Windmills to 15
    • SSH to 50
    • Good Mornings to 10

The Workout:

Thang 1
Parking lot – B O M B S
Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to middle of parking lot.
Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete.
The exercises and reps are: 50- Burpees / 100- Overhead Claps / 150- Merkins / 200- LBC’s / 250- Squats.


Thang 2

Trio’s at the ramp. Partner A wheelbarrows Partner B. Partner C performs 5 Burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner C then wheelbarrows Partner A. Partner B performs the 5 burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner B then wheelbarrows Partner C. And so on and so forth until the Q says to stop

Mary: Pickle Pounders, Homer to Marge, Pigeon Pose, Runners Pose

Announcements: Picnic this weekend, Derek Davis 5k

T-Claps (Recognition):  Thanks to F3 and F3 South Wake for being here.  I didn’t know I needed this but I needed this.  I appreciate everything this community has done for me personally and what I know it is and continues to be for all of us.  Keep grinding.


CHiPS delivered these at my first post, still fit today as you imagine they might coming from the good book.

  • Proverbs 17:17 – A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in face you are doing.


5 years ago our big community was much smaller. EC didnt exist, our group fitness target was the HSHM, At best we had one AO a day. We keep getting bigger, we keep getting stronger in many ways. Keep picking up the 6 core to what you do and who we are. Let us get bigger, but keep your small tribes moving too.  -UTI


——————————————–ORIGINAL BACKBLAST FROM FACEBOOK————————————————

July 24, 2017
PAX of 33 showed up to muggy sweaty Paradise City.
PAX: Pikachu, Jeter, Buford, Blue Hen, Roger Roger, Deadbolt, Baywatch, Sausage Party, Bluewater, Tofu, Big Perm, Chipshot, Java, Backpage, Dog Pound, Foghorn, Nemo, Patch, Moby, Yellow Card, Slappy, Icing, Happy Trees, Midget for Life, Sliderule, Slidetech, Anthrax,
2.0 FNG’s Hulk, Messi, Stryker
SSH x 20, Windmills x10
WARM-UP on the jog
Sidesteps both sides, fast feet on the curb. 10 slow merkins
Parking lot – B O M B S
Similar to Dora 1-2-3 but more exercises. Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to middle of parking lot. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps are: 50- Burpees / 100- Overhead Claps / 150- Merkins / 200- LBC’s / 250- Squats.
Trio’s at the ramp. Partner A partner carries Partner B. Partner C performs 5 Burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner C then partner carries Partner A. Partner B performs the 5 burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner B then partner carries Partner C. Partner A performs the called number of the called exercise and then sprints to catch the pair. Up the ramp to tennis courts.
From Tennis courts to Bball court – Start with 5 burpees, 10 lunge each leg while walking, 15 imperial walker each side while walking, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks. Mosey to the bball court for Mary.
15 each Freddie Mercury, Low slow flutter, Homer to Marge
10 each Hillbillies, 9 Good Mornings
Arena – Need shoes size 10-11. Bring them to Owais or join him on Fridays at 2:30 for a workout
Raleigh Rescue Mission – Owais working to set up 2 days of feeding the homeless. More info to come
Holly Springs ½ Marathon – Lot of South Wake guys running in it. Join up as training will start soon.
CHiPS – Prayers for guidance to his nephew.
Proverbs 17:17 – A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in face you are doing.

Did you hear that?

EC: Emeril, Yoshi, et al

FNGs: none

Warm Up: Circled up and discussed the route.

The Workout:

16 PAX showed up for the scooter route.








Mary: MIA

Announcements: Check Slack and FB

T-Claps (Recognition):  PAX picking up the 6.

Prayer: Lipstick and his family, Boy George and Bernie traveling this week for their race, Davis and his family, unspoken.

YHC took us out. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

April Ultimate

18 HIM came out for an exhausting game of ultimate. Lots of hustle this morning. Can’t wait until next month to do it again.

BS Out!