

Things that seem better on paper for 100, Alex

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Daisy Pickers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout: PAX took the long way around the ball fields to the Abyss. At the top of the Abyss, YHC laid out the plan. Each PAX would take a turn running to the bottom of the stairs and back up. Meanwhile, the rest of the PAX would do an exercise. Repeat until everyone has had a trip down and back. Then switch the exercise. YHC did not realize just how long it would take to get down and back, and his arms paid for it.
Exercises were merkins, squats, WWIIs and lunges.

Next stop was the playground where we did three rounds of dips followed by people’s chair.

Mary: Popcorn Mary

Announcements: SIGN UP TO Q!!!

Prayer: Healing for Choppa’s wife (sorry if I forgot one)

Paradise City 8-19-2024

Paradise City – Burpees and Speed

EC: Full House, H1N1, Yogurt

FNGs: None, but @Karoake could be considered a Kotter

Warm Up: 5 burpees OYO, 10 GMs, 5 more burpees OYO, 25 SSH, 25 OH claps. Circled the fields and tennis courts a couple of times with minimum 5 burpees OYO at each corner, plus one exercise, including merkins, big-boy sit-ups, and OH claps.

Main Event 1: Suicides on tennis courts. Been a long time since we visited these. Recalled immediately that fenced sections are three courts wide, which worked out great.

Each run = Far sideline court 1, back; far sideline court 2, back; far sideline court 3, back.

Exercises upon completing each run = Plank jacks, shoulder taps, OH presses

Finished with one last run to far sideline court 3, Karaoke led the way.

Main event 2: Sprints on Ramp

Format: Similar to suicides – Sprint to first blue sign “Foul ball area,” walk back; Sprint to second sign, walk back; Sprint to third sign, walk back. We had time for only three, but everyone accelerated.

Mary: Stretched those hammies while they were warm.

Announcements: 3-Alarm event is on, just like every Tuesday. This week, there will be extended fellowship afterwards.

Prayer: Full House dad in hospital. H1N1 death in family and co-worker’s family.

Hope all have a productive week.


If It Burns For 7 Years… Should You See a Doctor?

FNGs: Friendly, not new

Warm Up: SSH, Daisy Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Willy Mays Haze 

The Workout: 

  • Running lap around the outside of the field – talk about how Pikachu are electric Pokemon but for some reason are OK swimming and surfing.  Not fire Pokemon though, swimming is a no go.
  • Grab Blocks and head to the soccer field.  1st, take a walking lap around the field with your block.
  • Head into the gate between both fields, drop your block for 5 burpees.  Talk about Pikachu’s Pickle.
  • Pick up blocks and follow the outside line of the field until you reach a corner.  Uneven burpees on the block, 3 each side.
  • Farmer carry the block to the next corner, switching hands half-way.  Talk about Pikachu’s Eggplant.
  • Partner up and set both blocks shoulder-width apart.  Partner 1 completes negative Merkins AMRAP while Partner 2 runs the length of both field end-zones and back.  Switch and complete 2x.
  • Carry blocks to next corner.  Talk about how Gizmo was named after Pikachu’s little soldier.  Also reflect on how much Downrange and Cancun love sausage.
  • 15x Skull Crushers
  • Carry blocks overhead to half-field, recover, carry blocks to the next corner.  Not sure what we talked about here….
  • Run a victory lap around the field.
  • Get back to last corner and partner up for Explosive Merkins.  Setup blocks accordingly.  Partner 1 does Merkins AMRAP, Partner 2 runs one of the two soccer end-zones.  Each completes 1x
  • Go to soccer field endzone and sprint to opposite endzone 1x.  Return mozy.
  • Return Blocks to their home and head to Mary

Mary:  Homer to Marge, Low Slow Flutters, Poop Eaters, Pickle Pounders, Squats

Announcements:  F3 Dads Camp Seagull –

T-Claps (Recognition): Support from the PAX on my 7 years.  Thanks Fellas.  Can’t say enough this group means to me.  It’s always awesome to know that I have you all.

Prayer: For those still trapped at the airport, Cancun’s wife see MealTrain

6 years is a long time but not that long

So great to have 29 in the gloom this morning to help me celebrate 6 years with F3.  This group has changed my life and I hope to continue paying that forward.  It’s a whole lot more than a workout!!!

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Windmill, Imperial Walkers, Mosey, Good Morning, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Mosey

The Workout:  Cones were set up about 10 yards apart.  PAX performed the following exercises: 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 imperial walkers, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks and 30 squats.  We went through the circuit 4 times traveling by bear crawl, lunge walk, broad jump and bunny hop.  Between sets mosey to the disc golf tee box and perform ab exercises to wait on the 6.

Mary: Low slow flutter, LBC, Homer to Marge, big boy sit ups, box cutters


T-Claps (Recognition): The PAX of F3!!!

Prayer: Emeril knee surgery, Gillette colleague that was killed


Jellybeans set the tone

On my way to the AO, as I continued to work through the details of the workout in my head, I turned onto Holly Springs Rd and was coming up on my turn into Jones Park. Ahead of me, the silhouette of a HIM crossing Holly Springs Rd; Regal, Majestic, Patriotic; this HIM  (later identified as Jellybeans) was rucking to the AO for the workout, with his Shovel Flag in tow, backlit by the light of dawn.  A sight to see, an inspiration to those around him, a proud member of F3. For me, this certainly set the tone for the morning. 

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up: Good mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm circles, Seal Claps, OH Claps, Daisy Pickers

The Workout: Mosey to the rock pile for a medium rock. 

Made our way to Holly Springs Rd via Cusack and Mosey with various rock exercises mixed in (Ruh Rohs, Lunge walk with OH Press, Squat with OH Press, Curls for the Girls)

Circled up in the grass adjacent to Holly Springs Rd for 3 rounds of various rock exercises combining arms, legs, and ab work. Each round was separated by sprints down the new greenway path with a mosey back to the rocks. 

Exercises included ruh rohs, skull crushers, ground pounders, chest press, american hammers, homer to marge, squats, lunges, and a combo 6 inches and overhead rock pull on our six. 

Made our way back to the rock pile mixing in some of the same exercises and modes of transportation along the way.

Finished with a plank hold rock pass down the line of 14 PAX x 2.

Over to the playground we went to complete the June challenge of 20 pullups at every AO. 

Mary: Low Slow Flutter, Freddy Mercuries, Mountain Climbers and finished with some Yoga Stretching


F3 picnic this Sunday.

T-Claps (Recognition): Nada

Prayer: Best in Show’s Uncle Bob, Fedex, Slide Rule, and all unspoken


That smell

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, daisy pickers, Willy Mays hays, Sir Fazio arm circles, chinooks, mountain climbers

The Workout: 

Thing 1- PAX form two lines, each line possessed two soccer balls. At a jogging pace, the balls were thrown overhead to the pax behind, once at the back of the line that person sprints to the front to start the cycle again. Drops meant all pax stopped and performed 5 squats. ~1/2 mile loop around the park completed. We did a lot of squats.

Thing 2- Medium sized rocks were obtained and we made our way to the picnic shelter. Pax paired up for a music-based AMRAP/Dora style workout- one partner completed AMRAP exercises while the other partner cusacked their rock up a small hill and around a loop. When the song changed, the exercise changed (tricep extension, step ups, erkins, bicep curls). Skynyrd set the tone, and my free version of Spotify (like Lebron) blessed us with zero ads during the workout. Shoutout free Spotify. 

All pax participated in an extended wall sit for the duration of Saturday Night Special. Some pax held out for the whole time, others gave it a break… something about running plans for the weekend. Near the end of the first verse a thicc odor spread like the plague from an unnamed pax, driving others to seek refuge elsewhere in the shelter. Pax were unpleased by the aroma, Q was unpleased because it didn’t happen during “That Smell”. 

Mary: American hammer, WW1, plank hold

Announcements: 3rd F opportunities on Slack, fence painting with the town, Men’s night at local church

T-Claps (Recognition): Turkey and Nickelback both have kids graduating college

Prayer: Bobby B’s family member undergoing heart procedures, UTIs family member with a scary diagnosis. 


Engage! (your core)

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mayes Hayes, High Knees

The Workout: The Abyss was promised in the preblast, and the Abyss is where we went. On today’s menu was a simple EMOM. 1 exercise each minute, 5 exercises and 5 rounds. The exercises were: Merkins, WWIIs, Squats, Shoulder Taps and then finish things off with a trip down and back up the Abyss. A helpful PAX reminded us to “engage our cores” even on exercises that aren’t core-centric. ABETC (always be engaging that core)

Mary: 10 count plank all the way around followed by popcorn Mary. Ended before we got to Gizmo. Sorry Gizmo.

Announcements: A few 3rd F opportunities coming up, check Slack.

Prayer: Gizmo’s friend’s pregnancy, UTI’s coworker and her husband, Cupid’s sister


Running 4 the John: Desination WoodCreek

FNGs: None

Warm Up: None

The Workout: It was more of a run

Mary: None

Announcements: Xmas Party

T-Claps (Recognition):

A reminder to tell someone important to you how important they are.

Prayer:  We prayed for recent stroke victims and their recoveries.


Did he just say 50 burpees?

FNGs: Not really the place for all that…

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Windmill, Overhead Claps

The Workout:

  • Thing 1 – Mini Dora on the tennis courts.  Partner does suicides while other partner exercises, Switch, rinse, repeat.  Exercises were 50 burpees, 100 Mtn Climbers IC, 150 Star Jumps.
  • Thing 2 – Laps around Ting with stops at the ticket booth for step ups and split leg squats and a stop at the guard rail for Irkins, Dirkins, and Dips.

Mary: Stretching and a couple of laps around COT because we were real close on the promised 3 mile minimum.

Announcements: Picnic

T-Claps (Recognition): All the PAX showing up and showing out on a Monday.  Great work out there men!

Prayer: Best In Show’s MIL battling cancer.  PAX training for various races.  YHC took us out.

It’s always an honor to lead in the gloom.  I’ll try to do better next time!

U-Turn 5-13-2023

Respect The 1st F

Warm-Up: Warm Up: Good mornings 10x to stretch out; 58 SSHs to recognize my 58 years of the good life.

The Workout: 5.8 mile run based on the Original U-Turn route: Irving, Thomas Mill, Green Oaks, Ballentine, Elm, Main, Holly Springs Road, Sprint to Starbucks

COT Message:

  1. Respect the 1st F. If you are a site Q, if you leading workouts, if you regularly attend a workout, then you should be flying an F3 flag. Why? The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. Planting a flag at your workout is a metaphor for that mission. Without a flag, we’re just a bunch of guys working out together. Respect the 1st F, fly your flag, give others the opportunity to experience F3.
  2. Don’t wait until you’re in your 50s to develop an exit strategy for work. If we’re all lucky, we’ll live to be 90 years old. Do you want to work beyond your 50s or 60s? I don’t, at least not tied to a desk. Make a plan now.
  3. Don’t wait until your in your 50s to find Jesus. Turn your life over to Him now and your life will be much more peaceful.

Announcements: Udder has a bib to give for a half marathon in Umstead for next weekend.

T-Claps (Recognition): none called out today

Prayer: Safety to Redenbacher, who’s taking a deep underwater dive in Florida today. Strength and safety to Bobby Boucher, Gator, who are knocking out the New River Marathon near Boone today.

Second F: Panera. I brought a box of fresh strawberries from Miss Madison’s Strawberries. You can find one of their stands on the corner of Bass Lake Road/Hilltop Needmore and Sunset Lake Road (you know, the Citgo station). These strawberries were delicious.

Bottom Line: This was a great way to kick off my birthday. I really appreciate everyone coming out–I know many of you adjusted your runs and plans to be there, so THANK YOU! And I appreciate all the kind words and support throughout the day. Now, go build yourself an F3 flag and fly it!