

In Cadence On my Down

The weather is finally starting to warm up but it was still a bit chilly this morning. We had a good turn out for the EC about 4 if I recall. I haven’t been out in a while for an F3 workout let alone Q the damn thing. So we warm up everything is fine. Mossyed over to the football field to do some erkins derkins and dips. As I start calling out the exercises and instructing how to follow me I ended up saying both ways “In cadence on my down”. It gave Woody a good laugh. Then I did it about two more times after that. Lol good times!

Warm Up:

  • Good mornings
  • Imperial Walker’s
  • Hill Billy’s
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Side Straddle Hop

The Workout:

  • erkins derkins and dips
  • Wall sits
  • 11’s – WW I’s & Air Squats


  • Homer to Marge & pickle pounders


Rocks and the Three Bears

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mays Hayes

The Workout: Pax moseyed over to the rock pile and were instructed to get a shmedium rock. We all lined up on one side of the parking lot, where we performed 20 counts of curls for the girls, triceps, rows, ground pounders and squats. We then bear crawled to the other end of the parking lot and moseyed back. We did this another two rounds for a total of three. Returning our rocks and back on the mosey. 

Next stop was the picnic shelter. Pax picked a spot on the wall for People’s Chair. 10 count down the line for a total of 70. Then over to the tables where we did 10 Urkins and 10 French Dips. Rinse and repeat two more times, opting for standard dips on those rounds. Woody did a good job encouraging us to perform People’s Chair properly with our thighs horizontal and to push through. P.S.I. showed us all that he could count to 10 in Estonian! Wrapped things up and moseyed to the tennis courts.

Mary: popcorn Mary followed by some yoga

Announcements: Kosher will join YHC as co-site Q at Cletus. Looking forward to it!

T-Claps (Recognition): Kosher for stepping up and co-site Qing Cletus

Prayer: Woody’s friend Larry and his wife Kim


Pickle Beatdown at Cletus

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Wille Mays Hays

The Workout:

Thang 1 – The Big Pickle:

PAX completed an Indian Run over to the parking lot on the other end of the soccer fields. Once we got there, we partnered up (one group of 3) for 3 rounds of the Big Pickle. One PAX ran one direction, partner ran the other way around the lot, when they met up, completed 10 patty cake merkins. Continue running, meet on the other side, do 10 WW2. We did 3 rounds of this.

Thang 2 – Bread and Butter:

PAX moseyed over to the amphitheater for the following: Partners from the previous round split up into 2 groups. Group 1 completed people’s chair 10 count each PAX while Group 2 held chillcut plank. Switch. Next round Group 1 completed balls to the wall 10 count each PAX while Group 2 held a squat. Switch…we did 3 rounds of this.

Then we went to the lower wall and did the following exercises in order: Round 1: Erkins, Dips, Heels to Heaven Round 2: Erkins, Dips, Heels to Heaven Round 3: Erkins, Dips, Tempo Squats

Thang 3 – Variety Fresh Pack

PAX moseyed to the rock pile and were instructed to get a medium rock. Everyone did except for Bondo, who picked a cute little one we called the “Pebble”…

YHC instructed PAX to rotate various directions and number of rocks to switch it up and get variety/diff size rocks. We completed overhead press, curls for the girls, chest press, skull crushers, ruh rohs, and bus drivers.

PAX returned rocks and went back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: Heel Taps, Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Low Slow Flutter, Pickle Pounders

Announcements: Upcoming all hands meeting being scheduled by Breach, be on the lookout. Also, a PSA that CPR can and has saved lives in F3. If you haven’t been trained, highly recommend it.

T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX for showing up in the gloom! 33 PAX combined between Cletus and Crazy Ivan on this fine Friday.

Prayer: Unspoken, Woody took us out

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🥶 Disney on Ice 🧊

It was a cold one this morning! 28 degrees to be exact. Had a solid turn out for EC 5 total PAX. Breach and Fram were warming up to throw heavy shit around per usual. Absolute DAWGS I tell ya! Since it is the holiday season I thought it would be appropriate to call this work out Disney on Ice since the grass was frozen where we were doing bear crawls…. Here is how the workout went.

FNGs: nope

Warm Up:

  • Imperial Walkers
  • Hillbilles
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Side Straddle Hop

The Workout:

  • curls for the girls
  • shoulder press
  • squats
  • mericans

with bear crawls in between

We then took it to the pavilion and did wall sits / erkins / derkins & dips!

Mary: popcorn


Upper Body Day at THE YARD

Warm Up:  Standard stuff, SSH and the like, but knowing today would be upper body-heavy, I threw in some Sir Fazios and Slo-Mo Merkins to get that whole area ready to go

The Workout:  This is a lazy copy & paste of routine I’ve done before, with the purpose of eschewing a well rounded full body workout for a more targeted beat down of one particular area.  The thang was this:

A warmup of 7’s on the parking lot hill, consisting of LBCs and Squats.  Then the main event was 3 stations, positioned around the community center building:  Merkins, Dips, Carolina Dry Docks.  We hit a set of one, mosey about 1/3 of the way around the building, repeato, repeato repeato. 

Because the mosey was so short and didn’t give us much time to recover between sets, I threw in a few rounds of People’s Chair after 2 or three rounds.  The only other variation was on the Merkins – one set was Diamonds, one set was wide-grip, and the final set was a Merkin Sampler – 4 reps of each. 

Mary: Side hips raises, heel taps maybe, …something difficult FRAM made us do, and probably one more, I dunno.  

T-Claps (Recognition):   The pre-workout message was a reminder of GRATITUDE.  Keeping our mindset off “I HAVE to workout”, and keeping it on “I GET TO/AM ABLE to work out”.  Celebrate physical abilities of our bodies and be grateful for every opportunity to use them as they are intended.

Prayer:  Nemo driving to Ohio with his son for a big time swim competition


Masons in Training

FNGs: None Warm Up: SSH, Goooooood Mornings, Windmills

The Workout: YHC made a special trip to Home Depot on Monday to pick up 24 bricks at $0.52 a piece. Each brick weighed in at around 4.25lbs.

Following the warmup, each PAX was given two bricks to care for for the remainder of the workout. 

PAX cusacked from the parking lot to the near corner of the soccer field track. 

  • 25 Bench presses in cadence
  • 20 manmakers in cadence
    • Right Hand Row, Left Hand Row, Merkin Down, Merkin Up
  • Dying Cockroach

PAX then bear crawled with their bricks to the first field light pole.

  • 20 bent over flys IC
  • 20 CFG IC
  • 20 Tricep Extensions
  • Big Boy Situps

PAX Traveled with arms at 90 deg in front to the next light pole

  • 20 Bus Drivers IC
  • 20 Deadlifts IC
  • 20 Hammer Curls IC

PAX bear crawled to the mid-point of the far parking lot

  • 20 calf raises
  • 20 gunslingers
  • Partner wheelbarrows to the opposite side of the parking lot – switch
    • Wheel PAX transports bricks

Cusack to the next corner of the field

  • 10 manmakers in cadence
  • 10 dying cockroach
  • 10 bent over flys

Bear Crawl to the next light pole

  • 20 CFG IC
  • 20 Tricep Extensions
  • 20 Deadlifts IC
  • 20 Big boy situps

90 deg carry to the picnic shelter

  • Side shuffle preachers chair
  • 15 set ups per leg
  • 1 min of punches

Cusack to the flag

Mary: None

Announcements/ T-Claps (Recognition) / Prayer: probably, but its been too many days for me to remember. 

R4TJ 5 Year

R4TJ 5 Year Anniversary – “What we experienced this moanin’ was sum gud ole fashion fun”

Nine men got stronger on the BEST HILL TRAINING ROUTE EVER. After 25 fast side stradle hops in cadence, we took off. Across Main Street, right on Milpass, left on Crossway, up to Creekvista. Batboy and Flop arrived first and started running the elbow. On this route originated by Wild Turkey, the “elbow” consists of running down Creekvista, running back up, then running to the bottom of Crossway, then running back up to Creekvista. Rinse and repeat as many times as possible before converging for the run back to the flag.  

I got hooked on the elbow last week with Sunshine’s Q. This is the kind of run that is exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. Everyone ran strong and pushed each other–just like last week. But, no trips this week. Two last week. No “knee-matomas” either. 

Glad to honor the 5-year anniversary of F3SW’s original mid-week run. Thank goodness one of the Original Gangstas @U.T.I. joined us at COT. UCrain told us all about it. Started with his Blue Ridge Relay team looking for a mid-week run. Went to HS Run Club, found very unsatisfying. Got headlocked, I mean, realized they were Freed to Lead and started their own Area of Operations (AO). UTI and Lipstick were site Qs for the first year or so, then @Redenbacher took over for the next four. Red used to wear his DOT approved safety vest. So glad that he broke down this barrier, now I’m proud to wear one. Shout out to Red by wearing my vest in the snap. 

In the end, TomTom declared, “What we experienced this moanin’ was sum gud ole fashion fun” And so it was! It was an honor men.

Flag planted, warmups, run, COT, snap, backblast, done.

Bring back the HC! 

39 is the magic number

YHC came out to be the conductor at Downtown Train after a funfilled weekend celebrating my 39th birthday. The number 39 was in play throughout the workout. UFO pulled lots of PAX in, but 3 HIM showed up to help me wear off the birthday hangover.

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up: SSH x 39, Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Moroccan Nightclubs

The Workout:

We moseyed over to the amphitheater for 3 rounds, 6 exercises, 13 reps to total 39 reps of each exercise.

Mixed up some of the ab work along the way to keep things fresh.

First round was Dips, Derkins, Step ups, high plank hold 13 count each PAX, BTTW 13 count each PAX, people’s chair 13 count each PAX.

Second round was Dips, Derkins, Step ups, chillcut plank hold 13 count, BTTW 13 count, people’s chair 13 count.

Third round was Dips, Derkins, Step ups, low slow flutter IC, BTTW 13 count, people’s chair 13 count.

We moseyed over to the rock pile for 3 rounds of exercises with rocks, added an exercise each round. Again 13 of each for a total of 39 was the magic number.

First round: Chest press, skullcrushers, curls for the girls, ruh rohs, wonderbras

Second round: Chest press, skullcrushers, curls for the girls, ruh rohs, wonderbras, goblet squats

Third round: Chest press, skullcrushers, curls for the girls, ruh rohs, wonderbras, goblet squats, bus drivers…to which there was much complaining.

Note: Wild Turkey also let out a thunderous bellow from his bowels during this set…poor Plunger was beside him and downwind…mentions of Bobby Boucher’s absence and possible Tex Mex #2 explosion explaining said absence…

Mosey back to flag

Mary: LBCs x39, American Hammer, Low Slow Flutter, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, a little light stretching.

Announcements: Sign up to volunteer at NC Spring Classic at Bass Lake. See Slack or contact Abe for details.

T-Claps: Plunger for getting back out in the gloom!

Prayer: Davis (3-Alarm), my MIL going through radiation treatments for breast cancer.

YHC took us out.

Shoulders and Arms

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lap, SSH, Sir Fozio Arm Circles/Seal Clap/Overhead Clap, Good Mornings

The Workout:

Five rounds: Straight count or in cadence depending on exercise: 25,20,15,10,5 reps for total 75

Cinder Block circuit playground area: Curls, Triceps, Shoulder Press, Row, Ground Pounder

Run to Station Two

Brick Wall Circuit: BTTW, People’s Chair, Carolina Dry Docs

Run back to Playground


Mary: LBC, LSF, Box Cutter, Hundreds

Announcements: Man Night at Hope Community Church, Wednesday, March 22nd, 6:30PM.  All men invited. 

T-Claps (Recognition): All the men who completed 75 Hard

Prayer: Nemo’s daughter just turned 15, test for driver’s permit today. All PAX recovering from illness or injury. 


Chilly Hills & Thrills 🥶


Warm Up:

– Sir Fazio Arm Circles

– Imperial Walkers

– Hill Billies

– Mtn Climbers

– Good Mornings 

The Workout:

11’s on the half-pipe
– Mtn. Climbers
– Air squats

Grabbed  coupon‘s (x15)
– chest press

– skull crusher
– LBC’s
– Coupon jumps

Mary: 🍿


🧨Travis Manion Foundation F3 all AO’s shutdown workout coming up – check slack for details from Breach🧨