
U-Turn Segment Challenge – Use Segments to Get Stronger, Faster, Smarter

15 PAX ran the 12 Oaks Route, regular direction. That’s counterclockwise. Here’s today’s challenge: Pick a Strava segment along this route and see what you got. Using Strava’s segments, you can not only find out how you are doing against your peers (U vs. them), but you can also find out how you’re doing versus yourself (U vs. U).

Strava is full of segments. A segment is simply run (or ride) that goes from Point A to Point B. When you run the segment, Strava automatically records your run. Ever notice your Achievements on Strava? Could be your fastest mile, 5k, 10k, marathon or whatever. It can also be your best performance (PR) on a Strava segment.

Today, I identified three segments on the the U-Turn – Twelve Oaks Route (a segment in itself) and challenged PAX to lay down their fastest time:

  • 12 Oaks to Irving Pkwy (1.33 miles along Green Oaks Pkwy from New Hill Rd to Irving Pkwy)
  • Irving Pkwy Roller Coaster Hills (0.46 miles up/down Irving Pkwy)
  • Sprint to Starbucks (0.31 miles from shopping center entrance, right turn to Starbucks)

During the run, 187 coached Moose on the Climb out of 12 Oaks segment. Moose jumped into the Top 10, claiming 8th spot (6:30 pace uphill!). I saw @Pikachu take off on the Sprint to Starbucks. Already a Top 10 finisher there, he didn’t shuffle the Top 10, but he did get his third fastest time 5:07 pace!). @Woody laid down PRs without even trying!

In the end, Strava revealed Segment PRs for @Dawgpound @TomTom @Woody @187 and significant Achievements for @Dahmer @Pikachu and @Moose. Great work fellas!

Again, you don’t have to bust the Top 10! But, you can see how you are doing over time. Feeling strong? Tackle a segment along your run. How did you do? As an added bonus, every time you run a segment, you are essentially doing interval training, which leads to you getting stronger, faster, smarter.

Announcements: Pikchu’s church Oasis holds its first Sunday Service this weekend in the new building.

Prayer Requests: Injured PAX.

Like many of you, I’m trying to improve in 2023. On thing I’m doing is reading the book, Jesus Calling, a daily reader. I thought everyone could benefit from a passage I read this week. I read that as part of the closing prayer. See image below.


Turkish Delight

I bet you didn’t know that Turkish get-ups are my favorite exercise.  Well, if you showed up this morning to Crazy Ivan you do now.  Being Friday the 13th the number 13 showed up a lot in today’s workout as did some quality metal in the form of Opeth’s 2001 masterpiece Blackwater Park.  PAX were showing up right up until the buzzer and when we got started we were 14 strong.  We finished with 16 as two brothers from Cletus joined us for Mary and COT.


None today

Warm Up:

SSH x26 IC

Windmills x10 IC

Daisy Pickerx x10 IC

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC

Trunk Twists x10 IC

Squat hold with bell while each PAX did a 5 count around the circle.

The Workout:

Everyone partnered up and congregated at the end of the parking lot where instructions were given.  Partner 1 would stay put and do AMRAP Turkish Get-ups while partner 2 did an thing.  When partner 2 returned they would switch.

The things they did were:

Mosey with bell to middle of parking lot and do 13 curls.  Continue on to the other side of the lot and do 13 more curls before returning.

Go to field behind lot and do 13 kettlebell swings.  On #13 they threw it as far as possible and then bear crawled to the bell.  Upon retrieving it, lunge walk back while alternating twisting with the bell from hip to hip.

Mosey with bell to middle of parking lot and do 13 triceps extensions.  Continue to the other side of the lot and do 13 more before returning.

Crab walk with bell in belly to the half way point of the parking lot.

Do the same thing as curls and tris but with snatches


I really thought we’d have time to repeat but maybe that was a bit ambitious.  Also, group one was super slow.  I don’t think they liked their partners.  After one cycle we were down to only 5 minutes left so we wrapped up and headed to….


Midget  love handles x13 IC each side

LBC x13 IC

American Hammers x16 IC


Painting in Garner today with Breach

2nd F lunch at Osha today

T-Claps (Recognition):

All of F3 Nation for showing up and raising over $65,000 for Cardinal from F3 Knoxville’s family


Cardinal from F3 Knoxville.  Breach is working to identify the closes AEDs for each of our AOs.  The Hunt center has one.  Know how to do CPR, it’s helped save lives locally in JoCo.

Sick and injured PAX



Always an honor to lead.  Thank you, men.



Paradise City Q of the Year?

YHC showed up early to set up some equipment for todays beat down. The preblast had a comment saying this would be the best Q of the year. Needless to say I think it was, considering there was only 1 other one. This is the rare occasion I have the honor to Q PC and know the standard mileage is 3 or more. YHC wanted to bring the intensity and keep the PAX moving with the option to push themselves. We had 11 HIM show up for the main event with a few ECers. One dude rucked it up as well. This is what we did.

Run big loop reverse with warm up exercises along the way.
Copperhead Dirkens

7’s on ramp down to sportsman – burpees and worst Merkin ever
Agility ladders on the flat in the middle

Stack’ems in the parking lot (snake)
Shoulder tap merkins x10
Freddy Mercury’s x20
Chilly jacks x30
Bobby Hurleys x40 – didn’t have enough time

No Mary
No new announcements
Prayers for lady dying of cancer, church family had a loss, Pablo’s family with their loss.
YHC challenged the PAX to stop going through the motions and get out of their comfort zone. Do something to benefit someone each day.

Pleasure to lead men!
BS out

Lucky Thirteen

FNGs: none

Warm Up: side straddle hops and good mornings while the stragglers assembled.

The Workout: standard route in reverse. Optional 4mi route as desired

Announcements: Q school tomorrow at Womble at 14:00

Prayer: injured and sick PAX, Pablo’s sister passed away unexpectedly at Xmas.

Dreams Come True

FNGs: Everyone was friendly, none of them were new…

Warm Up: Burpees, More Burpees for SoftServe being late, Daisy Pickers, SSH, Imperial Walkers


  • Prep Work
    • Grab 2 blocks per PAX and farmer carry to soccer field.
    • Warm-up lap around the field.
    • Indian Run to the hill behind the field
  • THANG 1
    • Partner up – wheelbarrows up the hill
    • Chill Cut for the six
    • 5 Burpees
    • Repeat and switch 2 more times
    • OYO Bear Crawls to the top
    • Squat Hold for the six
    • 5 Star Jumps
    • Repeat 2 more times
    • Indian Run back to the blocks
  • THANG 2
    • Negative Merkins 10x
    • Army Crawl out and back about 10 yards
    • Skull Crushers – 10x
    • Army Crawl again
    • Explosive Merkins 10x
    • Army Crawl again
    • Weighted WW1s 10x
    • Repeat this THANG 2 change the transportation each time – Lunge Walks, Crab Walks, Murder Bunnies, Lunge Walks John Cusak Style
  • Mary:  Poop Eaters (miss ya FloJo) and Ankle Grabbers
  • Announcements:
    • Remember to share F3 with friends and family at your respective parties and get togethers.  Magnets available from UTI.  SoftServe has the site ready to share with FNGs
  • T-Claps (Recognition):
    • Stickers and SoftServe taking the lead at Disney starting in 2023
  • Prayer:
    • WoodCreek family that has a newborn that is going through extensive surgeries.
    • FRAMs mom is traveling home
    • Pablo

Fear the Pumpkin

FNGs: None

Warm Up: The bounce, spinal rotations, arm circles, good mornings, WMH

The Workout:

Circuit 1: 10 count in cadence, rotate to your left after each exercise.  2 large pumpkins thrown in the mix with KBs. 2 rounds: Curls, Triceps, Rows, Shoulder Press, Goblet Squat

Circuit 2: Learned each exercise together.  Did 4-6 count each, then 10 minute tabata. 45 seconds on; 15 sec rest;

  1. KB Pistol Rows 3x and stand
  2. KB Around the world, catch the bell shoulder height, then reverse lunge
  3. KB 3x swings 2x squat
  4. KB 3x core twist then one curl (from knees)
  5. KB 2x overhead triceps recover in the front (from knees) 
  6. KB Pullover alternating knee raises right then left leg (on your back)
  7. KB 2x single arm overhead press then forward lunge (Right)
  8. KB repeat on the Left
  9. Chillcut plank position march over the bell  
  10. Push up on the bell. 2x each side and switch 

Circuit 3: OYO Squat press, swings and then sprint 50m and back (Reps 25,20,15,10,5); those who finished first took a mosey. 

Mary: Some stretches

Announcements: Sign up to help with HollyFest

Prayer: Lots of silent requests. 

Foxtrot Uniform Ian – Crazy Ivan was Insane

Warm Up: Farmer carry kettlebells to amphitheater and then to shelter.  SSH, sir Fazios, OH claps, Seal claps, Frankensteins
The Workout:  15-14-13….1 KB swings with different 10 count/in cadence exercises using the KB.  Exercises included:  goblet squat, curls for girls, overhead press, midget love handles, upright rows, bus drivers, rut rows, lawnmowers, thrust, rack & push, ground pounders….up and over picnic tables (not a good idea); BTTW 10c, 15c, 20c; people’s chair too
Mary:  yoga and stretching
Announcements:  Storm preparation
T-Claps (Recognition):  Fram for EC in this horrible weather
Prayer:  FL…discussed and reflected on our week; how was it?  How can we improve?

Honored to lead.  -Dauber


RESPECT 80s Hair Bands

: None
Warm Up:  Sir Fazios, Good Mornings, Seal claps, overhead claps, daisy pickers and static stretches.
The Workout:  Three different exercises.  Rinse and repeat 2X.

swings, halos, tricep extensions

figure 8, midget love handles, thrusters

upright row, lawnmowers, bus drivers

on the mat: straight are extensions, nipplers, 6 inches

on the mat: overhead press, plank pull, modify burpee

farmer’s walk with two kb; slap kb; curls for girls

popcorn kb included lawn mowers, burpee, side lifts, etc

Mary:  stretches/yoga
Announcements: Derek Davis 5K
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Isabelle and Jany (mother-in-laws of Best In Show and Dauber respectively) – help with illness; PRAISE – Dauber’s promotion

Great turnout by RESPECT PAX


Honored to lead – Dauber



Climbing the Mountain to Paradise City

FNGs: None

PAX: @Pikachu, @Dahmer, @Dumbo, @Breach, @8bit, @187, @Full House, @U.T.I., @Dawgpound, @Skidmark, @Fumunga, @Emeril, @Moose, @Katniss, @Pablo, @Redenbacher, @Woody, @Finkle
Warm Up: Mosey around the tennis courts and down the ramp.  We did our stretches on the way back up the ramp stopping at each blue sign.  Walking cradles, walking toe touches, walking lunges, walking lateral lunges both sides.  At the top we did a round of Good Mornings and then Daisy Pickers and ran back down the ramp to the East Parking lot.
The Workout: Stacking four corners 3 rounds.  Round one: Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Side planks all sets of ten.  Round two: Squats, sumo squats, lunges, Richard Simons one leg squats.  Round three: LBCs, Reverse CBLs, Flutter Kicks, ABCs in capitals.

Climbing the mountain: running the whole length of the parking lot we stopped at major cross walks and completed sets of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 mountain climbers.  Thanks @Pikachu for the cadence counts.  Very nasty and lots of chatter.

Mary: We finished with a victory lap up the ramp and around the tennis courts.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: @Skidmark’s mother-in-law with covid and family in quarantine, @Pikachu and M looking to start a family, all the 2.0s starting college or getting ready to go back to grade school.

Rolling Dirty

Disney is my favorite place to Q, just so many options. YHC looked to bring back a few throwback moves from the likes of Pablo and Shamwow! as we closed out the June Challenge!

FNG’s: no
Warm Up: Good Mornings and then some mosey around back to the football field with stops along the way for some Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Frankenstein, and Sir Fazio’s.
The Workout: Stopped at the back wall of the school for some Shoulder Taps, Monkey Humpers, BTTW, and some People’s Chair with some humorous counts by Breach and Bobby Boucher. We moseyed over to the pit circle and split into two groups. 1 group would do 3 Burpees, head up the stairs, do 3 more Burpees, head down the stairs, then do 3 more Burpees. This was done while the other group did 5 squats/5 star jumps AMRAP. We then repeated this routine and the group not on the stairs did 5 Diamond Merkins/5 dips AMRAP.

We moseyed over to the large circle in front of the school for a variation on clock merkins. The circle was the clock and the merkins became Foxhole Merkins. Lots of grit picked up by these sweaty dudes and a few complaints on this routine. We made stops at 12, 7, 3, 11, and 6.

2 Indian run lines for some 4 corners in the large High School lot. Stops included: 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 merkins, 15 dying cockroach, 10 burpees. Next we made our way with Indian Runs to the Abyss for 20 LBC’s at the top and 20 Star Jumps at the bottom. We made our way up the Abyss doing a partner wheelbarrow climb (partners alternated crawling per each flight of stairs and no dental accidents occurred). Once again for 20 LBC’s and 20 Star Jumps up and down the stairs with a fellowship run back to the flag.
Mary: Homer to Marge x20 IC
Announcements: Congratulations to team Naked Baby winning the June Challenge and particularly Breach and Cupid for schooling everyone on points.
T-Claps (Recognition): Bobby Boucher was officially handed the keys to 1st F in Southwake by YHC. He will do an amazing job of leading!. Stubs thanked PAX who’ve supported these last several weeks.
Prayer: Thanks for Stubs, Alpine, prayers for UTI and Pet Sounds in Carpex.