
Hanging Bells on Santa’s Sleigh

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Side Shuttle Hop, Slow Squat, Slow Merkins

The Workout:

45 seconds on with 15 seconds rest for 3 sets:

  1. Hand to Hand Suitcase Deadlifts
  2. Bear Plank Shoulder Tap
  3. Alternating KB Swings
  4. Bear Plank Shoulder Tap+Carolina Dry Dock
  5. Pass Under Lunges

Five One Minute 5 Second EMOM

  1. 10 Full KB Swing
  2. Pulse Squat Time Remaining

Five One Minute 5 Second EMOM

  1. 10 Shoulder Press
  2. Seesaw Lunges Time Remaining


45 Seconds on with 15 Second Rest

  1. North South KB Plank Pulls
  2. KB Alternating Leg Lifts
  3. Plank Pull Through East West
  4. Hollow Middle Rocks
  5. Half Turkish Get Up Right Side
  6. Half Turkish Get Up Left Side
  7. Peter Parkers
  8. American KB Hammers with Sprinter Situp
  9. Bear Plank KB Taps
  10. KB Deadbugs
  11. Hollow Low Slow Flutter

Announcements: Stay safe and wear lights when running in the morning and at night.

Prayer: Abe and his family with the passing of his father; Safe travels for those traveling over the holidays; Cover Story and his job search after being laid off, T-Claps to UTI for helping Cover Story our with getting him an interview at his company.

double down

Double Down at TBD

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Halloween monster imitation, clapping, flower picking

The Workout: Q brought a trunk full of toys and passed them out to everyone following the warm up. PAX spread out in a circle on the tennis court and were given assorted exercise to perform with their torture devices.

Format was as follows:

45 sec to AMRAP the given exercise, count your reps

45 sec of ‘active recovery’ exercise

Unlimited time to double your round one reps (hence ‘double down’)

Squat hold until all PAX are finished

Primary exercises included: merkins, lat pulls, tricep extensions, thrusters, med ball slams, curls for the girls, weighted punching, chest flys, halos, and squats

Active recovery included: mtn climbers, WWI, Freddy Mercury, Australian snow angels, dying cockroach, plank, side plank, bear crawl, heel taps, and something else.

PAX rotated stations after the completion of each round

Announcements: Xmas party, Even-The-Odds

Prayer: @abe’s parents – dad dealing with cancer + a stroke, mom providing care

@brexit has a job interview today

leading our families well during a season that can lead to selfishness and ‘the wants’

An EMOM morning

FNGs: None

Warm Up:


Spinal Rotations

Good Morning


Arm Circles

Seal and Overhead Clap

The Workout:

Cinco Tres Workout : 5 exercises , 3 reps each.

10 min EMOM

R one minute then L one minute

Single Arm Swing

Single Hang Clean

Single Squat

Single Straight Press

Single Reverse Drop Lunge

Mosey one lap in parking lot

10 min EMOM

R & L




Renegade Row

Merkin on Bell

Mosey one lap in parking lot


5 min EMOM




Ground Pounder



LBC, FM, H2M, Lower Back Stretches

Announcements: Celebrate FV sign up. See slack

 T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: PAX who are injured. PAX looking for work. Best in Show’s mother-in-law passed away, Dahmer’s northern in law illness , Fanny Pack’s brother

No Legs

FNGs: Wild Bill – Coverstory FIL

Warm Up: SSH, Windmills, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout:

Thang #1:

PAX counted off by 4 (1-4, not using 4x times tables) and separated into groups in four corners. All PAX counted reps for 30 seconds of chest press. Each had to repeat that number of reps each time they visited the chest press station to trigger a rotation of all stations. All other stations were AMRAP.

Four stations: Chest Press, Curls for the Gurls, Deadlift, Tricep extensions.



7 single arm snatches, suitcase carry to the flag, 7 single arm snatches (other arm), suitcase carry back. 3 rounds total


Thang #2:

Single rotator station (HEX Press) with all others AMRAP, same format as Thang #1

Four stations: Hex Press, Rut Row, Upright Row, Weighted Dying Cockroach



12 reps of pull through merkins, 12 reps of Halos

10 reps + 10 reps

8,8,6,6,4,4,2,2 – Have a nice day!


Mary: Naaa

Announcements: nope

T-Claps (Recognition): nope

Prayer: Cousin IT friend (Richard) going through a hard stretch with business. Stovepipe friend have a preemie baby (Emmy) born at 27 weeks.

Circles and balls at the Nut

10 PAX for some track work and a little game of knock out.

Warm up lap around to back
Good morning
Imperial squat walkers
Mtn Climbers

Hand release broke back derkins with partner. Run in opposite directions and meet half way. 3 laps x10 reps each (6 sets)

Catch me if you can
P1 does 10 monkey humpers
Partner runs backwards until P1 catches them then switch
3 laps

Knock out Hoops
5 burpees
10 star jumps
15 plank jacks
Back in once completed

Mary at the flag
Reverse LBCs
American Hammers
Boat canoes
Pickle pounders

That’s for letting me lead.

BS Out!


Sandbagging Sons of Baptists!

FNGs: None

Warm Up: jog in place, good mornings.

The Workout: Yours truly dropped an 80lb sandbag .8ish miles from the AO. After warm-ups we moseyed to the bag. Did an Indian Run style sandbag toss. Everyone ran in place, person in front threw the bag however they chose and then went to the back of the line. Rinse and repeat.

Half way through I added a pushup on the bag before each throw just to make things more spicy. 

Ended with eight 8 count man-makers and some Broga

Mary: Lol No.

Announcements: 3rd F backpack collection.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: BnB and family can find a home church.


2 Pet Rocks Per PAX

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up:

  • Mozy to Rocks and pick 2 hand-sized rocks each. 
  • Mozy to Ivan lot
  • Good Mornings
  • Windmills
  • Franks
  • SSH
  • Goofballs

The Workout:

  • Mozy to THE PIT and on the way hold rocks up, to the side, and out front while running.
  • That Hill!? – Drop rocks and Partner up.  AMRAP WW2s while the other guy crawls up the hill completes 10 Star Jumps.  Switch.  Continue until each PAX has crawled/walked/run up the hill.
  • Everyone runs up the hill – Rock work up top mixed with dips and derkins
  • Pickup Rocks and Mozy to pavilion passing R4TJ PAX on the way.  march up and down the picnic tables 2x.
  • Grab 1 bench each and perform 10x split squats per leg, 2x
  • Mozy to amphitheater for 20 box jumps
  • Mozy to rock pile and say goodbye to our rock friends. 


  • Homer 2 Marge
  • Poop Eaters
  • Freddy Mercs
  • Low slow flutters
  • Pigeon Pose each leg


  • Garbage pickup with Breach this weekend.
  • Reach out to PAX and check in if you havent seen them. 

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great to see Boss Hog out in the gloom! 

Prayer: Injured PAX

2 Years Stronger

8 PAX posted to help me celebrate my 2 year F3 anniversary! This workout had elements and moves from some of my favorite Ivan workouts and the Q’s that led them!

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings, Sir Fazio’s, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Daisy Pickers.
The Workout: First Thang I ever did with F3…Fire Hose Carry Indian Run! We got around the parking lot twice. CHIPs was on the Q that day at my first post. The Cletus crew then caught up with us and joined in for some Turkish get-ups x 20 inspired by none other than Pikachu! They stayed with us as we moseyed over to the fence for dirkins x7 on each rung going up, then back down for a total of 42, again did this with CHIPs at my first workout and thought “these guys are crazy!” Cletus left us and we went back to the kettlebells for 2 of Dawgpound’s favorite moves…50 swings, 50 snatches OYO.

Next, each PAX took turns doing a Kettlebell Bear Crawl…something Skidmark likes to Q…down to the large atlas ball, produced kindly by Dahmer, did 5 merkins then carried it back. The PAX that did this routine was timer while the rest of us performed exercises at the circle OYO/AMRAP. The exercises were: Bell Merkins, Lawnmowers, Plank Rows, Halos, Suitcase Squats, Standard Merkins, Wonderbras, and Plank Hold on the bell. This series (or part of it) was included in an absolute thrashing awhile back issued by Pumpkin Spice.

The group took a mosey over to the band shelter for a Skidmark teeth busting special. We did People’s Chair up and down the line while passing the bell. Then, we did the high risk-low reward teeth busting BTTW while passing the bell. Some groans from the PAX on this one. All survived.

Mary: Back over for 15 Midget Love Handles per side, and Pigeon Stretches.
Announcements: CSAUP’s here and in CARPEX coming up. Skidmark doing a long-ass run to prep for NYC on October 25th. Company welcome!
T-Claps (Recognition): Katniss…though he wasn’t here for most of it…bringing me into this fine brotherhood 2 years ago!
Prayer: YHC and some decisions, Snap and other PAX we haven’t seen in awhile. Thanks guys for showing up, making me stronger, and being there.

When the Lights Come On!

A Tour De Womble as the birthday week Q streak continues. Got a seed idea the night before from Mookie asking about a song and artist, so we gave it a try! It worked well!

FNG’s: None
Warm Up: Good Mornings x15…that’s all.
The Workout: Mosey over to the far parking lot for some fast feet, curb crawls, Shoulder Taps IC x15, Irkins x15, Dirkins x15, and inverted curb crawls.

We moved over the the band shelter next for a 10 ct. per PAX People’s Chair and then Balls to the Wall. We then did Step-Ups x20, and Dips x20.

We then moseyed over to the picnic shelter for a picnic table/bench/abyss irkin crawl. We split the group in 2, one group used the tables/benches, while the other did LBC’s IC. Turned out each group got 60 LBC’s done.

We then did an Indian Run up to the ball field parking lot (the rougher one) for a rock push to the top, a plank hold, and Cusack return.

The PAX went on another Indian Run down to the Pit for a 7’s series. Foxhole Merkins on one end of the field, run, then Star Jumps on the other. We got a little over half when YHC realized it was time to mosey back to the tennis courts for Mary.
Mary: Took a quick 25 Fence Squats and then on our six for a little Jason Aldean. Whenever the line “when the lights come ON!!!” it was a burpee. During all other parts it was mostly shoulder taps, Pickle Pounders, some LBC’s, and Homer to Marge. Good times!
Announcements: CSAUP at Hilltop Needmore Oct. 16th. 3rd F activities for HollyFest.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: FloJoe has a friend who’s got family on ventilators with COVID.

Emeril Meant Business Today

9 PAX to celebrate YHC’s birthday Q! Number 42 was on display for some of our time as well as a quick team effort to “lift guys up”. Emeril…my polish brother…was definitely the man going after it the most today as he took the Main Street Hill hard…every time today! Great work and thanks for joining me to celebrate life!

FNG’s: None, however YHC wasn’t sure because I can’t see in the dark and thought maybe…BossHog was someone else.
Warm Up: SSH x20 IC, Good Mornings x10 IC, Sir Fazio’s F/R x10 IC.
The Workout: A full lap around the soccer loop/ramp stopping for a total of 42 Burpees along the way as we made our way up to the Main St. flagpoles.

Next, we did 11’s. Merkins at the flags, Ground Pounder’s with rocks from the hole up by the street. Emeril was motivated today!

We did a full loop of Indian Runs, with stops along the way to do partner rows (2 PAX act as base, other PAX does inverted rows and rotate). We did this 4 times along the way. Each PAX did 5 rows per stop. We did a quick stop for a silent BTTW by the ticket booths.

We ran down to the guardrail to do 42 dips before heading for Mary.
Mary: Freddie Mercury, LBC’s, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders all either x15 or x20.
Announcements: CSAUPS in Carpex and here on October 16th.
T-Claps (Recognition): Emeril…beast mode!
Prayer: YHC took us out. Praise for Pikachu’s M starting a new job!