
Ground Pounder 2/15/2025

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Always start with some good mornings and stretching exercises to keep this Respectful bunch loose so we don’t pull something. 

The Workout: Rock exercises, wall exercises, disc golf exercises and finished with some picnic table dirkins, merkins and irkins.

Mary: Round the circle with your core exercise of choice. 

Announcements: Socrates will step up and be the co-Q for Ground Pounder!  Many thanks for Pumpkin Spice for co-Q’ing Ground Pounder for the last 1-2 years!

Ended with prayer.

Ground Pounder 2/8/2025: Dual Q with Socrates & Norm!

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Led by Socrates! Plenty of stretching and mumblechatter.

The Workout: Led by Norm!  Team work with multiple rock reps with the other member moseying to the bleachers to perform another exercise.  

Mary: Led by Socrates!

Finished with prayer.

Ground Pounder 2/1/2025

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lots of stretches, good mornings and Sir Fozio Arm Circles

The Workout:  Two rounds of rock work followed by tall wall exercises and then on to the shorter 2-foot wall for more exercises.

Mary: Low Slow Flutters in honor or Motor Boatin’ and several other core exercises to finish it all off. 

Hopscotch Fun

Warm ups included good mornings, arm circles, side straddle hops, daisy pickers, Willy Mays Hayes, hillbillies.  
Upper body consisted of 10 variations of pushups. Seal claps, overhead claps and raise the roof. 
Lower body 1 pax would go to the end and back of the hopscotch board while the rest of the pax performed monkey humpers. When they returned the next pax went and everyone would continue exercising until everyone had a turn at hopscotch. Rest and repeat doing squats, alternating lunges and 1/2 squats. 
Core we did LBC’s, heels to heaven, box cutters, heel taps and Homer to Marge. 
Finished with an all around stretch. 


Some can jump rope

FNGs: None

Warm Up: GM, DP, WMH, Arm Circles/Seal & Overhead Clap

The Workout: Three Rounds each circuit. 10 count or 5 each side each exercise. Someone was always on the jump rope for 100 or 50 count.  Weight plates 15# to 35# provided. PAX encouraged to modify any exercise with or without weight. 

Circuit 1: Curls, Triceps, Rows, Wonder Bra

Circuit 2: Squat to seated position on bench, Step Ups, Bulgarian Leg Squat (R&L)

Circuit 3: Derkins, Erkins, Dips

Circuit 4: Lunge, Side lunge, SL Romanian DL (R&L)

Circuit 5: Chest Press, Pullover, LSF (weight above chest) , H2M, American Hammer.

Mary: LBC, GM and return coupons

Prayer: Socrates 2.0 surgery, Praise replacement auto for Socrates, Pumpkin Spice’s M has the flu. Safe travel. 

Best Crazy Ivan of 2025 so far

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Take a lap. 

The Workout: Tabata 25 seconds on; 10 sec rest; 3 rounds with a lap in between: KB Swings, Deadlift, Squat w curl, Cleans (R, then L), Snatch (R, then L), Alternating Merkin on the Bell, Renegade Row with pass thru.

Mary: One round 25 sec; 10 sec rest KB Figure 8s, Around the World, Midget Love Handles & Halos. 

T-Claps (Recognition): @sardine using 2 bells for the majority of the workout. 

Prayer: My M & 2 daughters’ travel to Thailand, Cancun’s M starting new job, for PAX recovering from illness, injury and surgeries. 

Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 2.49.43 PM Medium

Pumpkin Spice Anniversary Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: March in step, GM, SSH, HB, IW, DP

The Workout: 2 Rounds 40 secs on; 20 sec rest; 1 Round 20 secs on; 15 sec rest

  • Wonder Bra w weght plate
  • Gorilla Row w Pumpkin Bells
  • Jump Rope
  • Ab Wheel
  • Death March w Mace Bell
  • Merkins
  • Inverted Row at playground
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Step Up at playground
  • Slam Ball

Mary: A few stretches

Announcements: @Ausfart hosting 2nd F Gun Shooting Party October 5th, 10AM. Check Slack 3rd F for volunteer opportunities

Prayer: Lube’s sister-in-law lost a close friend and a friend of a friend has a tumor; Best in Show brain tumor surgery; Praise: Motor Boatin has a job! 

Last minute Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: GM, WMH, Frankensteins, SSH, Night Clubs, Arm Circles, Seal & overhead clap.

The Workout:

Circuit 1: Grab a rock; 3×10 count in cadence (OH Press, Triceps, Curls, Rows, Squats); One set of Wonder Bras and Bus Drivers.

Circuit 2: BTTW & Peoples’ Chair; Set 1: 10 count each PAX; Set 2: 5 count each PAX.

Circuit 3: 3×10 straight count (Derkins, Urkins, Dips, Step Ups, SL Bulgarian Squat)

Mary: LBC, WWI, American Hammer, Box Cutters, LSF, Hundreds, and some stretches. 

Announcements: Volunteer opportunities – see 3rd F; Sign up!

Prayers: Motor Boatin work and family travel.  Ausfart’s uncle has terminal cancer, Pumpkin Spice’s brother recovering from gall bladder surgery & their family is hosting an international high school student this year.  His name is Harry. 

Back Blaster

FNGs: We met Nate who was out for a walk.  He may join us next week.

Warm Up: GM, WMH, SSH, Arm Circles, Michael Phelps

The Workout: With Kettlebell, took a lap around the soccer field on the trail stopping every 50 Meters for an exercise.  During mosey conducted one of Cusack, curls, triceps, farmer carry (R&L), murder bunnies or lunge with KB pass through. Exercises: 10x wonder bra; 10x Renegade Row (R&L); 10x booby-d-booby-d. 10x pullover; 10x wonder bra

At Amphitheater: 2 rounds

10x Single Arm Row (R&L); 10x SL Bulgarian Squat (R&L) 10x booby-d-boody-d; 10x pullover

At Large Picnic Shelter – Dora-esk (100 alternating merkins on the bell; 100 Squat/Curl/OH Press; 100 KB swings w high pull) while partner ran to the playground and 5 pull-ups/inverted rows.  Time ran out.  Most PAX got about 50-60 reps into each exercise. 

Rows, Pullovers & Pull-Ups: Good BACK BLASTER workout. 

Mary: Mosey to the Flag; farmers carry, curls, triceps w KB. 

Announcements: Check slack for 3rd F opportunities coming up; 9/11, Unity in the Community, Soup-tacular, others; Sign Up Meal Train for Cancun & his family. 

Prayer: For those grieving loss: Catfish coworker passed away; Deadbolt’s brother passed away; Cancun’s M’s surgery.

Crazy Ivan Birthday Bash

FNGs:  None

T-Claps: Flip Phone and Gump (5 workouts)

Warm-up:  SSH, Good AM, etc

Workout:  See binky ; Very little rest  HIIT

COT:  Family members who are ill; PAX looking for work.  YHC took us out.

Honored to lead on my 56th birthday.  Apologies for the commercials while listening to Pandora.