Embrace the suck

The gloom was earning its name today. YHC arrived with a light shower. Set a couple pumpkins on the tables and turned some tunes on. 8 PAX came around the corner to join under the shelter at 0530. I’ll admit I’m usually the one that will go to a shelter during rain to deliver a dry beat down. Not today! I’m adjusting back into the boot camp world and I needed to embrace the suck more than anyone. Here’s how it went down.

Warm up
Good mornings
Fozio arm circles

Pumpkin toss Indian run
– if a pumpkin drops, 3 burpees for everyone. If it breaks, 10 burpees.
– Pax made it 50 ft before the first one hit and burst. 2nd pumpkin made it just over half way before the drop and burst.

Indian run to amphitheater (no more pumpkins)
– Single leg squats at ledge x10 R/L
– Australian mtn climbers x10 IC
– Single leg squats x10 left R/L
– Wall sit hallelujah’s x10 IC
– Single leg squats x10 left R/L
– Australian mtn climbers x10 IC

Indian run to stairs across street
– Bunny hops up
– Carolina dry dock shoulder taps at top x10
– WWI’s at top x10
– Run loop and repeat 5 times

Mosey back to tennis courts
Bear crawl suicides, crawl bear on return, 5 lines total

Chillcut plank

It felt amazing today! Looking forward to leading more and meeting more of the newer PAX. Thanks for allowing me to lead such a strong group. Aye!

BS Out

4 x 25 x 4 = 100% Awesome

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Quick jog around the parking lot. Then SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps
The Workout: Whenever I Q at the Nest, I seem to fall back on the good ol’ four corners workout. It just seems to work so well there. So that’s what we did!

Four corners, a different exercise at each corner. 25 count each, either on the down or in cadence. A total of four laps giving us 400 reps all together. First corner was some form of squat. Second corner was some form of merkin. Third corner was some form of core. Fourth corner was alternated each round between mountain climbers and shoulder taps.
Mary: Quick pop corn Mary followed up by a little bit of yoga.
Announcements: CSAUP on Dec 10th.
T-Claps (Recognition): Jellybeans who has been coming out strong since first starting. Keep it up!
Prayer: Woody’s family.

Not Quite As Bad As A Dirty Delete

Pre-blast art by: DALL-E 2 with the prompt “fat purple cobra sitting next to half-eaten pumpkin pie”

FNGs: No

Lipsticks attendance was a surprise since he had HC’d and made a big deal about dirty deletes for Prison Yard… He overslept so we got him instead (yippee)

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Frankensteins, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies

The Workout:

THANG 1 – Mozy to the church lot – Stack-em-up BLIMPS

  • Run to 1st Post
  • 5x Burpees
  • Run Back to Start 10 SSH
  • Run to 2nd post
  • 10x LBCs
  • Run to 1st Post
  • 5x Burpees
  • Run Back to Start 10 SSH
  • Continue on this way through 15x Imperial Walkers (IC), 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats


  • 10WW2s
  • Sprint up the hill
  • 10 Star Jumps
  • Down the hill
  • Repeat 5x

Mary: Box Cutters, Ankle Grabbers, Crab Cakes

Announcements: Christmas Cookie Party – Ms and 2.0s invited


  • Sick PAX coming back from the holidays.
  • SoftServe, healing up after an ordeal involving his ring finger.  Also prayers for his family as they are faced with some tough decisions concerning one of their dogs.

Non-Cyber Coupon Shopping

EC: Abacus (2mi), Sunshine and FRAM (4mi)

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hayes, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps

The Workout: First, we switched between sets of coupon lunges and work on the agility ladder. Next, we moved to the playground to rotate through sets of pull ups and swing set abs (push-up position with feet on the swings, pulling legs up into the chest). Lastly, we came back to the coupons for some chest press and wonder bras.

Mary: low slow flutters, scissors, Homer to Marge

Announcements: FRAM’s Even the Odds Q – Sheepdog Fri Dec 16th

CSAUP Sat Dec 10th

T-Claps (Recognition):none

Prayer: Unspoken prayers, prayers for the start of Advent season

11-18-22 Agility, Speed, Balance, and the Lady Bug Warmer

EC 3m Bleeder, Yogurt

EC 2m Abe, Bobby Boucher, Woody


Side stepping: Follow the perimeter lines of the tennis court. One lap right foot forward, one lap left foot forward. Head to other tennis court. Follow the interior lines of the tennis court. Shoulders facing square to net, travel up and back the lines on both sides of the net.

Fancy feet: Step up on curb, alternating feet, while traveling. Right foot first up the parking lot. Head back down, change sides, fancy feet left foot first.

Head to Ivan lot to continue warmups: GMs x10, SSHs x50. It was at this time that Woody exclaimed that it was so cold that his Johnson was shriveled up to about the size of a ladybug. 

Main Event

ME Balance: Head to edge of amphitheater stage for balance exercises. 1-foot 4-count step-ups; Up 1, hold 2-3, down, that’s 1. Second foot never touches the ledge. Next: Calf raises with toes on ledge.

ME Agility: Mosey to softball parking lot. Fancy feet around perimeter.

ME Agility: At least four times through agility ladder, mixing with more fancy feet and many lunges. Ladder steps: left/right run; bunny hop; out/in both feet simultaneously (like and SSH); one more. Ladder stayed in middle and we did figure eights around, using the parking lot curb for fancy feet and path for lunges.

ME Speed: Sprint to marker. Must be going full speed at marker. Decelerate.  Back to marker for exercises.

Five sprints, five sets of exercises: B.L.I.M.P.S: 10 burpees, 20 lunges, 30 imperial walkers, 40 merkins, 50 plank jacks, 60 squats (didn’t have time for squats).


Balance: Tree position yoga

Announcements: Upcoming CPR class, HSHM Saturday

Prayers: Woody’s dad, Bird Flu’s wife and newborn

Block on Main Loops

FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Chinooks
The Workout: PAX moseyed over to the Block on Main for a four corners workout. A different exercise at each corner with a mosey in between. The four corners consisted of upper (merkins, mountain climbers), core (WWIIs, LBCs, etc), lower (squats, squats, squats) and then dips (regular and French). 25 counts each. We managed to get in five rounds before heading back for Mary. PAX did a sprint along Avent Ferry on the way back, just for fun.
Mary: Popcorn Mary, with favorites such as Homer to March, Ankle Grabbers and Freddie Mercurys.
Announcements: Frosty CSAUP coming up Dec 10th. CPR class this evening.
T-Claps (Recognition): Bleeder and Bobby Boucher for EC
Prayer: PAX with ailing family and friends. The girl killed in the parade last weekend.

We Belong – HOF Pat Benatar

Warm Up: mosey to lower parking lot trying to make it harder for Fram to find us as he checked out the port-a-potty.  SSH, good morning, OH claps, seal claps, sir Fazios, willie mays hays , daisy pickers. Mosey back outside fence, open gates, close gates, Frankensteins, karaoke L/R back up hill
The Workout:  off the rock pile for medium rocks. John cusack to lovely coral rock parking lot for some fun.  Lots of 10c and in cadence movements including slap rock, curls, tricep extensions, rut rows, bus drivers, squats, knees Gov’t tore up from pavement doing o/h press (that was a bad idea – sorry for all PAX wearing shorts)…more rock work and then returned the rocks to the pile.  Mosey to bottom of the hill.  Bear crawl up the hill, dips on the guard rail R & R but with erkins in the guardrail. No ant hills experienced. Mumble chatter was exceptional .
Mary:  YOGA on the tennis courts. Much needed stretching.
Announcements:  HS half; support Breach at T Marion booth; Gump and I shared some wisdom from our +50 years each on this planet; I referenced the newest member of Rock and Roll’s HOF class, Pat Benatar,, men – we (all) belong in F3.  It makes us all better because of each other
T-Claps (Recognition):  Sunshine and all PAX who ran their first Marathon – AWESOME
Prayer: Breach took us out. Thank you sir!  Honored to lead.  -Dauber
2nd F Stickboy

Carrying the Suitcase

FNGs: none. seemed like ol’ times, just missing Nemo.  Thank you so much for joining me Dawg in the freezing cold on the tundra at Womble.
Warm Up: ssh, IW, good am, static stretch, mosey to bathroom to adjust gross weight
The Workout:  50lb dumbbell in play. Single arm carry half distance of parking lot; switch hands come back.  While this is being done, essentially a time keeper, other pax executed max amount of swings, rut rows and curls for girls. Suitcase was very challenging for YHC after multiple attempts. Switched to farmers carry with two kettelbells.  Multiple KB exercises (10c) including figure 8, squats, tricep curls, bus drivers, slap bells, From our six, 6 inch press, nipplers, straight arm extension. R & R.  More core during Mary and yoga.
Mary:  American hammers, 5 burpees, H2M, marching, plank hold, and YOGA
Announcements:  Support HS 1/2 marathon
T-Claps (Recognition):  All those who stepped up and helped out with Q and showing up during RESPECT WEEK
Prayer: Pax illness, unspoken. YHC took us out.

‘Honored to lead. – Dauber

Barbells, kettlebells and maces, oh my!

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Quick lap, Good Morning, WMH, Arm Circles, Spinal Rotations, T-Merkins

The Workout: 2 rounds 10 exercises Tabata, 45 seconds on; 15 second rest; DL/Press/Squat barbell complex, Barbarian Swing (mace), Suicides, Bus Driver/Wonder Bra complex (weight plate), Cone facing burpees, Renegade DB Rows, Jump Rope, Squatted DB curl/Standing curl complex, Death March (mace), KB Swing.

Mosey to Basketball court.  Game of knock out.  Losers must do 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 WWIIs before returning. 

Mary: Good morning, arm stretches, hamstring stretches

Announcements: CPR class 11/21; Volunteer spots still open HS Half. 

T-Claps (Recognition): Gump my fellow quinquagenarian

Prayer: PAX running HS Half; Deal with our addictions.  Challenge for each PAX to talk to someone about anything they are struggling with.