
Toughest Mile Challenge

15 PAX showed to test their strength around the track 4 times. This was brutal but we all pushed ourselves and got stronger.

We started at 0515 with a few warm up exercises. Then it was on like Donkey Kong.

Lap 1 – broad jump burpee
Lap 2 – lunge walk
Lap 3 – bear crawl
Lap 4 – run

Most guys finished up right around the hour mark. We had 3 ruckers join for COT. Maybe we can do this again to see how guys improve. Or not!

COT then prayer.

Awesome job guys. Thanks for joining me in another stupid idea.

BS Out!

Greenway Trip at Mutiny

11 PAX in attendance today at Mutiny. We ran the greenway to north lakes parking lot. Everyone made it safely but very sweaty. Welcome Timberland!

Warm up lap with agility and back peddle on hill repeats. Move onto field for exercises
Up downs
Hydraulic squats

Indian run to north lakes parking lot
Stopped for merkins while some picked up the six
7’s w/burpees and Spider-Man merkins
Lt Dan across

Indian run back
Stopped at bridge otw back
Bridge sit hallelujahs x10
Ascending merkins 5x5x5
Rinse and repeat

Freddy Mercury’s
Box cutters
Reverse LBCs

Timberland just moved down to go into a rehab program for the next 21 months. Let’s all keep him in our thoughts and prayers. X-ray took us out.

Nice swampy morning men. Thanks for allowing me to lead such a strong group.

BS out!

The Basics at Sheep Dog

5 HIM showed up for some basic exercises working on form. Quality over quantity was the goal for today.

WU mosey over to bball ct
Circle up
Michael Phelps

4 corners
Merkins in each corner – bear crawl
1. Regular x20
2. Diamond x15
3. Wide x15
4. Typewriter x10
Squats each corner – lunge
1. Regular x20
2. Close x20
3. Sumo x20
4. Typewriter x10
Core in each – inchworm shorts/frog jump longs
1. WWI x20
2. Seated knee tucks x20
3. Freddy Mercury’s x20
4. J-Lo’s x20

Mosey back to flag
3 mins of broga

No new announcements
Prayers for injured PAX
YHC took us out

Always appreciative for those that join my Q’s. Great job and keep helping others with form to prevent injury and improve strength.

BS Out!

Q School – Session 1 2024

12 PAX for a mixer of Kenny’s Grave and Q school. Here’s a review.

Why Q school? This is to help with F3 formality (uniform) across all regions so if you attend an AO in New York or Texas it’ll still be close to the same structure.

3 main topics to cover – How to Q? Why to Q? (new exciting things) Are you ready to Q?

Sample structure for warm up with some discussion:
Disclaimer, warmup, workout (the thang), Mary, CoT – 45 mins total time, get a watch. Assign a sweeper if you have a large group of FNG’s.
Bring a Flag if you plan to Q. If you don’t have one, ask site Q to bring one.

Conduct WU and have guys take turns with exercises. SSH, Good Mornings, etc.

Be ready for CoT with announcements and prayer requests/praises

Review during workout:
Cadence Count
Form and rep count
Know your PAX limitations if possible
Site Q duties
Q sheet, pre-blast, backblast
Exicon, backblast from other regions, winky, Co-Q

Thang 1: Dora with bear crawl timer. 50 diamond merkins, 100 monkey humpers, 150 groiners,
Thang 2: Basketball court 7’s – burpees and absolutions

Thanks for attending men!

Golfing Graveside

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Variety

The Workout:

  1. Rules: teams of 2 or 3. Must always alternate throws. Must carry your golf bag (rock) with your team at all times.
  2. Land mark target (hole) picked with rules for frisbee to hit. Must stay on South Park Grounds.
  3. At Tee off exercise is called and done I/C until all teams throw.
  4. Modes of Travel  in no particular order but all must be done before repeats. Run /Lunge Walk/Bear crawl/Min of 3 Burpee Broad jump.
  5. Hole completion – score = # of Kraken burpees. 2nd place does their score and half of team in front of them.  Max hole score 10. R/P/S breaks tie (one time)
  6. Winning team picks new hole and tee box. Losing team picks tee off exercise.
  7. Rinse and repeat and have fun.

Mary: Banana Seat

Announcements: Road Clean up, core challenge, Check Slack, Even the Odds 3/22/24

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Health, H1N1 mother-in-law and  Unspoken.

A mutiny happened at Mutiny and @Rico is not yet a grandpa!

PAX: @Finkle, @Rico, @Rubiks, @FlipPhone, @Breach, @Fumunga, @Winnebago, @H1N1, @LED

FNG: @Buffalo aka @Don Ross


Good Mornings in cadence, downward dog, spitting cobra/up dog, merkins, SSH, and a mosey around track.

Main Event:

  1. 11’s on the hill next to soccer field.  Fence squats at the top and burpees at the bottom.  Modes of transportation were jog, reverse lunge walk down, and bear crawls.
  2. Catch me if you can.  We partnered up and ‘partner A’ jogged around the track while ‘partner B’ did a prescribed exercise and then had to sprint to catch their partner.  Then switched.  Did 4 rounds exercises were, 20 merkins, 20 low slow flutters, 20 lunges, 20 SSH.
  3. No free picnic.  We made our way over to the picnic tables and did 10 Irkins, 10 Merkins, 10 Derkins, 10 Dips, 20 Step-ups and repeated once same exercises.

Dad Joke (sponsored by @Rico):

What do you call a man with no shins?  Tony, get it Toe-knee

Something about Mary:

LBCs, WW2, Side crunches, Freddie Mercuries, J-Lo’s, Plank hold, and Pickle Pounders to appease the all the wild women watching us workout at 5:30 in the morning.


Safe travels for @Finkle ‘s M, @H1N1 for his family as they mourn the loss of his M’s grandmother, and @Rico’s daughter GG who apparently is not prego @Rubiks lol…  She will be having an ultrasound soon to check on a possible cyst on her ovary.

Poles and Rocks at the Grave

7 HIM showed up on another moist morning to push each other. Here’s what happened.

Warm Up
Loop around parking lot with carioca.
Air squared
Willie Mayes Hayes
Bat wings
Mtn climbers

Grab rocks for traveling
Go to first street light
10x Ground pounders with rock – mosey to next light without a rock, do 5 burpees. Sprint back to rocks for your choice as you arrive.
Traveling curls to the next light. Then repeat.
10x Wonder bras – mosey to next light without rock. 5 burpees, sprint back for choice.
Traveling tri’s to the next light. Repeat.
10x rainbow lunges each leg. Mosey, 5 burpees, sprint back.
Traveling overhead press back.
10x American hammers with rock, mosey, 5 burpees, sprint back
Traveling bus drivers back.
10x squats with rock, mosey, 5 burpees, sprint back.
WWI’s with rocks
Return rocks

Courts – partner up
P1 bear crawl to half court then crawl bear back while P2 does plank jacks, switch.
P1 suicide to half then full court while P2 holds BTTW, switch.
P1 crab walk forward to half the backward back while P2 does LBCs, switch.

Windshield wipers
Cross ups

Way to push this morning men. Pleasure to lead.

BS out

New Pavement!

This would be more exciting if it were at Possum Trot but the track around the Kenny’s Grave baseball fields has a new coat of blacktop that makes it very easy to run on. It was so new you could still smell it. We started our lap with 4 but upon return found a bike in the parking lot that wasn’t there when we started.  Warbucks caught up not long after and, thanks to me not being able to do them, penalty burpees were not assigned.  

FNGs: None

Warm Up:

Frankensteins x10 IC

Imperial Walkers x10 IC

Hillbilies x10 IC

Willie Mays Hays x10 IC

Trunk Twists x10 IC

The Workout:

We moseyed down to one of the empty lanes of parking spaces and partnered up for dora.  Since we had an odd number I joined one of the groups and just mirrored one of those guys.  

100 jump squats

200 Imperial Walkers

300 LBC

The timer was the other partner duck walking all the way to the other side of the lot and then jogging back.  The group of two finished up first because Warbucks is a jump squat machine so they helped finish up the group of 3’s LBCs at the end.

After that it was off to the hill by the big baseball field for 11s.  Sumo squats at the top and in cadence calf raises on the fence at the bottom.  It was OYO but everyone got done at the same time anyway.

Time was running short so I modified the rest of the plan.  We started down the greenway path and stopped at the first set of bleachers.  We faced up the hill and went up doing Walk Like an Egyptian.  Line up like an Indian run and take a step in to a lunge and hold it while the PAX at the back lunge walks to the front.  Once he’s there, step in to a lunge with your other leg and continue.  We made it to the top of the hill and then moved on due to time (which there wasn’t much of).


Heel taps x16 IC

Reverse LBC x16 IC


F3 Family picnic on 6/24.  Check 2nd F channel in Slack for details and to sign up to bring stuff


Finkle’s youngest who hasn’t been feeling well.

YHC’s M who has a scratched eye that may or may not be getting infected.

Praise for my M’s grandparents who are celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary as well as her grandmother’s 90th birthday

Praise for Finkle’s M for her final day at her, now former, job.


What a beautiful morning it was to come workout out and share the morning with you all.  It’s an honor that you come and allow me to lead you through this, truly.  



You Chose Poorly

11 HIM swung some bells today. YHC brought back some ska hits to keep the tempo moving us. It was a moist one. Some PAX may have chose poorly for a bell to travel with but they pushed through the pain.

Good mornings
Willie Mayes Hayes
Carolina Dry Docks (slow IC)

12 exercises 3 rds each (15, 12, 10 reps)
3 groups

1 – goblet squat
2 – swings IC
3 – single arm chest press (R arm)
4 – single arm chest press (L arm)
Mosey to playground with traveling curls
5 – bent over rows R
6 – bent over rows L
7 – lunge pulse bell w touch knee R
8 – lunge pulse bell w touch knee L
Mosey to shelter with traveling tris
9 – halos rotate directions (L&R count 1)
10 – pull through merkins (both sides 1)
11 – cross body snatch R
12 – cross body snatch L
Mosey to courts with John Cusaks.

Join Cletus for Mary
Mary almost didn’t happen as Forceps started name-a-rama with 5 mins left. Once that was over YHC saw we had almost 3 mins left.
American Hammers x22
LSF x22
50 sec chillcut plank hood for Forceps respect bday Q

Announcements on slack
Prayers – BS church member lost life to pneumonia mid 30’s lady named Brenae. Forceps lost co-worker to kidney failure. Cousin IT spoke of one but cannot remember.

Nice job today men!
BS Out

Mini Murph + Some

Memorial Day at Mutiny.

6 PAX had the choice of a mini murph or something equivalent of pain. They choose wisely IMO.

Good mornings

Mini Murph
Run 0.5 miles
50 pull ups
100 push ups
150 squats
Run 0.5 miles

Rock work
Pax grabbed a rock. We rotated rocks after each exercise.
Wonder Bras
Return rocks and mosey to shelter for Mary.

Check slack for announcements
Prayers unspoken

Honor to lead men.
BS Out!