Five Year Anniversary Q
FNGs: None
Warm Up: Arm Circles, GM, Mosey to Soccer Field Parking Lot
The Workout: Football Mascot Merkin Workout utilizing scores from last week’s games.
NCSU’s Tuffy – Merkins (+alternate exercise)
7 (tempo squatsx10), 10 (pulse squats), 17 (lungesx10), 24 (mosey to picnic shelter)
UNC’s Rameses
7(People’s chair 5 count each PAX), 10 (BTTW in cadence to 10), 17 (People’s), 24 (BTTW), 31 Urkins (Mosey to rock pile)
Duke’s Blue Devil
3 (curls & rows x10), 6 (curls&rows), 13 (curls&rows), 21 rock presses (curls and rows), 28 rock presses (curls and rows)
Mary: Around the circle name an ab exercise & closed off with some stretching.
Prayer: Prayer for PAX’s injured and struggling with illness. Pray for all PAX BRR.