
Cinder Blocks are heavy

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, WMH, Arm Circles.  The PAX did a great job reciting core values and F3 mission. No penalty burpees.

The Workout:

Grab a Cinder Block, Cusack for a bit. 10x Ground Pounder, 10x Rows. Cusack. Did 3 rounds.

Curls and Triceps as we walked to bathroom building w blocks.

Dora : 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC (single count). Partner farmer carry both cinder blocks 50M and back.

return blocks.

Mary : Stretches and circle of ab exercises called out by each PAX. Final set of Good Mornings.

Announcements: Trash pick up today 9AM Walmart FV.  My Way anniversary party today 5:30PM My Way in Holly Springs

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Motor Boatin’s sister to ER last night . Uncertain. All PAX dealing with injuries and illness.

Better late than never

FNGs: None

Warm Up:SSH, Daisy Pickers, Hill Billies, Imperial Walkers…

The Workout: Popcorn fun with rocks working Legs and upper body with a bit of core work.

@MotorBoatin showed up a bit late.  Thanks for the good work out guys.

Football! YOU BET!

FNGs:  None

Warm-up:  Planted flag after rolling up facing 8 PAX ready to go!  Willy Mays Hayes, OH Claps, Seal Claps, Sir Fazios, Static Stretching with nice mumblechatter

Thang:  Mosey with football lateraling all the way, Ho-Ho-Ho! and picked up a medium rock.  Stubbs was funny and grabbed an XL.  Bastard.  (JK)  Circled up for the following exercises with rocks in cadence rotating one spot to the left:  Curls for the girls, Rutrows (when I came to the XL rock), bus drivers, ground pounders, squats, slap the rock, OH press…Singles with tricep extension.  On your six for six inches, nipplers and chest press.  Return rocks.

Mosey to various fields until we found a flat area on the pitch.  Ran routes for points.  Those PAX not throwing or catching conducted LBCs, Squats, Imperial Walkers, etc.  Competiion moved to 4 PAX playing football, QB, WR, Stationary defense doing SSH in front of QB and a Defender.  Rotated through all positions.  Lined up again for drop kicks/punts.  One PAX ran after the kicked ball while remaining PAX did exercises.  Moved into a 4 v 4 with GUMP being center/referee/cheerleader,  Lots of nice throws and catches.  Checked some PAX for stick -em.  Mosey back to parking lot for Mary.

Mary:  static stretches in a circle.  Some PAX got friendlier than others.  Something about a recent hike/tush play.  Lots of laughs for sure.  Each PAX shared a rose and a thorn.

Q forgot to do name-a-rama.  Blame his age.  YHC took us out.  Lots of Prayers for Family, Jobs, Surgeries

2nd F at Thanks a Latte.

Honored to lead. – Dauber

Saving Old Glory – RESPECT WEEK

Great to see HazMat and Dusty return to Tea Time! I planted the flag at 6:55 pm and we caught up while stretching OYO. Then, we took off for our 1-mile run. The two 1-mile runs on a Murph are great because you can talk without interrupting your fellow PAX’s counts. So, we talked on this run before jumping into the exercises.

Upon our return to the playground, I immediately noticed something was wrong. My F3 shovel flag, which stands very tall, was missing! Oh my! HazMat found the shovel on the ground over there. Dusty found the connecter piece (rod holder) elsewhere. Now where’s the flag???

Then, right there in the middle of the turf, I spied two adorable little girls, probably about 4 years old. One was pulling the other around like a water skier. But wait, that’s not a rope, and those aren’t water skis… THAT’S MY FLAG! 

I intercepted them and they returned it. I explained that Old Glory must be treated with respect and must never touch the ground. Dusty, HazMat, and I chuckled for the next hour.

And of course, we knocked out the MURPH exercises: 100 pullups, 200 Merkins, 300 squats. And of course, another mile run. 

Temperature was perfect at about 49 degrees. 

Prayer requests: Dusty doctor visit to discuss hip options; HazMat’s dad seeking diagnosis for dizziness.

RESPECT Lesson: Plant your shovel flag at every F3 workout that you Q. And more importantly, treat the American flag with RESPECT! 

Thunder some hard core fun

FNGs: None
Warm Up: 5min general warm up, stretches and banter
The Workout: Hard-CORE

Using the Benches under the shelter: Chill Cut Plank Knees to Elbows x 15 / Sit on end of bench American Hammers x 15 – Repeat 3 sets

Mosey to rocks….. with rock 1/4 crunch pushing rock over head x 15 / 6 inch Legs hold 15 cadence – Repeat 3 sets

Elbow to Knee Crunch x 12 / 30 cadence chill cut plank – Repeat 3 sets

WW1 with left & right stretch to ankle x 12 / WW1 with rock & twist x 15 – Repeat 3 sets

Return the rocks = Back to the shelter: Balls to the wall 10 count cadence regular, 5 count left arm up, 5 count right arm up / Low Slow Flutter lying on bench 20 cadence – Repeat3 sets

Mary: Cancun took us out with some stretches

Announcements: Cancun is going to get choked out for Cancer – he will post more info
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Toothless “staying the course” on his fitness – YHC back to significant travel in South America.

Memorial Day MURPH 5/30/22; Honoring Yukla-27

FNGs:  None
Warm Up: SSH, good morning…
The Workout:  Standard Murph
Mary:  Static stretches
Announcements:  YHC told the story of the crash of Yukla-27.  We honored all 24 aircrew members with individualized flags.  Many PAX took a USA flag home with the name of the downed aircrew member.
T-Claps (Recognition):  All PAX who came out for the Murph
Prayer:  YHC led us out after each PAX read the name of every crew member who died on Yukla-27, an E-3 aircraft that crashed after takeoff on 22 Sep 95, killing all 24 aircrew members on board.    – Honored to lead. -Dauber

Lots of Pole and a Fire Hydrant

YHC returned from a minor medical procedure to continue the 75 Hard journey and take the lead at Thunder. I haven’t been to this AO in awhile, so I was stoked to lead these guys. A ridiculously humid night, nobody left dry. The group chalked up over a mile and stopped more times than I can count.

FNG’s: no…but a cool cat visitor from F3 Concord…Yellowcake!
Warm Up: Good Mornings
The Workout: We took the Stinson/Grigsby sidewalk loop the whole way around to the back of Womble. It was roughly a mile and we stopped at every pole (either power or sign) for a series of exercises focused on Legs, Core, or Upper body. At each stop we either did 10 reps or 15 reps. We began each series with burpees. At each stop, we increased burpees from 1-5, then 5-1, then 1-5, then 5-1, giving us 50 burpees total by nights end. Exercises for the night included: Squats, Star Jumps, Donkey Kicks IC, Alternate Lunges IC, Fire Hydrants, Money Humpers IC, Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Curb Dips, Hand-Release Merkins, Nipplers IC, Annies IC, Shoulder Taps IC, Pickle Pounders IC, WW2’s, Freddie Mercury IC, Taps IC, Dying Cockroach, LBC’s IC, Homer to Marge IC. The last couple stops going back into the park featured some rock work including, Curls for the Girls, Triceps, Shoulder Press, Chest Press, Skull Crushers, Rock Merkins.
Mary: Built In
Announcements: Bobby Boucher is taking over as 2nd F Q. Stubs is back!!!!
T-Claps (Recognition): Wild Turkey shaking it out after his whipping of the Missoula Marathon!
Prayer: YHC took us out. UTI and some health issues.

Hot As Hades Thunder in the Jungle

3 for EC (Breach, Pikachu &Gilette)  and (11) Pax for the ME and made it out for a thick as peanut butter and hot as hell Thunder workout by Breach

John Deere, Double D, Pikachu, Gilette, Gump, Kubota, Cupid, Dusty, Wild Turkey, Dauber,

Warm-Up: A quick mosey down to the pit, 22 counts of SSH, Imperial Walkers/Hillibilies, Windmills and Frankensteins

The Workout: Big Boy Toys were in play for the following Station assignments performed in a Tabata style rotation (1:30 of work, 15 sec to rotate, 2 rounds)


Round 1         Flips

Round 2         Deadlifts


Round 1         Sandbag Burpees

Round 2         Rut Rohs

Dip Station

Round 1         Dips

Round 2         Derkins


Round 1         Overhead Press

Round 2         Curls

Med Ball       

Round 1         American Hammers

Round 2         Dying Cockroaches


Round 1         Back to Front Jumps

Round 2         Side Hops

Weighted Jump Rope

Round 1         Regular jumps

Round 2         Jogging Jumps

Kettle Bell

Round 1         Swings

Round 2        Single Arm Snatch


Round 1        RDL

Round 2        Full Power Clean

Mary:  A little Cumbawamba action (We all get knocked down, but we get up again) Turkish get-ups on the chorus, and Shadow Boxing with foot movement in between.

Announcements: F3 Picinc July 30th, Volunteer event for the Town on July 5th

Closed in Prayer:

Did you know that whales eat moose?

Tea Time Murph 5/9/2022

Music Theme: Country that rocks, featuring Jason Aldean; general thumbs up by all PAX
Warm Up: SSH 25x; deep squat to stretch calves, hammies; touch toes, exhale
The Workout: Murph 1 mile run, 300 squats, 200 merkins, 100 pull-ups, 1 mile run

Taking off on the second run, Cancun asks Moose, “Did you know that whales eat moose?” It’s true, seriously. First of all, Cancun said it. Second of all, it was on the Internet: “Orcas occasionally eat moose. While both animals live in different habitats, there is a predator-prey relationship. There’s no evidence that killer whales eat moose regularly, but they do sometimes.”
Mary: None
Announcements: 3-Alarm Tuesday; June Challenge
T-Claps (Recognition): Moose’s M inspired by F3 job/career changes; also became a runner via F3 influence

Prayer: Loss of WebEx’s brother in law–pray for the family

Deere don’t do monkey humpers…. Period.

kudos to Gump for helping Deere out of a fix and agreeing to a Co-Q. Love you man.

Warm Up: general stuff, arms legs, banter.
The Workout: TRX bands/Straps…. 4 pax on band for 2 x 10 count of various exercises , whilst other 4 pax rotated for classic reps with some coupons ‘20lb ball, 50lb sand bag’ (balls, merkins, slam ball, ground pounders, curls , box cutters, homer to marge, Turkish get ups , diamonds etc)

6 rotations

Mary: 20 Diamonds, plank, left arm up, right arm up….
Announcements: Vicious Cycle after day light saving time.
T-Claps (Recognition): Dauber coming back after back issues.
Prayer: Tia – Friend of Pax with Vid… troubles in East Europe / Russia. Unspoken.