Cinder Blocks are heavy
FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, GM, WMH, Arm Circles. The PAX did a great job reciting core values and F3 mission. No penalty burpees.
The Workout:
Grab a Cinder Block, Cusack for a bit. 10x Ground Pounder, 10x Rows. Cusack. Did 3 rounds.
Curls and Triceps as we walked to bathroom building w blocks.
Dora : 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC (single count). Partner farmer carry both cinder blocks 50M and back.
return blocks.
Mary : Stretches and circle of ab exercises called out by each PAX. Final set of Good Mornings.
Announcements: Trash pick up today 9AM Walmart FV. My Way anniversary party today 5:30PM My Way in Holly Springs
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Motor Boatin’s sister to ER last night . Uncertain. All PAX dealing with injuries and illness.