
Crazy Ivan Birthday Bash

FNGs:  None

T-Claps: Flip Phone and Gump (5 workouts)

Warm-up:  SSH, Good AM, etc

Workout:  See binky ; Very little rest  HIIT

COT:  Family members who are ill; PAX looking for work.  YHC took us out.

Honored to lead on my 56th birthday.  Apologies for the commercials while listening to Pandora.


Hanging Bells on Santa’s Sleigh

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Side Shuttle Hop, Slow Squat, Slow Merkins

The Workout:

45 seconds on with 15 seconds rest for 3 sets:

  1. Hand to Hand Suitcase Deadlifts
  2. Bear Plank Shoulder Tap
  3. Alternating KB Swings
  4. Bear Plank Shoulder Tap+Carolina Dry Dock
  5. Pass Under Lunges

Five One Minute 5 Second EMOM

  1. 10 Full KB Swing
  2. Pulse Squat Time Remaining

Five One Minute 5 Second EMOM

  1. 10 Shoulder Press
  2. Seesaw Lunges Time Remaining


45 Seconds on with 15 Second Rest

  1. North South KB Plank Pulls
  2. KB Alternating Leg Lifts
  3. Plank Pull Through East West
  4. Hollow Middle Rocks
  5. Half Turkish Get Up Right Side
  6. Half Turkish Get Up Left Side
  7. Peter Parkers
  8. American KB Hammers with Sprinter Situp
  9. Bear Plank KB Taps
  10. KB Deadbugs
  11. Hollow Low Slow Flutter

Announcements: Stay safe and wear lights when running in the morning and at night.

Prayer: Abe and his family with the passing of his father; Safe travels for those traveling over the holidays; Cover Story and his job search after being laid off, T-Claps to UTI for helping Cover Story our with getting him an interview at his company.


Workin 9-5

FNGs: Short Bus (John), neighbor of Cover Story. From holly springs (homegrown) homeschooled (school bus… short bus) 

Warm Up: SSH, Frankenstein, Goooooood Mornings, Windmiss

The Workout:

Listened to old country: dolly, Jonny cash, John Denver, Alabama, Kenny Rogers…

Thang 1:

Every 2 min on the minute:

  • 10 bob and weave
  • 10 reverse lunge with twist
  • 10 squat to overhead press

5 rounds total

Thang 2:
EMOM, all exercises single arm, repeat for both sides in the minute:

  • 3 swings
  • 3 cleans
  • 3 press

15 rounds, the a Q challenge call to increase reps along the way from 3->4->5

Mary: dying cockroach, modified Freddy mercury, WWI, heel taps

Thang 3:

Death drop

  • 10 burpees, 10 right arm snatches, 10 left arm snatches
  • 9,9,9
  • 8,8,8
  • 1,1,1

have a nice day.

Announcements: Xmas party on Dec 7

Prayer: stubs has a new tumor treatment that is supposed to get him back to 💯.

dahmer’s brother enrolled in a substance abuse treatment program.

pumpkin spices son Alex sprained his ankle in his first JV basketball game


Masons in Training

FNGs: None Warm Up: SSH, Goooooood Mornings, Windmills

The Workout: YHC made a special trip to Home Depot on Monday to pick up 24 bricks at $0.52 a piece. Each brick weighed in at around 4.25lbs.

Following the warmup, each PAX was given two bricks to care for for the remainder of the workout. 

PAX cusacked from the parking lot to the near corner of the soccer field track. 

  • 25 Bench presses in cadence
  • 20 manmakers in cadence
    • Right Hand Row, Left Hand Row, Merkin Down, Merkin Up
  • Dying Cockroach

PAX then bear crawled with their bricks to the first field light pole.

  • 20 bent over flys IC
  • 20 CFG IC
  • 20 Tricep Extensions
  • Big Boy Situps

PAX Traveled with arms at 90 deg in front to the next light pole

  • 20 Bus Drivers IC
  • 20 Deadlifts IC
  • 20 Hammer Curls IC

PAX bear crawled to the mid-point of the far parking lot

  • 20 calf raises
  • 20 gunslingers
  • Partner wheelbarrows to the opposite side of the parking lot – switch
    • Wheel PAX transports bricks

Cusack to the next corner of the field

  • 10 manmakers in cadence
  • 10 dying cockroach
  • 10 bent over flys

Bear Crawl to the next light pole

  • 20 CFG IC
  • 20 Tricep Extensions
  • 20 Deadlifts IC
  • 20 Big boy situps

90 deg carry to the picnic shelter

  • Side shuffle preachers chair
  • 15 set ups per leg
  • 1 min of punches

Cusack to the flag

Mary: None

Announcements/ T-Claps (Recognition) / Prayer: probably, but its been too many days for me to remember. 

An EMOM morning

FNGs: None

Warm Up:


Spinal Rotations

Good Morning


Arm Circles

Seal and Overhead Clap

The Workout:

Cinco Tres Workout : 5 exercises , 3 reps each.

10 min EMOM

R one minute then L one minute

Single Arm Swing

Single Hang Clean

Single Squat

Single Straight Press

Single Reverse Drop Lunge

Mosey one lap in parking lot

10 min EMOM

R & L




Renegade Row

Merkin on Bell

Mosey one lap in parking lot


5 min EMOM




Ground Pounder



LBC, FM, H2M, Lower Back Stretches

Announcements: Celebrate FV sign up. See slack

 T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: PAX who are injured. PAX looking for work. Best in Show’s mother-in-law passed away, Dahmer’s northern in law illness , Fanny Pack’s brother

No Legs

FNGs: Wild Bill – Coverstory FIL

Warm Up: SSH, Windmills, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout:

Thang #1:

PAX counted off by 4 (1-4, not using 4x times tables) and separated into groups in four corners. All PAX counted reps for 30 seconds of chest press. Each had to repeat that number of reps each time they visited the chest press station to trigger a rotation of all stations. All other stations were AMRAP.

Four stations: Chest Press, Curls for the Gurls, Deadlift, Tricep extensions.



7 single arm snatches, suitcase carry to the flag, 7 single arm snatches (other arm), suitcase carry back. 3 rounds total


Thang #2:

Single rotator station (HEX Press) with all others AMRAP, same format as Thang #1

Four stations: Hex Press, Rut Row, Upright Row, Weighted Dying Cockroach



12 reps of pull through merkins, 12 reps of Halos

10 reps + 10 reps

8,8,6,6,4,4,2,2 – Have a nice day!


Mary: Naaa

Announcements: nope

T-Claps (Recognition): nope

Prayer: Cousin IT friend (Richard) going through a hard stretch with business. Stovepipe friend have a preemie baby (Emmy) born at 27 weeks.


FNGs: None

Warm Up: The bounce, spinal rotations, good mornings, SSH, arm circles, claps.

The Workout:

Tabata 45 sec on:15 rest; At halfway mark switch to 2nd exercise.


Short lap around parking lot


Mary: Around the circle abs – LBC, Australian Snow Angels, Box Cutters, Pickle Pounders, a few broga stretches. 

Announcements: Sign up to Q this summer! 

T-Claps (Recognition): None

Prayer: Clunker’s in-law moving to assisted living; Dahmer’s friend who lost his job – really struggling; Dauber’s mom full recovery back injury.  Rest from your work this weekend men!  Love your friends and family well! 

You Chose Poorly

11 HIM swung some bells today. YHC brought back some ska hits to keep the tempo moving us. It was a moist one. Some PAX may have chose poorly for a bell to travel with but they pushed through the pain.

Good mornings
Willie Mayes Hayes
Carolina Dry Docks (slow IC)

12 exercises 3 rds each (15, 12, 10 reps)
3 groups

1 – goblet squat
2 – swings IC
3 – single arm chest press (R arm)
4 – single arm chest press (L arm)
Mosey to playground with traveling curls
5 – bent over rows R
6 – bent over rows L
7 – lunge pulse bell w touch knee R
8 – lunge pulse bell w touch knee L
Mosey to shelter with traveling tris
9 – halos rotate directions (L&R count 1)
10 – pull through merkins (both sides 1)
11 – cross body snatch R
12 – cross body snatch L
Mosey to courts with John Cusaks.

Join Cletus for Mary
Mary almost didn’t happen as Forceps started name-a-rama with 5 mins left. Once that was over YHC saw we had almost 3 mins left.
American Hammers x22
LSF x22
50 sec chillcut plank hood for Forceps respect bday Q

Announcements on slack
Prayers – BS church member lost life to pneumonia mid 30’s lady named Brenae. Forceps lost co-worker to kidney failure. Cousin IT spoke of one but cannot remember.

Nice job today men!
BS Out

Last Day 75Hard

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Bounce, Good morning, Arm Circles/Seal Clap/Overhead Clap, Spinal Rotations

The Workout:

Walked through each compound Kettlebell exercise then two rounds Tabata, 45 seconds on; 15 second rest

  1. Deadlift, Clean, Curl, repeat
  2. Reverse Lunge, Single Arm Press, switch legs half way
  3. Rows 2x each arm, repeat
  4. On your back. KB 45 degree. Alternating Leg extensions. Half way mark switch to Leg Thrusters holding on the bell at top of your head.
  5. 3x KB Swing, 2x Goblet Squat, repeat
  6. Single arm Squat Thrust; switch arms half way.
  7. On your back. Pullover x2, Skull Crusher x3, repeat
  8. Merkin on the Bell, alternate each rep
  9. Renegade Row with Pass Thru, alternate each rep
  10. Ground Pounder


5 Rounds OYO: KB Swing – Single Arm Snatch – 50 meter run and back. 25-20-15-10-5 – total 75 reps

Mary: None (Q lost track of time). 

Announcements: Road Clean Up in FV tomorrow.  See 3rd F. April 5th Possum Trot workout and breakfast. 

T-Claps (Recognition): All those who completed 75 Hard. 

Prayer: Sombrero’s 18 month old son possibly needs surgery, Best in Show’s mother-in-law’s battle with cancer. PAX who are ill and dealing with injuries.

0.0 miles

A PAX of 10 slowly arrived during the wet morning for Crazy Ivan. We headed under the intimate shelter at the amphitheater for a cozy and somewhat dry workout with our bells. Absolutely NO running which meant no time for recovers. This lead to a ton of reps.

Warm ups:
Front bend stretch
Sir fozios

Main Event:
Single arm Swings x15 each arm
Rows x15 each arm
Rainbow lunges x15 each leg
Suitcases x15 each side
Rinse and repeat x10 this rd

Shoulder raises to eye level
Goblet squats
2 rds x15 & x10

Single arm snatchs x15 each side
Side bends x15 IC each side
Pull through merkins x15
Halos x15 each direction
R&R x10 this rd

Cookie pouch x10
KB LBC’s x20 IC
LSF x20 IC

Prayers for injured PAX (Fanny Pack and others), PAX struggling to get back out, F3 as a whole.

Been a long time since leading the bells. It makes you push a lot harder and I’m sure I’ll feel it later. Sign up to Q if you plan to workout there on Fridays. Appreciate the opportunity to lead men!

BS out!