
Downtown Train Birthday Bash 59

Warmups: Good mornings 10x, Bat wings 10x 4 positions, Sidestradle hop 59x for bday

Main Event: Mosey to stage area in front of HS Culture Club

Absolutions 10x

Complete circuit around library with three stations. Each station with three exercises: arms/shoulders, legs, core.

Partner up for counts and form. Complete 59 reps between the two of you.

Station 1: Merkins, squats, LBCs 59 reps

Between: Absolutions

Station 2: Side planks, lunges, WWIIs 59 reps

Between: Jack Webbs

Station 3: Patty cake Merkins, squat hold, American hammer 59 reps

Finale: Sprints in parking deck

COT: Announcements: Accept the challenge. In this case, consider signing up for the Triangle Sprint Triathlon. Super easy.

Fence painting on Monday, May 20

Prayer requests: Hasselhoff job situation/opportunity


Second F: Coffee by Abe and Wild Turkey

Fresh strawberries by yours truly.

Honor to lead. Thanks for helping celebrate my birthday.

Pairs and stairs

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up:

SSH, Good Morning, Sir Fazio F/R, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night clubs, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, 5 Burpees OYO for BnB being late

The Workout:

Thang 1: partner DORA – 100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. 1 partner runs to top of stairs in parking deck, back down. Switch with partner doing exercises.

Thang 2: Urkins, Dips, Plank Hold, Low Slow Flutter x3 rounds

Thang 3: Peoples chair 10 count each PAX, BTTW x5 each PAX, Monkey Humpers x10 – 3 rounds

Mary: Popcorn – Homer to Marge, pickle pounders, Freddie mercury, crab cakes, 100 tap the ground, heel taps, J-Lo’s, stretching


Downrange looking for rental, BnB and Firefly leading shovel flag event 3/8, Shooting Blanks looking for company on Tobacco Road Marathon

T-Claps (Recognition): all PAX for a strong showing

Prayer: Banana Seat aunt passed, unspoken, sick and injured

Reach out to guys you haven’t seen in a while.

12 Days of Christmas

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Claps, Frankenstein.

 The Workout:

Each PAX led one exercise in 12 days of Christmas fashion. 

With Rocks 
  1. Ground Pounder single count 
  2. Lunges w twist in cadence  
  3. Wonder Bras in cadence 
  4. Rows in cadence 
  5. Overhead triceps in cadence 
  6. Big boy sit ups – single count 
  7. Chest press in cadence 
  8. Skull crushers in cadence 
  9. American Hammer cadence
  10. Thrusters in cadence
  11. Curls in cadence 
  12. Slow Squats in cadence 

Finisher: Each exercise above Tabata: 30:10

Mary: Stretches

Prayer: Those looking for work.

530 Alarm Clock

Leadership Lessons

YHC wanted to help build the leadership principles of initiative, contingency management, and succession planning with todays convergence crew at Crazy Ivan and Cletus. To that end, Q decided it was best to stay asleep until exactly 5:30am and then see what happened.  

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Something probably, I was brushing my teeth

The Workout: YHC had promised some upper and lower body work in the pre blast, where PAX could choose their own adventure. Drawing from that direction, @pikachu took a crew for lower body work while @bestinshow took a crew to work on upper body with kettle bells. Plan that was formed involved a switch of activities for the two groups about halfway through.

As the groups split, the Q finally arrived and fired up the Xmas music. A playlist with some truly horrific takes on xmas classics. 

Upper Body Thang:

3 rounds, of 9, 12 and 15 reps each

  • Goblet Squat
  • Cleans
  • KB Hopover Burpees
  • Single Arm Rows
  • Single Arm Snatches
  • Jump Lunges

Lower Body Thang:

Ascending progressing where you would work forward through a seriesof exercises, then reverse back to the start, then add another exercise the next round. Took place on the small tennis court

  • 20 Merkins, Bear Crawl across short side, 20 LBC IC, Crawl Bear
  • 20 Merkins, Bear Crawl across short side, 20 LBC IC, Crab Walk along long side, 20 big boi situps, reverse crab walk, 20 LBC IC, Crawl Bear
  • 20 Merkins, Bear Crawl across short side, 20 LBC IC, Crab Walk along long side, 20 big boi situps, Lunge Walk along short side, 20 merkins, reverse lunge walk along short side, 20 big boi situps, reverse crab walk, 20 LBC IC, Crawl Bear
  • 20 Merkins to close

Mary: Stretching

Announcements: Some xmas light run with an the HS run club, meeting at an unknown date and time, and traveling an indeterminate distance

T-Claps (Recognition): @bestinshow and @pikachu for stepping up to lead and cover for Qs failures. Greatly appreciated.


  • (Praise) @abe’s father back home, simplifying care and anxiety for his Mom
  • @YesHeCan having heart surgery today
  • @brexit with a 4th round interview today to hopefully secure a job that allows him to stay local
  • @bestinshow for working through a slow season in business, prayers for additional work or finding a wad of dough somewhere
  • @bleeder upcoming surgery (Dec 15)

2nd F – Café Tacoma:

  • @abe and @BnB provided some excellent hot brew as well as penalty free cups
  • Great 2nd F in the parking lot
  • @u.t.i. and @gilette joined following their run, @u.t.i. of course arrived shirtless and sweaty
double down

Double Down at TBD

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Halloween monster imitation, clapping, flower picking

The Workout: Q brought a trunk full of toys and passed them out to everyone following the warm up. PAX spread out in a circle on the tennis court and were given assorted exercise to perform with their torture devices.

Format was as follows:

45 sec to AMRAP the given exercise, count your reps

45 sec of ‘active recovery’ exercise

Unlimited time to double your round one reps (hence ‘double down’)

Squat hold until all PAX are finished

Primary exercises included: merkins, lat pulls, tricep extensions, thrusters, med ball slams, curls for the girls, weighted punching, chest flys, halos, and squats

Active recovery included: mtn climbers, WWI, Freddy Mercury, Australian snow angels, dying cockroach, plank, side plank, bear crawl, heel taps, and something else.

PAX rotated stations after the completion of each round

Announcements: Xmas party, Even-The-Odds

Prayer: @abe’s parents – dad dealing with cancer + a stroke, mom providing care

@brexit has a job interview today

leading our families well during a season that can lead to selfishness and ‘the wants’


Purple Cobra Backblast – Brought to you by Dall-e 2 and Microsoft Bing


Warm Up: A short mosey around the very small parking lot

The Workout:

I was just invited to use Microsoft Bing’s new AI.  This was my first time using it. 

Here was my prompt:

Generate a story about an F3 workout called purple cobra where we ran 0.69 miles, did a workout routine called coyote ugly, a murph DORA, and stair climbs on picnic benches. Guys with named Pumpkin Spice, Woody, Snap, Hasselhoff, Brexit, Cancun, Jellybeans, Stubs, and UTI were there

And a correction I asked for…

Change the story and change the QIC to UTI, change the Coyote Ugly workout to be a wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again, replace the squats with LBCs, and change the 400 meter run to an out and back army crawl

This is the backblast it wrote for me, I put the questionable information in bold (you can tell it’s sourcing other backblasts posted on the internet but pretty cool!):

It was a cold and dark morning when Pumpkin Spice, Woody, Snap, Hasselhoff, Brexit, Cancun, Jellybeans, Stubs and Purple Cobra gathered at the park for an F3 workout. They were greeted by UTI, the QIC for the day. He had a wicked grin on his face as he announced the plan for the workout.

"Today we're going to do a wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again," he said. "Then we're going to partner up for a Murph DORA. One partner will do an out and back army crawl while the other does 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 LBCs. You switch when your partner comes back and keep going until you finish all the reps. Then we're going to finish with some stair climbs on picnic benches. You'll do 20 step-ups on each leg followed by 20 dips on each bench."

The PAX groaned as they heard the brutal workout ahead of them. They knew UTI was notorious for his challenging Qs. But they also knew that F3 was about pushing themselves beyond their comfort zone and growing stronger together.

They started with the wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again. UTI paired them up and instructed them how to do it: one partner holds the other's legs while he walks on his hands up one side of the table then does a merkin then walks down the other side then does another merkin then switches roles.

The PAX quickly realized that this was one of the hardest exercises they had ever done. The wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again was exhausting and painful on their arms chest core legs balance coordination

They encouraged each other with shouts of "You got this!" and "Almost there!" as they completed each round of wheel barrow merkins.

They also teased each other with nicknames like "Pumpkin Spice Latte", "Woody Toy Story", "Snap Chat", "Hasselhoff Knight Rider", "Brexit Britain", "Cancun Spring Break", "Jellybeans Easter", "Stubs Nubs" and "Purple Cobra Dodgeball".

They finally finished wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again and moved on to Murph DORA. They paired up with their buddies and grabbed a pull-up bar or a tree branch.

Murph DORA was another beast of a workout that tested their endurance and strength. The pull-ups were hard on their arms and shoulders, the push-ups were tough on their chests and triceps, and the LBCs were killer on their abs.

They cheered each other on as they did an out and back army crawl between their partners and did their reps. They also challenged each other with friendly competition like "Come on Woody! Don't let Pumpkin Spice beat you!" or "Hasselhoff! You're faster than Snap!"

They finally finished Murph DORA after what seemed like an eternity. They were dripping with sweat and panting hard.

They thought they were done but UTI had one more surprise for them.

"Alright PAX! Let's go to those picnic benches over there!" he shouted.

The PAX groaned again as they followed him to the benches.

UTI explained how to do stair climbs: step up onto one bench with one leg then bring up your other leg then step down onto another bench then repeat with your other leg then do dips by placing your hands behind you on one bench then lowering yourself until your elbows are at 90 degrees then pushing yourself back up then moving onto another bench then repeat.

The PAX did stair climbs until their legs felt like jelly and their arms felt like noodles.

They finally finished stair climbs after what felt like forever.

UTI called them into a circle of trust where they counted off said their name age F3 nickname thanked him for leading them prayed together gave announcements about upcoming workouts events community service opportunities etc

They ended with a group photo where they smiled proudly despite being tired sore dirty

They had just completed an epic F3 workout led by UTI

They had just experienced fitness fellowship faith

They had just become better men


The AI forgot about Mary but then again I didn’t really prompt it to talk about Mary

  • Homer to Marge
  • Box Cutters
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Arm Stretches
  • Runners Pose
  • Leg and Back Stretches


F3SW Town Hall Meeting tonight at 7pm – Bass Lake Boat House

T-Claps (Recognition):

Brexit on an impressive finish at Wrightsville, let’s wish him luck for Tobacco Road up next in 3 weeks.


For all the parents out there working hard to guide our children through life.  Give us strength!


We didn’t actually take a photo after the workout.  So here is what dall-e 2 cooked up for me 😀

Star Wars is Not Superman

YHC was stoked to be back in the Q circle again. I’ve been battling several injuries, sicknesses, and setbacks for the last 2, but honestly 6 months. My COT message today was simple: Don’t take your health, but especially this fellowship of men for granted, it’s a great blessing that is greatly missed when you are not in it. #morethanaworkout

EC: Fanny Pack, Bleeder, Bobby Boucher, Nemo, Brexit, Batboy

FNGs: Nopes.

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Squatted Sir Fazio’s/Seal Claps/Overhead Claps, Frankensteins, Windmills, Cadence Squats.

The Workout: YHC promised mostly core and legs today with Indian Runs and so it was. Indian run double BOMBS hit first. Indian runs with stops along the way. The stops were: 5/5/5/5 Brokeback Merkins, 10/10/10/10 Outlaws/Overhead Claps, 15/15/15/15 Merkins/Marge Hold (Bridge), 20/10/20/10 Big Boy Sit Ups/Box Cutters, 50/50 Squats/Superman Hold…this is where Cancun got slightly confused on his 80’s adventure music…it’s Superman, not Star Wars!

Once BOMBS were built, a variation on BLIMPS was up next. The group ran small hill repeats with an exercise between. Each time we added 1 to the hill repeats between exercises. Exercises between were: 10 Bobby Hurley, 20 Lunges, 30 Imperial Walkers, 40 (total count Mary as dictated by PAX), 50 count Plank Hold, with a run back for about 4 mins. of Stretching.

Mary: Plenty of it during!


T-Claps (Recognition): Stubs, hitting the 6 month mark in his journey of recovery.

Prayer: Stubs and continued recovery, Ginzu with a pinched nerve is down for a bit, PAX who are in ruts…reach out. YHC, still banged up and recovering…but hopeful the comeback is beginning. We make each other stronger…don’t forget it!

Is it still supposed to burn after 5 years?

7 years ago – I had reached my max weight the year prior, 230 lbs.  After a friend and colleague passed away unexpectedly, I decided to train for and run in my first race ever.  The Triangle Sprint Tri.  I spent the next year biking, running, and swimming to the best of my ability – trying to prepare enough to survive the race.  I had a small group of local Tri-ers that helped me through along with some friends that also decided to race in the name of the friend we lost.

6 years ago – I had just completed the Triangle Tri, in the year prior I lost 30 lbs.  I was looking for something to keep the momentum.  I was working my way through a trial with a local CrossFit gym.  It was expensive, the people were nice but I still felt out of place.  I had started running with the Holly Springs Run Club and continued to off and on as well.  I was inconsistent and gained back 10lbs.

5 years ago – I showed up solo to my first workout at Paradise City after being EH’d only 1x several months before at a Wednesday morning Holly Springs Run Club run.  (I ran next to Deadbolt that morning).  July 24, 2017 I joined F3.

Today – I’ve lost 50 lbs since starting my fitness journey.  Much of it would never have been sustained without F3 and this community.  There are so many physical, mental, and personal challenges that I have faced because of F3 OR been more prepared for in my everyday life because of F3.  Marathons, Relays, the Pandemic, life…

The following workout closely resembles my first post Q’d by Emeril and CHiPS

FNGs: Nil

Warm Up:

  • Fellowship Run
  • Fast Feet on the Curb and switch
  • Carioca and switch
  • Circle Up
    • Windmills to 15
    • SSH to 50
    • Good Mornings to 10

The Workout:

Thang 1
Parking lot – B O M B S
Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to middle of parking lot.
Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete.
The exercises and reps are: 50- Burpees / 100- Overhead Claps / 150- Merkins / 200- LBC’s / 250- Squats.


Thang 2

Trio’s at the ramp. Partner A wheelbarrows Partner B. Partner C performs 5 Burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner C then wheelbarrows Partner A. Partner B performs the 5 burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner B then wheelbarrows Partner C. And so on and so forth until the Q says to stop

Mary: Pickle Pounders, Homer to Marge, Pigeon Pose, Runners Pose

Announcements: Picnic this weekend, Derek Davis 5k

T-Claps (Recognition):  Thanks to F3 and F3 South Wake for being here.  I didn’t know I needed this but I needed this.  I appreciate everything this community has done for me personally and what I know it is and continues to be for all of us.  Keep grinding.


CHiPS delivered these at my first post, still fit today as you imagine they might coming from the good book.

  • Proverbs 17:17 – A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in face you are doing.


5 years ago our big community was much smaller. EC didnt exist, our group fitness target was the HSHM, At best we had one AO a day. We keep getting bigger, we keep getting stronger in many ways. Keep picking up the 6 core to what you do and who we are. Let us get bigger, but keep your small tribes moving too.  -UTI


——————————————–ORIGINAL BACKBLAST FROM FACEBOOK————————————————

July 24, 2017
PAX of 33 showed up to muggy sweaty Paradise City.
PAX: Pikachu, Jeter, Buford, Blue Hen, Roger Roger, Deadbolt, Baywatch, Sausage Party, Bluewater, Tofu, Big Perm, Chipshot, Java, Backpage, Dog Pound, Foghorn, Nemo, Patch, Moby, Yellow Card, Slappy, Icing, Happy Trees, Midget for Life, Sliderule, Slidetech, Anthrax,
2.0 FNG’s Hulk, Messi, Stryker
SSH x 20, Windmills x10
WARM-UP on the jog
Sidesteps both sides, fast feet on the curb. 10 slow merkins
Parking lot – B O M B S
Similar to Dora 1-2-3 but more exercises. Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to middle of parking lot. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps are: 50- Burpees / 100- Overhead Claps / 150- Merkins / 200- LBC’s / 250- Squats.
Trio’s at the ramp. Partner A partner carries Partner B. Partner C performs 5 Burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner C then partner carries Partner A. Partner B performs the 5 burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner B then partner carries Partner C. Partner A performs the called number of the called exercise and then sprints to catch the pair. Up the ramp to tennis courts.
From Tennis courts to Bball court – Start with 5 burpees, 10 lunge each leg while walking, 15 imperial walker each side while walking, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks. Mosey to the bball court for Mary.
15 each Freddie Mercury, Low slow flutter, Homer to Marge
10 each Hillbillies, 9 Good Mornings
Arena – Need shoes size 10-11. Bring them to Owais or join him on Fridays at 2:30 for a workout
Raleigh Rescue Mission – Owais working to set up 2 days of feeding the homeless. More info to come
Holly Springs ½ Marathon – Lot of South Wake guys running in it. Join up as training will start soon.
CHiPS – Prayers for guidance to his nephew.
Proverbs 17:17 – A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in face you are doing.

Little Bit of Everything

YHC took the helm of the Downtown Train on a rainy, cold morning. The plan was to travel a good amount…so we did!

FNG’s: Welcome aboard Bird Flu!!!
Warm Up: Did some SSH and some Good Mornings. Went on a mosey down to the pool! We did Imperial Walkers and Hillbillies.
The Workout: Jack Squats ladder. 1 Squat = 3 squat jumps…we did that up to 5, then went back down. Headed over to Library Hill for some BOMBS! Partner up and run opposite directions on the hill, turn around and meet up for: 10 burpees, 15 Overhead Clap IC, 20 Merkins, 25 BB Sit Ups, 30 Squats. Went up and bear crawled 1 traffic circle, followed by lunge walk on the next. Mosey over to grab rocks and went to the barber shop. We did a series of 5 ct. per PAX People’s Chair, then bear crawled out to rock for a 15 ct. rock exercise. We did 15 x 2 of: WonderBra, Curls for the Girls, Rut-Row, Tricep Press…each time bear crawling back to the wall for more People’s Chair.
Mary: We returned rocks and moseyed to the garage for Mary with rain falling harder. We finished with a 1:3 Jack Webbs up to 5.
Announcements: Long Ass Run Saturday, details from Skidmark.
T-Claps (Recognition): Great to see Brexit again…and … welcome FNG BirdFlu.
Prayer: Folks with COVID, Hasselhoff’s parents. YHC took us out. An honor to lead boys!

Spartan 500 at Paradise City

YHC made my triumphant return as the Q at Paradise City this 55 degree comfortable morning.  About 7-8 showed for Extra Credit with Pikachu and Skidmark leaving early to get in the extra mile (nice work).  great pick ups on the EC run of this 6.  Returned after EC to see a large gathering in the parking lot which looked great!  We had a visitor from F3 Chartlotte in town – more on that at the COT

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  A quick lap around the parking lot and then circled up

  • Windmills x 10 🙂
  • Wide Grip Merkins x 10
  • Side Strattle Hops x 20
  • Fazio 10F and 10R
  • Seal Claps x 10
  • Right over left and left over right stretches
  • Pax instructed to find an accountability partner of equal speed to put him

The Workout:

We did the Spartan 500 with running a 0.25 mile in between each sets.  Partner up with a man of similar speed but that can push you.  Do the set of 50 exercises at opposite corners with your partner.  See image below for details.

Goal was to do this 10 times or 5 laps.  T claps to (at least) Pikachu, Skidmark and 187 for finishing all 10!  I think most of the rest got 8 so a spartan 400!


The lead pair got back to the Basketball courts a little early and led group in ab exercises.  YHC arrived and closed out mary with a 5 count around the horn holding 6 inch leg lifts.


  • JoCo CSAUP
  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace (check slack)
  • Cookout (check slack)

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Mookie for running a 2:08 half marathon yesterday and still posting
  • Visitor from Charlotte (Greyhound) – his step daughter is having a baby today


  • Greyhounds Daughter and doctors
  • unspoken