FNGs: None
Warm Up: 25 SSH; Bat wings: 15 Sir Fozio forwards, 15 backwards, 15 seal claps, 15 overhead claps; Jack Webbs to 10. Arms and shoulders are awake now.
Been eyeballing the handrails outside the gym entrance since the middle school was finished. We did a sideways bear crawl up and around three times.
Found some curb and did about 50 yards of fancy feet
Main event: Everyone selected a log from thestack. Lined up for John Cusack (overhead carry) Indian run the long way around the elementary school, arriving at the track. During the pain, we all got a chuckle out of several wood references along the way, including Morning Wood and Major Wood. Had to modify from the overhead carry. Shoulders were toast.
Tossed log over the fence and hopped in. Lined up on soccer end line. H1N1 explained the soccer term, end line.
First pass: Lunge walked with log. Really we were just scoping out the log toss. I wanted to make sure there were no sprinkler heads. Didn’t see any. Learned that Wide Right played high school football and played both offensive and defensive line.
Second pass: Throw your log as far as you can, run up to it and do a burpee. Rinse and repeat until you reach the other end line. Fram led the way. Saw a cigarette butt in the middle of the field.
Third pass: Mosey with another overhead press? Followed by 15 bus drivers in cadence. Shoulders are feeling good now!
Looked down at my watch and it was 6:05 already.
OK, time for some SPRINTS! Moseyed to start line. I marked several intervals along the way. We did four intervals. Not very clean starts, but solid effort by all.
Mary: We had 1 minute for low slow flutter. Have a nice day.
Announcements: Highway cleanup Saturday after GroundPounder.
T-Claps (Recognition): This group worked hard today!
Prayer: Finkle’s brother (separation), Rico’s son (noggin), H2N1 family (lost grandmother recently)