Let the bodies hit the floor


Warm Up: Core Values/Mission while Squats, Plank, Daisy Pickers, GM, SSH.

The Workout: teams of 2, 3 SB 80/60/40 full length of FB field Burpee Bag toss or Bear Crawl drag. One guy runs while other works. Rotation upon return. Odd man out harness Bear Crawl drag 120lbs around inside of track. Rotate as PAX gets tired. Rinse and repeat back but opposite combos.

Mary: No time

Announcements: Even the Odds next week . Road clean up postponed, HSFC needs $donations

T-Claps (Recognition): Prayer: FRAM work patience and humility. Unspoken


Popcorn and Movie

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, SFAC

The Workout:LED 15 min -Burpee / Side Crawl through the entrance dividers. Bear Crawl Squat Stack’ems up to 10 at every divider. BC then Merkin stack’em up to 10. Flip gone 15 min- Peoples Chair 10 count each PAX, BTTW 10 ct each PAX, 20 dips. Rinse and repeat 3x. FRAM 15 min – Stair Step ups, Fast feet, 1 jump squat per landing, bunny hop up, 1 JS per landing, Backward lunge up ramp, Bear Crawl downstairs, Crawl Bear upstairs , Lunge  Walk down ramp, repeat BC/CB on stairs.


Mary: Scissors IC for 2 min 

Announcements: Ruck Club Hwy Clean up, Q sheet, Man Night 3/2, 

T-Claps (Recognition): F3 men clown car and accountability, holding the F3 standard.

Prayer: BS mom recovering ,FRAM patience/Humbled at work.

Toughest Mile Challenge

15 PAX showed to test their strength around the track 4 times. This was brutal but we all pushed ourselves and got stronger.

We started at 0515 with a few warm up exercises. Then it was on like Donkey Kong.

Lap 1 – broad jump burpee
Lap 2 – lunge walk
Lap 3 – bear crawl
Lap 4 – run

Most guys finished up right around the hour mark. We had 3 ruckers join for COT. Maybe we can do this again to see how guys improve. Or not!

COT then prayer.

Awesome job guys. Thanks for joining me in another stupid idea.

BS Out!

The Basics at Sheep Dog

5 HIM showed up for some basic exercises working on form. Quality over quantity was the goal for today.

WU mosey over to bball ct
Circle up
Michael Phelps

4 corners
Merkins in each corner – bear crawl
1. Regular x20
2. Diamond x15
3. Wide x15
4. Typewriter x10
Squats each corner – lunge
1. Regular x20
2. Close x20
3. Sumo x20
4. Typewriter x10
Core in each – inchworm shorts/frog jump longs
1. WWI x20
2. Seated knee tucks x20
3. Freddy Mercury’s x20
4. J-Lo’s x20

Mosey back to flag
3 mins of broga

No new announcements
Prayers for injured PAX
YHC took us out

Always appreciative for those that join my Q’s. Great job and keep helping others with form to prevent injury and improve strength.

BS Out!

Friday’s a Great Day for Leg Day

Warm Up:

  • March-in-place (in cadence)
  • High-knees (in cadence)
  • Butt-kicks (in cadence)
  • Heisman’s (on my up)
  • Double Heisman’s (in cadence)
  • Side-straddle hops
  • Frankenstein’s
  • Willie Mays Hayes
  • Buns of Steel! (don’t ask…)
  • Good mornings

Heavy Warm Up:

  • Slow squats (in cadence)
  • Pulse squats (in cadence)

(Hold the Squat Position): 

  • Sir Fassio arm circles
  • Seal claps
  • Overhead claps
  • Hallelujah’s
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Tighten the circle, do Slam ball passes in squat position
  • Green Sally Up (the whole 3min 25sec):

Moby - 'Flower' (Official Audio) - YouTube

The Workout:

Session 1, Round 1


Stadium Stairs

  • Lateral duck walk w/ squat (right lead)
  • Lateral duck walk w/ squat (left lead)
  • 1 flight walking kickbacks singles
  • 1 flight walking kickbacks doubles

Session 1, Round 2

  • Rinse and repeat stadium stairs

Session 2, Round 1

  • (1) flight stadium sprint singles
  • (1) flight stadium sprint doubles
  • (2) flights stair burpee/pushup combo

Session 2, Round 2

  • Rinse and repeat stadium stairs

Session 3, Round 1

  • (1) flight walking lunges singles
  • (1) flight walking lunges doubles
  • (1) flight crossovers left
  • (1) flight crossovers right
  • (1) flight in-n-out jumps singles

Session 3, Round 2

  • Rinse and repeat stadium stairs

Session 4, Round 1

  • (1) flight side shuffle left
  • (1) flight side shuffle right
  • (1) flight two foot jumps singles
  • (1) flight two foot jumps doubles

No Mary…have a nice day.



  • Safety and success for Rubiks’ street ministry 
  • Safe travels to GA for Buffalo and his wife’s anniversary

Cindy’s Boo Hoo

FNGs: None

Warm-up: Disclaimer, Core Principles, Mission Statement, with no Pay the Man Burpees. @Rico is coming up big for the group. 

22 – SSH

10 (IC) – Good Mornings

10 (IC) – Sir Fazio Fwd

10 (IC) – Sir Fazio Bkwd

10 (IC) – Seal Claps

10 (IC) – OH Claps

Mozie to the Workout.

The Workout: 1st Round 1:45 work, :30 Break to switch.  2nd Round 1:00 Work, :30 Rotation Switch to end on time.


Cindy – Over Head John Cusak Bleacher Climb

Cindy – WWIII’s

Cindy – Tricep Extensions

Cindy – Murder Bunnies

35lb Kettlebell Swings

50lb Ruck – Squats

55lb Sandbag – Burpees

80lb Sandbag – Bench Press

Cindy – Curls for the Girls

Mary: Mosie back to the flags

Announcements: Travis Manion Date changed to 5/3/24 check slack, Travis Manion Foundation supporting the HS Classic by manning an Race aid station check slack for details.

T-Claps (Recognition):None

Prayer: A couple of Pax have lost loved ones very recently; keep them and their families in your prayers.  @Rubix son got his cast off, prayers to speed his recovery and full range of motion, @Rico friend Carlos and his wife are home after their accident. 

1mb sheepdog

Back to Basics

FNGs: None

Warm-up: Core Principles, Mission Statement, and Disclaimer, followed by 15 pay-the-man Burpees, 10 SSH, 10 Good Mornings, Mosie to the workout, and finished with sled work.

The Workout: DORA the Coupon Explorer, Picking Up the 6 at every level.

250 Combined LBCs – Partner ran across the field and did 5 dips

200 combined Curls for the Girls – Partner ran across the field and did 10 Low Slow Flutter kicks

150 Combined Shoulder Press – Partner ran across the field and did 10 dying cockroaches.

100 Combined Block Press – Partner ran across the field and did 10 WWII

100 Combined WWIII – Partner ran across the field and did 10 Squats

50 Combined Burpees – Partner ran across the field and back with no exercise

Mary: Short Broga Stretch led by @fram to keep it loose.

Announcements: None

T-Claps (Recognition): @Rico is taking over Co-Q from @fram for Sheep Dog

Prayer: Prayed for @Rico’s friend Carlos and his wife for continued healing from their motorcycle accident, all of the unspoken and injured PAX.

Miserable Mile

9 HIM started and added 1 more shortly after for what looked good on paper but a bit too much in real life.

Warm up
Red Bull Smurf jacks
Michael Phelps

Miserable Mile
Lap 1 – wheelbarrow straights, frog hop turns
Lap 2 – partner carry switch when needed
Lap 3 – lunge walk straights, bear crawl turns (modified 2nd turn to skips due to time and energy levels)
Lap 4 – strong jog (not enough time for what Q had planned)

Mary didn’t show up. We did have a nice trunk coffee afterwards.

Thanks for coming out men and trying to push ourselves outside the comfort zone.

BS Out!

Even the Odds

EVEN the ODDS 3/22/24


1 Run  400 1.0 2 100 I/C SSH 2.0
3 Run  800 2.0 4 100 I/C Big Boy Sit-ups 2.0
5 Run  1200 3.0 6 100 I/C Plank Hold  2.0
7 Run  1600 4.0 8 50 Absolutions 5.0
9 Run  1200 3.0 10 Tire Flip (1 lap) or Squat Thrust Broad Jump (1 lap) 20.0
11 Run  800 2.0 12 100 Sandbag Burpees (25 per bag) 20.0
13 Run  400 1.0 14 Lunge Walk Curves / Sprint straights (2 Laps) 5.0
15 Run  1600 4.0 16 Bear Crawl (1 lap) 10.0
17 Run  1200 3.0 18 John Cusack w/Cindy (1 lap) 10.0

PAX picked their path.  

1 hour beatdown: 


Announcements on SLACK. 


SEE ya’ll in three months! 

Wood Chuckin’

FNGs: None

Warm Up: 25 SSH; Bat wings: 15 Sir Fozio forwards, 15 backwards, 15 seal claps, 15 overhead claps; Jack Webbs to 10. Arms and shoulders are awake now. 

Been eyeballing the handrails outside the gym entrance since the middle school was finished. We did a sideways bear crawl up and around three times. 

Found some curb and did about 50 yards of fancy feet 

Main event: Everyone selected a log from thestack. Lined up for John Cusack (overhead carry) Indian run the long way around the elementary school, arriving at the track. During the pain, we all got a chuckle out of several wood references along the way, including Morning Wood and Major Wood. Had to modify from the overhead carry. Shoulders were toast. 

Tossed log over the fence and hopped in. Lined up on soccer end line. H1N1 explained the soccer term, end line. 

First pass: Lunge walked with log. Really we were just scoping out the log toss. I wanted to make sure there were no sprinkler heads. Didn’t see any. Learned that Wide Right played high school football and played both offensive and defensive line. 

Second pass: Throw your log as far as you can, run up to it and do a burpee. Rinse and repeat until you reach the other end line. Fram led  the way. Saw a cigarette butt in the middle of the field. 

Third pass: Mosey with another overhead press? Followed by 15 bus drivers in cadence. Shoulders are feeling good now!

Looked down at my watch and it was 6:05 already. 

OK, time for some SPRINTS! Moseyed to start line. I marked several intervals along the way. We did four intervals. Not very clean starts, but solid effort by all. 

Mary: We had 1 minute for low slow flutter. Have a nice day. 

Announcements: Highway cleanup Saturday after GroundPounder. 

T-Claps (Recognition): This group worked hard today!

Prayer: Finkle’s brother (separation), Rico’s son (noggin), H2N1 family (lost grandmother recently)