Popeye’s Amateur Hour at Crazy Ivan

FNGs: None

Warm Up:

  1. Side Straddle Hop
  2. Squats
  3. Good Morning
  4. Sir Fozio Arm Circles.
  5. Lunges with Torso Twist

The Workout:

Perform the circuit below for 3 rounds, with 45 seconds of work per exercise, 15 seconds of rest, and 1 minute of rest between rounds. Alternate arms or sides as needed. Adjust weight for proper form and intensity.

Lower Body Focus

  1. Kettlebell Goblet Squat
    • Hold the kettlebell at chest height, squat low, and engage quads and glutes.
  2. Kettlebell Deadlift
    • Focus on hamstrings and glutes with a flat back.
  3. Kettlebell Reverse Lunge
    • Place one foot on a low surface behind you, holding the kettlebell at your chest or in one hand.

Upper Body Focus

  1. Kettlebell Clean and Press (Alternating)
    • Clean the kettlebell to your shoulder, then press overhead.
  2. Kettlebell Bent-Over Rows (Alternating)
    • Hinge at the hips and row the kettlebell to your torso, alternating sides.
  3. Kettlebell Halo
    • Circle the kettlebell around your head, keeping your core tight.

Full-Body/Cardio Focus

  1. Kettlebell Swings
    • Use explosive hip movement to swing the kettlebell to shoulder height.
  2. Kettlebell Lateral Lunge with Pass-Through
    • Step out to the side and pass the kettlebell under your leg. Alternate sides.
  3. Kettlebell Ground Pounder
    • Combine a squat with an overhead press for a powerful full-body movement.

Core Focus

  1. Kettlebell American Hammers
    • Sit and twist side to side with the kettlebell. Lift feet for an extra challenge.
  2. Kettlebell Plank Drag
    • In a plank position, drag the kettlebell from side to side under your torso.

Announcements: Vote for Best In Show’s dog – Link in SLACK

Prayer: Continued healing for Best In Show

Best Crazy Ivan of 2025 so far

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Take a lap. 

The Workout: Tabata 25 seconds on; 10 sec rest; 3 rounds with a lap in between: KB Swings, Deadlift, Squat w curl, Cleans (R, then L), Snatch (R, then L), Alternating Merkin on the Bell, Renegade Row with pass thru.

Mary: One round 25 sec; 10 sec rest KB Figure 8s, Around the World, Midget Love Handles & Halos. 

T-Claps (Recognition): @sardine using 2 bells for the majority of the workout. 

Prayer: My M & 2 daughters’ travel to Thailand, Cancun’s M starting new job, for PAX recovering from illness, injury and surgeries. 

Back Blaster

FNGs: We met Nate who was out for a walk.  He may join us next week.

Warm Up: GM, WMH, SSH, Arm Circles, Michael Phelps

The Workout: With Kettlebell, took a lap around the soccer field on the trail stopping every 50 Meters for an exercise.  During mosey conducted one of Cusack, curls, triceps, farmer carry (R&L), murder bunnies or lunge with KB pass through. Exercises: 10x wonder bra; 10x Renegade Row (R&L); 10x booby-d-booby-d. 10x pullover; 10x wonder bra

At Amphitheater: 2 rounds

10x Single Arm Row (R&L); 10x SL Bulgarian Squat (R&L) 10x booby-d-boody-d; 10x pullover

At Large Picnic Shelter – Dora-esk (100 alternating merkins on the bell; 100 Squat/Curl/OH Press; 100 KB swings w high pull) while partner ran to the playground and 5 pull-ups/inverted rows.  Time ran out.  Most PAX got about 50-60 reps into each exercise. 

Rows, Pullovers & Pull-Ups: Good BACK BLASTER workout. 

Mary: Mosey to the Flag; farmers carry, curls, triceps w KB. 

Announcements: Check slack for 3rd F opportunities coming up; 9/11, Unity in the Community, Soup-tacular, others; Sign Up Meal Train for Cancun & his family. 

Prayer: For those grieving loss: Catfish coworker passed away; Deadbolt’s brother passed away; Cancun’s M’s surgery.

Crazy Ivan Birthday Bash

FNGs:  None

T-Claps: Flip Phone and Gump (5 workouts)

Warm-up:  SSH, Good AM, etc

Workout:  See binky ; Very little rest  HIIT

COT:  Family members who are ill; PAX looking for work.  YHC took us out.

Honored to lead on my 56th birthday.  Apologies for the commercials while listening to Pandora.


Birthday Q. 52.


FNG: None

Warmup: SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Squats, One 200m lap.

workout: Deck 52 cards plus jokers

Aces 11 count and 80 meter farmer carry w Kettlebell

Jokers mosey 200 m lap and switch exercises to other column

Number cards – round up as needed

Face cards 10 or 5 each side

Diamonds – Merkin on Bell / Pistol Rows

Hearts – Goblet Tempo Squat |    Lunge (in cadence)

Clubs – Around the world         |    Figure 8

Spades – Snatch                       |   Swings

mary: GM (only had one minute left)

Hanging Bells on Santa’s Sleigh

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Side Shuttle Hop, Slow Squat, Slow Merkins

The Workout:

45 seconds on with 15 seconds rest for 3 sets:

  1. Hand to Hand Suitcase Deadlifts
  2. Bear Plank Shoulder Tap
  3. Alternating KB Swings
  4. Bear Plank Shoulder Tap+Carolina Dry Dock
  5. Pass Under Lunges

Five One Minute 5 Second EMOM

  1. 10 Full KB Swing
  2. Pulse Squat Time Remaining

Five One Minute 5 Second EMOM

  1. 10 Shoulder Press
  2. Seesaw Lunges Time Remaining


45 Seconds on with 15 Second Rest

  1. North South KB Plank Pulls
  2. KB Alternating Leg Lifts
  3. Plank Pull Through East West
  4. Hollow Middle Rocks
  5. Half Turkish Get Up Right Side
  6. Half Turkish Get Up Left Side
  7. Peter Parkers
  8. American KB Hammers with Sprinter Situp
  9. Bear Plank KB Taps
  10. KB Deadbugs
  11. Hollow Low Slow Flutter

Announcements: Stay safe and wear lights when running in the morning and at night.

Prayer: Abe and his family with the passing of his father; Safe travels for those traveling over the holidays; Cover Story and his job search after being laid off, T-Claps to UTI for helping Cover Story our with getting him an interview at his company.


Workin 9-5

FNGs: Short Bus (John), neighbor of Cover Story. From holly springs (homegrown) homeschooled (school bus… short bus) 

Warm Up: SSH, Frankenstein, Goooooood Mornings, Windmiss

The Workout:

Listened to old country: dolly, Jonny cash, John Denver, Alabama, Kenny Rogers…

Thang 1:

Every 2 min on the minute:

  • 10 bob and weave
  • 10 reverse lunge with twist
  • 10 squat to overhead press

5 rounds total

Thang 2:
EMOM, all exercises single arm, repeat for both sides in the minute:

  • 3 swings
  • 3 cleans
  • 3 press

15 rounds, the a Q challenge call to increase reps along the way from 3->4->5

Mary: dying cockroach, modified Freddy mercury, WWI, heel taps

Thang 3:

Death drop

  • 10 burpees, 10 right arm snatches, 10 left arm snatches
  • 9,9,9
  • 8,8,8
  • 1,1,1

have a nice day.

Announcements: Xmas party on Dec 7

Prayer: stubs has a new tumor treatment that is supposed to get him back to 💯.

dahmer’s brother enrolled in a substance abuse treatment program.

pumpkin spices son Alex sprained his ankle in his first JV basketball game

An EMOM morning

FNGs: None

Warm Up:


Spinal Rotations

Good Morning


Arm Circles

Seal and Overhead Clap

The Workout:

Cinco Tres Workout : 5 exercises , 3 reps each.

10 min EMOM

R one minute then L one minute

Single Arm Swing

Single Hang Clean

Single Squat

Single Straight Press

Single Reverse Drop Lunge

Mosey one lap in parking lot

10 min EMOM

R & L




Renegade Row

Merkin on Bell

Mosey one lap in parking lot


5 min EMOM




Ground Pounder



LBC, FM, H2M, Lower Back Stretches

Announcements: Celebrate FV sign up. See slack

 T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: PAX who are injured. PAX looking for work. Best in Show’s mother-in-law passed away, Dahmer’s northern in law illness , Fanny Pack’s brother

No Legs

FNGs: Wild Bill – Coverstory FIL

Warm Up: SSH, Windmills, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout:

Thang #1:

PAX counted off by 4 (1-4, not using 4x times tables) and separated into groups in four corners. All PAX counted reps for 30 seconds of chest press. Each had to repeat that number of reps each time they visited the chest press station to trigger a rotation of all stations. All other stations were AMRAP.

Four stations: Chest Press, Curls for the Gurls, Deadlift, Tricep extensions.



7 single arm snatches, suitcase carry to the flag, 7 single arm snatches (other arm), suitcase carry back. 3 rounds total


Thang #2:

Single rotator station (HEX Press) with all others AMRAP, same format as Thang #1

Four stations: Hex Press, Rut Row, Upright Row, Weighted Dying Cockroach



12 reps of pull through merkins, 12 reps of Halos

10 reps + 10 reps

8,8,6,6,4,4,2,2 – Have a nice day!


Mary: Naaa

Announcements: nope

T-Claps (Recognition): nope

Prayer: Cousin IT friend (Richard) going through a hard stretch with business. Stovepipe friend have a preemie baby (Emmy) born at 27 weeks.

Swinging for Jeannette

FNGs: Lyft


Warm Up: Side Shuttle Hop, Michael Phillips, Fozie Arm Circles


The Workout:

EMOM Style workout. 
1st set- 3 rounds (12 minutes)

15 full KB Swings

15 Goblet Squats

6 Cleans per side

5 Clean and squat per side


2nd set- 3 rounds (6 minutes)

20 half KB swings

10 Clean and Press


3rd set- 3 rounds (6 minutes)

15 full KB swings

10 Burbees


2 rounds of abs from the April Ab Challenge


FV trash clean up on Saturday 

T-Claps (Recognition): welcome Lyft Prayer: Rubik’s extended family member, FRAM’s coworker suffering from a loss of a loved one.