
Wide Right at Cletus

FNGs: Yes! Welcome FNG Tom aka Wide Right! Buffalo Bills fan, Pikachu gets credit for the name. Crazy Ivan guys came over for the FNG naming convergence.

Warm Up:

SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Frankensteins, Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mays Hays

The Workout:


PAX moseyed to the old Crazy Ivan lot at the other end of the soccer fields. We did 11s with Wide Grip Merkins on one end, WW2 on the other end, PAX ran between ends of the lot, stopping about halfway down on the trip down.


Mosey to amphitheater for 2 rounds of People’s Chair, Derkins, Dips, Heels to Heaven, and Chilcutt Plank Holds.


Mosey to the rock pile, grab a medium to large rock. We completed curls for the girls, ruh rohs, wonderbras, chest press, skullcrushers, shoulder press, ground pounders, and bus drivers.


Homer to Marge, Box Cutters, Low Slow Flutter, Pickle Pounder finisher


Free CPR class on Feb 7 hosted by town of Holly Springs at the Library, highly recommend. CPR can and has saved lives in F3!

T-Claps (Recognition):

Abe and Bleeder for picking up trash along their EC ruck today. Kudos to FNG Wide Right for coming out and putting in solid work on his first workout. Also kudos to Arby’s who posted at Ivan today and put in a 5 pack on his first week out in the gloom!


PAX running Uwharrie this weekend, Yogurt’s co-worker dealing with cancer. Sick and injured PAX.


Turkey’s FIL Tommy rang the bell and is cancer free. Enron who was named at Cletus on a Friday in South Wake and is a North Raleigh guy now – his M was dealing with both breast and lung cancer and has been cleared!!! Also able to ring the bell!

Honored to lead, make it a great day, gents!

Answering the Bat Signal at Downtown Train

BnB needed a Q and put out the bat signal yesterday – YHC was honored to answer the bat signal and lead today.

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up: SSH, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio F/R, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Samson Hold

The Workout:

PAX moseyed to the parking deck for a DORA – split up into 3 groups of 3 and completed the following: 150 Merkins, 200 squats, 250 LBCs. 2 partners ran up and down the stairs at the end of the parking deck while the other member of the trio did exercises in the deck. Switch on and off until all exercises complete.

PAX sprinted length of the parking deck together.

PAX then completed 3 rounds of a circuit consisting of people’s chair, erkins, and dips.

PAX went to rock pile and completed curls for the girls, overhead press, ruh rohs, chest press, skullcrushers.

Mary: Homer to Marge, Heel Taps, Boxcutters, Low Slow Flutter, Yoga/Stretching

Announcements: Wild Turkey new job starts today, pick up Qs at 3-Alarm Fun Run on Tuesdays

T-Claps (Recognition): Abe for organizing trash pickup EC before the ME. I participated along with Stickers.

Prayer: My dad dealing with carpel tunnel, sick and injured PAX, YHC took us out

12 Days of Christmas

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Claps, Frankenstein.

 The Workout:

Each PAX led one exercise in 12 days of Christmas fashion. 

With Rocks 
  1. Ground Pounder single count 
  2. Lunges w twist in cadence  
  3. Wonder Bras in cadence 
  4. Rows in cadence 
  5. Overhead triceps in cadence 
  6. Big boy sit ups – single count 
  7. Chest press in cadence 
  8. Skull crushers in cadence 
  9. American Hammer cadence
  10. Thrusters in cadence
  11. Curls in cadence 
  12. Slow Squats in cadence 

Finisher: Each exercise above Tabata: 30:10

Mary: Stretches

Prayer: Those looking for work.

‘Twas the Week Before Christmas

FNGs: Zero

Warm Up: Side Straddle Hop, Good Mornings, Windmills, Daisy Pickers, Frankensteins, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles

Bondo with the good call for a count off before we Moseyed to the Parking Deck! Thanks Bondo!

The Workout:

PAX planked whenever the poem was being read and they were not performing another exercise.

Twas the week before Christmas, when all through downtown

Not a sad clown was stirring, only the PAX.

The burpees  (10 oyo) were finished in the parking lot with care

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be here

The PAX were planking all cold on the ground

While visions of 20 monkey humpers danced all around

And Cancun with his stinky gloves, and Abe in his cap

Had just settled down with the PAX to do 20 plank jacks.

When out on the grass, there rose such a clatter

The PAX sprang from their plank to see what was the matter.

Away to the other side (across the parking deck – touch the wall and return) we flew like a flash

Sprinting vigorously, we completed the dash.

The concrete at the feet of the of winded PAX

Gave the luster of 20 in cadence smurf jacks

When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,

But Stickers and 8 tiny exercises so near.

A little old Q, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment, this must be a trick.

More rapid than eagles his courses they came,

And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.

Now Little Baby Crunches (ICx10), now Mountain Climbers (ICx10), now Squats (ICx10), now 10 OYO Burpees

On Merkins (ICx10), on Side Straddle Hops (ICx10), on Lunges (ICx10), on Side Lunges (10 each leg)

To the end of the parking deck, to the base of the wall

Now dash away, dash away, dash away all! (sprint back to other end – touch wall and return)

So up to the other end the PAX they flew

With a sleigh full of toys and Stickers, too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the ground

The sound of feet as more mountain climbers (ICx10) came ‘round.

As we drew in our hand, and did 10 Merkins

Down the slide Stickers came with a bound

He was dressed all in red, from his head to his foot,

His clothes were all tarnished, in sweat and dirt.

A bundle of toys, he had brought on his back

He looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes, how they twinkled, his dimples how merry.

His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow

And the beard of his chin was gone, oh no!

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth

And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath

He had a broad face and a little round belly

That shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.

He was lean and mean, a right jolly old creature

And everyone laughed when they saw him,

he had the weirdest of features.

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head

Soon let me know, we had nothing to Dredd.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to work.

Laying out presents, then he turned with a jerk.

And laying a finger on his nose,

Giving a nod, up the slide he rose.

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle

But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight


Mosey to Ampitheater to open a present!

But wait, what’s this?! Santa left us a present?? 

We opened the present and found a Tea Party Set: 10-20-30-40  (Perform 10 Dirkins, 20 Irkins, 30 Dips, 40 Step Ups)

We wrapped with the Little Merkin Boy at the end. (PAX Plank, while we Play Bing Crosby’s Little Drummer Boy and every time we get parump-a-pum-pum – do a merkin)

Mary: Homer to Marge, Box Cutters, Heel Taps, Supermans, Low Slow Flutter, WWIIs followed by stretching to close us out

Announcements: Backblasts are a big part of F3, and a help to fellow PAX looking for ideas or to see if an AO is active. Downtown Train closed for Christmas next week. Banana Seat with Purple Cobra Q tomorrow. 3Alarm Christmas party tomorrow at 6pm at his house. Reach out to PAX you haven’t seen in a while, check in and see how they’re doing.

T-Claps (Recognition): Pumpkin Spice wedding anniversary today! Welcome back to the gloom, Kosher! 

Prayer: Sick and injured PAX, Bondo’s brother Jimmy hospitalized battling COVID.

R4TJ 5 Year

R4TJ 5 Year Anniversary – “What we experienced this moanin’ was sum gud ole fashion fun”

Nine men got stronger on the BEST HILL TRAINING ROUTE EVER. After 25 fast side stradle hops in cadence, we took off. Across Main Street, right on Milpass, left on Crossway, up to Creekvista. Batboy and Flop arrived first and started running the elbow. On this route originated by Wild Turkey, the “elbow” consists of running down Creekvista, running back up, then running to the bottom of Crossway, then running back up to Creekvista. Rinse and repeat as many times as possible before converging for the run back to the flag.  

I got hooked on the elbow last week with Sunshine’s Q. This is the kind of run that is exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. Everyone ran strong and pushed each other–just like last week. But, no trips this week. Two last week. No “knee-matomas” either. 

Glad to honor the 5-year anniversary of F3SW’s original mid-week run. Thank goodness one of the Original Gangstas @U.T.I. joined us at COT. UCrain told us all about it. Started with his Blue Ridge Relay team looking for a mid-week run. Went to HS Run Club, found very unsatisfying. Got headlocked, I mean, realized they were Freed to Lead and started their own Area of Operations (AO). UTI and Lipstick were site Qs for the first year or so, then @Redenbacher took over for the next four. Red used to wear his DOT approved safety vest. So glad that he broke down this barrier, now I’m proud to wear one. Shout out to Red by wearing my vest in the snap. 

In the end, TomTom declared, “What we experienced this moanin’ was sum gud ole fashion fun” And so it was! It was an honor men.

Flag planted, warmups, run, COT, snap, backblast, done.

Bring back the HC! 


Comparing rocks

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Daisy pickers, imperial walkers, 5 burpees, hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, seal claps, overhead claps

The Workout: We moseyed over to the rock pile where PAX were instructed to get a mediumish rock for a good deal of reps. We circled up at the amphitheater.

Curls for the girls in cadence x30, Tris for the guys in cadence x30, ruh rohs in cadence x30, squats x30, WWIIs x30. Dropped the rocks and did a bear crawl down the sidewalk to the library door then mosey back.

Round two was the same but the counts dropped to 20. Round the saw counts of 10. Returned our rocks and moseyed around to the semicircle parking lot.

PAX lined up on their six for Guantanamos. We got two rounds in as we went almost all the way around the semicircle. On our way back to the start, we lunge walked past the book drop-off.

Mary: popcorn Mary took us right up to time.

Announcements: parking lot Coffeeteria (thanks to BnB) after the workout at Cletus/Crazy Ivan this Friday, stay hydrated and learn CPR

Prayer: Gizmo’s mom, man that Plunger saw at the golf course

Zoo Image

A trip to the Zoo

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up: Nope

The Workout: Q organized a route through town that resembled a giraffe and promised a zoo experience for all those who attended in the pre-blast. 

@yogurt, @bnb and Q were all operating on a just-in-time schedule for AGS. At 5:59:20, only @wild turkey was in Womble parking lot. By 5:59:45, there was a crew of 4 ready to hit the mean streets of Holly Springs. 

We departed womble for quick loop through Remington to complete the leg gap of our giraffe. At the first turn we encountered the first zoo animal, a native odocoileus virginianus doe mere feet from the street. 

We then traveled down stinson, across bass lake rd and onto hillspring where we completed the hind leg of the giraffe. As we turned to begin running up the back, we spied the second zoo attraction that Q had organized, a second odocoileus virginianus, attempting to hide in the brush. 

As we traveled the remainder of the route, discussing vacations, weddings, upcoming races and home improvement projects we spied assorted felis catus, sciurus carolinensis, and canis lupus familiaris. All added to the zoo experience that Q had promised. 

We arrived back at womble around 6:45 for some great mumblechatter and COT.

Prayer: @BNB has a friend in Atlanta going through some health challenges, trying to determine the long term impacts on his fitness. Prayers for doctors wisdom. 

Six Souls Survive Sevens on S(C)emetery Summit

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Quick Mosey, SSH, Windmill, 10 Merkins. Another mosey

Thang 1:

7s on Cemetery Hill: Squats at the bottom, Burpees at the top. (The Humidity was worse than the hill)

For the last round of each we added a twist. 

After completing our last burpee, PAX circled up for a 1 at a time 10 count merkins around the circle. While each PAX pushing the earth down, the other PAX held a low merkin position (similar to a plank, but the bottom of a merkin). 

After completing the last six squats, PAX circled up for a similar exercise as the the top of the hill, only this one featured squats/squat hold.

Thang 2: All PAX moseyed back to the flag, with a quick stop along the way for some calf raises and dips along the curb. We then visited the small rock pile in the corner of the parking lot for some rock work. Colt 45s, Groundpounders and Goblet Squats. We then circled up for a game Q called ‘Duck Duck Bear’: in a circle, each PAX held a bear crawl position (knees low, waist at a 90 angle). In sequence, a PAX would circle the group while performing a bear crawl, the remainder held still. Hold until all have completed a circle. @Batboy made sure to call out “Duck” as he passed each person.

Mary: Homer to Marge, Freddy Mercury’s, Superman, Yoga

Announcements: @Batboy on the Q tomorrow at Purple Cobra, 

Prayer: @Best-In-Show’s Mom, MIL and FIL who are all battling issues. Strength for them, strength for him and his M as they are caretakers. 

Mumblechatter at Ground Pounder stays at Ground Pounder

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Old man hangs, Good Mornings, Windmills, Sir Fozio Arm Circles forward & reverse, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billy’s, Willy Mays Hays, Side Straddle Hops x 25 in cadence

The Workout: Each PAX picked two small rocks.  One for each hand.  Many reps of Curls for the Girls, Rut Rows, Forward arm raises, Overhead tricep presses, Lateral arm raises and Shoulder presses.  Repeat all 6 exercises until everything burned.  Mumblechatter took a sideways turn and the count was hard to keep on track during the whole set….  On to the small wall for a set of 11’s with Merkings and Dips.  Then mosey to the picnic tables for a round of squats, monkey humpers and star jumps.

Mary: Around-the-horn core exercises.

Announcements: F3 picnic.  3-Alarm run this Tuesday.  Open Ground Pounder Q still needs to be filled for 7/8/23.

Prayer:  Prayers for all those travelling.  Prayers for Socrates’s family.

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The Bowler Runs 4 The John

FNGs: Nuh uh

Warm Up: EC was had by 187, Lipstick, UTI

The Workout: A past route of my own creation returns!

Mary: Profuse sweating in the parking lot, heavy breathing


  • Bottle Share this weekend – see Cupid and Slack
  • Picnic next weekend – see Cupid and Slack
  • 3 Alarm Run – just show up (See Q sheet)
  • R4TJ in need of a site Q – Bring the flag, encourage leadership, draw up some running routes – Ask Lipstick, UTI, and Redenbacher for past Site Q overview.  

T-Claps (Recognition):

Flag provided today by Yogurt – thanks brother!



  • Maybelline
    • MIL is having open heart surgery, M is traveling to be with her
    • Dad is recovering from recent procedure
  • Pikachu
    • MIL is traveling
    • Mom is having surgery
  • Down Range
    • New baby, new to the area, new job