
Don’t Call It A Comeback

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Moseyed over to the main gate for the ball fields. Circled up for: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers / Hill Billies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles / Seal Claps / Overhead Claps / Moroccan Night Clubs
The Workout: YHC has been down and out for a few weeks. Nothing like throwing yourself back in to the deep end to get back in the swing of things, right?

Round 1: Moseyed over to the Abyss. Split into two groups. Group 1 would perform an exercise while Group 2 ran to the bottom of the Abyss and back up. Three exercises, three rounds of each. Nine trips down and back up the Abyss.
Exercises were Merkins, WWIIs and Squats.
A few over achievers decided to do one more trip down the Abyss and back up while the rest of us held a squat.

Round 2: Moseyed over to the two hills. All PAX ran from the top of one hill to the other, performed 10 Mountain Climbers in cadence, then ran back to the top of the first hill and performed 10 more Mountain Climbers in cadence. Three rounds of this. Mosey back to start.
Mary: Homer-to-Marge, LBCs, reverse LBCs, Pickle Pounders, yoga
Announcements: South Wake picnic (see 2nd F on Slack), highway cleanup (see 3rd F on Slack)
T-Claps (Recognition): Wiggly for getting back out to the gloom! Everyone for holding me accountable on my first post in a few weeks.
Prayer: Straight Cash’s family.

Exploring that whole parking lot at Purple Cobra!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, SFAC, Windmills, Squats
The Workout: Mosey to the church!

On the way we did 35 dips IC (my shoulders), 20 irkins IC.

At the church, we split up into groups and did a modified set of 7s. One group started with 7 turkish getups, the other group started with 7 squats. We counted down from there by running to the other side of the parking lot – every time we passed each other we did 7 merkins.

After this, we did 3 rounds to the other side of the parking lot. One group ran, the other group did an exercise. Planks, LBCs, and then homer to marge.

Finally, we did one round of bear crawls around the last side of the parking lot (thanks Bondo!) while the other group did pickle pounders.

Back to the HT parking lot for one round of BTTW and one round of preacher’s chair, during which there was one particularly nasty fart that actually made YHC stop his counting. We hustled back to the flag and that was that!

Mary: No time

T-claps: Wallaby! Nice to see you back out, brother!

Prayer: F3 PAX in Raleigh’s brother died rescuing family from a riptide. Family saved, brother did not make it. Also Fanny Pack for skin cancer removal.

Purple Cobra 06/14/22

3 for EC and 9 Pax for the main event of inventing it as we go Purple Cobra

Midget4Life, Gilette, Corncob, Sand Crab, Dahmer, Bondo, Moose, Kickstand and Breach on the Q

Warm Up: 22 reps counts of SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers/Hillbillies and Good Mornings

The Workout: a Little mosey around the back of the center for 3 rounds of alternating Balls to the Wall and Peoples chair, while the other 1/2 of the pax did some plank holds, LBC’s, 6in leg holds, absolutions and some merkins.

This was followed by a bear crawl Indian run and then some movement to the other side of the parking lot for 4 corners of fun. Midget made us partner up and learn a few things about our partner as well as ran, bear crawled and crab-walked around the square. We stopped at each corner for 15 counts of Merkins, Squats, LBC’s and Starjumps.

Another mosey to the front of Globo gym for some real Indian runs back to start

Mary: 22 counts of hello dolly followed by 2 mins of stretching to close out the workout

Announcements: (Midge4Life) Get to know your fellow pax, he may just need to have someone ask if he is doing ok. Its important that we know each other as people not just as the guys that work out together.

(Breach) there are some mentor opportunities with the Travis Manion Foundation coming up. Details will follow on Slack for anyone that is interested.

CLosed in Prayer:

Sweaty 2 miles

Warm Up: SSH, sir Fozzy, GM, imperial walker
The Workout: various stops throughout the park. BTW, preachers chair, LBC, Merkin. Erkins Durkin Dips X2, up and around the stairs, lol slow flutter, prisoner squat.

four corners in the big lot, 20 WWII, 15 Merkin, 10 squats, five Burpee OYO.
Mary: Homer to March, box cutter
Announcements: see slack
T-Claps (Recognition): Mookie for being 110%
Prayer: stubs, lipstick, slide rule

Loops around Sunset Lake Commons

FNGs: Dr. Feelgood, Ponch
Warm Up: Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Good Mornings, Sir Fozio Arm Circles / Seal Claps / Overhead Claps
The Workout: The name of the game today was String-o-Pearls. Mosey, stop, exercise, continue. We took a trip around the Harris Teeter shopping area while following a pattern of upper / core / lower exercises (merkins, WWIIs, squats, etc). 20 reps each stop. We did also stop for People’s Chair (10 count down the line for a total of 140 count) and Balls-to-the-Wall (5 count for a total of 70). 1.5 miles completed along the way.
Mary: More WWIIs, Dying Cockroaches, Homer-to-Marge and Mountain Climbers. Finished up with some yoga. Ended a bit early to make time for the FNGs.
Announcements: Get on that meal train for Stubs! (see Slack for details)
T-Claps (Recognition): Dr. Feelgood and Ponch for coming out to their first F3 workout. Hope to see you guys again soon!
Prayer: Stubs and his family, Sand Crab’s friend (new baby)

Can You Smell the Granite?

First day of the June Challenge and dues were showing up eager to start posting some points. I haven’t written a backlist in about 2 months…but nothing like a challenge to light a fire under you…so here goes! Great to see these 11 guys out there pushing each other…while we pushed rocks today and seeing all these HIM putting in a strong pace on the indian runs!

EC: Dahmer, Bleeder, Yogurt, YHC

FNG’s: None
Warm Up: SSH x 20, Good Mornings x 10, Sir Fazio’s x 10 (F/R), Imperial Walkers x 10, Chinooks x 10, Windmills x 10, a quick mosey over to the bridge.
The Workout: Two lines, mile long figure 8 Indian Run around and through the ball fields, stopping 4 times: 5 burpees/15 merkins, 5 burpees/15 ct. BTTW, 5 burpees/15 irkins, 5 burpees/15 ct. People’s Chair.  A quick mosey together over to the rock pile and while many PAX began circling up, YHC instructed them rather to head over to the grassy hill for 11’s. There was some groaning about…

11’s on the grassy hill being sire not to wake the residents. Ground Pounders, run up the hill, Wonderers, all IC.

Once finished, we did a rock push bear crawl back across the parking lot with lots of guys picking up the 6…which I think was me today.

We circled up for some rock exercises which included two rounds of the following: Curls for the Girls x 15, Triceps x 15, Rut-Rows x 10 IC. Guys were told to grab 2 smaller hand held rocks and we did a series of 20 ct. shoulder exercises including Front Raise, Lateral Raise, and Press.

We returned rocks and returned the long way around Womble in 1 Indian Run line with a jailbreak at the end. We logged just a bit over two miles as we headed in for Mary.

Mary: LBC’s x 15 IC, LSF’s x 15 IC, Homer to Marge x 15 IC. 30 seconds of Have a nice Day!
Announcements: June Challenge underway, Help Stubs with the Meal Train on 3rd F.
T-Claps (Recognition): Sand Crab gave YHC some COT kudos!
Prayer: FedEx two boys are graduating HS!, some guidance for them as they move into the future. Prayers for Stubs, Lipstick. YHC took us out!

Cletus: Yogurt 4 yr & 57 yr – Takin’ Care of Business

EC: Abe, Alpine, Bleeder, Cupid, Lipstick, Skidmark, Pikachu, UTI. In May 2018, @Skidmark invited me to an F3 workout. Probably the easiest headlock ever. On May 13, 2022, 27 men posted to celebrate my 4 years of F3 and 57 years of life. When we came rolling in from EC at 5:27 am, I was overwhelmed by more than two dozen men, circled up, ready to go.

Special invitation: Yogi, who was at my first workout. When it was time for my F3 name, after fruitless discussion around Raleigh native, environmental worker, and more, I got the “What was your first concert?” question. Answer: BTO, you know, Bachman Turner Overdrive, who sing, Takin’ Care of Business. Dorton Arena, ~1975. Yeah, Yogi chimed in, Takin’ Care of Business – TCoB! Slide Rule heard “TCB” and immediately thought TCBY – The Country’s Best Yogurt. Ok, your name is YOGURT!

Warmup: 1) Run to top of Ivan lot. 2) Circle up for 57 SSHs. Count off: 27! 3) Mosey to amphitheater lawn area. 4) Jack Webbs to 30; 19 pickle pounders, 19 squats, 19 Catalina wine mixers. (19 x 3 = 57) 5)  Mosey up to greenway, on your six. Guantanamo. Wide range of pushes from nice and easy to brutal by Pikachu. Long time to circulate 27 PAX. Mosey to truck to pick up gloves. Note: Should have picked up speaker too! Mosey to rock pile. Each PAX grab a rock.

During the workout, I missed several counts and received much-deserved grilling. During my days of Q’ing Cletus, I was never known for counting.

The Thang 1: Count off in 1s and 2s. Simple exercise – 1s bear crawl to top of parking lot and back, while pushing your rock. 2s do AMRAP curls for the girls (Round 1), rut rohs (Round 2), prisoner squats (Round 3).

The Thang 2: Circle up in “grassy” lot. Similar to Banana Seat’s and Pikachu’s AC/DC Thunderstruck workout, I used Takin’ Care of Business as the song and we did a burpee with every “Takin’ Care of Business.” That’s 27 (compared to 31 for Thunderstruck). Volume was way too low, so yes, should have grabbed speaker while at truck. Anyway, everyone grilled me for that.

Mary: Circle up on tennis courts, where it all began. Big boy sit-ups, Pickle pounders, Box cutters, Protractor. Have a nice day.

Announcements: #Junechallenge and more on Slack. Highlighter running for Congress.

Prayer requests: Yogi prepared a list of goals at the suggestion of his pastor. Boy George selling house and moving family. Highlighter pointed out those who need help mentally may not be reaching out. Find them.

Message: Thanks for all the F3 support over the years. It’s a real privilege to be part of this group. Each one of you has been a positive influence in some way. Thanks for keeping the F3 SouthWake standard high. F3 is the real gift.

Crazy Ivan 5/6/22 – Popcorn

FNGs:  None
Warm Up:  Lap around parking lot, SSH, windmills, sir Fazios, hillbillies, imperial walkers, o/h claps, seal claps
The Workout:  Each PAX gave a kettlebell exercise including swings, tricep curl, lawnmowers, ground pounders, upright row..15 reps, 10 reps.  Lap.  Rinse and repeat completing additional kettlebell exercise with 10 reps; Lap.  Turkish get-ups, from our six nipplers, slap bells, etc.
Mary:  Yoga
Announcements:  See Slack/FB.  Memorial Day Murph
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:  Dauber led us out.