

That smell

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, daisy pickers, Willy Mays hays, Sir Fazio arm circles, chinooks, mountain climbers

The Workout: 

Thing 1- PAX form two lines, each line possessed two soccer balls. At a jogging pace, the balls were thrown overhead to the pax behind, once at the back of the line that person sprints to the front to start the cycle again. Drops meant all pax stopped and performed 5 squats. ~1/2 mile loop around the park completed. We did a lot of squats.

Thing 2- Medium sized rocks were obtained and we made our way to the picnic shelter. Pax paired up for a music-based AMRAP/Dora style workout- one partner completed AMRAP exercises while the other partner cusacked their rock up a small hill and around a loop. When the song changed, the exercise changed (tricep extension, step ups, erkins, bicep curls). Skynyrd set the tone, and my free version of Spotify (like Lebron) blessed us with zero ads during the workout. Shoutout free Spotify. 

All pax participated in an extended wall sit for the duration of Saturday Night Special. Some pax held out for the whole time, others gave it a break… something about running plans for the weekend. Near the end of the first verse a thicc odor spread like the plague from an unnamed pax, driving others to seek refuge elsewhere in the shelter. Pax were unpleased by the aroma, Q was unpleased because it didn’t happen during “That Smell”. 

Mary: American hammer, WW1, plank hold

Announcements: 3rd F opportunities on Slack, fence painting with the town, Men’s night at local church

T-Claps (Recognition): Turkey and Nickelback both have kids graduating college

Prayer: Bobby B’s family member undergoing heart procedures, UTIs family member with a scary diagnosis. 


Friends Old and New

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Willy Mayes Hayes, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs

The Workout: PAX were instructed to go get a “mediumish” rock and meet up at the amphitheater. 4 rounds of:
15 Curls for the Girls
15 Tricep Extensions
15 Ground Pounders
15 Ruh Rohs
15 Tempo Squats
bearcrawl down to the library doors, mosey back
We swapped rocks in between each round. Once done, we returned our rocks gently and responsibly back to the rock pile.

Mary: Plank for a 10 count around the circle (170 count total), LBCs, WWIIs, Homer-to-Marge, American Hammers, finished things up with a little stretching.

Announcements: UFO every 1st / 3rd and 5th Monday of the month! Watch for 3rd F opportunities with the town that help support our ability to use the fields at Ting for UFO.

T-Claps (Recognition): 3rd Cousin, Bobby Dall and Slide Rule for joining us back in the gloom. Good to see you all again!

Prayer: Midget and his family for their loss.

Thoughts: Midget shared with us at COT that his mom always put others first. He encouraged us to do the same in our own lives, put others first and always give. If you maintain this mindset of others first and use it as your guiding principle, the decisions you make will fall into the right place automatically.


A Roll of the Dice

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mayes Hayes

The Workout: Today we followed the dice. Always a fun time (in my opinion at least) because you get to go on a field trip and you never know what you’ll get. Somehow, bear crawls, balls to the wall and absolutions showed up on the dice as well. Weird. About 1.75 miles and a bunch of merkins, side stradle hops and lunges in between.

Mary: LBCs, WWIIs, Homer-to-Marge, Poop Eaters, a bit of stretching

Announcements: Beer ruck on Saturday starting at 12, Spring Classic on Saturday (if you’re not running, help at an aid station)

T-Claps: Slide Rule and Wiggly coming back out to the gloom. Missed ya fellas.

Prayer: Unspoken, Banana Seat’s family

Murder Bunny 7’s at Purple Cobra

9 PAX at Purple Cobra for something new and stupid.

Warm up down to road and back with multiple exercises

Take blocks to baseball field
Partner up
Alternating partners around bases with wheelbarrow.
Hallelujah wall sits
Then Lt Dan and broad jumps around bases
Alternating shoulder tap BTTW

Take blocks to grass
Murder bunny 7’s
Ground pounders & block squats
7 MBs
Return blocks

“Santa Claus is coming to town”
SSH and burpees (24)

Butterfly ups
Freddy Mercury’s
Out and ups
Pickle pounders

Answering the Bat Signal at Downtown Train

BnB needed a Q and put out the bat signal yesterday – YHC was honored to answer the bat signal and lead today.

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up: SSH, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio F/R, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Samson Hold

The Workout:

PAX moseyed to the parking deck for a DORA – split up into 3 groups of 3 and completed the following: 150 Merkins, 200 squats, 250 LBCs. 2 partners ran up and down the stairs at the end of the parking deck while the other member of the trio did exercises in the deck. Switch on and off until all exercises complete.

PAX sprinted length of the parking deck together.

PAX then completed 3 rounds of a circuit consisting of people’s chair, erkins, and dips.

PAX went to rock pile and completed curls for the girls, overhead press, ruh rohs, chest press, skullcrushers.

Mary: Homer to Marge, Heel Taps, Boxcutters, Low Slow Flutter, Yoga/Stretching

Announcements: Wild Turkey new job starts today, pick up Qs at 3-Alarm Fun Run on Tuesdays

T-Claps (Recognition): Abe for organizing trash pickup EC before the ME. I participated along with Stickers.

Prayer: My dad dealing with carpel tunnel, sick and injured PAX, YHC took us out


Pickle Beatdown at Cletus

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Wille Mays Hays

The Workout:

Thang 1 – The Big Pickle:

PAX completed an Indian Run over to the parking lot on the other end of the soccer fields. Once we got there, we partnered up (one group of 3) for 3 rounds of the Big Pickle. One PAX ran one direction, partner ran the other way around the lot, when they met up, completed 10 patty cake merkins. Continue running, meet on the other side, do 10 WW2. We did 3 rounds of this.

Thang 2 – Bread and Butter:

PAX moseyed over to the amphitheater for the following: Partners from the previous round split up into 2 groups. Group 1 completed people’s chair 10 count each PAX while Group 2 held chillcut plank. Switch. Next round Group 1 completed balls to the wall 10 count each PAX while Group 2 held a squat. Switch…we did 3 rounds of this.

Then we went to the lower wall and did the following exercises in order: Round 1: Erkins, Dips, Heels to Heaven Round 2: Erkins, Dips, Heels to Heaven Round 3: Erkins, Dips, Tempo Squats

Thang 3 – Variety Fresh Pack

PAX moseyed to the rock pile and were instructed to get a medium rock. Everyone did except for Bondo, who picked a cute little one we called the “Pebble”…

YHC instructed PAX to rotate various directions and number of rocks to switch it up and get variety/diff size rocks. We completed overhead press, curls for the girls, chest press, skull crushers, ruh rohs, and bus drivers.

PAX returned rocks and went back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: Heel Taps, Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Low Slow Flutter, Pickle Pounders

Announcements: Upcoming all hands meeting being scheduled by Breach, be on the lookout. Also, a PSA that CPR can and has saved lives in F3. If you haven’t been trained, highly recommend it.

T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX for showing up in the gloom! 33 PAX combined between Cletus and Crazy Ivan on this fine Friday.

Prayer: Unspoken, Woody took us out

Five Year Anniversary Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Arm Circles, GM, Mosey to Soccer Field Parking Lot

The Workout: Football Mascot Merkin Workout utilizing scores from last week’s games.  

NCSU’s Tuffy – Merkins (+alternate exercise)

7 (tempo squatsx10), 10 (pulse squats), 17 (lungesx10), 24 (mosey to picnic shelter)

UNC’s Rameses

7(People’s chair 5 count each PAX), 10 (BTTW in cadence to 10), 17 (People’s), 24 (BTTW), 31 Urkins (Mosey to rock pile)

Duke’s Blue Devil

3 (curls & rows x10), 6 (curls&rows), 13 (curls&rows), 21 rock presses (curls and rows), 28 rock presses (curls and rows)

Mary: Around the circle name an ab exercise & closed off with some stretching. 

Prayer: Prayer for PAX’s injured and struggling with illness.  Pray for all PAX BRR. 

Everyone at Starbucks is Miserable

10 Pax scratched and clawed and dragged themselves from the fartsack to run in what one may call less than favorable conditions. Upon returning Pax were greated by shredder.

Warm Up: 10 squats, 10 cc side to side leg swings, 10 cc front to back leg swings
The Workout: varying distances from 5 to 12 miles.
Mary: coffee
Announcements: pikachu needs to add to the weekly announcements that its raining.
Prayer: family that lost 8th grade to the flu, full house’s dad

Strava Stalking

13 men got stronger at U-Turn on Saturday morning. Aquaman couldn’t remember all the names so I did my best strava stalking to capture the Pax.

Warm Up: The usual I suppose
The Workout: Standard 5 mile loop with some modification

The Rise of the Tiger Hawks

The first AO to see the rise of the Tiger Hawks!  The new shirts look awesome, good to see the first ones hitting the streets at U-Turn this morning.  Thanks for modeling Warbucks

EC: Deadbolt, Warbucks, LED, PSI, Roger Roger, THE DawgPound, Cowboy, SlideRule, Full House

Cowboy and DawgPound commuted to U-Turn on foot today from hills of 12 Oaks.  The rest of us rallied at Starbucks for a 3-mile loop through the business park.

Warm Up:  Frankenstein Kicks, Daisy Pickers, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Side Straddle Hops

Image result for shamwow   

Welcome FNG ShamWow! – A resident of Holly Springs that enjoys running (who likes running!?) and has a pretty killer pace.  He is a resident of Holly Springs and is in sales.  Our F3 hivemind this morning went down the infomercial path and gave him a name that is “As Seen on TV

The Workout:  Traditional U-Turn 5mi route was mapped and offered and for the masses.  Plenty of turning for the 6 going on along the way.  A few went “off the map” to hit their personal targets.  Great work to all #HIM for braving the below freezing morning.

Mary:  Nope! No Girls allowed.

Announcements:  Nope! and very sorry to have passed over this.  I guess I was getting cold?  Excited to run?  Still really bad at being a Q?  As always keep an eye on your social media platform of choice.  Please toss them out on the BackBlast post.

Prayer:  Again – BAD UTI, BAD UTI – Skipped over Prayer.  It wasnt intentional…  Please know I realized my error when we got back to Starbucks and I did pray for those unspoken prayers since I’m absent minded.  For those things that we should raise up out in the open, please post them on FB/Slack under the BB post so we can pray for them directly.