
6 years is a long time but not that long

So great to have 29 in the gloom this morning to help me celebrate 6 years with F3.  This group has changed my life and I hope to continue paying that forward.  It’s a whole lot more than a workout!!!

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Windmill, Imperial Walkers, Mosey, Good Morning, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Mosey

The Workout:  Cones were set up about 10 yards apart.  PAX performed the following exercises: 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 imperial walkers, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks and 30 squats.  We went through the circuit 4 times traveling by bear crawl, lunge walk, broad jump and bunny hop.  Between sets mosey to the disc golf tee box and perform ab exercises to wait on the 6.

Mary: Low slow flutter, LBC, Homer to Marge, big boy sit ups, box cutters


T-Claps (Recognition): The PAX of F3!!!

Prayer: Emeril knee surgery, Gillette colleague that was killed


Thanks, Ollie…

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up: SSH x20 IC, Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R x10 IC, Seal Claps x 1o IC, Overhead Claps x10 IC, Moroccan Night Clubs x10 IC, Samson Hold until YHC called time, Michael Phelps, Hillbillies x15 IC

Mosey to the rock pile

The Workout:


YHC instructed PAX to grab a medim to large rock at the pile. We cusacked 2/3 of the way over, then went to regular and ran the rest until we stopped at the back of the library. 

PAX split up into pairs, one team of 3. We completed a DORA consisting of 100 uneven merkins 50/50, 200 goblet squats with rock, 300 LBC with rock. Partner 1 did exercises while Partner 2 ran around the rear parking lot of the library, switch, continue until done.


Once done with DORA, we circled up for rock work consisting of curls for the girls x20 IC, Overhead Press x20 IC, Ruh Rohs x20 IC, Skullcrushers x20 IC, Wonderbras x20 IC. 

PAX cusacked rocks back to the pile.


We completed people’s chair x10 each PAX, chillcut plank hold x10 each PAX.

Back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: Popcorn Mary consisting of low slow flutter, freddie mercury, dying cockroach, heel taps, WW2, pickle pounders, homer to marge, side planks, Peter Parkers.

Announcements: None

T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX for pushing through and starting their Monday off right.

Prayer: Pumpkin Spice M looking for internship/part time work – progress here; Stickers M’s grandmother, turning 101, but having to switch care facilities while they do renovations to old one; YHC’s friend who got hurt lifting heavy in O2 fitness this weekend, had to leave in an ambulance, ab and groin pulls/tears.

YHC took us out.

Boulders, BOMBS, and Brony at The Nut

PAX: Peak Week, Moby, Blue Hen, Flanagan, Tetanus, Best in Show, Roger Roger, Deadbolt, Cornholio, Brony (Q)

Warm Up: Lap around the front parking lot, followed by:

  • SSH x 20
  • Imperial Walkers x 10 + Hillbillies x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x 20
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20
  • Good Mornings x 20

The Workout:

Select a medium rock. PAX circled up with their rock, performed sequence of exercises, left the rock in the spot, then rotated around the various rocks clockwise. Exercises included:

  • Curls FTG
  • Tricep Ext
  • Bus Driver
  • Ruh Rows

PAX carried their rocks on an Indian Run from bus lot to/around the track.  Finishing at the basketball court.

Next up, BOMBS away.  PAX lined up at the end of the driveway with 5 pain stations at increasing distance (Roughly 10 yds apart), ending at the driveway gate.  PAX picked a partner for this phase.   Partner 1 remained at the starting point doing various rock exercises while Partner 2 ran to spot to perform an exercise, then ran back to switch off.

  • Station 1: 10 Burpees
  • Station 2: 20 Overhead Press (bring your rock)
  • Station 3: 30 Merkins
  • Station 4: 40 Big Boy Situps (aka WWIIs)
  • Station 5: 50 Squats

Mosey back to bus lot rock pile to deposit the coupons.


Quick round of Preacher Chair + BTTW in descending cadence count, 20x, 10x, 5x.

  • Preachers Chair, 20x IC
  • BTTW, 20x IC
  • Preachers Chair, 10x IC
  • BTTW, 10x IC
  • Preachers Chair, 5x IC
  • BTTW, 5x IC

Announcements: Recapped remaining workouts for the week.

T-Claps (Recognition): Deadbolt’s son is graduating from Coast Guard boot camp Friday!

Prayer: Continued prayers for recovery and family support; injured neighborhood child.

Field Trip at Paradise City

EC:  Skidmark, Emeril, Redenbacher, Sunshine, Pikachu, Mr. Terrific, Pablo, Cupid

FNGs:   Not today

Warm Up: Lap around Ting with stops for SSH, Frankensteins, dips at the guard rail, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, and Hillbillies.

The Workout:  PAX counted off into groups of 2 and headed out on our field trip to Artic Ridge Way, travelling in a scout run. When we arrived at Artic Ridge Way, YHC informed the group that we would run to the top of the hill and do 7 sumo squats and then run back down to the bottom of the hill for 7 Star Jumps. We completed this 4 times in a row and then returned to Ting on a scout run. We still had a few minutes left when we returned so we headed up the ramp for another lap. We stopped at the top for Sir Fazio Arm circles, stopped by the tennis courts for 5 burpees OYO and then back to the flag.

Mary: Short on time.

Announcements:  Tetanus will be stepping down as site Q at TBD. Need someone to step up and take over, freed to lead. Reach out to Tetanus if you are interested.

T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX for showing up today and putting in the work.

Prayer:  Unspoken, keep PAX healthy.

YHC took us out. Thank you the opportunity to lead.

SEVEN is your lucky number

24 PAX celebrated with YHC for completing year 7 in F3 Southwake with some ULIMATE MUTINY! It was my honor to play and fellowship with these HIM. Thank you for letting me be a part of this family. Welcome FNG Dobby!

Bakers Dozen for June Ultimate at Ting

5 June challengers did some EC to get max points to start the week of right (Cupid, LED, Sunshine, Fram and Breach)

A Baker’s dozen of running crazed warriors took the filed at Ting for the June challenge version of Ultimate

Cupid, LED, Fram, Wham-O, Roaming Knome, Gillette, Gump, Sunshine, UTI, Kubota, Yogurt, Cornholio, and Breach on the Q

Warm Up: 22 Counts of Side Straddle Hops, Frankensteins and some Good mornings to stretch those hamstrings.

The Workout: Ultimate, 3 merkins on the frisbee drop to start, then 3 Squats and a 10 count exercise for each score, we did some Side Straddle Hops, Merkins, Burpees, LBCs, Big Boy Situps, Hillbillies, Imperial walkers, and some Squats.

Mary: Learned a little more about Gump and found that his name has nothing to do with running

Announcements: 3 Alarm is doing better, we are going to take this week off but @Yogurt requested that we come back in force next week to bring his spirits up.

Prayer: Pray for us, a lot of shootings out there, we need to heal together as a country. Talk to your kids about an active shooter. They need to know what it is so they can be aware of the situation if it ever arises.

20’s on the ramp

EC:  Skidmark, Dawgpound, Emeril, Pikachu, Woody

Warm Up:  1/2 mile jog loop, 1/2 mile loop Indian Run with stops for Fozzy Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies,

The Workout:

Two teams of 10 PAX each.  1 PAX from each team runs to top of the ramp to perform 1st exercise .  Soon as 1st PAX returns the 2nd set leave and perform 2nd exercise.  Continue thru until all 20 exercises are complete.

While the PAX are running the ramp to do their 1 exercise remaining PAX work their way thru the exercises in order.

WWII’S – X15
4×4’S – Start arms raised, move to burpee position. 4 Merkins, 4 Mountain Climbers each leg.  Repeat x5
HUNDREDS – on your 6. legs straight and at a 45 deg angle off the ground. head and shoulders off ground. arms straight and down by your side with palms facing ground. do quick 6 inch pulses with arms/hands until you reach 100.

Mary: Stretching

Announcements: Shirt order complete. Paradise City order coming soon.  Need aid/water station helpers for the Spring Classic.

Prayer:   Jessica and Melanie

President’s Day 2022 – Which President is on the $100 Bill? Fanny knew the answer. 

Warm up: Bat Wings: Fozio Arm Circles 10x forward/reverse, 10x seal claps, 10x overhead claps; repeat

Mosey to lower corner of parking deck near tower stairs. First trivia question: Which president is on the $100 bill? Fanny Pack knew: None. Benjamin Franklin was never president.

Benjamin Franklins ($100). Partner up. One partner goes to top of stairs and back while other does SSH. Shooting for 100. With required two trips per PAX to the top, most pairs far exceeded 100. Al Gore (Vice President) while we wait for the six.

Mosey around the entire building to the top corner of the upper parking deck. One each corner, I marked a pain station with a cone and printout of four denominations of currency: $5, $10, $20, $50. We kept partners for “accountability” only. We raced station to station, with the first PAX to arrive announcing the exercise that he had found.

I asked trivia question at each station. I planned for the winner to keep the printed “bills.” But, then I lost track of who won what. I was close at the end. Winners: Fanny Pack, Cornholio, Bondo, U.T.I., and Full House (see below).

$5 Lincolns: 5 burpees OYO. Where is our very own @Abe when you need him?

$10 Alexander Hamilton: 10 star jumps. Who is on the $10 bill? Even with the printout, it took a while to get this one? And was Alexander Hamilton ever president? No! Cornholio got this one. How did Hamilton die? Lost to Aaron Burr in a dual. Yes, a dual.

$20 Andrew Jackson. 20 Merkins.

$50 Ulysses S. Grant. 50 Mountain climbers. Was Grant ever president? Yes.


Mary: Bobby Boucher got it started with some low slow flutter while I grabbed my phone. I immediately went to Pickle pounders. An obvious shout out to President Bill Clinton. And you should have heard @Full House’s imitation: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Hilarious!

Announcements: Wilmington Marathon this weekend.

Prayer Requests: Unspoken. YHC took us out.

Happy Presidents Day. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Hand drawn vector portraits isolated on white background.

Prison Yard Mini Heist 2/8/22

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, Frankenstein’s, Hillbillies/Imperial Walkers (Moseyed and explained the heist)
The Workout: One PAX to perform heist at a time. Start at parking lot entrance at top of hill. Tire drag entire way through course. 1. Lunge walk to Tire flip, 2. Tire flip to 3. sledge swings (20 reps), Mosey to 4. OH press 40lbs kettlebell (30 reps), Mosey to 5. Curls for girls (40 reps) this is midway down clubhouse hill, Mosey to entrance tree at bottom of hill. 6. 50 rope individual rope slams. Run with tire dragging back to start at top of parking lot.  Support PAX did Bear Crawls, all styles of merkins, Crab walks, all styles of abs, Shoulder taps and supermans, SSH, Fast feet and always made sure solo tire drag PAX did NOT finish alone.
Mary: No time
Announcements:  check slack
T-Claps (Recognition): All who finished it.
Prayer: Unspoken and YHC took us out.

150th Post at Kenny’s Grave

FNGs: none

PAX: @Cornholio, @Banana Seat, @Finkle, @Florence/Flojoe, @Pots
Warm Up: Mosey around the parking lot with butt-kickers, high-knees, and crossovers
The Workout:

Event 1: Poles on the baseball field.  We focused on the number 150 this morning.

5 stations and 30 reps of prescribed exercises, BTW, Dips, Squat Jumps, Star Jumps, shoulder taps

mode of transportation was sprints, bear crawls, lunge walks, and jog

Event 2: 150 Doras

broke into 2 teams and one team was the timer and other team did exercises.  Since we had 3 on a team, each Pax was responsible for 50 in cadence of each exercise. Mountain Climbers, LBC’s and Merkins

Leftovers: we finished a little early so we did wall sits and plank holds with a ten count from each PAX 2x. This one created a little mumblechatter as we counted to ten in various ways and @Banana Seat forgot how to count to 10…
Mary: American Hammers, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, J-lo’s, Monkey humpers
Announcements: none
T-Claps (Recognition):