
Circles and balls at the Nut

10 PAX for some track work and a little game of knock out.

Warm up lap around to back
Good morning
Imperial squat walkers
Mtn Climbers

Hand release broke back derkins with partner. Run in opposite directions and meet half way. 3 laps x10 reps each (6 sets)

Catch me if you can
P1 does 10 monkey humpers
Partner runs backwards until P1 catches them then switch
3 laps

Knock out Hoops
5 burpees
10 star jumps
15 plank jacks
Back in once completed

Mary at the flag
Reverse LBCs
American Hammers
Boat canoes
Pickle pounders

That’s for letting me lead.

BS Out!

We even got 1.99 miles in

FNGs: None

Warm up: Mosey to The Block garage. High Knees, Butt Kick, Side shuffle. SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Claps, Daisy Pickers.

The Workout:

5 rounds. PAX shared the count.
10 inverted rows
20 LBC (in cadence)
30 Squats
Mosey to Block Amphitheater
10 Derkins
20 Boat/Canoe
30 Step Ups
Mosey to Block Garage

Mosey back to the flag

Mary – a few stretches

Got 1.99 miles in. 

Announcements: 2nd F Friday lunch

T-Claps (Recognition): 

Prayer: Best in Show’s mom and mother-in-law’s health; Hasselhoff’s friend lost his father

Six Souls Survive Sevens on S(C)emetery Summit

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Quick Mosey, SSH, Windmill, 10 Merkins. Another mosey

Thang 1:

7s on Cemetery Hill: Squats at the bottom, Burpees at the top. (The Humidity was worse than the hill)

For the last round of each we added a twist. 

After completing our last burpee, PAX circled up for a 1 at a time 10 count merkins around the circle. While each PAX pushing the earth down, the other PAX held a low merkin position (similar to a plank, but the bottom of a merkin). 

After completing the last six squats, PAX circled up for a similar exercise as the the top of the hill, only this one featured squats/squat hold.

Thang 2: All PAX moseyed back to the flag, with a quick stop along the way for some calf raises and dips along the curb. We then visited the small rock pile in the corner of the parking lot for some rock work. Colt 45s, Groundpounders and Goblet Squats. We then circled up for a game Q called ‘Duck Duck Bear’: in a circle, each PAX held a bear crawl position (knees low, waist at a 90 angle). In sequence, a PAX would circle the group while performing a bear crawl, the remainder held still. Hold until all have completed a circle. @Batboy made sure to call out “Duck” as he passed each person.

Mary: Homer to Marge, Freddy Mercury’s, Superman, Yoga

Announcements: @Batboy on the Q tomorrow at Purple Cobra, 

Prayer: @Best-In-Show’s Mom, MIL and FIL who are all battling issues. Strength for them, strength for him and his M as they are caretakers. 

You Chose Poorly

11 HIM swung some bells today. YHC brought back some ska hits to keep the tempo moving us. It was a moist one. Some PAX may have chose poorly for a bell to travel with but they pushed through the pain.

Good mornings
Willie Mayes Hayes
Carolina Dry Docks (slow IC)

12 exercises 3 rds each (15, 12, 10 reps)
3 groups

1 – goblet squat
2 – swings IC
3 – single arm chest press (R arm)
4 – single arm chest press (L arm)
Mosey to playground with traveling curls
5 – bent over rows R
6 – bent over rows L
7 – lunge pulse bell w touch knee R
8 – lunge pulse bell w touch knee L
Mosey to shelter with traveling tris
9 – halos rotate directions (L&R count 1)
10 – pull through merkins (both sides 1)
11 – cross body snatch R
12 – cross body snatch L
Mosey to courts with John Cusaks.

Join Cletus for Mary
Mary almost didn’t happen as Forceps started name-a-rama with 5 mins left. Once that was over YHC saw we had almost 3 mins left.
American Hammers x22
LSF x22
50 sec chillcut plank hood for Forceps respect bday Q

Announcements on slack
Prayers – BS church member lost life to pneumonia mid 30’s lady named Brenae. Forceps lost co-worker to kidney failure. Cousin IT spoke of one but cannot remember.

Nice job today men!
BS Out


🇺🇸 Memorial Day Murph 🇺🇸


Warm Up:  I was late so I only did Frankenstines / imperial walkers & hillbillies 🍦

The Workout: The MURPH 💪

1 mile buy in

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Squats

1 mile punch out

Thank everyone who has served our country a little respect goes a long way 🪖

Prayer: unspoken PAX’s

Did he just say 50 burpees?

FNGs: Not really the place for all that…

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Windmill, Overhead Claps

The Workout:

  • Thing 1 – Mini Dora on the tennis courts.  Partner does suicides while other partner exercises, Switch, rinse, repeat.  Exercises were 50 burpees, 100 Mtn Climbers IC, 150 Star Jumps.
  • Thing 2 – Laps around Ting with stops at the ticket booth for step ups and split leg squats and a stop at the guard rail for Irkins, Dirkins, and Dips.

Mary: Stretching and a couple of laps around COT because we were real close on the promised 3 mile minimum.

Announcements: Picnic

T-Claps (Recognition): All the PAX showing up and showing out on a Monday.  Great work out there men!

Prayer: Best In Show’s MIL battling cancer.  PAX training for various races.  YHC took us out.

It’s always an honor to lead in the gloom.  I’ll try to do better next time!

Ground Pounder 5/6/2023

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Toe touches, Sir fozio arm circles, side stradle hops among others

The Workout: First half: Rocks.  Curls for the Girls, Rut Rows, Overhead Tricep press, Wonder bras, Ground Pounder.  Core work on your six.  Second set of exercises above.  More core work with a plank focus. Second half: Frisbee Golf.  3 holes of frisbee golf with 15 x merkins before each through.  Exercise on the next hole was 15 x squats.  Next hole was star jumps.

Mary: No time for Mary since our golf game went long. 


FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good mornings, arm circles/seal clap/ overhead clap, SSH.

The Workout: Spartacus 1.0 x 2 rounds. 

Coupons: PAX selected a Dumbbell or Kettlebell 10# to 30#

45 sec on; 15 sec rest 

1. Goblet Squat

2. Mountain Climbers

3. KB/DB swing

4. T-Merkins

5. Split jump (or forward lunge)

6. Rows

7. Side Lunge 

8. Renegade Row

9. Lunge w rotation 

10. Ground Pounder 

Mary: Ab Challenge 45 sec on; 15 sec rest. 3 rounds 1. WWI 2. Freddy Mercuries 3. Box Cutters 4. Heel Taps 5. J Lo’s

Announcements: see 3rd F in slack 

T-Claps (Recognition): @Stubs back out!

Prayer: @Best in Show mother in law battle w cancer; Stub’s grandfather not doing well.

Hollywood Birthday Party

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Based on the weather, all PAX headed for the parking deck as soon as 5:30:00 arrived. Warmed up and stretched with Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings,  Frankenstein’s, and Willy Mays Hays. 

The Workout: PAX tackled a few exercises named after Hollywood classics.

  • First – The Imperial March: Imperial walkers, performed while marching in a circle for the duration of the John Williams classic ‘The Imperial March (Darth Vader’s Theme)”. PAX complained about how long the song was, but not loudly enough to get relief from the Q.
  • Second – Catch Me If You Can: PAX partnered up for a race of sorts. At the sound of ‘GO’, partner one performed five burpees. While partner one performed burpees, partner two attempted to flee as quickly as possible while running backwards. Upon completing the required burpees, partner one sprinted to catch their fleeing partner. Flapjack. Repeato while replacing Burpees with 10 diamond merkins.
  • Third – Field of Dreams: PAX counted off by four, then split to each of the 4 designated ‘bases’. At the sound of ‘GO’, Home plate performed 10 burpees, 1st performed AMRAP merkins; 2nd held a plank; 3rd AMRAP Squats. When homeplate completed the required burpees, they raced down the baseline to first, starting the chain of all stations rotating as they were tagged out. Repeato until all PAX performed burpees. 
  • Round 2 of Catch Me If You Can
  • Round 2 of Field of Dreams, replacing burpees with dips, merkins with derkins, planks with LBCs, squats with Sumo squats
  • Round 3 of Catch Me If You Can – At this point, it became a challenge among PAX to travel further than their partner did. @U.T.I. attempted to gain extra distance on @wildturkey through the use of evasive maneuvers. @wildturkey elected to instead take a shortcut to put a stop to @U.T.I.’s shenanigan’s. 
  • Round 3 of Field of dreams, replacing dips with burpees, derkins with Erkins, LBCs with low-slow-flutter, Sumo Squats with preachers chair.

Ended with a game called Rock Paper Scissors. each PAX measured how many overhead claps they could perform in 20 seconds. They then partnered up to compete in an effort to see who could reach their predetermined number of claps first. In the event of a tie, RPS was played to determine the winner.  After four rounds it was determined that @bestinshow was truly the best-in-show and could have a viable career as a bird if he desired. 

Ended with COT where Q provided doughnut holes for all PAX in celebration of 34 trips around the sun. Nothing makes you want doughnuts like sweaty cardio on a humid morning. 

Mary: None

Announcements: None

Prayer: Davis’s (@davisteitelbaumF3;3Alarm) recovery, @BobbyBoucher’s 2.0 Walt (F3 Bolt) recovery from breathing difficulties yesterday, @Kosher’s mother-in-law recovery from breast cancer. 

Last Day 75Hard

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Bounce, Good morning, Arm Circles/Seal Clap/Overhead Clap, Spinal Rotations

The Workout:

Walked through each compound Kettlebell exercise then two rounds Tabata, 45 seconds on; 15 second rest

  1. Deadlift, Clean, Curl, repeat
  2. Reverse Lunge, Single Arm Press, switch legs half way
  3. Rows 2x each arm, repeat
  4. On your back. KB 45 degree. Alternating Leg extensions. Half way mark switch to Leg Thrusters holding on the bell at top of your head.
  5. 3x KB Swing, 2x Goblet Squat, repeat
  6. Single arm Squat Thrust; switch arms half way.
  7. On your back. Pullover x2, Skull Crusher x3, repeat
  8. Merkin on the Bell, alternate each rep
  9. Renegade Row with Pass Thru, alternate each rep
  10. Ground Pounder


5 Rounds OYO: KB Swing – Single Arm Snatch – 50 meter run and back. 25-20-15-10-5 – total 75 reps

Mary: None (Q lost track of time). 

Announcements: Road Clean Up in FV tomorrow.  See 3rd F. April 5th Possum Trot workout and breakfast. 

T-Claps (Recognition): All those who completed 75 Hard. 

Prayer: Sombrero’s 18 month old son possibly needs surgery, Best in Show’s mother-in-law’s battle with cancer. PAX who are ill and dealing with injuries.