

Moist Is the Only Way To Describe It

24 PAX for some very moist Ultimate and YHC 9 Year week. Prayers for Rico’s situation!


Painting the Fence at Sugg

FNGs: No

Warm Up: It was plenty warm

The Workout:

Fence Painting, Lifting paint buckets,

Mary: Light clean-up

Announcements: Next Town Support effort will be scheduled soon, check with Gump

 Great 2nd F following a fun morning of work

T-Claps (Recognition):  These dudes.  Doin’ good in the hood

UFO High Score Comeback

22 PAX for some not too windy Ultimate! We had even teams and even score after a great comeback but the pinnies prevailed.

Screenshot 2023-06-14 163901

The Bowler Runs 4 The John

FNGs: Nuh uh

Warm Up: EC was had by 187, Lipstick, UTI

The Workout: A past route of my own creation returns!

Mary: Profuse sweating in the parking lot, heavy breathing


  • Bottle Share this weekend – see Cupid and Slack
  • Picnic next weekend – see Cupid and Slack
  • 3 Alarm Run – just show up (See Q sheet)
  • R4TJ in need of a site Q – Bring the flag, encourage leadership, draw up some running routes – Ask Lipstick, UTI, and Redenbacher for past Site Q overview.  

T-Claps (Recognition):

Flag provided today by Yogurt – thanks brother!



  • Maybelline
    • MIL is having open heart surgery, M is traveling to be with her
    • Dad is recovering from recent procedure
  • Pikachu
    • MIL is traveling
    • Mom is having surgery
  • Down Range
    • New baby, new to the area, new job

The Hunt for the Next R4TJ Site Q

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up: Also No

The Workout:

Mary: Still No

Announcements:  R4TJ site Q WANTED

Starting a portable toilet business Tips - T BLUSTAR

T-Claps (Recognition):  Happy Birthday 3 ALARM!

Prayer:  Yoshi’s friend Christian, had a medical issue while out of the country.  Made it back but still getting checked out.

Ultimate Frisbee 5 vs 6

FNGs None

warmups:  ssh, Frankensteins, daisy pickers, OYO

great match-ups, lots of extra running on the pitch.  Mis-marked end zones – (I blame Gump not supervising me).  Surprisingly the team of five played pretty well considering they were out numbered and had an a old fat guy trying to keep up with the young guns.  Dropped passes resulted in burpees, merkins, monkey-humpers, star jumps, etc  TDs resulted in merkins, LBCs, SSHs, etc.

no injuries reported.  Hope to see more PAX under the lights after up-coming marathons

announcements:  Breach at the boathouse later this week – see slack for details

prayers:  positive marriage update with Wham-O & his M – (awesome!). Lean on the pax who have been married 20, 25, 30 yrs.  We have all had our ups and downs in our marriages. We may not know the answers but we can give a good listen and possibly share/learn from our experiences.

Thank you Breach for taking us out.
2nd F at Paneras.


honored to lead. – Dauber


Where is Waldo?

EC:  Emeril, TomTom, UTI et al

FNGs: Not today

Warm Up: pffffft. we show up ready to go at the John.

The Workout:  Standard 5 mile route – The Grinch

Mary:  Short on time

Announcements: Check Slack and Facebook

T-Claps (Recognition): Skidmark for feeling good enough to run!

Prayer:  UTI mother in law, UTI family friend, all PAX to remain healthy, unspoken.

Skidmark took us out. Always an honor to lead

New AO: Ultimate Frisbee at Ting: U.F.O. (25 PAX)

FNGs:  none
Warm Up:  Grateful for Yogurt leading us with SSH, Frankensteins, etc
The Workout:  12 v 13 Ultimate. Drops resulted in merkins, squats, SSH…

Scores resulted in burpees, LBCs, star jumps…

Some very nice plays on the pitch!  Well done.

Mary:  static stretches OYO

PAX in attendance helped Gump and YHC name this AO;  we offered up three choices with an honorable mention:

Choices:  Paradise Lost, Paradise Gained, U.F.O. & Elenor Frisbee (although a nice recommendation from the crowd – Vicious Discus).   Not sure if the PAX were thrilled with our top 4.  Regardless, U.F.O. was a near unanimous vote.  Questions asked what it stood for? – – – so many recommendations & examples from the PAX – some not permitted in this PG space.

Going forward, each Q will determine the abbreviation.  Let’s have some FUN with it.

Tues nights with 3 Alarm – come out and support another new official AO (great work Wild Turkey, Yogurt, Moose…).
Tea Time tonight

Change of Command:  Nantan – Thank you Pikachu!  Welcome Breach!


Q-School next Sunday at 1400.  See Banana Seat.


T-Claps (Recognition):  All the PAX who came out this AM

Prayer:  YHC took us out.  UNSPOKEN.
Honored to lead. -Dauber

SEVEN is your lucky number

24 PAX celebrated with YHC for completing year 7 in F3 Southwake with some ULIMATE MUTINY! It was my honor to play and fellowship with these HIM. Thank you for letting me be a part of this family. Welcome FNG Dobby!

R4TJ, Cat in the Hat Version

A baker’s dozen showed up for a Cat in the Hat tour around Arbor Creek

2 for EC (Fram and Breach)  ME- Fram, Roaming Knome, LipStick, 187, Dumbo, McNugget, AXE, Bobby Dall, Bobby Boucher, Cancun, Abe, Woody and Breach on the Q

Warm Up: 22 counts of Frankensteins and Lunges to get the legs ready to go

The Workout: We took a tour de Arbor Creek in a very suspect-looking Cat in the Hat pattern, my GPS must have gotten off as I had to course correct a few times, but we made it back to ting as a group in just over 45 mins and we all did just about 5 miles.

Announcements: Take a look at the post that Dumbo put out on Slack, we are here to help and accerlerate each other, we may not always agree with each other, but respect needs to stand. We should encourage those around us, not put them down.

Closed in Prayer: