
05.07.2024 The Nest 1:4 ratio

Warm-up: SSH, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (forward and back), Cherry Pickers, Good Mornings, Willie Mayes Hayes, Mosey Lap

Main Event: This morning was especially designed to get long reps of several exercises. At each corner of the block around the park we did a 1:4 ratio exercise except for the Berp & Merk station cause that would have really sucked.  Corner 1: Berp & Merk which was a burpee with the merkin portion of the burpee increasing each time.  Going to 10 so round 1 was a regular burpee, round 2 burpee with 2 merkins, round 3 burpee with 3 merkins etc.  Corner 2: Lt. Dan Taylors.  1:4 ratio of squats to lunges all the way up to 10 squats and 40 lunges.  The goal was to not be able to feel your legs at the end.  Corner 3: Jack Webb, ol’ jack made us do 1:4 merkins to air press up to 10 merkins and 40 air presses. Corner 4: Last but not least was Captain Thors.  These bad boys rounded out the morning with a 1:4 ratio of big boy sit-ups and American Hammers.  So up to 10 big boys and 40 American Hammers to feel that burn deep down inside.

COT: @Finkle’s brother and family during separation from wife and moving out etc. @Nemo loosing mom to cancer.  Prayers for him and the family during this tough time.  On going court case that @Enough is part of with NC State Health plan.

Q School: Session 3

Why Q school? This is to help with F3 formality (uniform) across all regions so if you attend an AO in New York or Texas it’ll still be close to the same structure.

3 main topics to cover – How to Q? Why to Q? (new exciting things) Are you ready to Q?

Sample structure for warm up with some discussion:
Disclaimer, warmup, workout (the thang), Mary, CoT – 45 mins total time, get a watch. Assign a sweeper if you have a large group of FNG’s.
Bring a Flag if you plan to Q. If you don’t have one, ask site Q to bring one.

Conduct WU and have guys take turns with exercises. SSH, Good Mornings, etc.

Be ready for CoT with announcements and prayer requests/praises

Review during workout:
Cadence Count
Form and rep count
Know your PAX limitations if possible
Site Q duties
Q sheet, pre-blast, backblast
Exicon, backblast from other regions, winky, Co-Q

Thang 1:
Mosey down to concessions stand wall
Irkens, dips, dirkens, step ups 15,12,10

Thang 2:
Partner up on tennis court
P1 does BTTW on fence
P2 runs suicide (halfway then full)
Rinse and repeat

Thang 3:
P1 holds squat while P2 does 10 dirkens with feet on partners thighs

Out and UPS
American hammers

Ended with announcements and prayer by Rubiks. Nice work by all.

BS out!

7 Jedi of Disney

FNGs: No

Warm Up: Yes – Mozy around the soccer field, Billy Mays Haze, Daisy Pickers, Franks

The Workout: Of Course!

  • Balls to Wall to Plank to Balls to Wall (3x)
  • Mozy to the Stadium entrance
  • Thing – repeat below 2x, increase to 10 reps 2x, increase to 15 reps last round
    • 5x Merkins
    • Sprint to next set of stairs
    • 5x Squats
    • Up Stairs
    • 5x Star Jumps
    • Sprint to top of other stairs
    • 5x WW2s
    • Bottom of stairs
    • 5x Merkins
  • Mozy back to the flag but make some stops along the way
    • Mountain Climbers
    • Poop Eaters

Mary: Yup

  • Requested exercises from PAX
    • Low Slow Flutters
    • Box Cutters

Announcements: Not really

T-Claps (Recognition): Great work TomTom for joining the Travis Manion cleanup crew last weekend and welcome back Kotter :-P.  Also thanks for the Q support today!!!

Prayer: Bobby Bs son Walt is on the mend – thanks for your prayers

How to get schweaty in under a mile.

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Side Straddle Hop, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs
The Workout: We moseyed over to the ball field. Starting at home plate, we performed an exercise at each corner of the field. Squats, Merkins, WWIIs and Mountain Climbers. All 20 count. Five rounds for a total of 100 each. It was such a humid morning that PAX were encouraged to hydrate along the way.
Next we lined up on the brick wall for People’s Chair. 10 count down the line, with 10 PAX, equaling a 100 count. Recovered and lined back up Balls-to-the-Wall. A quick 10 count down the line once more. Moseyed back for Mary.
Mary: LBCs, American Hammers and Homer-to-Marge. Ended with some yoga.
Announcements: Stay hydrated!!!
T-Claps (Recognition): Olaf from F3 Houston for joining us while down range.
Prayer: Stubs!

Red October’s Little Blue Boombox and Puddles

FNGs: 0
Warm Up: Joined up with Mutiny for a warm-up by Banana Seat

The Workout:

While the counts and order of workouts didn’t always stay the same – the general intention was to complete the circuit and start over again as time allowed.  YHC often counted to 9 instead of 10.  Remembered the speaker but left the phone in the car.  Generally, I find Qing kettle bell workouts a little stressful but at one point through this Puddles said “Well I’m sweating!” which made all the difference.

  • Overhead press (10 each arm)
  • Swings (10 each arm)
  • Step-ups with bells (10 each leg)
  • Skull Crushers (15)
  • American Hammers (15)
  • Figure 8s (15)
  • Tricep Extensions (15)
  • Lap Around the field
  • Start back at the top and repeato 3x through the course of the workout

Mary: Low Slow Flutters, Homer to Marge, Dying Cockroach, Supermans, and Captain Thor (thanks BS)


  • 5th of July volunteers for Holly Springs fireworks, See Abe
  • Stubbs meal train
  • BBQ July 30th – start thinking about what to bring

T-Claps (Recognition):

It was great to see Puddles – always good to have one of our own return for a visit.


  • Stubbs, SlideRule

The Return of #12 (& Dauber)

FNGs: none. Welcome back PUDDLES.
Warm Up: Ran around ClubWorx, circled up for SSH, HB, IW, Sir Fazios, Seal Claps, OH claps
The Workout:  Mosey to rock pile and grabbed medium rock.  Circled up around picnic tables.  Lots of 10 cadence exercises with multiple semi-suicides on the pitch after 4 sets of work.  Sets included curls for girls, tricep curls, OH press, squats, bus drivers, wonder bras, from our six, straight arm curls, nipplers, OH press, from plank – slap rocks.  Squat holds waiting for all runners returning from suicides. Returned rocks.  Step ups on curbs.  Bobby Hurley’s back and forth.  Mosey to Tennis courts for Mary.  Did some time on the wall with multiples of BTTW and people’s chair.
Mary:  Lots of stretches, yoga.
Announcements:  March madness contest/fundraiser.
T-Claps (Recognition):  GREAT SEEING PUDDLES back in the gloom!  Can you believe Tom Brady is coming out of retirement?  Oh my.
Prayer: YHC took us out. Unspoken.  Great to back in the gloom after an extended absence due to injury.

Prison Yard workout 1/28

Pax of 13 for another Prison Yard workout

Ball Drop, Double D, Puddles, Sprinkler, LED, Fed EX, Dirty Pipes, Pots, Fram, Marky Mark, Oyster, Yogurt,

Breach on the Q
Warm Up: Run to the end of the driveway and then 22 counts of SSH, Frankensteins, and Cherry Pickers.
The Workout: Stations with 1:30 of work and 25 seconds of rest between stations

The Stations:


     hops through tire with a squat

     Flips with a Merkin


     Moving double waves

      Double arm up and over


      Shoulder shrugs

      Bus Drivers

Jump Rope

      Jog jumps

      Jump Jacks

Kettle Bell


      Upright row with a squat jack

Pain Sticks

      Behind the head squats

       Between the leg squats


       Stepback Lunges 

       Calf steps ups

Mary: 37 reps of Merkins for Ball Drops Birthday

Announcements: Travis Manion Event at Bombshell on Friday, Feb 7th

Prayer: Pray for Sprkinler as his dad recently passed and for FedEx as he tries to reconnect with his son

Comment: Time is a very valuable commodity, it should not be wasted as we can only get 24 hrs in a day. We cant buy more or acquire more, so be present and know that when you give someone your time that is a powerful thing.

Q school 2020 KickOff

Mutiny would be the Q school kick off for 2020. We want to try to offer Q school a lot this year and the best way to do that would be to do it during a workout. This was the first attempt to get all points across while still providing a valid workout. Overall it went pretty well for the first go at it. Here are some details to the action.

FNGs: Welcome Pumps!

Quick Overview:
Plant the flag. Site Q’s responsibility
Any FNG’s. 1-2 mins prior to start
Know your PAX. Who needs encouragement. Don’t leave anyone behind. Start on time 0530. End on time 45 mins end workout. Then COT. People can leave if needed at that time. During workouts, respect the Q. If Q needs correcting, do it after the workout. No questions asked today so I guess the PAX got it all. We can have high expectations moving forward with this group of HIM.

Warm Up:
Warm up exercises, try to mix it up. Static stretches should be avoided and Dynamic stretching is recommended.
Short mosey to circle
SSH – cadence count, how to call and how to end
Not too fast
Windmill (give instruction)
Merkins (teach good form)
Daisy Pickers (slow and what the exercise is for)

The Workout:
Choose a few main events and execute
Bearmuda Triangle
1- plank jacks x20IC
2- hand release merkins x20 OMD
3- prisoner squat x20 on my down

1- Mtn. Climbers x20IC
2- Diamond Merkins x15 on my down
3- Monkey Humpers x15IC

Tennis courts
11’s – common go to or a Dora can be used if more material is needed
Bobby Hurley’s and Burpees
Squat hold or plank hold for 6
5 Burpees OYO for good measure

Improv due to time.
Fence walk ups x10IC

Mary – 6 mins is great for core workout. Stretching works as well.
End at 45 mins or sooner.
– Know the difference between each
J-Lo 1 x10 each side (IC slow 4 count on all fours)
J-Lo 2 x15 IC (Hip touch’s)
LBC’s x10IC (ankles above knees)
Reverse LBCs x10IC

Prayers *Either ask PAX to volunteer or take us out in a word*

Try to meet and great anyone new or new to you. Get to know your PAX of brothers.

Travis Manion foundation event
Krispy Kreme race on Sat
Super Bowl squares (16-bit is in charge)

T-Claps (Recognition):
Puddles EH’ed FNG from before moving. His nephew, finally got him out.

Sprinkle lost dad
Breach grandmother passing
R22’s wife lost her cousin
H1N1 having more tests on injury

Thanks to the PAX for allowing me to use this time to conduct Q school while working out. Any feedback is always appreciated. Holly Springs AO will be next on the schedule.

BS Out!

what better way to start your post Christmas routine?

FNGs: No FNG, but we had a visitor from Greenville, NC (Slalom)
Warm Up: 25 SSH IC, 10 Sir Fazio arm circles, 10 Plank Jacks IC, Stretches
The Workout:6 cones set out for this workout.
1. Set of suicides
2. 10 merkins at each cone (60 total), bear crawl between cones
3. Set of suicides
4. 10 LBC at each cone (60 total), crab walk between cones
5. Set of suicides
6. 5 burpees at each cone (30 total), backwards run between cones
7. Set of suicides
8. 10 squats at each cone (60 total), lunges between cones
9. Set of suicides
10. 10 star jumps at each cone (60 total), duck walk between cones
11. Set of suicides

Mary: LBC, American Hammer, Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Have a Nice Day.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: For everyone injured or sick, and everyone traveling.

Better Late than Never – UvU3

UvU Day 3. Evidently my body was feeling it today. YHC had a difficult morning getting things going. Alarm was set for 0430. Slept right through it. 0523 on the phone and I had to do a double take. I shot out of bed shaking about what to do. Missed EC already. Barely got my contacts in and forgot to drain the main vain. Shot out the door and text Emeril asking him to do warm ups until I arrived. Pulled up to the first stop sign and an elderly person in a Cadillac pulled out first, ah great just my luck. However, this person had a lead foot I appreciated. Both of us hauling tail down Angier Rd. YHC arrived 0536 as warm ups were wrapping up. Took a second to release my liquid before running over to the plethora of HIM all ready to get started. I apologized to the group and did my 5 burpees OYO. Then we blasted off due to my adrenaline rush still on high.

Cupid, H1N1, Messi, Emeril, Axe, 187, LED, Fonzie, Breach, 8-Bit, Dumbo, Yogurt, Popinski, Wiggly, Banana Seat*(post EC)

Warm Up:
Emeril: Lap around courts
Sir Fozio Arm Circles
Good Mornings

The Workout:
Mosey down to baseball field for 11’s
Starting at home plate fence – Hand release merkins in the dirt
Run to center field – Morning Wood (Turkish Get Up) in dew soaked grass
It’s kind of like a Sugar Cookie but not as bad.

Mosey over to tennis courts
Line up on fence directly across from entrance gate for Crabs in a Bucket (but with bear crawls bc Q gave bad instructions)
PAX split in half and went in opposite directions until we reached back at the entrance gate

Next we did 1-legged burpees OYO x5 each leg

Partner up
Broken Wheelbarrow (one leg free) from fence to nets. Switch partners and come back.
Bull Frogs on IR (never been done, one legged) from fence to nets. Switch and return.

Plank hold for most of Mary
Catalina Wine Mixers x10
J-Lo x10
Side ups x10 each side
Pickle pounders x20
Pretzels x10 each side

FB/Slack, Christmas Party 2nd Saturday in Dec., UvU Day 4 tomorrow at Disney (Q will set multiple alarms)

T-Claps (Recognition):
Popinski wearing BT, All those that were able to make it on time

Noah’s Ark M and family, Frumunda’s wife’s friend tragic death

I know it’s probably no big deal to the PAX but I was truly embarrassed about being late today. My body shut down from hearing my alarm which typically I don’t even have to use one. Great job to all you guys for the hard work today. Hopefully, no more malfunctions this week.

BS Out!