
Embrace the suck

The gloom was earning its name today. YHC arrived with a light shower. Set a couple pumpkins on the tables and turned some tunes on. 8 PAX came around the corner to join under the shelter at 0530. I’ll admit I’m usually the one that will go to a shelter during rain to deliver a dry beat down. Not today! I’m adjusting back into the boot camp world and I needed to embrace the suck more than anyone. Here’s how it went down.

Warm up
Good mornings
Fozio arm circles

Pumpkin toss Indian run
– if a pumpkin drops, 3 burpees for everyone. If it breaks, 10 burpees.
– Pax made it 50 ft before the first one hit and burst. 2nd pumpkin made it just over half way before the drop and burst.

Indian run to amphitheater (no more pumpkins)
– Single leg squats at ledge x10 R/L
– Australian mtn climbers x10 IC
– Single leg squats x10 left R/L
– Wall sit hallelujah’s x10 IC
– Single leg squats x10 left R/L
– Australian mtn climbers x10 IC

Indian run to stairs across street
– Bunny hops up
– Carolina dry dock shoulder taps at top x10
– WWI’s at top x10
– Run loop and repeat 5 times

Mosey back to tennis courts
Bear crawl suicides, crawl bear on return, 5 lines total

Chillcut plank

It felt amazing today! Looking forward to leading more and meeting more of the newer PAX. Thanks for allowing me to lead such a strong group. Aye!

BS Out

Block on Main Loops

FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Chinooks
The Workout: PAX moseyed over to the Block on Main for a four corners workout. A different exercise at each corner with a mosey in between. The four corners consisted of upper (merkins, mountain climbers), core (WWIIs, LBCs, etc), lower (squats, squats, squats) and then dips (regular and French). 25 counts each. We managed to get in five rounds before heading back for Mary. PAX did a sprint along Avent Ferry on the way back, just for fun.
Mary: Popcorn Mary, with favorites such as Homer to March, Ankle Grabbers and Freddie Mercurys.
Announcements: Frosty CSAUP coming up Dec 10th. CPR class this evening.
T-Claps (Recognition): Bleeder and Bobby Boucher for EC
Prayer: PAX with ailing family and friends. The girl killed in the parade last weekend.

Full Steam ahead at Downtown Train

FNGs: Tripod!

Warm Up: Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Frankensteins, Sir Fazio Arm circles, seal claps, overhead claps

The Workout: Mosey over to the rock pile.  Get medium size rocks, 15 to 20 reps the Q says. Cusack over to the amphitheater grass. Q splits group into 2.  Group #1 does AMRAP of specified exercise, Group #2 does a lap around the Cultural Center. Curls for the Girls, Overhead Press.  Change of plans. Group #1 does AMRAP of specified exercise, Group #2 holds  Wall Sit until done. 2 Rounds with Ground Pounders and Ruh Rohs maybe? Sorry, I should have done this day of. Another round, Group #1 dips at the picnic tables, Group #2 balls to the wall.  Return the rocks.

Mosey in front of Town Hall.  2 rounds of fast feet on the steps in cadence followed by merkins and diamonds.

Mosey back to parking lot for Mary and stretching.

Mary: 10+ minutes.  YHC called out some various standards, Freddie Mercury’s, WWIIs, and others. Then to popcorn Mary as 10 minutes of Mary is a long time. Some stretching to finish it off.

Announcements: Nov 21 CPR class. Respect week coming up. Others I may be forgetting.

T-Claps (Recognition): Stickers and Sunshine for 2 mile EC. Thanks for the accountability!

Prayer: Runners heading to Richmond this weekend. Unspoken. Apologies if I forgot others.

Big Dogs at Downtown Train

Just like Vince Vaughn I spent the last week out of the gloom and eating a ton.  This morning I signed up to Q as a stake in the ground to set some things right that I had knowingly wronged through illness followed by some vacation.  11 men came out in support.

FNGs: nada

Warm Up: Windmills, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Frankensteins, SSHs

The Workout:

In the parking lot next to the book return

  • 11s featuring Mountain Climbers and Burpees with sprints in between.

At the community center stage – alternating with a partner

  • Balls 2 Walls / Fast Feet 10 count in cadence 3x each
  • Preachers Chair / Fast Feet 10 count in cadence 3x each

From the bottom of Library Hill – Sprint to the top

From the round-a-bout near the flag – Sprint to the Stop Sign near the barber shop

Mary: Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, Ankle Grabbers, LBCs


T-Claps (Recognition):


  • Bleeder’s Daughter
  • Brexit’s Daughter
  • Bondo’s Daughter – due Nov 20
    • “Remember where you come from”

Downtown Train Arrived Before the Cold Spell

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  Bleeder, Stickers and YHC for EC.  Then SSH, frankensteins, good mornings, Sir Fazios…probably some more 

The Workout:  Mosey to the hill by the dumpster for 7s of Star Jumps and Squat Jumps. 

Return to the starting point parking lot for standard merkins.  Mosey to the library for Carolina Dry Docks on the sidewalk curb.  Mosey to the other hill to the left of the parking garage for standard dips.

Repeato, repeato, repeato, but with some variations along the way:  Wide grip and Diamond Merkins, dips with alternating legs raised – threw in two sets of People’s Chair on the library wall, and at least one round of Bear Crawls at the library entrance. 

That’s about it.  Simple but effective mostly upper body workout.  

Mary: Usual stuff, I dunno.

Announcements: T-Claps (Recognition): Prayer: