Embrace the suck
The gloom was earning its name today. YHC arrived with a light shower. Set a couple pumpkins on the tables and turned some tunes on. 8 PAX came around the corner to join under the shelter at 0530. I’ll admit I’m usually the one that will go to a shelter during rain to deliver a dry beat down. Not today! I’m adjusting back into the boot camp world and I needed to embrace the suck more than anyone. Here’s how it went down.
Warm up
Good mornings
Fozio arm circles
Pumpkin toss Indian run
– if a pumpkin drops, 3 burpees for everyone. If it breaks, 10 burpees.
– Pax made it 50 ft before the first one hit and burst. 2nd pumpkin made it just over half way before the drop and burst.
Indian run to amphitheater (no more pumpkins)
– Single leg squats at ledge x10 R/L
– Australian mtn climbers x10 IC
– Single leg squats x10 left R/L
– Wall sit hallelujah’s x10 IC
– Single leg squats x10 left R/L
– Australian mtn climbers x10 IC
Indian run to stairs across street
– Bunny hops up
– Carolina dry dock shoulder taps at top x10
– WWI’s at top x10
– Run loop and repeat 5 times
Mosey back to tennis courts
Bear crawl suicides, crawl bear on return, 5 lines total
Chillcut plank
It felt amazing today! Looking forward to leading more and meeting more of the newer PAX. Thanks for allowing me to lead such a strong group. Aye!
BS Out