Pigskin Practice
6 HIM showed up for some chilly football practice. 19 degrees but it’s a Monday so let’s get the week started.
Lap around clubworx gym
Warm up
Chilly jacks
Pass the peel – Indian run around track with football toss overhead. When it gets to the back, run to front and start over. If someone drops the ball, 1 Turkish getup. 2 laps total. Combine drops for burpees. We had 6 total.
Football drills in lower field
Left/right while chopping. Up/downs on hit.
Ladder shuffle drills 6 times through
Grab a rock
Partner up, similar speed
Devin Hesters – one person takes off sprinting with the rock, P2 does 1 burpee then try’s to catch them. Switch, R&R twice
Tables – dips, irkins, box jumps
reps of 15, 12, 10
Mary on tennis court – popcorn style