
Pigskin Practice

6 HIM showed up for some chilly football practice. 19 degrees but it’s a Monday so let’s get the week started.

Lap around clubworx gym
Warm up
Chilly jacks

Pass the peel – Indian run around track with football toss overhead. When it gets to the back, run to front and start over. If someone drops the ball, 1 Turkish getup. 2 laps total. Combine drops for burpees. We had 6 total.

Football drills in lower field
Left/right while chopping. Up/downs on hit.
Ladder shuffle drills 6 times through

Grab a rock
Partner up, similar speed
Devin Hesters – one person takes off sprinting with the rock, P2 does 1 burpee then try’s to catch them. Switch, R&R twice

Tables – dips, irkins, box jumps
reps of 15, 12, 10

Mary on tennis court – popcorn style


Giving 110% for Kenny

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, hillbillies, imperial walkers, Daisy pickers, sir fazio arm circles, seal claps, overhead claps, Willie Mays Hayes

The Workout: Thing 1: Four Corners
different exercises at each corner
– merkins
– squats
– mountain climbers
Idea was to do 10 count first round, then 20, then 30 and then step it back down. Finkle suggested we do two rounds of 20 so we could get an even 100, and YHC was happy to oblige. Then Banana Seat said that we give 110%, so YHC had the idea to take on one more round of 10 counts for a solid 110!

Thing 2: People’s Chair, 10 count down the line / dips 20 count. Repeated for a total of 2 rounds.

Mary: popcorn Mary

Prayer: Finkle’s brother-in-law, Rico looking for housing


Upper Body Day at THE YARD

Warm Up:  Standard stuff, SSH and the like, but knowing today would be upper body-heavy, I threw in some Sir Fazios and Slo-Mo Merkins to get that whole area ready to go

The Workout:  This is a lazy copy & paste of routine I’ve done before, with the purpose of eschewing a well rounded full body workout for a more targeted beat down of one particular area.  The thang was this:

A warmup of 7’s on the parking lot hill, consisting of LBCs and Squats.  Then the main event was 3 stations, positioned around the community center building:  Merkins, Dips, Carolina Dry Docks.  We hit a set of one, mosey about 1/3 of the way around the building, repeato, repeato repeato. 

Because the mosey was so short and didn’t give us much time to recover between sets, I threw in a few rounds of People’s Chair after 2 or three rounds.  The only other variation was on the Merkins – one set was Diamonds, one set was wide-grip, and the final set was a Merkin Sampler – 4 reps of each. 

Mary: Side hips raises, heel taps maybe, …something difficult FRAM made us do, and probably one more, I dunno.  

T-Claps (Recognition):   The pre-workout message was a reminder of GRATITUDE.  Keeping our mindset off “I HAVE to workout”, and keeping it on “I GET TO/AM ABLE to work out”.  Celebrate physical abilities of our bodies and be grateful for every opportunity to use them as they are intended.

Prayer:  Nemo driving to Ohio with his son for a big time swim competition


Sweaty Rocks


Warm Up: Frankensteins | Sir Fazio’s | SSH | Mtn. Climbers

The Workout: 5 PAX endured the suck with 2 smedium :rock:’s

Mosey with rocks

Wall Sits

5 rounds | 10 x

  • front squats
  • Frog hop over rocks crawl back
  • Should press
  • Mtn climbers
Erkins, Derkins, & Dips then Wall sits again
Moseyed back with rocks

Mary: Homer to Marge (Both legs then alternating single legs) | Pickle Pounders | Crunches | Box Cutters

Prayer: Pothole needs healing after his back surgery so he can make it to Warrant Officer School coming up soon.

Sandbag Dora

6 HIM showed for Prison Yard. After a long night with no power, trees were down and some cleanup needed around South Wake. YHC showed up 3 mins before go time. Breach brought the 60lb, 80lb, 100lb sandbags for some fun.

Lap around blue loop with stops
Good mornings, SSH, arm circles, decline merkins on hill, squats
Took 10 mins which was a bit longer than expected.

Sand bag Dora
50 burpee jump overs
100 squat jumps bag on shoulders
150 curls
200 chest press
250 LSF bag overhead
P1 does reps while P2 runs down lot hill and back. Switch repeat.

Mary wasn’t allowed in the yard today due to assault with an ice pick.

No new announcements
Prayers and thanks. Those that participated in 2nd F clean up. Those traveling and injured PAX.

Rule the day men!
BS Out

Swinging for Jeannette

FNGs: Lyft


Warm Up: Side Shuttle Hop, Michael Phillips, Fozie Arm Circles


The Workout:

EMOM Style workout. 
1st set- 3 rounds (12 minutes)

15 full KB Swings

15 Goblet Squats

6 Cleans per side

5 Clean and squat per side


2nd set- 3 rounds (6 minutes)

20 half KB swings

10 Clean and Press


3rd set- 3 rounds (6 minutes)

15 full KB swings

10 Burbees


2 rounds of abs from the April Ab Challenge


FV trash clean up on Saturday 

T-Claps (Recognition): welcome Lyft Prayer: Rubik’s extended family member, FRAM’s coworker suffering from a loss of a loved one.