
Can You Smell the Granite?

First day of the June Challenge and dues were showing up eager to start posting some points. I haven’t written a backlist in about 2 months…but nothing like a challenge to light a fire under you…so here goes! Great to see these 11 guys out there pushing each other…while we pushed rocks today and seeing all these HIM putting in a strong pace on the indian runs!

EC: Dahmer, Bleeder, Yogurt, YHC

FNG’s: None
Warm Up: SSH x 20, Good Mornings x 10, Sir Fazio’s x 10 (F/R), Imperial Walkers x 10, Chinooks x 10, Windmills x 10, a quick mosey over to the bridge.
The Workout: Two lines, mile long figure 8 Indian Run around and through the ball fields, stopping 4 times: 5 burpees/15 merkins, 5 burpees/15 ct. BTTW, 5 burpees/15 irkins, 5 burpees/15 ct. People’s Chair.  A quick mosey together over to the rock pile and while many PAX began circling up, YHC instructed them rather to head over to the grassy hill for 11’s. There was some groaning about…

11’s on the grassy hill being sire not to wake the residents. Ground Pounders, run up the hill, Wonderers, all IC.

Once finished, we did a rock push bear crawl back across the parking lot with lots of guys picking up the 6…which I think was me today.

We circled up for some rock exercises which included two rounds of the following: Curls for the Girls x 15, Triceps x 15, Rut-Rows x 10 IC. Guys were told to grab 2 smaller hand held rocks and we did a series of 20 ct. shoulder exercises including Front Raise, Lateral Raise, and Press.

We returned rocks and returned the long way around Womble in 1 Indian Run line with a jailbreak at the end. We logged just a bit over two miles as we headed in for Mary.

Mary: LBC’s x 15 IC, LSF’s x 15 IC, Homer to Marge x 15 IC. 30 seconds of Have a nice Day!
Announcements: June Challenge underway, Help Stubs with the Meal Train on 3rd F.
T-Claps (Recognition): Sand Crab gave YHC some COT kudos!
Prayer: FedEx two boys are graduating HS!, some guidance for them as they move into the future. Prayers for Stubs, Lipstick. YHC took us out!

Rollin’ with my PAX

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Quick mosey around the library. Hasselhoff was able to catch up with the group after parking late and taking a wrong turn down Library Hill (penalty burpees were skipped accordingly). SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fozio Arm Circles, Seal Claps and Overhead Claps
The Workout: YHC brought the workout die. We moseyed around downtown as we let the die decide our fate. Exercises performed included

  • frog squats/jumps
  • People’s Chair
  • planks
  • mountain climbers
  • and 30 burpees.

We got a little over 1.5 miles along the way.
Mary: Popcorn Mary all around including 30 Murkins (thanks Pumpkin Spice).
Announcements: Keep PAX that are training for events in your thoughts and offer some encouragement. Also, donate blood!
T-Claps (Recognition): Hasselhoff for tackling Library Hill solo!
Prayer: Stubs’s upcoming MRI, Best in Show’s neighbors.