
Miserable Mile

9 HIM started and added 1 more shortly after for what looked good on paper but a bit too much in real life.

Warm up
Red Bull Smurf jacks
Michael Phelps

Miserable Mile
Lap 1 – wheelbarrow straights, frog hop turns
Lap 2 – partner carry switch when needed
Lap 3 – lunge walk straights, bear crawl turns (modified 2nd turn to skips due to time and energy levels)
Lap 4 – strong jog (not enough time for what Q had planned)

Mary didn’t show up. We did have a nice trunk coffee afterwards.

Thanks for coming out men and trying to push ourselves outside the comfort zone.

BS Out!

EGG-cellent workout

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, WMH, Arm-circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Michael Phelps.

The Workout:

Circuit #1: PAX chose a coupon (sets of dumbbells, weight plates, weight vest, mace bell, kettlebells, slam ball)

Selected exercise from Easter basket (plastic eggs).  Stacked exercises.  Did each exercise 10 count in cadence: Triceps, Row, Curls, Halos, Ground Pounder, Death March, Shoulder Press. 

Circuit #2: Selected exercise and number from Easter basket: Urkins, Durkins, Dips, Step Ups; Round 1: 15 count; Round 2: 10 count

Circuit #3: Each PAX did 10 inverted rows on playground then murder bunnies the circumference of the playground. PAX alternated doing 10 merkins and 10 squats while waiting for inverted row bar and for other PAX to complete their murder bunnies

Mary: American Hammer, Box Cutter, LSF, Shoulder Stretch. 

Announcements: April Ab Challenge, Bottle Share coming up, 

T-Claps (Recognition): No Regerts new to F3. Two posts in a row. 

Prayer: PAX struggling to find work, struggling marriages, sibling with addiction. 

Cinderblocks murder Disney

Warm up lap around fields
Good mornings
Smurf jacks
Sir fozio
Mtn climbers

Grab cinder blocks
Take them to turf fields Cusack style
Murder bunnies with wonder bras built in for 50Yds
Colt 45’s
Murder bunny with diamond merkins back 50Yds
Bolt 45’s
Mosey down and back
Block swings x15
Dips on block x20 IC
Sprint field then lunge walk back
Cinderblock squat leg lifts x20 (squat down onto block and lift legs then back up)
Rocky toe taps x20 IC

Mary on turf decline
American Hammers
Freddy Mercury’s
Dying Cockroach

Strong work today by all PAX. Definitely one for the books.

BS Out!

Sandbag Dora

6 HIM showed for Prison Yard. After a long night with no power, trees were down and some cleanup needed around South Wake. YHC showed up 3 mins before go time. Breach brought the 60lb, 80lb, 100lb sandbags for some fun.

Lap around blue loop with stops
Good mornings, SSH, arm circles, decline merkins on hill, squats
Took 10 mins which was a bit longer than expected.

Sand bag Dora
50 burpee jump overs
100 squat jumps bag on shoulders
150 curls
200 chest press
250 LSF bag overhead
P1 does reps while P2 runs down lot hill and back. Switch repeat.

Mary wasn’t allowed in the yard today due to assault with an ice pick.

No new announcements
Prayers and thanks. Those that participated in 2nd F clean up. Those traveling and injured PAX.

Rule the day men!
BS Out


Not so yellow brick road

FNGs: Trash Plate (originally from Western NY)

Warm Up: F3 mission statement and disclaimer, SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout: The task is simple, but not easy. Mosey the length of the greenway and back, stopping at every light post for a 10-count exercise. Exercises on the way out were a rotation of merkins, WWIIs and squats. On the way back we had mountain climbers, Freddie Mercuries and walking lunges. We covered about 1.6 miles in all.

Mary: American Hammers, Homer-to-Marge, light stretching

Announcements: backpacks, Warbucks 5 year anniversary and collecting items for UNC children’s critical care.

T-Claps (Recognition): Trash Plate for coming out and joining us, and Loafer for coming out for a third time. Keep it going fellas!

Prayer: Trash Plate’s friend, Loafer’s daughter

Rockin’ it at Possum Trot

FNGs: None

Warm Up: What is the mission statement of F3?  SSH, Frankenstein, SFAC, Mosey, Hillbillies, Imperial walkers, Good Mornings, mosey 

The Workout: Each Pax grabs 2 rocks one heavy and one medium. Reps 15-20 with the medium rock, followed by 8-12 with the heavy. (or really whatever you could do and maintain form) 


Set 1: Overhead press, Rut Rows, Single arm press.

Set 2: Squats, Deadlift, Calf Raises, American Hammer (medium rock), Midget Cookie Pouch (but keep rock above your face and curl up to the sky) Toe touches 3 touches 1 rep, went to 10

Set 3: Bench press, Curls for gurls, Tricep Ext. 

Set 4: Ground Pounder Squat Press, Squirrel Squats  

Mary:  Stretched and took inventory

Announcements: Mission moving (sat) Road Clean up. Check Slack  

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer:  All unspoken. 

Sandbaggin Sum Beaches 6/26/23

FNGs: None but been EHing like mad.

Warm Up: SSH, Frankenstein, SFAC, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies

The Workout: Took 3 sandbags to the Tennis courts. Couldn’t drop them 1 burpee penalty for dropping. Corner 1 exercises: LBC, BTW, Reverse LBC, Corner 2: Std merkin, wide merkin, diamond merkin. Corner 3: Plank Jacks and 2 others I can’t remember. Corner 4: absolutions. Each time we went to a new corner we did: Reverse Guantanimo Sandy Bays, Walking BTW, Bear crawls, Crab Walks, Walking Willie Mays Hayes. All exercises were 16 reps except Absolutions.       

Mary: Several various abs 

Announcements: Naner cet Q at Prison Yard. Keep EH guys. Even the Odds on June 30th. 

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Unspoken

Honor to Lead! 

Triple Nickel on Big Red

8 HIM came out to Prison Yard for some hill work.

Mosey over to side parking lot
Sir Fozio Arm Circles
Willie Mayes Hayes
Good Mornings
Lower Stretching

Triple Nickel
We ran to the bottom of Big Red which is around 0.3 miles.
5 Absolutions
Run back up to the top.
5 Kraken burpees (3 hand release merkins in burpee)
We repeated that 5 times
The last round we only had enough time to go half way down and back but still completed the reps.

Mosey back to start for 1 minute of cool down with stretching and deep breaths.

Announcements: Q sheet always needs help, You vs You this Friday at Sheepdog
Prayers: Injured PAX, unspoken
Sunshine took us out.

Lots of deep breathing today on Big Red. Great work PAX! Thanks for allowing me to lead. Rule the day.

BS Out!

Earn that Bacon

Today was a first in F3SouthWake. A few PAX have been talking for a few years about having a 2nd F breakfast after a workout to showoff their skills on the griddle. Finally, the day was here. We had an early start (0515) and a shorter (30 min) workout to accommodate this event. YHC had the Q and wanted to PAX to earn that bacon and sausage. We arrived at 0500 to get set up. There were 23 total PAX that came out to enjoy this first time event at Possum Trot, SW’s Original AO site. YHC forgot a cone for the workout so a banana would be the substitute. So I grabbed one and here’s what some PAX called 30 mins of Hell.

Warm up
Mosey down to lower part of park for some carioca, butt kickers, high knees, and slides.
Gather at concession stand area.
Willie Mayes Hayes
Plank Jacks

The Thang
Partner Dora
100 – Hand Release Merkins
200 – Shoulder Taps (each side cts as 1)
300 – Squat Jumps
Partner not doing exercises bear crawls to the banana (roughly 25 yards), complete 3 burpees, run back.

With 3 mins to go, we completed Dora gathered back to the starting lot. This is Fuquay’s finest parking lot that comes with razor blade rocks for your liking. We were about to have pancakes with our meat and cup of Joe so I figured let’s try something I’ll call a “flapjack”. Pax lays on their back. Do a WWI then roll over and complete a merkin. 10 total OYO. Everyone got to experience this never forgetting parking lot.

No new PAX.
Announcements: Breach with Travis Manion event on April 28. Details on slack.
Prayers: traveling PAX, those with injuries
Quick word: Easter weekend is here. Remember Jesus and what he went through this week. Hope that everyone can worship this Sunday and reflect on his sacrifice.

This was a very successful event. Hopefully we can do this again possibly in the fall. Thanks for all the PAX that attended and especially for those that contributed to an amazing breakfast. Fonzie and LED on the griddles. Abacus with coffee. Breach and his bigger table that wouldn’t fit in his micro machine car. Thanks for the support and allowing me to lead such a strong group.

BS Out!


F3 Field Day

11 HIM came out for a fun yet challenging workout. YHC is calling it F3 Field Day. The rain soaked the field and the sprinklers were running in different areas but we still played. Here is how the action went down.

Warm ups
Sir Fozio Arm Circles
Squatted pulses
Merkin pulses
Michael Phelps

Mosey out to the track and over to the first event.

1. Shot Put – 1 attempt the shot put the 10 LB blue ball as far as you can. Winner Fram
2. Disc Throw – 1 attempt to through the light up disc as far as you can. Winner Cupid
3. Long Jump – School actually has this. 2 attempts. 8-Bit
4. Potato Sack race – two heats, top 2 from each race final. Winner Fram by a hair!
5. 3 Legged Race – down 25 yds turn around and back to start. Winner Fram & Cupid. Lots of rubbing going on at the finish line. See video.
6. 50 YD Bear Crawl – Winner Fram (wasn’t even close)
7. Agility Race – run the ladders then around the cones. Elimination style until final 2. Winner Shredder
8. 100 YD Dash – Top 5 were tight but Winner 8-Bit
9. Tug of War – 5 vs 5 in the wet grass. Winners Shredder, Moose, Yogurt, Gump, Kitty Litter

This was a blast. Time went by really fast. Talk of having another one with The Office games involved. Fram took home the most gold medals and a big packet of beef jerky. Great job to all and this was a blast.

BS Out!