NYE Prison Yard Q

“This AO is Sponsored by Go Ruck!”

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good Morning, Willie Mays Hayes, Sir Fasio Fwd/Bkwd, OH Claps, Seal Claps, SSH

The Workout: 8 Stations with 16 workouts 90 sec work &30 sec rest/switch. 

Stations were as follows:

Coupon Rd#1 Rd#2
50lb Ruck Single Arm Row Bear Crawl Drag
Cindy Murder Bunnies Redrum Rabbits
80lb Sandbag/ 40lb Sandbag Squats Squat Shots
60lb Sandbag Over Head Press Chest Press
80lb Sandbag  Deadlift Jump Over Burpees
80lb Sandbag Ball / 50lb Sandbag Sandbag Burpees Dung Beetle
55lb Sandbag Jerry Can John Cusak Kettle Bell Swing

Mary:  Popcorn with reps of 24 in cadence: Low Slow Flutter/Hello Dolly/Heel Tap/V-Hold/WWII (clock ran out on @BananaSeats Pickel Pounders) we will try to do better next year.

Announcements: Q Sheet Needs attention at all AO’s.  The goal for Prison Yard is to be booked out 2 Months minimum in 2025.

T-Claps (Recognition): To everyone for a strong year

Prayer: All the unspoken and Injured Pax

Prison Yard (Stack the Deck) 7/9/24

Warm Up: Jog around the building and 22 counts of SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, HillBillies and Frankensteins 

The Workout: (Stack the Deck) 

Run around the building: 

25 Merkins, 25 LBC’s 25 Squats 

Run around the building: 

30 Merkins, 30 LBC’s 30 Squats 

Run around the building: 

35 Merkins, 35 LBC’s 35 Squats 

Run around the building: 

30 Merkins, 30 LBC’s 30 Squats 

Run around the building: 

25 Merkins, 25 LBC’s 25 Squats 

Finished with 3 rounds of: 

60 sec Peoples Chair, Balls to the Wall & plank hold 

Final plank of 2 mins to end the workout.


Timberland is going on to a new phase of his life, we want to wish him all the best. 


Timberland and Rico- prayers for both 

Dante’s Peak (5/14/24

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Various exercises, Mosey to bottom of ole red,

The Workout: Jog to Dante’s Peak

Trip 1 > Mosey up, 10 I/C ab at top and back to bottom. Trip 2 > Bear Crawl up (abs top and bottom) Trip 3 > Crab Walk (abs at top and bottom) Trip 4 > Sprint (Abs at Top and Bottom) Trip 5 > 10 broad jumps then 10 lunges, Rinse and repeat till you made it to the top. 

Mosey back to the Parking lot. I’m pretty sure I was getting called names and guys were swearing in true mumblechatter fashion. 

Mary: No time

Announcements: Check Slack 

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Gratitude, traveling, healing, Praise for M’s. Unspoken. 

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We’re going on a bear hunt (5/7/24)

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout
Thing 1: 11s on the golf path. Merkins at the bottom, bear crawl to the top, squats at the top, mosey back down.

Thing 2: 1 PAX stood guard over the bench and did dips while the other 4 did a quick loop around the club house. On return, PAX rotated until every one had a turn at dips.

Mary: Popcorn Mary, followed by some stretching.

Announcements: check Slack

T-Claps (Recognition): Clean Sweep for getting back out after an absense.

Prayer: Nemo’s family

Pyramid BLIMPS with Cindy

4 HIM for visiting time at Prison Yard. No visitors showed but the regular inmates still got swole with Cindy.

Long mosey down green trail for WU’s
Good mornings
Trunk twists

Grab a cinderblock
BLIMPS x5 each then lap around center
Repeat x10, x15, x20, x15, x10
Ran out of time for last round.
B – blockies (burpees with block)
L – lunges with block (both legs one)
I – imperial walker (no block)
M – merkins on block
P – plank jacks on block
S – block squats

Even Mary didn’t make it for visiting.

We ended in COT and prayer.
Strong work today men.
BS out!

Murderer’s Row


Warm Up: Disclaimer, Mission, SSH,Frankenstein’s Good mornings, SFAC, Stretch, 

The Workout:

12,10,8,6 50/60/80/120. Squats/lunge/ PClean/ 1 SB burpee at end due to time.

24,20,16,12 {bar w/plates, cinder block,25lbs,kettle bell} (Bench/WW3/toe touches

Mary: Couldn’t do it. 

Announcements: Travis Manion WOD date change, Beer ruck, Q-more. 

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: FlipPhone’s M had good news regarding medical follow-up.  Unspoken 

Death Row at PY (take 2)

6 HIM showed up to Prison Yard. YHC had planned to finish the last Q at PY since we never completed it. Only this time we modified to 7’s instead of 11’s which was a great idea because we still barely finished. Inmates were begging to go back inside but they had to finish first.

Part Two:

7’s with crab walk (40-45 yds each way)
Reverse LBC IC and Turkish getups with 3x IC crab cakes in the middle on each pass.
Lap around clubhouse

7’s with bear crawl
Pickle pounders IC and Absolutions with 3 shoulder taps half way
Lap around clubhouse back to flag

Mary wasn’t allowed in the yard today.

Strong push men! Glad we got through that. Fram asked to shelf that one for a long time and I agree. We finished up with announcements and prayer.

BS Out!

Cast your Vote

FNGs: None

Warm Up: various

The Workout:

Arms– Dragonfly merkins

#1 man BC to plank hold

#2 man 2 laps feet on shoulders

3-5 same all on each has that many merkins. 5-1. Switch order (run 6,7,8)

Legs– 7’s block Squat at top, lunge walk down jump knee tucks at bottom, backwards run to top.

Abs– Twisted WW3 4x,Block press with heel taps,Tug boats (chill cut arm lock, one man pulls while other holds elbow tight to body)  ((press on shoulder 15 count/ pull on tricep 15 count)) or pull/ press block like tug o war.

Mary: no time

Announcements: check slack

T-Claps (Recognition): Ricco and son getting out to church

Prayer:Banana Seat Aunt Penny passing, Rocco’s friend Eddie passing, Unspoken

Wheelbarrow 11’s…WTH?!?

7 PAX and 1 HC no show for Prison Yard. Today’s goal was 3 sets of 11’s. Little did I know we would only get started on the 2nd round before time expired. YHC planted the flag and off we go at 0530.

Warm up
Good mornings x11
SSH’s x11
Arm circles x11
Seal claps x11
Overhead claps x11
Squats x11

Mosey to opposite side of clubhouse
11’s with partner wheelbarrows (take turns)
WWI’s on one end and burpees on the other. 3 dirkens at half way cone while in wheelbarrow position.
– Roughly 40 yds from end to end with a cone in the middle
(Modify to lunge walk after 5 rds each due to difficulty)

11’s with crab walk
Reverse LBC IC & Turkish getups with 3x IC crab cakes was the plan. We ended up doing half the distance with getups on one end and crab cakes on the other. Only made it 2 or 3 passes before time was up.

We finished up with a mosey around the clubhouse and back to the flag just past 45 mins.

Strong work to those who posted for this one. Cancun had to hit the showers early to practice soap dropping. Hopefully we will finish this one up the next time YHC has the Q at the Yard.

BS Out!

Prison Yard 7 X 4

7 PAx took to the yard for an all-body weight Tabata-style workout.

Fram, Banana Seat, Flip Phone, Sunshine, Stove Pipe, and Abacus the OG. Breach was on the Q.


A short mosey around the parking with some stops to enjoy 22 counts of Frkesteins, Side Straddle Hops, Calf Raises and Peoples Chair Seal Claps


7 exercises x 4 Rounds. Each exercise was for 60 seconds with 20 sec of rest repeated 4 times.


Prisoner Squats

Apollo Ohons (Skaters)

Reverse Lunges

Mountain Climbers

Low Slow Flutter

Peter Parkers

Ended with 2 mins of stretching



Road clean up project this Sat with the Travis Manion Foundation at 9 am.


Banana Seats neighbors, lost loved ones recently.