
A Frozen Pyramid of Ice and Pain

On the coldest day of the year, these PAX worked their arms and legs to build a pyramid of ice and pain with coupons found in the drainage ditch.


Warm Up: Run 1 lap + Mt. Climbers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Elephant Walk

The Workout:

10 Curls-for-the-Girls, 10 Tris-for-the-Guys, 10 Lunges, 10 Squats, run 1 lap

20 Curls-for-the-Girls, 20 Tris-for-the-Guys, 20 Lunges, 20 Squats, run 2 lap

30 Curls-for-the-Girls, 30 Tris-for-the-Guys, 30 Lunges, 30 Squats, run 3 lap

20 Curls-for-the-Girls, 20 Tris-for-the-Guys, 20 Lunges, 20 Squats, run 2 lap

10 Curls-for-the-Girls, 10 Tris-for-the-Guys, 10 Lunges, 10 Squats, run 1 lap

Mary: Low Slow Flutters (@Yogurt -style), Hello Dollies, Reverse LBCs, LBC, WWIs, Pickle Pounders, Side Plank hold (left then right)

Prayer: H1N1’s shoulder surgery

Pole suicide stack’ems

7 HIM showed for Kenny’s Grave.

We ran a warm up lap around the upper baseball field.
WU in parking lot
Sir fozio arm circles
Mtn climbers

Mosey to first light pole for instructions.
Suicide stack’em exercises.
Run to first light pole. 10 star jumps
Run back to home base and repeat.
Run to 2nd. 20 merkins
Back to home base for both exercises.
Run to 3rd. 30 squats
Back for all 3 exercises.
Run to 4th. LBC’s
Back for all 4.

Mosey to center of basketball court.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

BS Out

Dirty Diamond, PUs, 7’s at the Grave

5 on time PAX started out and the 6 joined 6 mins later for 6 penalty burpees. Mission statement was missed so I owe penalties for that one.

WU lap around parking lot butt kickers, high knees and slide moves

Mtn climbers

Baseball field (3 innings)
Wheelbarrow/bearcrawl to each base x10 Carolina dry docks
BJB to each base with x10 monkey humpers
Inch worm/duck walk each base with x10 star jumps

Pull ups in dugout x20
Wall work – Australian min climber, wall sit hallelujahs, BTTW shoulder taps

Hill 7’s – merkins and squats

American hammers
Boat canoes
Heels to heaven
Freddy Mercury’s

COT and prayer
Kenny’s Grave still looking for a new site Q

Nice push guys.
BS out!


A Year of Progress

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Kept the count guessing to simulate my discomfort and confusion of my first F3 Workout

Good Mornings

Daisy Pickers

SFAC Fwd/Bkwd

Seal Claps

OH Claps

SSH 52 IC (one for every week)

The Workout:

Battle Rope Timer – 40 OH Slams
Run Station
Tri’s for the guys
Ground pounders
Jump Rope (Heavy)
80lb chest press
35lb KB swing
40lb Lawnmower
25lb DB Curls 4 Girls
120lb Rutrow
60lb OH Press
Sandbag Burpees
55lb Halos between the legsGreat work today men, and I appreciate the support today and for the entire year!

Mary: Popcorn Style

Freddie Mercury 15 IC



Meat Gazers


Run the Quay on Saturday 6/1/24 – F3 tent 

H1N1 has the Q at Sheepdog doing Stretchy Abs

Dad’s workout revival push, Fram has the 6/15/24 for June @womble, pick it up on the Q.

T-Claps (Recognition):

T-Claps from Fram for the 1yr, staying committed and continuing to grind.  Also, reminding the group to find someone excelling in each one of the F3 lanes to help you improve.


Unspoken, Stovepipe led us out.

5.2.2024 Kenny’s Grave 4 corners

**** @Warbucks was out rucking around spying on us. ****

Warm-Up: Mosey lap, Sir Fazio arm circles, Hillbillies, SSH, Good Mornings, Walkouts

Main Event: Pax got a rock of choice from the rock pile and we went over to the squarish rectangle by the flag pole for a fun time of 4 corners.  We did ab exercises at corner 1 with our rocks, corner 2 was a version of wall exercises, corner 3 was  a leg station, and corner 4 was a push-up station.  Moving around the stations was a real treat.  We did bear crawls, crab walks, lunge walks, and duck walks.

Mary: ABC’s (good choice @Griswold) and Pickle Pounders (a @Haggis special).

COT: Prayers for @Finkle’s brother and family, @H1N1’s daughter.



FNGs: None

Warm Up:

Enforced the standard (Mission Statement & Core Principals) with 10 Pay the man burpees

SSH (IC) – 10 reg & 10 Double time

Imperial Walkers (IC) – 10

Hillbillies (IC) – 10

Goodmorning (IC) – 10

Willie Mays Hayes (IC) – 10

Mosie to the Rock Pile

The Workout:

Select a medium to large rock, the goal of the workout is controlled reps with the intention of failure. 

John Cusack back to the location

3 sets for every workout 1st Set 15-20 Reps, 2nd Set 10-12, 3rd Set 6-8 reps.  Then 15 Goblet squats in between each exercise group.  

Exercises: (Making sure to Squat Hold or V to pick up the six.)

Ground Pounder


Chest Press

Shoulder Press

Curls for the Girls

WWIV (WWIII with Lat Pull) – Sets were modified to 12/8/6

John Cusack back to return the Rock

Mosie back


Boat Canoes




Announcements: Manion WOD 5/3/24 @Cletus see slack to sign up

T-Claps (Recognition): None

Prayer: @abacus the OG M is traveling, prayers for safe travels and help to hold down the fort while she is gone successfully.

411 Reps on 4-11

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Disclaimer, Mission Statement, SSH, Frankensteins, Daisy Pickers, SFAC, Micheal Phelps. 

The Workout:

1 – learn one thing about your partner 

10 – Reverse Murder bunnies uphill (each)

20 – Wheelbarrow rock flips (each)

30- American Hammers w/ rock I/C (each)

40 – Rock squats (each)

50 – SB  burpees 80lbs bag (combo) 

60 – Pull-ups (sets of 10 w assist combo) 

200 – Double handed rope slams (combo)

Mary: No time 

Announcements: Everyone said one thing they learned about their partner, Fill up the Q-sheet. 

T-Claps (Recognition): Prayer of Gratitude for Buttermilk Headache went away. 

Prayer: Safe Travels B.S.  Unspoken.

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Let The Circle Be Unbroken

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Side-straddle Hops, Various Stretches

The Workout:

  • CIRCLE #1 = Carolina Dry-docks x10 OMD/OMU, Indian Bear Crawl, Rochamburpees x10, Crunches IC to 20, Lunges x10 each leg OYO, Everests x10 OYO
  • CIRCLE #2 = Carolina Dry-docks x9 OMD/OMU, Indian Bear Crawl, Rochamburpees x9, Crunches IC to 18, Lunges x9 each leg OYO, Everests x9 OYO
  • CIRCLE #3 = Carolina Dry-docks x8 OMD/OMU, Indian Bear Crawl, Rochamburpees x8, Crunches IC to 16, Lunges x8 each leg OYO, Everests x8 OYO
  • CIRCLE #4 = Carolina Dry-docks x7 OMD/OMU, Indian Bear Crawl, Rochamburpees x7, Crunches IC to 14, Lunges x7 each leg OYO, Everests x7 OYO
  • CIRCLE #5 (Blitz Round) = Carolina Dry-docks x6 OMD/OMU, Indian Bear Crawl, Rochamburpees x6, Crunches IC to 12, Lunges x6 each leg OYO, Everests x6 OYO

Mary: None due to time

Announcements: See Slack

Prayer: Finkle’s daughter regarding a potential job change, H1N1’s daughter with a potential concussion, general injured PAX.

Push & Pull

FNGs: none

Warm Up: normal Warm o Rama

The Workout: Partner up with a large rock for both PAX. One PAX starts 30 reps of an exercise and the other takes a lap around the community center. They meet after a time and switch off. Curls, overhead press, squat, ground pounder. 

Thing 2: One partner bear crawls and pushes a small rock down the parking lot. Other partner runs to the end and back. Switch spots and repeat. Changes to walking lunges instead of bear crawls after 3 rounds. 

Mary: popcorn

Announcements: Q School, 2nd F opportunities on slack

T-Claps (Recognition): all the hulks smashing rocks

Prayer: PAX traveling

Q School – Session 1 2024

12 PAX for a mixer of Kenny’s Grave and Q school. Here’s a review.

Why Q school? This is to help with F3 formality (uniform) across all regions so if you attend an AO in New York or Texas it’ll still be close to the same structure.

3 main topics to cover – How to Q? Why to Q? (new exciting things) Are you ready to Q?

Sample structure for warm up with some discussion:
Disclaimer, warmup, workout (the thang), Mary, CoT – 45 mins total time, get a watch. Assign a sweeper if you have a large group of FNG’s.
Bring a Flag if you plan to Q. If you don’t have one, ask site Q to bring one.

Conduct WU and have guys take turns with exercises. SSH, Good Mornings, etc.

Be ready for CoT with announcements and prayer requests/praises

Review during workout:
Cadence Count
Form and rep count
Know your PAX limitations if possible
Site Q duties
Q sheet, pre-blast, backblast
Exicon, backblast from other regions, winky, Co-Q

Thang 1: Dora with bear crawl timer. 50 diamond merkins, 100 monkey humpers, 150 groiners,
Thang 2: Basketball court 7’s – burpees and absolutions

Thanks for attending men!