Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 6.00.44 PM Large

The Name Game

FNGs: None

3 Bootcampers; 2 Ruckers

Warm Up: Carry coupon to shelter, Good Morning, Arm Circles, WMH

The Workout:

#1 Two Rounds with Coupon (KB or Dumbbell) x 10: Curls, Triceps, Rows, OH Press

#2 : 5 count each exercise.  PAX chose exercise that began with their name.  We built as we went going through first, middle and last name since we only had 3 PAX.  

Exercises: American Hammer Anthony, Bolt 45 (15) Bob (Robert), Halo Hageman, Eric to Marge, Peoples’ Chair Horacio, No (Low) Slow Flutter Neimann, Smurf Jack Jeff, Tricep Thomas, Dip Dudley

#3 Finished with a round of curls, triceps, rows , press w coupon

Mary: Return coupons, GM, Forward Fold

Announcements: Help Dauber’s son move this Saturday. 

Prayer: Love and Lead well today men. 

How many Jump Ropes?

FNGs: None

Warm Up:5 min of various

The Workout:

ME: Thang 1

  1. Squat Jumps /Speed Skaters
  2. High knees/Forward Back Feet
  3. Tuck jumps / Leg swings 
  4. Calf raises / Heisman
  5. Lateral bounds/single-leg Deadlift
  6. Butt kicks/Jump Lunges
  7. 1000 jump ropes per PAX. 

Thang 2: Yoga

Mary: During Yoga

Announcements: Painting, Q-sheet

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Lost family members, Injured Pax, unspoken (YHC took us out)


King TUT at TBD


FNGs: None

Warm Up: Mission Statement / Disclaimer / 5 Burpee penalty for lat PAX. Mosey to Rock pile & pickout a Medium to Large rock. Squat hold for the six. Burpee penalty for Plunger getting a weenie rock.  SSH/Good mornings/Stretch Hamstrings, SFAC,

The Workout:  All exercises were performed with an I/C 3 count on the positive and neg muscle contraction. 20 count or 10 reps for 99% of exercises.  5 burpee penalty if you dropped your rock without the Q’s direction..cough cough Yogurt, Bleeder. 

Set 1:   Curl/Tri/press (3 count on neg/pos)

Set 2: Squat/single leg lunge/good morning (3 count on neg/positive)

Set 3: HTM/WW1/Weighted side plank

Set 4: squirrel squat/lunge hold single arm press

Set 5 (Mary): Wheelbarrow flip 25/Heel touches w/press

Mary: We thanked ourselves and someone who’s been frustrating us.

Announcements: WOD, and Beer Ruck

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Friend of Plunger’s Dad diagnosed with throat cancer. Unspoken 

TBD if suicides are all fun and games

FNGs: none

Warm Up: side straddle hop, imperial walkers, hillbillies, merkins, frankensteins, prisoner squats, sir fazio arm circles, seal claps

The Workout: 

PAX did a short Indian run to the opposite parking lot. Workout was suicides to the trees in the median. 1st Stop = 10 star jumps, return home, 2nd stop = 20 merkins, return home, 3rd stop = 30 star jumps, return home, 4th stop = 40 merkins. Return home. Work your way back down at 5th, 6th and 7th tree returning home each time. 


Mosey to amphitheater for some dips, step ups and erkins then continue on to rock pile.

Medium rock for some All about the Benjamins. 25 curls for the girls, 25 lunges, 25 squats, 25 lunges, 25 overhead press, 25 lunges, 25 chest press followed by 20 skull crushers and 20 ruh rohs. 

Trade rocks for some handheld size and perform static lateral and front raises as well as some static curls for the girls.

Popcorn Mary around the circle for 11 total exercises (Sorry Kosher!)

Announcements: Several on track for a 5 pack this week.

T-Claps (Recognition): Good work to those putting in the effort for the 5 pack

Prayer: Captain Kangaroo F3 Raleigh passed away. Koshers dad undergoing surgery. Bobby Bouchers family. 


A little confusion couldn’t stop us


Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Windmills, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout: On the menu today was a modified Murph, done AMRAP style (no specific count to achieve). Since it was rainy, Best In Show made the recommendation that we modify the pull-ups as to not slip and risk injury. We opted for dips instead. 

We started out with a quick lap around the soccer fields. Then it was explained that this would be an AMRAP workout, 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off. Three exercises: dips, merkins, squats. Free to do them in whichever order, but switch each time. The idea of an AMRAP Murph seemed to throw PAX for a loop at first, but these are a bunch of smart guys and they caught on pretty quickly. We were able to get in 7 rounds of that before closing it out with another lap around the soccer fields.

Mary: Popcorn Mary

Free CPR class at Holly Springs Library, Feb 7 at 6:30pm!
– Watch out for your fellow PAX and reach out when you think they could use some help.

T-Claps (Recognition): Arby’s has come out of the gate strong! Third workout in a row and just started. Try to keep up fellas!

Prayer: Best In Show had an unspoken, reaching out to a friend

Reindeer Tryouts amid the 12 Days of Christmas

FNGs: Nil

Warm Up: 
Side Straddle Hop
Daisy Pickers
Imperial Walkers
Sir Fazio Arm Circles

The Workout:
Reindeer Run (Indian Run) the long way around the main fields with our destination set at the rock pile.  Grab a medium size rock and carry it back to the smaller picnic shelter.

We performed the 12 Days of Christmas workout just as the song intended. YHC figured out the bluetooth speaker this time and had some free Spotify playlist at the ready.  Apparently “Pop Christmas” isn’t just Christmas songs, so we had quite the variety as well as some mumblechatter about various prescription drugs and their side effects brought on by the ads.

12 Days of Christmas Workout

1 Lap around the Tennis Court
2 Monkey Humpers
3 French High Knees (Ea. Leg)
4 Calling Curls for the Girls
5 Golden Ground Pounders
6 Geese a Laying Leg Lifts
7 Swans a Squatting
8 Maids a Merkins
9 Ladies Break Dancing (Bears) (I.C.)
10 Lords a Lunging (Ea. Leg)
11 Pickle’s Pounding (I.C.)
12 Drummer’s Driving Buses (I.C.)

A lot of Mary mixed in with the workout, due to time constraints, we did a bit of stretching and closed it out.

Be safe with upcoming Holidays and travel

Pray for patience and being an example for those around us. Holidays can bring us together with family we may not always get along with, but give strength and patience to the HIM we want to be.

double down

Double Down at TBD

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Halloween monster imitation, clapping, flower picking

The Workout: Q brought a trunk full of toys and passed them out to everyone following the warm up. PAX spread out in a circle on the tennis court and were given assorted exercise to perform with their torture devices.

Format was as follows:

45 sec to AMRAP the given exercise, count your reps

45 sec of ‘active recovery’ exercise

Unlimited time to double your round one reps (hence ‘double down’)

Squat hold until all PAX are finished

Primary exercises included: merkins, lat pulls, tricep extensions, thrusters, med ball slams, curls for the girls, weighted punching, chest flys, halos, and squats

Active recovery included: mtn climbers, WWI, Freddy Mercury, Australian snow angels, dying cockroach, plank, side plank, bear crawl, heel taps, and something else.

PAX rotated stations after the completion of each round

Announcements: Xmas party, Even-The-Odds

Prayer: @abe’s parents – dad dealing with cancer + a stroke, mom providing care

@brexit has a job interview today

leading our families well during a season that can lead to selfishness and ‘the wants’


Masons in Training

FNGs: None Warm Up: SSH, Goooooood Mornings, Windmills

The Workout: YHC made a special trip to Home Depot on Monday to pick up 24 bricks at $0.52 a piece. Each brick weighed in at around 4.25lbs.

Following the warmup, each PAX was given two bricks to care for for the remainder of the workout. 

PAX cusacked from the parking lot to the near corner of the soccer field track. 

  • 25 Bench presses in cadence
  • 20 manmakers in cadence
    • Right Hand Row, Left Hand Row, Merkin Down, Merkin Up
  • Dying Cockroach

PAX then bear crawled with their bricks to the first field light pole.

  • 20 bent over flys IC
  • 20 CFG IC
  • 20 Tricep Extensions
  • Big Boy Situps

PAX Traveled with arms at 90 deg in front to the next light pole

  • 20 Bus Drivers IC
  • 20 Deadlifts IC
  • 20 Hammer Curls IC

PAX bear crawled to the mid-point of the far parking lot

  • 20 calf raises
  • 20 gunslingers
  • Partner wheelbarrows to the opposite side of the parking lot – switch
    • Wheel PAX transports bricks

Cusack to the next corner of the field

  • 10 manmakers in cadence
  • 10 dying cockroach
  • 10 bent over flys

Bear Crawl to the next light pole

  • 20 CFG IC
  • 20 Tricep Extensions
  • 20 Deadlifts IC
  • 20 Big boy situps

90 deg carry to the picnic shelter

  • Side shuffle preachers chair
  • 15 set ups per leg
  • 1 min of punches

Cusack to the flag

Mary: None

Announcements/ T-Claps (Recognition) / Prayer: probably, but its been too many days for me to remember. 


Cozy Bed Season

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Daisy Pickers, Sir Fozio ATM Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout: Moseyed over to the rock pile and grabbed a medium rock. Exercises were curls for the girls, triceps, ground pounders, ruh rohs and squats. 25 each. We then bear crawled and pushed our rocks to the other side. Same exercises, bear crawl / rock push back. Same exercises one more time, then returned our rocks.

We then moseyed over to the amphitheater. People’s Chair, 20 count x3. Urkins x15. Dips x15. Repeat all of that 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds.

Indian-run around the soccer field back to start.

Mary: Popcorn Mary, twice around.

Announcements: Holly Fest sign up, learn CPR

Prayer: Clunker’s daughter, Davis’s family

Sweaty Sevens

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up:

-mosey around the parking lot

-circle up for SSH, windmills, Seal Claps, and Merkins

-Slowly move down the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, and karaoke  with squats and mountain climbers mixed in

The Workout: THANG #1

Lucky 7’s with cinderblock coupons

-7 rounds

-7 reps per exercise

-RutRows, Forward Lunges (both legs =1), ground pounders



Partner work with cinder coupons

-150 offset merkins

-150 weighted dying cockroach

-150 chest press

Rotators varied throughout the work, cusacks, bear crawls, walking lunges, running

“Cool Down” lap after Thang 2


Popcorn through the group: low slow flutter, homer to marge, freddie mercury, WW2, pickle pounders


@bestinshow ‘s MIL (Isabel) to ‘have a good day’, strength and endurance for him and his M as they are care providers and parents. @P.s.i. traveling to South Carolina, Q and M traveling without 2.0’s for 10 days.