
NYE Prison Yard Q

“This AO is Sponsored by Go Ruck!”

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good Morning, Willie Mays Hayes, Sir Fasio Fwd/Bkwd, OH Claps, Seal Claps, SSH

The Workout: 8 Stations with 16 workouts 90 sec work &30 sec rest/switch. 

Stations were as follows:

Coupon Rd#1 Rd#2
50lb Ruck Single Arm Row Bear Crawl Drag
Cindy Murder Bunnies Redrum Rabbits
80lb Sandbag/ 40lb Sandbag Squats Squat Shots
60lb Sandbag Over Head Press Chest Press
80lb Sandbag  Deadlift Jump Over Burpees
80lb Sandbag Ball / 50lb Sandbag Sandbag Burpees Dung Beetle
55lb Sandbag Jerry Can John Cusak Kettle Bell Swing

Mary:  Popcorn with reps of 24 in cadence: Low Slow Flutter/Hello Dolly/Heel Tap/V-Hold/WWII (clock ran out on @BananaSeats Pickel Pounders) we will try to do better next year.

Announcements: Q Sheet Needs attention at all AO’s.  The goal for Prison Yard is to be booked out 2 Months minimum in 2025.

T-Claps (Recognition): To everyone for a strong year

Prayer: All the unspoken and Injured Pax

Shoulders and Arms

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lap, SSH, Sir Fozio Arm Circles/Seal Clap/Overhead Clap, Good Mornings

The Workout:

Five rounds: Straight count or in cadence depending on exercise: 25,20,15,10,5 reps for total 75

Cinder Block circuit playground area: Curls, Triceps, Shoulder Press, Row, Ground Pounder

Run to Station Two

Brick Wall Circuit: BTTW, People’s Chair, Carolina Dry Docs

Run back to Playground


Mary: LBC, LSF, Box Cutter, Hundreds

Announcements: Man Night at Hope Community Church, Wednesday, March 22nd, 6:30PM.  All men invited. 

T-Claps (Recognition): All the men who completed 75 Hard

Prayer: Nemo’s daughter just turned 15, test for driver’s permit today. All PAX recovering from illness or injury. 

Downtown Train Arrived Before the Cold Spell

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  Bleeder, Stickers and YHC for EC.  Then SSH, frankensteins, good mornings, Sir Fazios…probably some more 

The Workout:  Mosey to the hill by the dumpster for 7s of Star Jumps and Squat Jumps. 

Return to the starting point parking lot for standard merkins.  Mosey to the library for Carolina Dry Docks on the sidewalk curb.  Mosey to the other hill to the left of the parking garage for standard dips.

Repeato, repeato, repeato, but with some variations along the way:  Wide grip and Diamond Merkins, dips with alternating legs raised – threw in two sets of People’s Chair on the library wall, and at least one round of Bear Crawls at the library entrance. 

That’s about it.  Simple but effective mostly upper body workout.  

Mary: Usual stuff, I dunno.

Announcements: T-Claps (Recognition): Prayer: