

A Roll of the Dice

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mayes Hayes

The Workout: Today we followed the dice. Always a fun time (in my opinion at least) because you get to go on a field trip and you never know what you’ll get. Somehow, bear crawls, balls to the wall and absolutions showed up on the dice as well. Weird. About 1.75 miles and a bunch of merkins, side stradle hops and lunges in between.

Mary: LBCs, WWIIs, Homer-to-Marge, Poop Eaters, a bit of stretching

Announcements: Beer ruck on Saturday starting at 12, Spring Classic on Saturday (if you’re not running, help at an aid station)

T-Claps: Slide Rule and Wiggly coming back out to the gloom. Missed ya fellas.

Prayer: Unspoken, Banana Seat’s family

Is it still supposed to burn after 5 years?

7 years ago – I had reached my max weight the year prior, 230 lbs.  After a friend and colleague passed away unexpectedly, I decided to train for and run in my first race ever.  The Triangle Sprint Tri.  I spent the next year biking, running, and swimming to the best of my ability – trying to prepare enough to survive the race.  I had a small group of local Tri-ers that helped me through along with some friends that also decided to race in the name of the friend we lost.

6 years ago – I had just completed the Triangle Tri, in the year prior I lost 30 lbs.  I was looking for something to keep the momentum.  I was working my way through a trial with a local CrossFit gym.  It was expensive, the people were nice but I still felt out of place.  I had started running with the Holly Springs Run Club and continued to off and on as well.  I was inconsistent and gained back 10lbs.

5 years ago – I showed up solo to my first workout at Paradise City after being EH’d only 1x several months before at a Wednesday morning Holly Springs Run Club run.  (I ran next to Deadbolt that morning).  July 24, 2017 I joined F3.

Today – I’ve lost 50 lbs since starting my fitness journey.  Much of it would never have been sustained without F3 and this community.  There are so many physical, mental, and personal challenges that I have faced because of F3 OR been more prepared for in my everyday life because of F3.  Marathons, Relays, the Pandemic, life…

The following workout closely resembles my first post Q’d by Emeril and CHiPS

FNGs: Nil

Warm Up:

  • Fellowship Run
  • Fast Feet on the Curb and switch
  • Carioca and switch
  • Circle Up
    • Windmills to 15
    • SSH to 50
    • Good Mornings to 10

The Workout:

Thang 1
Parking lot – B O M B S
Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to middle of parking lot.
Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete.
The exercises and reps are: 50- Burpees / 100- Overhead Claps / 150- Merkins / 200- LBC’s / 250- Squats.


Thang 2

Trio’s at the ramp. Partner A wheelbarrows Partner B. Partner C performs 5 Burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner C then wheelbarrows Partner A. Partner B performs the 5 burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner B then wheelbarrows Partner C. And so on and so forth until the Q says to stop

Mary: Pickle Pounders, Homer to Marge, Pigeon Pose, Runners Pose

Announcements: Picnic this weekend, Derek Davis 5k

T-Claps (Recognition):  Thanks to F3 and F3 South Wake for being here.  I didn’t know I needed this but I needed this.  I appreciate everything this community has done for me personally and what I know it is and continues to be for all of us.  Keep grinding.


CHiPS delivered these at my first post, still fit today as you imagine they might coming from the good book.

  • Proverbs 17:17 – A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in face you are doing.


5 years ago our big community was much smaller. EC didnt exist, our group fitness target was the HSHM, At best we had one AO a day. We keep getting bigger, we keep getting stronger in many ways. Keep picking up the 6 core to what you do and who we are. Let us get bigger, but keep your small tribes moving too.  -UTI


——————————————–ORIGINAL BACKBLAST FROM FACEBOOK————————————————

July 24, 2017
PAX of 33 showed up to muggy sweaty Paradise City.
PAX: Pikachu, Jeter, Buford, Blue Hen, Roger Roger, Deadbolt, Baywatch, Sausage Party, Bluewater, Tofu, Big Perm, Chipshot, Java, Backpage, Dog Pound, Foghorn, Nemo, Patch, Moby, Yellow Card, Slappy, Icing, Happy Trees, Midget for Life, Sliderule, Slidetech, Anthrax,
2.0 FNG’s Hulk, Messi, Stryker
SSH x 20, Windmills x10
WARM-UP on the jog
Sidesteps both sides, fast feet on the curb. 10 slow merkins
Parking lot – B O M B S
Similar to Dora 1-2-3 but more exercises. Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to middle of parking lot. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps are: 50- Burpees / 100- Overhead Claps / 150- Merkins / 200- LBC’s / 250- Squats.
Trio’s at the ramp. Partner A partner carries Partner B. Partner C performs 5 Burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner C then partner carries Partner A. Partner B performs the 5 burpees and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner B then partner carries Partner C. Partner A performs the called number of the called exercise and then sprints to catch the pair. Up the ramp to tennis courts.
From Tennis courts to Bball court – Start with 5 burpees, 10 lunge each leg while walking, 15 imperial walker each side while walking, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks. Mosey to the bball court for Mary.
15 each Freddie Mercury, Low slow flutter, Homer to Marge
10 each Hillbillies, 9 Good Mornings
Arena – Need shoes size 10-11. Bring them to Owais or join him on Fridays at 2:30 for a workout
Raleigh Rescue Mission – Owais working to set up 2 days of feeding the homeless. More info to come
Holly Springs ½ Marathon – Lot of South Wake guys running in it. Join up as training will start soon.
CHiPS – Prayers for guidance to his nephew.
Proverbs 17:17 – A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in face you are doing.

Don’t Call It A Comeback

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Moseyed over to the main gate for the ball fields. Circled up for: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers / Hill Billies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles / Seal Claps / Overhead Claps / Moroccan Night Clubs
The Workout: YHC has been down and out for a few weeks. Nothing like throwing yourself back in to the deep end to get back in the swing of things, right?

Round 1: Moseyed over to the Abyss. Split into two groups. Group 1 would perform an exercise while Group 2 ran to the bottom of the Abyss and back up. Three exercises, three rounds of each. Nine trips down and back up the Abyss.
Exercises were Merkins, WWIIs and Squats.
A few over achievers decided to do one more trip down the Abyss and back up while the rest of us held a squat.

Round 2: Moseyed over to the two hills. All PAX ran from the top of one hill to the other, performed 10 Mountain Climbers in cadence, then ran back to the top of the first hill and performed 10 more Mountain Climbers in cadence. Three rounds of this. Mosey back to start.
Mary: Homer-to-Marge, LBCs, reverse LBCs, Pickle Pounders, yoga
Announcements: South Wake picnic (see 2nd F on Slack), highway cleanup (see 3rd F on Slack)
T-Claps (Recognition): Wiggly for getting back out to the gloom! Everyone for holding me accountable on my first post in a few weeks.
Prayer: Straight Cash’s family.

HIMs Improve on Disc Golf Puts

FNGs: None 

3 HIMs posted to GP.  YHC brought his sprained ankle, music & discs.

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Willie Maze Hays, 20x3ct SSH, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (both directions), arm stretches.

The Workout

Circle of Rock (of course): Mosey to the Rock Pile pick a LARGE rock to make your friend (no alternating rocks).

3 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Rut Rows and Ground Pounders. 10x3ct:  Windshield Wipers, 2 sets of 10x3ct Rock Spanks (with and w/out consent) & Mountain Climbers, 4 sets of 10x3ct Rock Press & 2 sets of Skull Crushers & Lat Extensions, 2 sets of 10x3ct Heavy Homer to Marge, 10x3ct Rockies, Rosealitas,  Box Cutters,

Mosey to the disc golf putting green

Disc Puts:

Started with a round of 20 LBCs.  Each PAX had 2 discs in play at all times – PAX synchronize disc toss and bear crawl to nearest disc and return to starting point for exercise.  10x3ct exercises: LBCs, Dying Cockroach, Freddie Mercuries, Prisoner Squats, Heal Taps

Mosey Back for COT 

Announcements: Derek Davis 5K took place this morning;

Prayer Requests: Prayers for Ralph (Hazmat’s Grandfather in-law) dealing with un diagnosed health issues.   Prayers for those suffering with COVID and our military and those struggling with illness or addiction.

The Dawgpound has the Fastest Feet in South Wake

Crazy Ivan Backblast

FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH x 20, Hillbillies x 10, Imperial walkers x10, Daisy Pickers x 10, sir fascio arm circles x10
The Workout:  Group Exercise while 2 pax run a lap around the parking deck and then run the agility ladder. The Dawgpound showed us how fast the ladder can be done.
Mary: no time
Announcements:  Sleep in Heavenly Peace Event 4-24   8-11 am
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Prayers to be better fathers, husbands & sons. Prayers for our children as they start to return to normal

Mixing it up at Captain Caveman

Warm Up: mosey, SSH x 20, daisy pickers x 10, sir fascio arm circles forward and backward x 10, good mornings x 10, thumbs up x 10
The Workout:various exercises done by the group while 1 pax runs a lap around the parking garage and then quick steps through 2 exercise ladders

we did 2 sets of each exercise:

Cookie pouches, sumo squats, bridge press, wonderbra, curls, tricep extensions, lawn mower, metronome behind the head, suitcases, side plank arm extension

Mary:  all exercises in cadence- homer to marge x 10, with right leg up x 10, with left leg up x 10, , pickle pounders x 10, american hammers x 10
Announcements: see slack
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: see slack

The Mario Cart lineup continues…

Saturday, March 13th

FNGs: welcome Yoshi!

This FNG was another recruit by Emeril.  3 weeks prior Emeril had brought out 2 FNG’s that were named Mario and Luigi because of their moustache’s and also because they knew each other.  Well it just so happened that Mario and Luigi knew the FNG so I had made up my mind during the ME he was going to be Yoshi…one of my favorite Mario Cart characters.  The FNG did the standard introduction in front of the group but I decided to shut it down quickly in case some of the PAX needed to get over to Grounder Pounder.  “Everyone say hello to Yoshi.”

Warm Up:  Michael Phelps arms, 10x Windmills, 10x Daisy Pickers, 10x Imperial Walkers, OYO 25-30 Merkins.

The Workout: U-Turn standard route in reverse, with a 3mi option.  This was the last weekend to earn a Mt Dew branded long sleeve T-shirt

Mary: no time unfortunately

Announcements: Long A$$ Run on Sat. March 27th, Blood Drive on Sat. March 2oth hosted by Holly Springs Rotary Club, Gillette will be a St. Baldrick’s Participant and shaving all that beautiful hair

T-Claps (Recognition): 25 PAX at U-Turn!  Picking up the 6.

Prayer: all the unspoken, those suffering from sickness, mental illness, addiction, loss of a loved one, and those who have lost their way.  Thankful for everything the good Lord provides.  YHC took us out.

Who let the dog out?

FNGs: None

EC: Emeril.  Was hoping Dawgpound would show up but apparently he’s on puppy duty and EC is a no go for the next couple weeks.

Warm Up
Spinal Rotation
Hips in barrel
Foot Trace

The Workout:

Each exercise 10 each side or 20 combined

Round 1:
Seated Shoulder Press
20 LBC in cadence

Round 2:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
20 LBC in cadence
Round 3:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
Arched chest press
20 LBC in cadence
Round 4:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
Chest Press
Romanian Deadlift to single leg deadlift
20 Low Slow Flutter in cadence
Round 5:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
Chest Press
Romanian Deadlift to single leg deadlift
Death March
20 Low Slow Flutter in cadence
Round 6:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
Chest Press
Romanian Deadlift to single leg deadlift
Death March
Squats of some form
20 Low Slow Flutter in cadence
Work back down removing an exercise.  We threw in some burpees and Merkins to replace the core exercise.  We got through all 12 rounds.

Homer to Marge was all we had time for

Long ass run, Ted Talk (Shield Lock)

T-Claps (Recognition)

Mike’s family (Pumpkin Spices friend that passed), Sadiq, Doc and Norm

3RD F LEADERSHIP MEETING – The Lost February Meeting

These notes have been sitting on my PC waiting to be posted to a backblast for a month now… my bad
Bacon, Wiggly, Abe, Dahmer
EC: Abe
Blood Drive – Abe
  • Abe to poll the PAX for interest
Invite FiA to our next meeting – UTI
  • Square – Tuesday, February 16th, 8pm
  • Shield Locks – FML, Dawg\Emeril
  • Challenge
  • Need a Virtual representative
  • FNG
February 13th – first available, next would be March
Capital Area Disc League
Building kiosks – 6×6 posts, 2-3 guys set posts, pour concrete, set up kiosk
If we don’t have someone who knows how to do this, town can provide someone for this
3 of these : pecan grove apartment complex, 12 oaks greenway, jones park disc golf
We have time on these but it would be good to knock it out
Tee Pads – railroad ties, gravel screening, horse trail mat to keep in place. Adding in amateur pads (10-
12) to be built around pro pads, disc golf guy is expert here
Town will have everything staged, we just have to build everything (town will also bring supplies but
depending on numbers we could need to bring rakes/gloves etc)
Plant Trees (Hole 1B) – leeland cyphers around water tower
Small Bridges (Hole 4) – 2 2x8s, putting 2×4 on top to go over small ravines, anti-skid paint on bridges
Benches – Replace rotted wood
Rock Piles – filling out tee pads
Signs – replace signs around tees, directional signs
  • Do we encourage\recruit guys to host one of these?
Mama’s House
  • Brass tax – financial support for their move.
  • Read announcement – anything can be done
  • LED – Other opportunities to help out
  • Dauber NFL Squares
  • Curry with the Murrays
Truth in Nature
  • Anyone feel led.
Police Youth Explorers
  • High School aged kids that might be good to introduce
  • Talk about F3, get them into a workout
Wellcheck Program
  • Outreach for 65+
  • Yardwork, etc
  • Q-School
  • QSheet Sign-up
Prayer Requests
  • Pumpkin Spice Mr Terrific – and families Covid
YHC Took us out

Do the Major Melon Dew T-Shirt Challenge

Pre-pre-blasted on Tuesday Feb 23rd that any PAX who posted and ran 3+ miles at U-Turn would receive a Mt Dew Major Melon long sleeve T-shirt and a free can sample of the full sugar or zero sugar.  Received plenty of HC’s on Tuesday and plenty more with Friday evening’s pre-blast.  Including myself 24-PAX were out and about at U-Turn…by far the most I’ve ever had the honor to Q

FNGs: none today

Warm Up: quick mosey around the parking lot, Michael Phelps arms, 10x Windmills, 10x Good Mornings, 10x Daisy Pickers, 10x Frankensteins, 10x Imperial Walkers, 25-30 Merkins

The Workout: 3mi option and 6mi option of the standard U-Turn route in reverse

Mary: no time today

Announcements: Monthly Challenge #3 begins Monday;  #monthlychallenge on slack for more details

T-Claps (Recognition): all the PAX completing 3+ miles today and earning some swag

Prayer:  the safety of all the students, teachers, state workers going back to school on Monday.  Also the safety of everyone state-wide as COVID restrictions begin to ease up.