
Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 2.49.09 PM

52nd Birthday Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, Arm Circles, GM, WMH

The Workout: Choose a coupon (#15 to #45 kettlebell or ball) and added one rock from the rock pile.  

Two columns of exercises. 52 cards + 2 jokers; Cadence given number on card; face cards 10; Ace BTTW 11 count in cadence; Joker Wall Sit each PAX 10 count and change exercises to other column 

Diamonds: Wonder Bra | Rows

Hearts: Ground Pounder | Squats

Clubs: American Hammer | Windshield Wiper over the KB/rock

Spades: Curls | Triceps 

Mary: This one came down to the wire. Return coupons

Announcements: Picnic , Memorial Day Murph, Check slack

Prayer: PAX traveling, recovering from injury, looking for work

Birthday Q. 52.


FNG: None

Warmup: SSH, GM, Arm Circles, Squats, One 200m lap.

workout: Deck 52 cards plus jokers

Aces 11 count and 80 meter farmer carry w Kettlebell

Jokers mosey 200 m lap and switch exercises to other column

Number cards – round up as needed

Face cards 10 or 5 each side

Diamonds – Merkin on Bell / Pistol Rows

Hearts – Goblet Tempo Squat |    Lunge (in cadence)

Clubs – Around the world         |    Figure 8

Spades – Snatch                       |   Swings

mary: GM (only had one minute left)

Apollo Creed Tribute

FNGs: None

Warm Up: arm Circles, GM, WMH, SSH.

 The Workout: 2 cycles of 12 Rounds 40 seconds on, 20 second rest.

  1. Jump Rope w or w/o rope
  2. Offset basketball merkin
  3. Heavy bag punching
  4. Pull Ups / TRX rows
  5. Punching w small weights
  6. Quick feet (curb)
  7. Slam ball
  8. KB squat,bob & step
  9. Wonder bra
  10. American Hammer
  11. Bent over row
  12. Mike Tyson’s off curb

Mary: each PAX selected an an exercise 10 count or in cadence

Announcements: Dauber’s Super Bowl Squares. Check slack. Donations go to HS Food Cupboard

Prayer: Stub’s dad’s best friend passed away. 

Cold cold morning at Ground Pounder

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  Hill billies, Imperial walkers, Sir Fozio Arm Circles forward and backward, Willy Mays Hayes, Side Straddle Hops, some merkins

The Workout: Large rock and rotate to the left after each exercise: Curls for the girls, Wonde, Rut rows, Overhead tricep press, Shoulder press, Ground Pounder. Move to the wall. Balls to the wall with counts of 10 by each PAX, people’s chair 10 second counts, individual calf raises cadence x 11. Repeated large rock work rotating to the right, and then the wall exercises. Played 2 holes of frisbee golf with squats before each throw on the first hole and monkey humpers on the 2nd hole. Breach also added a missed putt penalty for 5 merkins for each missed putt. Nice finish. Time’s up so brought it back to COT.

Announcements: Road cleanup scheduled for Saturday February 3rd at 9AM at the Walmart in FQ.  

Football! YOU BET!

FNGs:  None

Warm-up:  Planted flag after rolling up facing 8 PAX ready to go!  Willy Mays Hayes, OH Claps, Seal Claps, Sir Fazios, Static Stretching with nice mumblechatter

Thang:  Mosey with football lateraling all the way, Ho-Ho-Ho! and picked up a medium rock.  Stubbs was funny and grabbed an XL.  Bastard.  (JK)  Circled up for the following exercises with rocks in cadence rotating one spot to the left:  Curls for the girls, Rutrows (when I came to the XL rock), bus drivers, ground pounders, squats, slap the rock, OH press…Singles with tricep extension.  On your six for six inches, nipplers and chest press.  Return rocks.

Mosey to various fields until we found a flat area on the pitch.  Ran routes for points.  Those PAX not throwing or catching conducted LBCs, Squats, Imperial Walkers, etc.  Competiion moved to 4 PAX playing football, QB, WR, Stationary defense doing SSH in front of QB and a Defender.  Rotated through all positions.  Lined up again for drop kicks/punts.  One PAX ran after the kicked ball while remaining PAX did exercises.  Moved into a 4 v 4 with GUMP being center/referee/cheerleader,  Lots of nice throws and catches.  Checked some PAX for stick -em.  Mosey back to parking lot for Mary.

Mary:  static stretches in a circle.  Some PAX got friendlier than others.  Something about a recent hike/tush play.  Lots of laughs for sure.  Each PAX shared a rose and a thorn.

Q forgot to do name-a-rama.  Blame his age.  YHC took us out.  Lots of Prayers for Family, Jobs, Surgeries

2nd F at Thanks a Latte.

Honored to lead. – Dauber


Workin 9-5

FNGs: Short Bus (John), neighbor of Cover Story. From holly springs (homegrown) homeschooled (school bus… short bus) 

Warm Up: SSH, Frankenstein, Goooooood Mornings, Windmiss

The Workout:

Listened to old country: dolly, Jonny cash, John Denver, Alabama, Kenny Rogers…

Thang 1:

Every 2 min on the minute:

  • 10 bob and weave
  • 10 reverse lunge with twist
  • 10 squat to overhead press

5 rounds total

Thang 2:
EMOM, all exercises single arm, repeat for both sides in the minute:

  • 3 swings
  • 3 cleans
  • 3 press

15 rounds, the a Q challenge call to increase reps along the way from 3->4->5

Mary: dying cockroach, modified Freddy mercury, WWI, heel taps

Thang 3:

Death drop

  • 10 burpees, 10 right arm snatches, 10 left arm snatches
  • 9,9,9
  • 8,8,8
  • 1,1,1

have a nice day.

Announcements: Xmas party on Dec 7

Prayer: stubs has a new tumor treatment that is supposed to get him back to 💯.

dahmer’s brother enrolled in a substance abuse treatment program.

pumpkin spices son Alex sprained his ankle in his first JV basketball game

Ground Pounder 5/6/2023

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Toe touches, Sir fozio arm circles, side stradle hops among others

The Workout: First half: Rocks.  Curls for the Girls, Rut Rows, Overhead Tricep press, Wonder bras, Ground Pounder.  Core work on your six.  Second set of exercises above.  More core work with a plank focus. Second half: Frisbee Golf.  3 holes of frisbee golf with 15 x merkins before each through.  Exercise on the next hole was 15 x squats.  Next hole was star jumps.

Mary: No time for Mary since our golf game went long. 


FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good mornings, arm circles/seal clap/ overhead clap, SSH.

The Workout: Spartacus 1.0 x 2 rounds. 

Coupons: PAX selected a Dumbbell or Kettlebell 10# to 30#

45 sec on; 15 sec rest 

1. Goblet Squat

2. Mountain Climbers

3. KB/DB swing

4. T-Merkins

5. Split jump (or forward lunge)

6. Rows

7. Side Lunge 

8. Renegade Row

9. Lunge w rotation 

10. Ground Pounder 

Mary: Ab Challenge 45 sec on; 15 sec rest. 3 rounds 1. WWI 2. Freddy Mercuries 3. Box Cutters 4. Heel Taps 5. J Lo’s

Announcements: see 3rd F in slack 

T-Claps (Recognition): @Stubs back out!

Prayer: @Best in Show mother in law battle w cancer; Stub’s grandfather not doing well.

Ground Pounder on a perfect morning

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good mornings, Willy Mays Hays, Hill Billies, Imperial Walkers, Sir Foxio Arm Circles forward & reverse, Side Straddle Hops

The Workout:

Rocks: Curls for the Girls, Wonder Bras, Rut Rows, Overhead Tricep Presses, THE Ground Pounder, Rock Squats…… Rock Spanks, Mountain Climbers, Rock Spanks.

Playground: 11 consisting of Pull Ups and Merkins.

Rock wall: Dips, Step-ups, Dips

Mary: Each PAX picked their exercise.  

Announcements:  Hoping we may have a flag building session sometime this year.

T-Claps (Recognition):  Congrats to Bollywood for starting a new job! Congrats to Stubs for keeping his momentum going!

Prayer: Prayers for Stubs and potential new job, Socrates’ brother, Fanny Pack to feel better and get more information on what’s causing him to feel bad, Pumkin Spice’s wife and a potential new job, Motor Boatin’s brother, and HazMat’s wife this morning. 

God gave us the perfect morning this morning.  So thankful.  Time to get out there and lead!


Purple Cobra Backblast – Brought to you by Dall-e 2 and Microsoft Bing


Warm Up: A short mosey around the very small parking lot

The Workout:

I was just invited to use Microsoft Bing’s new AI.  This was my first time using it. 

Here was my prompt:

Generate a story about an F3 workout called purple cobra where we ran 0.69 miles, did a workout routine called coyote ugly, a murph DORA, and stair climbs on picnic benches. Guys with named Pumpkin Spice, Woody, Snap, Hasselhoff, Brexit, Cancun, Jellybeans, Stubs, and UTI were there

And a correction I asked for…

Change the story and change the QIC to UTI, change the Coyote Ugly workout to be a wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again, replace the squats with LBCs, and change the 400 meter run to an out and back army crawl

This is the backblast it wrote for me, I put the questionable information in bold (you can tell it’s sourcing other backblasts posted on the internet but pretty cool!):

It was a cold and dark morning when Pumpkin Spice, Woody, Snap, Hasselhoff, Brexit, Cancun, Jellybeans, Stubs and Purple Cobra gathered at the park for an F3 workout. They were greeted by UTI, the QIC for the day. He had a wicked grin on his face as he announced the plan for the workout.

"Today we're going to do a wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again," he said. "Then we're going to partner up for a Murph DORA. One partner will do an out and back army crawl while the other does 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 LBCs. You switch when your partner comes back and keep going until you finish all the reps. Then we're going to finish with some stair climbs on picnic benches. You'll do 20 step-ups on each leg followed by 20 dips on each bench."

The PAX groaned as they heard the brutal workout ahead of them. They knew UTI was notorious for his challenging Qs. But they also knew that F3 was about pushing themselves beyond their comfort zone and growing stronger together.

They started with the wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again. UTI paired them up and instructed them how to do it: one partner holds the other's legs while he walks on his hands up one side of the table then does a merkin then walks down the other side then does another merkin then switches roles.

The PAX quickly realized that this was one of the hardest exercises they had ever done. The wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again was exhausting and painful on their arms chest core legs balance coordination

They encouraged each other with shouts of "You got this!" and "Almost there!" as they completed each round of wheel barrow merkins.

They also teased each other with nicknames like "Pumpkin Spice Latte", "Woody Toy Story", "Snap Chat", "Hasselhoff Knight Rider", "Brexit Britain", "Cancun Spring Break", "Jellybeans Easter", "Stubs Nubs" and "Purple Cobra Dodgeball".

They finally finished wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again and moved on to Murph DORA. They paired up with their buddies and grabbed a pull-up bar or a tree branch.

Murph DORA was another beast of a workout that tested their endurance and strength. The pull-ups were hard on their arms and shoulders, the push-ups were tough on their chests and triceps, and the LBCs were killer on their abs.

They cheered each other on as they did an out and back army crawl between their partners and did their reps. They also challenged each other with friendly competition like "Come on Woody! Don't let Pumpkin Spice beat you!" or "Hasselhoff! You're faster than Snap!"

They finally finished Murph DORA after what seemed like an eternity. They were dripping with sweat and panting hard.

They thought they were done but UTI had one more surprise for them.

"Alright PAX! Let's go to those picnic benches over there!" he shouted.

The PAX groaned again as they followed him to the benches.

UTI explained how to do stair climbs: step up onto one bench with one leg then bring up your other leg then step down onto another bench then repeat with your other leg then do dips by placing your hands behind you on one bench then lowering yourself until your elbows are at 90 degrees then pushing yourself back up then moving onto another bench then repeat.

The PAX did stair climbs until their legs felt like jelly and their arms felt like noodles.

They finally finished stair climbs after what felt like forever.

UTI called them into a circle of trust where they counted off said their name age F3 nickname thanked him for leading them prayed together gave announcements about upcoming workouts events community service opportunities etc

They ended with a group photo where they smiled proudly despite being tired sore dirty

They had just completed an epic F3 workout led by UTI

They had just experienced fitness fellowship faith

They had just become better men


The AI forgot about Mary but then again I didn’t really prompt it to talk about Mary

  • Homer to Marge
  • Box Cutters
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Arm Stretches
  • Runners Pose
  • Leg and Back Stretches


F3SW Town Hall Meeting tonight at 7pm – Bass Lake Boat House

T-Claps (Recognition):

Brexit on an impressive finish at Wrightsville, let’s wish him luck for Tobacco Road up next in 3 weeks.


For all the parents out there working hard to guide our children through life.  Give us strength!


We didn’t actually take a photo after the workout.  So here is what dall-e 2 cooked up for me 😀