
Rest up now ya hear

It was a cold morning, but that didn’t stop 17 PAX from posting with 8 for EC including 1 FNG. Welcome Dahmer! This beatdown was another Wrightsville friendly event with a focus on stretching and a lot of core work (sorry Mary). Before EC was over, Skidmark was tired of questions of why he wasn’t resting. Crosby also brought out his 2.0, Gumby, to celebrate an 11th birthday. When YHC was 11, there was no way you could get me out of bed before 5am in 30 degree weather to go workout. T-claps Gumby.

EC: Skidmark, Crosby, Gumby, Maybelline, ShamWow!, Aquaman, Warbucks, FNG Dahmer

Warm Up:
Run 10 yards and circle up for:
SSH x20 IC
Standing pigeon (alternating legs)
Leg swings each leg – forward,back,front,back x10 IC
Calf raises x10 IC
Lunge walk to the …. island with an elm tree

Standard warm up lap

Circle back up for:
Sir Fazio arm circles x10 forward/ x10 backward IC
Moroccan night club x10 IC

YHC joined the circle for 2 rounds of howling monkeys. With legs burning and PAX howling, we mosey’d over to the Goodwill lot.

The Workout:
PAX split into 4 groups for some core-centric 4 corners. 3 rounds x10 IC and a 4th round x20 IC.

Corner 1: Boat canoes
Corner 2: Shoulder taps
Corner 3: Low slow flutter
Corner 4: Pickle pounders
Center: Merkins

Mosey back to start. Circle up for:
2 rounds of x10 IC Fire hydrants and Homer to Marge. Repeated x20 for round 3.

It was at this point that Crosby alerted the PAX of Gumby’s birthday, so 11 burpees OYO in celebration.

YHC led PAX in some stretching to finish up:
Quad stretches
Toe touches – right over left /left over right
Downward dog
Runners pose
Pigeon pose

Wrightsville 5k, Half, Full marathon this weekend.
Raleigh CSAUP the Mule this weekend
F3 Dads workouts 1st Saturday each month. Need 2 dads to led each workout.
Sign up to Q a workout – link.  Site Q’s shouldn’t lead every week. Step up PAX! Speak to your local site Q for more details.

Safe travels and health for PAX running Wrightsville

YHC took us out.

No Rain at Paradise City Although it was Rainmakers Birthday

During the random mumble chatter at the start of today’s workout a comment was made that there is no anatomical benefit to running backwards.  After a little internet search (because the internet is always right) I found this article:  Feel free to add your comments and thoughts to your favorite social media forum.


Now on to what happened.

5 PAX showed for the normal EC route.  Emeril, Yogurt, 187, Skidmark and YHC (Cowboy).  It feels kind of odd running with no rain.


PAX took a light jog around Ting park with the following stops and exercises:

Ticket Office

  • SSH in Cadence x 20
  • Windmill in Cadence x 10
  • Good Morning Cadence x 10

Basketball Court

  • Fozzio Arm Circles Forward x 10
  • Fozzio Arm Circles Backward x 10
  • T-Claps x 10
  • Monkey Humpers x 10

The Workout:  

After a quick count off the PAX started an exciting round of 4 Corners using the entire Ting Parking Lot.  On the long straights we ran forward and on the short legs we ran backwards (hence the note at the beginning).  At each corner the following exercises were performed:

  • Burpees x 5
  • Squats x 10
  • LBCs x 20

We repeated this for 3 laps with some looping back for extra to pick up the six.

With little time left we headed to the top of the Ting Ramp where we split into 2 groups.  1 group did BTW while the other group ran œ way down the hill and back.  We then switched and repeated.  We then headed back to the basketball court for Mary


YHC grabbed his phone and then settled into a quick session of Mary.  The following exercises were completed:

  • Low Slow Flutter x 15
  • Pickle Pounders (called by 187) x 10
  • Merkins (called by Packman) x 10

It was great to be given the opportunity to lead.


  • Its Rainmakers Birthday. If you see him today wish him Happy Birthday
  • 2.0 Workout on Saturday was great. Will need a couple of PAX step up and Q future workouts.  1st Saturday of every Month.

Prayer Requests:

  • Family known by PAX who lost a child
  • Prayers for Health this week
  • Unspoken

Cletus has an Abyss also

Another wet and soggy day to post in the gloom. The rain wasn’t too bad at all but the puddles represented as YHC found a few big’uns on the warm up mile. PAX of 10 posted for a shelter beatdown. Sliderule needed a last minute fill for Q and Yogurt didn’t do social media the night before so Banana Seat was happy to be back as YHC for Cletus just like old times. 0545, no FNG’s, let’s hit the puddles.

HC from Crosby but no show. Crazy Time must have did him in.

Warm Up:
Jog around the park for a short 0.3 mile loop back down to the shelter.
Good mornings, slow x10
Stretch upper
SSH x20
Stretch lower
Table top circle walk

The Workout:
Deconstructive burpees x10 each
– 5 steps (squats, leg outs, merkins, leg ins, squat hops)
10 burpees OYO to perfect

Partner up – same size
Upper body:
Dirkens from bench
Dips w/feet up on bench
P1: Abyss merkins – P2: Irkens (touch chest)
3 rds : x15, x12, x10

Somewhere in here YHC noticed Straight Cash getting some air from the side of the shelter. No merlot sounds, maybe just a breather needed.

Lower body:
1-legged seated squats, switch legs
Box jumps
Partner hold squats
3 rds : x15, x12, x10

P1 – BTTW nipplers x10
P2 – plank jacks
2 rds
Lipstick lead his country cadence count for us on this and YHC tried it out on rd 2.

Lower back raises on table top with partner x10, switch, rinse and repeat
Dauber showed up during this exercise, took of breath taker, and peaced out! Guess he was D.O.N.E.

Big boy sit up-ups – found this on the exericon and wanted the PAX to try one each. Yogurt was the only one successful
Partner leg pushes x15
MOBY – Sally: 6 inch hold with hello dolly’s at the acoustic sections

We did reverse Name-o-rama.

Crosby band at Big Easy, pictures
2 weeks left until WB. Rain training welcomed.
See slack and FB for all others

Full house dad GI bleeding
Doug Stein knees and new born
Shredder’s recovery
Aqua-mans son from concussion
Courtney tumor (Hasselhoff request)
Miller family, Dad with weeks to live from brain tumor (BS request
Lipstick MIL cancer treatment

As we were departing we forgot about Breath Taker. The boys from Woodcreek picked it up and will chip in on the $50. Not sure who is wearing it yet but heard they may drop it off at Nemo’s front porch.

It was great being back at Cletus to lead the PAX. The shelter workouts are one of my favorites probably bc you don’t really get a break for 45 mins. YHC had to catch some breath a couple times especially after abyss merkins. Always humbling to be able to lead such a great group of HIM. Until next time…

BS Out!

So Long But Not Goodbye

Awesome turnout for YHC’s last time as Site Q at Purple Cobra.  New management starts next week with Warbucks at the helm!

It’s truly been an honor to lead and I look forward to the continued fellowship of all the PAX in South Wake even though I won’t be around anymore in the Gloom on a regular basis.  Carpex isn’t that far.


Warm Up: We started with an FNG and after the disclaimer we did the usual warm up lap around and then back to the flag to circle up for the following:

Good Mornings ICx15

Fazio Arm Cicles ICx15

Imperial Walkers ICx15

Hillbillies ICx15

Mountain Climbers ICx15

It was then that we noticed the the FNG had left.

The Workout:  Partnered up for wheelbarrows

Partner 1 about 7-8 parking spaces down, pause for 10 nipplers, then finish to the end of the embankment

Partner 2 switches and we head back to the start


We then divided into two lines and did a long Indian Run to the Jiffy Lube guardrail.

When we arrived we partnered back up again for 10 derkins, erkins, and dips while partner 2 did LBCs.  Each partner did their reps and we decreased each set by 2 until we both completed everything.


Mosey over to a new hill that YHC found over next to the new Planet Fitness.  We kept our partners for Burp Back Mountain.

After each group reached 100 burpees we got back into our Indian Run lines and made our way back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: WWIIs ICx15

Have a Nice Day!


Crosby is playing at 11pm Saturday I think?  Please ask him for more details.

Undisclosed and Unofficial Beer Mile at 4pm on Sunday?  Meet at the town hall – again check with Crosby for more details.

Last year M4L and DB participated in the Hope Community Church Military Family Symposium. F3 Southwake had a small booth where we talked to military service members and spouses. We headlocked a few FNGs. They have asked us to come back this year – it is Saturday morning 2/23/19 from 8:30 – 12:30. We need a few #HIM to man the booth. We don’t need a commitment for the entire 4 hours.

Prayer:  DB took us out

Crablegs, Moby’s Dad, UTI’s Dog, Shredder, Buford, unspoken

Crazy Ivan Backblast 2/15/2019

Pax of 19 for 5 stations of pain:

Particle Board, Fonzie, Banna seat, Emril, Mookie, Yogurt, Lucky Charms, Nemo, Strait Cash, Pac Man, Dumbo, Wiggly, Peeping Tom, Pumpkin Spice, Lipstick, Coal Ash, Deadbolt, Chips

Breah on the Q

Warm Up: Jog around the lower parking lot and 5 burpees for Deadbolt being late to the party. 22 Counts of SSH, Imperial Walkers/Hillbillies, and Merkins

The Workout: 5 stations Tabata style 30 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest. Rotate stations every 3 mins 3 seconds.

Pain stick station

Round 1

Curls- Overheard extensions- Rut Rows- Strait Arm Lifts (repeat)

Round 2

Goblet Squats- overheard squats- split squats- Back squats (repeat)

Tire station

Round 1

Partner 1 & 2 Tire  flips- and Partner squats with tire- switch each set

Partner 3 & 4 Run as far as you can in 30 seconds partner runs alongside then switch

Round 2

Lateral jumps- up and over- box jumps- fast feet (repeat)

Med ball station

Round 1

Slams back and forth-partner side throws- Chest passes- turnaround overhead throws

Round 2

Big boy sit up partner throws- partner dying cockroaches- American hammer ball pass- Partner ball merkins

Battle rope/Fire hose station

Round 1

Partner 1 waves/partner 2 fire hose carry (switch each set)

Round 2

Partner 1 Double arm slams/partner 2 fire hose skaters

Kettlebell station

Round 1

Swings-right arm snatch-left arm snatch- upright rows

Round 2

Renegade Right arm row- renegade Left arm row- Right arm KB merkin- Left arm KB merkin

Mary: Circle up for 22 counts of Imperial walkers, Low Slow Flutter, and reverse LBC’s

Announcements: 2nd F at Dunkin and the Fritter Foundation speech

This weeks Q source focused on getting yourself right so that you can be right for the rest of your life. F3 is a prescription, not a suggestion. 1st F is to get your body right, that leads to the 2nd F of connecting to others and that leads to getting your head right with the 3rd F and the sky Q.

Prayer: Prayers for Shredder and Crab legs and for our relationships Emril closed us out.

Valentine’s Day 11’s massacre

PAX of 17 for EC and 28 for main event came out to experience a Valentine’s Day 11’s Massacre and pursue the coveted fritter.  #FrittersAin’tEasy

EC: Pablo, Lipstick, Banana Seat, Wiggly, Banana Seat, Straight Cash, Chips, Nemo, Pumpkin Spice, Yogurt, Lucky Charms, Particle Board, Emeril, Peeping Tom, Coal Ash, Pikachu

Warm Up: A quick jog around the soccer field.  Circled up at the flag: SSH IC x 20, IW IC x 15, HB IC x 15, Fazio Arm Circles IC 10 forward and 10 back, good mornings IC x 10

The Workout: PAX split into 7 groups of 4 and did an Indian run over to the high school main entrance.  2 rounds of 10 Merkins, Derkins and Dips while we waited for the 6 to arrive.  PAX remained in their Indian run groups and did 11’s on the road/hill that goes between the school entrance and Middle Creek Park Ave: Burpees at the bottom/Star Jumps at the top.  PAX then split into 2 groups to Indian run back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: Pikachu had the PAX do plank shoulder taps while the Q got is phone, Q resumed: LSF IC x 15, Freddie Mercury IC x 15, have a nice day

Announcements: Check FB and Slack, Meg Smile

Prayer: friend of banana seat with medical issues, Full House’s father, Shredder, Marriages, Unspoken prayers

Q Source “Preparedness”

“Preparedness” qsource topic last week was key for me this morning.  Encourage everyone to check the source out on if you haven’t yet. It was great to lead you guys and welcome 28 men including 2- FNGs. Randy(China Grove) and Jeff Toke (Centerfold)

Warm Up:Jog around courts

20 ic SSH, 15 ic good morning, 10 each ic hillbilly  and imperial walkers, 10 gazing arm circle forward and reverse ic, 6” extended arm pulses ic
The Workout:count off and partner up. Each group grabbed a medium rock and met at end of lot

Alarms was the exercise of choice

A(arms) p1-curls/triceps p2 -bear crawl50yds Switch

L(legs) p1-goblet squats p2 -alternating lunges 50 yds Switch

A(abs) p1-wwII w/rock p2-peter Parker’s 20 IC Switch

R(run) p1- run around courts p2-sprint to end of lot and backward run to start. Switch

M(merkins) 20- paddy cake merkins, p1-20 diamond merkins p2- 20 wide merkins Switch

S(squats) p1-squats, p2- 5 shuffles , burpee 50 USA and back.  Switch

Mary: Fedex volunteered to take on Mary

lbcs, pickle pounders, homer to marge, low slow flutter, 6”, 45degree hold, 90 degree hold, American hammers, windmills, and 5 burpees oyo.

Announcements: new slack channels for triathlon s, rugged maniac(price increase Friday) run/bike/run event next week(Matt, Randy mentioned this but I don’t recall how to sign up, more details would be great if you talk to him)

take me care of the women in your life this Thursday. They may say they don’t want anything but don’t buy that!!!

Prayer:Shredder speedy and full recovery. Guidance in our marriages and relationships to keep them strong.

R4TJ: Running on the Little Dipper

9 PAX arrived at Ting this morning for a below freezing run in the gloom.  2 of 9 (Peeping Tom and Straight Cash) went for EC early and caught an extra mile for their efforts.

Warm Up: Frankenstein Kicks, Windmills, High Knees, It’s cold – let’s roll

The Workout: Pre-blast mumblechatter led to the reveal of the route which was dubbed “The Little Dipper” by Crosby.  Crosby had HC’d but late last night reported he would likely be a no-show.  Luckily for him Dawgpound took a liking to the name and insisted that we adopt it despite the fact that it was given by a #fartsacker.  (Crosby I kid man – I know you would have been there if you could).  So…  We ran the Little Dipper which is fitting as I believe this route was introduced last month and the backblast followed a space exploration theme.  (It all comes together in the end I suppose).  Reread that awesomeness here –

Lipstick apparently found a very clean and well outfitted John to meet his needs.  Unfortunately, he tells us he did not leave it as he found it…

The Little Dipper is a 5 mile route that starts at Ting, heads down Main past City Hall, cuts through to Stinson past Womble, Left onto Bass Lake, Left on Holly Springs Rd, and right back onto Main.  The run ends where it started at Ting.

Mary:  Her again!?  I thought I gave her a fake number…


  • Krispy Kreme is on.  Raleigh and Carpex are recruiting for an even bigger dumber challenge so look that up if you are interested 🙂
  • Big Ass Run and other re-occurring topics for announcements can be found on your social media platform of choice.

Prayer:  Silent prayers this morning.

ATM Machine Open for Business

It was an honor to lead out at Purple Cobra. When this AO started I was skeptical. Excited to have it so close to home, buy was not sure about what was available to plan and have strong workouts. It’s proven to be a great AO, strong leadership, good variety and lots of different guys stepping up to Q. Today was as advertised – heavy on the shoulders. Also, with so many new faces, and my phone resting safely at home, I apologize in advance for not tagging everyone  if you were there and not on the list let me know so I can add. We had 19 strong.

Warm Up: Started on the jog around the sidewalk and back to circle up for SSH, Good Mornings, SSH and arm stretch.
The Workout: On the jog to the Goodwill lot we circled up for a set of Fazio Arm Circles.  Yes, these are a mainstay at our warmups, but they also make for a great headliner in a shoulder set. Went ICx10 forward and reverse, held out for 10 count then a set of Moroccon Night Clubs for good measure. Recovered on the LBC and repeated this 3x.  On the jog top the bank, a few of us made sure to run by Anytime Fitness to get some advertising opportunity. At the bank we did, what else, 3 brutal rounds of ATMs (ICx15 Shoulder Taps, ICx10 Tempo Merkins, 10 count merkins) – 3 sets strong.  On the jog behind the Teeter we lined up in 2 lines back in the loading dock area. Jack Webbs but with Patty Cake Merkins for accountability and we worked up in even numbers from 2 to 10 merkins (6 to 30 air press). Focused on a slower count on Air Press to pay attention to form, not speed. Stuck with partner for 3 rounds alternating BTTW and Air Squared to 5 count.  On the jog back to start.
Mary: Opened with a few rounds of Annies in the plank then a quick moving set of the MARY classics.
Announcements: So much great stuff going on – catch up on facebook/slack
Prayer: Took a silent 10 count for unspoken and YHC took us out in prayer

Thanks for all the hard work out there this morning.  Guys were really pushing themselves. Catch up with me on the Q next week out at Disney as I will be bringing back one of my favorites.

Does anyone know a good Gastroenterologist?

Warm Up: Stretching, Frankensteins, Monkey Humpers, Quick loop around Ting
The Workout:  2x Hill Repeats up big hill on Bridgewater @ 70% up and cool down on downhill; Pick up the Six and head to back of Bridgewater to Powerline Sprint.  1x Powerline Sprint @ 85%; cool down jog back to Ting 4.5 Miles total

Announcements: See Announcements on FB or Slack
Prayer: Crablegs, Beufort, Construction accident in North Raleigh